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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. (Yes...that is from Lori Morgan. Though you do have me stumped on another song with either of those words in it. LOL)
  2. First of all, thank-you Roger for posting your post here...it gives me some comfort knowing that I am not the only one stuck in Hazzard county. I agree...the realistic part of me realizes the Dukes are just a TV show and that the actors, actresses, producers, creater, writers, and all the other people it took to create and put the Dukes on TV left behind at the end of each working day. And at the end of the show, they had just left the characters and the show behind to work on "new" shows and new things to help finance them and their families. True they made appearances had Dukefests for all the fans to enjoy and it all is great and am very glad and grateful that they took time out in their busy and hectic schedules to do that...to visit the fans and to keep the show alive. If not for that, I would never had the special occasions to meet as many of the living actors as I did from the show or get their autographs. But the adventures of Bo and Luke, Boss and Rosco, Jesse, Daisy, and Cooter had all seemed to lay to rest with the end of the show and at the end of the reunions (though I agree, am not a big fan of the reunions myself. Though am always glad to see something or anything to do with the original Duke characters.) Though I know the Dukes is just a "show" it is also more than just a show as you pointed out Roger. It is something special and something I will always concider one of my favorites no matter how outdated it seems to be. Hazzard is a place I would dream of living in, being able to know Bo, Luke, daisy, Jesse, and Cooter as well as the law would be great. To live in a place to watch the excitement and drama of the Dukes vs the local law and allt he other bad guys/gals that visited Hazzard time in and time out, yet knowing at the end, there will be an happy ending. That all will be Ok when it all ends. To know the good always wins and where everyone respects one another, helps one another, would be great. I doubt that there is a person on this site that wouldn't love to live in Hazzard, to be able to witness first hand The General outbeating the local compitition or the law, or just to know the characters of the show. In a word to sum up living in Hazzard would be "awesome". So in short, Roger, I agree with you. I have seen a few episodes of Smallville and do own a few Schneider and a Wopat CD as well as seen a few other shows that they have been in - it is not the same. I have never seen Christmas comes to Willow Creek - though I would love to do so. I am a fan of Tom, John, Ben, James and all the actors and actresses on the show, but I agree with you Roger -I am a much bigger fan of Bo, Luke, Daisy, Jesse, Cooter, Boss, and Rosco, Enos. I guess in other words, Roger, I am trying to say - you are not the only one to feel that way.
  3. In the middle of nowhere Iowa, we normally get snow way before now. We got some Thursday, but that has been about it here. It is getting way too cold here for my liking. I really dislike the snow and ice and cold weather. But yeah it is amazing and odd on how the weather has been. We normally get hot and humid summers, but this summer it was warm but nothing like it normally gets and our fall has been decent as well. It hasn't gotten too cold until the last half of last week. BRRRR...bring snow for Christmas and then let it all melt away until next Christmas if you ask me.
  4. Enjoyed Gorodon's speech, of course and seeing him. Found it also funny that Jeff Hammond was stating the kind of dresses the wives were wearing before the show kicked off. I think it was either Steve Byrnes or Mike Meyers that made the statement on h ow Jeff usually states car parts not the kinds of dresses and so forth. ;) (It was great seeing Hammond!) Seeing Hendrick in tears made me feel for him - he is such a great man and highly adored by all, but has gone through some rough times along the way. Jimmie did a great job on his speech as well. Now the official countdown has began...they stated I think nine or eight weeks until Daytona. That is a long time without a race or anything Gordon and Johnson to follow. :(

  5. Did you watch the award show? If so, what you think of it? I thought it was interesting. Mark Martin was nervous you could tell but he gave a nice and long speech. LOL. I think t hey all gave good speeches and all that. I think they could have done better without the comedian that they had, but my opinion of course. Disliked his segment as Dr. Phil the most. Felt bad for Michael Waltrip for what he said as Dr. Phil as well as others. Found it funny that three or so of the drivers commented that Jimmie should retire after this year. I think Hamlin started it by stating him good luck on his retirement. LOL.

  6. Well I semi-lied to you...sorry. LOL. After posting that last message Friday night I had only one minute to the awards to start my time. I had other stuff that still needed to be done. So I watched the first hour a little interrupted. Then I switched over to Numb3rs and then after that was over, switched back to the award show. I still have the awards on tape since I had continued running it because I was uncertian if I would watch to the end, which luckily, I did. I say luckily, I went by what Tvguide.com had said it would end, added a few minutes afterwards and t hen had it stop recording. When the recording buzzed off, Jimmie Johnson was just getting up to talk at the end of the show. I missed B & D so I will have to rewind the tape to see them...don't know what else I missed in that hour, but they were getting to the drivers when I turned it back on. I think they were at the number 9 placed driver.

  7. Hi Roger...thanks for dropping by and leaving me a message. I am sorry that I missed you. :( I had a pretty good Thanksgiving, ate too much, but what else is new? How about you? I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and that you'll have a GREAT Christmas season. :D

  8. LOL you said the opposite than what I was planning on doing, but you made a lot of sense so I may just do th at. If I change my mind I better do it now since it is about to start. LOL Thanks!

  9. LOL. I have never seen the award show myself and am very interesting to see how it is done. That is good that your brother has the channel for you to at least catch some of it if not all of it. Yeah Gordon's pit crew won the fastest pit crew award...YAY TEAM 24 :D. Am excited about that but was also surprised because he doesn't always have the fastest pit stops. I will take it all the same and am happy about it.

  10. I kinda assumed the award for popularity will go to Jr for awhile and all your reasons make sense. Or what I would think of as well. Nothing against him, he deserves it and am happy for him. Was joking about Gordon. Am sure there are other drivers that would probably win before him, but I could be wrong. I'm not too upset about it since I do know he does have a good fan base following him.

    And I am not upset at you and wouldn't be if you were one of those people who love to hate Gordon. I have always heard that about Gordon, but could never understand how anyone could love to hate him...heard he is a guy you either love or love to hate. I guess we all know where I stand on that. ;) LOL.

    And you made complete sense...am glad all that has gone onto Kyle Busch. LOL...someone more deserving of it. *Shame on me for saying that!*

  11. oh and if I do find that place, you will be the first I'll let know. :D I can deal with snow for Christmas, but after that, it all needs to disappear and quick.

  12. Montoya whine? LOL...I say that sarcastically. I remember clearly him whining...think I remember him whining this season as well after running into Gordon intentionall about how hard Gordon is to race.

    OK sorry...am not a big Montoya fan if you can tell. LOL. Not just cause the deal with Gordon too. To me he just seems like he expects everyone to give him what he wants. My opinion of course. But yeah it took him three years to get where he is now and Hornish Jr has a ways to go. To me it would be a big risk for Patrick to switch over.

  13. Happy birthday James! I hope your day was safe, fun, and relaxing!

  14. Yes that is Mindy McCready song... Time Marches On - Tracy Lawrence
  15. Talking about about the awards, are you going to watch the award show on SPEED tomorrow night? It is eight to eleven central time...or eleven thirty I can't remember. I am excited. Brooks 'n' Dunn will be the openning act -I really like Brooks 'n' Dunn and am excited about it.

    Though now I am very confused on what to do...I am horrible at decision making. I am now forced on chosing to watch the awards show and record Numb3rs that is on at nine central time or record the awards and watch Numb3rs. ERRR How unfair that they would do this to me! It would just seem wrong not to watch Numb3rs at nine since that is what I do every Friday night, but at the same time...Don't know if Gordon will win or is even nominated for an award, but it would be great to see it since I have yet to see a NASCAR award show. But a new episode of Numb3rs is on...LOL

  16. I did read on NASCAR.com that Jr has been selected or voted and awared as being the most popular driver...again. Seven times in a row. I think it is about time that Gordon wins it. HA HA. Guess he was only there for the award though today...he got there before the award was given and left right after. Said he learned from a previous time how important it is to show up after he got backlashed for accepting the award via video or something like that.

    Though I am kinda confused about the awards and what it was about because the awards ceremony is tomorrow night? You have any idea what that was about?

  17. But I kinda agree with DW when he says that he wouldn't risk making the jump over...of all the idy drivers or whatever you call them, the only one with success is Montoya. Hornish Jr is doing OK though.

  18. I was on NASCAR.com a half hour or an hour ago and I missed that article. I am glad that it turned out OK for Carl at the end but it would have been nice if they had asked first. Though you were brave to go on there...there is still A LOT of articles on Johnson. I haven't read them, but the article and the small summary..I don't have the patience to read on and on on-line sometimes.

    I may have seen the picture of Patrick in JR Motorsports jumpsuit and know that rumors are going around about her driving for him...though of the small summary on NASCAR.com that I read, that nothing is set in stone or something like that - thatJr don't know yet. I guess for some reason I am not too excited about her coming aboard NASCAR, but she may surprise me. I am trying to keep an open mind about the whole thing.

  19. BRRRR...it snowed like five minutes this morning when I was getting the kids ready to go outside. Dang stuff stopped before we got out. I hate snow, but they would have liked it. Then it snowed again tonight, but only to put a layer of snow on the ground. BRRRR...I think I will pack and move somewhere where there is no snow and ice and where NASCAR is all year round. LOL. If I remember right...I could be wrong...but I think I remember someone saying that back when Richard Petty raced, it almost did go year round. But like I said, I can't remember for sure right now.

  20. "How you like me now?!" - Toby Keith
  21. Congradulations Daisy Mae...you are very well deserving of this! Way to go!
  22. That is a cute age...my neice is two and a half years old so she is a little older than him. It will be fun to watch them this Christmas. To see them open the presents and so forth. And it does make you feel so great when they want you as you were saying.

    Hope you have a great night...and day tomorrow. I don't blame you for not wanting to be at your computer after work if that is what you do at work. It would hurt your eyes and probably your head as well. I am glad that you take time out to hop onto hnet and message me! :D

    I have to get ready for bed too...morning comes way too early. You sound exactly like me when thinking that I wish I could sleep in tomorrow. It would be nice. Sadly my alarm will be waking me up nice and early. LOL

  23. Snow....brrrr! HOw dare you speak such four letter words to me! LOL. I dread snow. I hate snow. I can deal with it for Christmas, but after that it should just evaporate! LOL. Winter is so long and hard. LOL. It is cold and snowy, no baseball, and no NASCAR - strike three...I'm out. LOL Give me spring and Summer any day. THOugh I do agree with you, I do love Thanksgiving through Christmas - it is a great time of year even without baseball and NASCAR

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