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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well it is only Tuesday night and I am already ready to talk about the upcoming race - perhaps it is my vague attempt to forget all about the horrible race that was Charolette (my opinion) and to move forward. While the Nationwide Series will be racing at Chicago, the Sprint Cup series will be racing at Kansas at one EST on Sunday. . .on TNT. Which is another sore point with me. I really enjoy the announcers on Fox. I like Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond. I like the other announcers as well. They are fun, informative, and are positive about all the drivers on the field. Not that the announcers on TNT are bad. They are alright. I like Kyle Petty and it will be good to see him again...as well as the other announcers. I just like the FOX reporters and announcers better than the other announcers they have on the scheduled other channels and really wish they would keep it on FOX all year long instead of switching channels and announcers...they will switch to ESPN in the middle of July. In other words, if you turn in on FOX this upcoming Sunday for the race, you will be watching something else and missing the race...and who'd want to miss the race? Don't know about y'all, but am hoping for a better race than Charolette for ALL of my favorite drivers...perhaps to shed some hope on the rest of the season.
  2. "We're here," Jesse states to penetrate through the piercing silence that had screamed back at them since they had began on their way to town, "hopefully we're not too late." Luke nods as he unsnaps his seat belt and throws his door open just as Jesse shoves his truck to a quick halt in front of the court house. He hears his heart racing within him as his adrenaline shoves him forward towards the front doors of the court house. Halfway to the doors, with Jesse shortly behind him, the ambulance's sirens become audible, screaming in the distance. Throwing open the court house doors and walking into the hallway, everything is as it should be. Giving Luke a premature feeling that everything should be OK even though deep down he knows it isn't. Even if the gun man had been lying about dealing with Bo, which Luke doubted that he was, the single fact that Bo was locked away for all of this was wrong. Reaching the door to the sheriff's station, he steals a glance back at Jesse before he cautiously opens the door and steps in to find everything a mess. Desks and chairs are tipped over, paper work is on the floor and Hogg's office door's window had been shattered is lying open. Ignoring Hogg's normally shut door, Luke quickly reaches the stairs and races down the thin stairway to where they had locked Bo up at. Reacing the floor of the jail, with Jesse just reacing the top of the stairs, Luke's heart comes to a painful halt as he finds Bo on the cold floor, leaning back against the brick wall. His once yellow shirt is drenched in his blood that flows from a bullet wound just above his right chest pocket as well, blood flows from a harsh wound on the right side of Bo's head; presumably hitting his head on the brick wall behind him when he had been shot. "Bo!" Luke hears himself state before turning back to Jesse, stopping him halfway, "Jesse I need you to go back and flag down the ambulance. Show them the way. You don't need to see him like this." "He's my nephew, Lukas! I don't need your protection," he is quick to snap before he realizes Luke isn't going to let him down in order to see Bo, "Move, Luke! I need to see him!" "Protection or not, someone needs to be up there to help the paramedics," Luke states, knowing Jesse'll be upset at him for all of this, "it would be faster for you to go out there to help them and for me to go in and help Bo than if we switch. We are wasting time that Bo doesn't have." Jesse eyes his nephew with venom for what he is doing and knowing that he is right. "Fine I'll be out there with for the paramedics, but I'm riding to the hospital with them, with Bo," he snaps at Luke, "and before I go, at least tell me, is he..." not able to finish his question. Luke shrugs. "Looks like he's only unconscious right now...he's still bleeding so his heart at least is still pumping some blood," Luke responds hesitantly before he turns away from Jesse and goes to the thick set of keys that is hanging up on the wall opposite side of the cells; knowing he doesn't have any time to lose or waste arguing with Jesse. Turning to the cells with the keys, he hears Jesse walking back up the stairs to go flag down the ambulance that seems to be close, if not outside the court house. "C'mon Bo," Luke states as he urgently unlocks the door and throws it open and takes a couple of steps to Bo where he painfully drops to his knees to place a couple of fingers to Bo's neck, feeling for his pulse. Feeling a slow and hesitant pulse, he sighs deeply in small relief as he pulls out his handkerchief from his pocket and he carefully places it against Bo's chest, where he had gotten shot at. Upon putting pressure to the gun wound, Bo moans in pain and his head twitches slightly to grab Luke's attention. "C'mon Bo. It's going to be OK," Luke states to get another moan and a moment later, Bo's eyes slowly open only to force more grief within him at seeing the pain and fear clouding Bo's baby blue eyes, "It's gonna be OK, Bo. Help is on it's way." Bo jerks his head towards Luke and momentarily there is hope within Bo's clouded eyes and a brief smile crosses his blood soaked face at seeing his cousin there. "I'm sor-" he begins to state before he begins coughing up more blood. "Shhh Bo," Luke hushes his cousin up at seeing the pressure he is putting on himself in order to talk. Bo shakes his head and his right hand lands on Bo's right forarm momentarily in his weak attempt to pull him away from him before Bo's hand weakly slides down. Luke glances down momentarily to find his sleeve where Bo had put his hand at to be covered in blood from Bo's hand to force Luke to think of all that had happened. "They got Jesse," Bo quickly blurts out before Luke could stop him farther, "they got Jesse and Hogg. He said. . .he said -" he is cut off with more coughing before his eyes goes shut. "Bo!" Luke yells out in panic as he hears running feet above them, "Bo wake up!" Relief slowly hits him as Bo forces his eyes open and tears melt down his cheeks, "Help is here, Bo. Help is here. You just gotta hang on buddy, you think you can do that?" Bo silently nods as the foot steps move down the stairs and the urgent talking between the paramedics become audible to grab Luke's attention away from Bo. "See Bo, here they -" he begins to say as he turns around to face Bo again to find his eyes closed and that he is barely breathing. "Bo!" "OK sir, we can take it from here," an paramedic states, tapping Luke on the shoulder, "you need to move so that we can take care of your friend here." Luke solomnly nods as he quickly stands up and moves to the opposite corner of the cell in order to give the paramedics enough room to move in with the stretcher. Luke watches as they carefully work as a team to put his cousin on the stretcher and places an air mask upon his bloodied face. As they roll his cousin out of the cell, Luke eyes the puddle of blood that lies on the floor where Bo had been sitting and the blood splattered wall to force Luke to wonder if help had gotten here in time. If the bullet hadn't killed him, if the amount of blood that he lost would... Saying a small prayer, he follows the paramedics up the thin stair way up the sheriff's station where Jesse waits and joins him. As Jesse sees Bo on the stretcher, Luke notices Jesse's complexion instantly turn ghastly white and a look of terror to cross his face. His uncle seems to say "Bo" yet no words come out of his mouth. "What happened, Luke?" Jesse sternly asks Luke, seemingly to find his voice. "He was shot above his right chest, he looked like he hit his head pretty hard on the wall. I assume as he had gotten shot," Luke firmly answers, "the gunman must have told him that he had you or Hogg. He started to say they had you and Hogg before he passed out again." Jesse nods as they make it to the hallway and move towards the front door where the driver stands, holding the door open. "Damn it. Damn it," he cusses as tears fall from his eyes and they follow the paramedics and Bo out through the opened door and to the ambulance where they watch quietly as they carefully place the stretcher into the back of the paramedics. "I'm riding with my nephew." Jesse states to the paramedics and climbs in before they can argue with him. Looking out at his older nephew, he states, "Go get Daisy and meet me at the hospital." "Yes sir," Luke states before the last paramedic climbs in and slams the door shut. With the sirens screaming loudly, the ambulance peels away from the curb and races towards the Tri-County Hospital. Luke watches it momentarily before he gets into Jesse's truck and picks up the CB to call in, "Crazy Cooter. You out there?" "Crazy Cooter here," Cooter answers quickly, "how's Bo?" "Not so good, Coot," Luke dryly states as he eyes his blood covered shirt, "Enos there yet? The scene under control?" "That's a big ten-four. Enos and Hogg has the two criminals in cuffs and on their way to the jail as we speak. I'm sitting and waiting on word from you where you parked The General at," he responds, "How bad's Bo? Is he alive?" Luke sighs. "Yeah, but looks like he lost a lot of blood. I'll tell you more later. Right now, I need you to swing by and pick Daisy up and meet us at the hosptial," he slowly responds, his thoughts paralyzed on thoughts about Bo. "Can you do that? She should be at work right now. Just tell her she needs to go with you and that I'll explain everything to you both once you get to the hospital." "That's a big ten four Lukas," Cooter states, "I'm gone." Luke nods and throws the CB handle down besides him before he starts Jesse's truck knowing he was only halfway following Jesse's orders by telling Cooter to pick Daisy up. But Cooter was closer to the Boar's Nest than he was and he was anxious to get to the hospital even though he knew he may be spending the next couple of hours in the waiting room, waiting on word on Bo.
  3. Luke abruptly stands up to attract everyone's worried attention onto him and Luke is quick to turn his back to them as he makes his way to the boarded window. Peering in between the thin cracks his thoughts accelerate his worry deep within him. He had thought his plan to come here was bullet proof... "What is it, Luke?" Bo asks behind him, eyeing Gordon and then Luke, "What's wrong?" "I don't know yet," Luke halfway lies to his cousin, not wanting to place un needed worry on him or on Gordon, "just thinkin'." "Don't lie to me, Luke. Something is obviously wrong or bothering you...whether or not it is just a thought," Bo calls him on his lie, "now what is it?" Luke shakes his head, knowing his younger cousin won't let it go. Turning around he states, "What if Rosco does get help? There's several farmers in town he could blackmail as we were talkin' about that do know how to work and fire guns. Heck, if he gets help from other people, he may not be limited to just his dang car either." "You mean like a boat or something?" Bo questions shaking his cousin away, "You worry too much. No on in town would give Rosco a second thought. After what he's done to them, why would they want to help him for?" "As I said, he'd blackmail 'em," Luke is quick to respond. "Even so," Gordon slowly mentions, looking at his clock and up at the boys, "you said no one would even think of this place. Of him. So why worry?" Luke nods slowly. "Probably right on that one. I just don't want to over look anything," he slowly states, "better be prepared." "What you thinkin' 'bout Luke?" Bo questions, not liking being left in the dark in any of Luke's plans. Luke winks at him. "You'll see," with that he moves to the closed door and slowly opens it and steps out and closed the door behind him before walking through the shadow filled shack.
  4. CHAPTER SIX Bo Duke hears himself gasp in pain as he slowly awakens from the dark blackness of his unconscienceness to find his entire body throbbing in harsh pain. Pain like he had seldom felt before. And as his eyes slowly adjust from blackness, to blurred, before becoming clear questions explode in his throbbing head. Questions of where was he, what had happened, and why everything hurt so badly. Only for the answers to clearly hit him as he glances down and finds his once yellow shirt to be drenched in his own blood. Instinctly, his hand goes to his upper chest, to where the blood is continuing to drain from, and his hand is quickly covered in his own thick blood and his mind rewinds several minutes ago to seeing the gun man standing outside his bars. To hear his harsh threats to be spoken evilly to him. And chills rushes down his throbbing body only to induce more pain. Bo glances around the empty jail room as he moves his hand from his chest to his head, where he had hit the wall at when he had been shot, to find more blood flowing down the side of his face. Only for fear to instantly hit him. Fear at the fact that if he don't get help soon, he'll die. He wasn't afraid of dying so to speak. Everyone has to die sometime. He just didn't want his time to be now when everyone, he felt, thought he was responsible for Rosco's accident. He didn't want his last moments with his family to have been stuck in guilt and silence as he had tried to ignore them in fear of seeing and hearing their own accusations towards him. Inside, he knew they didn't blame him, but he was so wrapped up in his own guilt, that he was convinced that they would have to blame him as well. Would have to hate him for what he had done. And he did anything possible to ignore them in order not to see their disappointment or anger at him. So he had ignored them. Pushed them away. And now, as he sits up against the brick wall, feeling his own blood pour out of him and every inch of his body throbbing in intense pain, he is facing the thought of never seeing them again. Never able to tell them sorry for what he has done. Never be able to tell them thank you for all that they had done for him. Never be able to tell them how much he loves them. Those thoughts force him to ignore the pain and he yells out, "Someone. Help -" he abruptly stops as he is thrown into a coughing fit, coughing out blood that only accelerates his fear, his pain, "help me!" He is answered by thick and eery silence as blackness once again threatens to overcome him and he grudgingly fights against it. "Please. I've been shot!" he cries out and is soon to realize that if someone was up there, they would have been able to hear the gun shots. His cry of pain when he had been thrown against the wall. If someone was upstairs, they too could have been shot. And perhaps dead right now. Leaving him to deal with his despair at the thought of dying now without being able to tell his family, his friends good bye. Leaning his head back against the wall, he is no longer able to fight against the blackness that threatens to consume him and tears flood down his cheeks. Tears of pain, sadness, and fear. As his eyes closes, he instantly sees the evil smile of the gun man as the gunman's violent threat echoes in his ears just as he loses consciousness once more.
  5. Well did anyone get to watch the Coca-Cola 600 last night? Talk about a wild race! For this Gordon fan, it was an up, down, up, and down again night. Very frustrated with how it had ended... The first half was kinda uneventful...Jr raced from 25th starting place to fifth place only for the gas man to fall in pits to slow him down, then he spun the tires during the restart to send him back to eighteenth or so for awhile, but he was able to race himself up towards the top of the field by the end of the race. Landon Cassill...from Cedar Rapids, IA (only a few miles from where I live ) had a wild ride when he went down the track in front of Regan Smith, Smith was already there and bumped Cassill into the grass that sent him sliding and flying through the infield grass and into the concrete wall. Mark Martin had raced himself up the field only towards the last half of the race for David Gilliland to race besides him, he tried giving Carl Edwards on the bottom of the track room and ended collecting Mark Martin. And when I say collecting Mark Martin, I mean he collected him...their cars became stuck together as he slammed Martin into the wall and the ran into Ryan Newman who got hit a couple of hard times. Martin had to climb out in between their two stuck cars and the tow trucks had to litterally tear the two cars apart from one another. Luckily no one got hurt. Felt bad for all three drivers, but especially Newman who was the innocent party of the bunch (he always seems to get caught in the big ones...) Kyle Busch had an up and down night. He led several laps and at one point was the car to beat. But the last half of the race, his car must have started to act up or something. He spun out by himself three times. The first one he was able to save it pretty good and continue on. Second one he had to go to the garage for a while, and the third one he parked it I think. Very unusual for him to have a rough night like that. (But it was a VERY UNUSUAL night for racing at Charolette.) Johnson had his own up and downs. His pit stops weren't the best. On the last pit stop, they left a wrench in the back window and he had to go back in and get it out. Right after that, his engine blew and he had to go to the garage. As mentioned earlier, Gordon had an up and down, up and down night. He started eleventh. Went back and hung out in twentyth spot for A LONG time. He waited to pit long enough to lead a few laps when the caution went out and he was able to make a caution pit stop...to stay in the top ten. Then he was leading again with twenty or so laps to go and had to pit with only a few laps to not run out of gas and ended up finishing twentyth. Ricky Steinhouse Jr made his cup debut last night racing for Trevor Bayne who was still out due to his illness. He hit the wall three times at least throughout the race, but believe he was able to finish eleventh which is great for a first race! And then the crazy finish. Everyone was either going to run out of fuel with a couple of laps to go or just make it to the finish. Greg Biffle who at one point was a lap down and his coolant in his helmet was out (it was 90 degrees before the race. In the car, they said would be as hot as if you left your car windows shut and the heater on in the summer...) so he had a hot ride for 600 miles. Was leading the race at the end...but ran out of gas. With two laps to go everyone was wrecking due to people running out gas (NASCAR should have put a caution out...if it was any other time, they would have. -In NASCAR, once the white flag drops, and a caution is out, the race is over. Which is the only reason I can think of that they didn't put a caution out then...) Anyway, Jr was leading when the white flag dropped only for him to run out of gas halfway to the checkered flag. Kevin Harvick went on to win his third race of the year so far. Here is the top ten finishers of the race: 1. Kevin Harvick 2. David Ragen (best finish of his career ) 3. Joey Lagano 4. Kurt Busch 5. AJ Allmindinger 6. Marcos Ambrose 7. Dale Earnhardt Jr 8. Regan Smith 9. David Reutimann 10. Denny Hamlin (who was having engine problems in the first half of the race, they fixed his carborator during a caution without missing a lap to fix the problem.) And since today is Monday and the points are official....I will post the top ten in points here: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Kevin Harvick 3. Jimmie Johnson 4. Dale Earnhardt Jr 5. Kyle Busch 6. Kurt Busch 7. Matt Kenseth 8. Clint Bowyer 9. Tony Stewart 10. Ryan Newman And if anyone is wondering...Jeff Gordon has dropped down to 16th in points now. Very frustrated with his finishes as of late and his points. The only thing he's got going for him is his win at Phoenix and that he is the only driver between 11th and 20th with a win...if it stays like that he'll get to make it into the chase on the wild card option for eleventh or twelveth. He needs some wins...some better finishes. Something! LOL We are going to Kansas next Sunday...another mile and a half track.
  6. Well this isn't big NASCAR news, but thought I would mention it. Kyle Busch was pulled over for speeding in N.C. on Monday...going 125 mph in a 45 mph speed zone. Read that with that high of a speed, he'll have to have a court date and could be fined up to a thousand dollars...which is pocket change to him. Guess he couldn't leave his racin' on the track...just a little interesting info.
  7. Jesse Duke feels his whole body jerk in shock and fear as the van and truck explodes into a big cloud of fire and smoke, the sound richocheting off of the distant hills. Momentarily, he is mesmorized by the smoke and fire before reality sinks in of what the explosion means; help is here. Relief slowly hits him as he looks up in time to find Cooter and Luke rushing past him, and Luke kicking the gun out of the leader's hand who is now on the floor. But the relief that had began to rush through Jesse at the sight of Luke and Cooter arriving to bring him and Hogg help is quick to evaporate as he is harshly reminded of Tristian's cold and confident statement he had made only minutes ago. He had to deal with Bo. Chills rush up and down Jesse's aching body at the thought of what Tristian had meant by those words. Jesse's worried thoughts and imagination is quick to fill in the blanks, only to draw vivid images of what he had done to Bo. "Prove yourself, Ty," Luke harshly states to the younger of the two, "unlock his prisoners. Now." Ty eyes Luke and Cooter briefly before he slowly moves past his brother and walks over to JD where he nervously unties him and peels the tape off of his mouth. "What you doin' Ty? You're my bro -" Tristian starts to complain. "Shut up." Cooter snaps at him, leaning over him. Jesse eyes Ty as he reaches him and begins to unlock his chains and Jesse stubbornly shoves him away to peel his own tape painfully off of his beard and mustache. "Luke," Jesse doesn't miss a beat and rushes to his feet, "that fool did something to Bo! We need to get to town!" Luke eyes Jesse for a long moment as if not understanding what he was saying before eyeing Tristian. "You need to go. Jesse's right!" J.D. states with urgency in his own voice, ignoring the throbbing fact that his stolen money was within' the van. "Go Luke. I got things under control here," Cooter states, not taking an eye off of Tristian, "Ty. Get them chains on Tristian. Tie him up tight. Cover his mouth." "I'll stay with Cooter. Call Enos and inform him to come here immediately to make an arrest," Boss orders, standing on the other side of Tristian as Ty silently grabs the chains that had chained Jesse up. "Let's go, Luke," Jesse states and quickly begins walking towards the bushes where he had been shoved into the open camp area, tears melting down his cheeks as his mind continues to draw vivid images of Tristian shooting and killing Bo. Deep down, his inner voice screams at him that it is too late. Bo's dead. But the fear and adrenaline is quick to shove him forward and through the bushes where he sees The General parked behind his truck. "the truck. I"m driving." Jesse sternly states as he walks past the boys' beloved racing car. Knowing better than to argue with his uncle, Luke merely nods as he opens the passenger door, his own emotions swallowing him whole at what Jesse had urgently told him only a minute ago. "Hit it," Luke tiredly states as he closes the door and reaches down and grabs the CB mic, "Luke Duke, calling Deputy Enos Strait. Enos!" "This is Deputy Enos Strait, what can I -" "Where are you, Deputy?" Luke impatiently cuts him off. "I'm out patrolling Randal Road at the moment," he answers on the CB, clueless to what is going on. "Out patrolling? Not guarding Bo at the jail?" Luke yells frustrated, "Never mind Enos. You are needed in the clearing just off of Old Mill Road. You know the place. Bring your handcuffs you are to make an arrest." Luke pauses for a long moment before stating the dreaded, "On your way over, please make an urgent call for an ambulance to check on Bo at the jail." "An ambulance?" his voice squeaks in fear and worry. "Don't ask. Just do it. There is no time for questions. Jesse and I are on our way to the jail now. Have the ambulance meet us there," Luke states eyeing the familiar scenery out of his window, yet seeing nothing out of his window, "I'm gone." Silence is quick to enter the cab of the truck as Luke throws the CB handle down as Jesse and Luke are both drowning in their harsh and dark emotions, their thoughts stuck upon Bo and what may have happened. What may have happened and Bo would have little to no way of protecting himself being locked behind bars.
  8. Jeff Gordon (OK this is a huge weak link here between Gordon and Alabama, but y'all who know me know how big of a Gordon fan I am and couldn't miss the opportunity to use him. The link is that Jeff Gordon is in Brad Paisley's new video of "Old Alabama" -his new song. If it doesn 't count, just let me know and we can skip it, but thought I would at least try to use him...even if it is a weak link. ) GO GORDON GO!!!!!
  9. Well, two months ago, I bought a three month old puppy that after a few days of great thought and effort, I named Rosco. (Bet you can't guess who I named him after? )He is half doodle and half corgi, ****zu, and Bichon. He is very energetic and ornery...and cute. He is now five months old. He has joined my household with my other dog that is now almost six and a half years old and is named Lilly (I bought her when she was six months old and she had already came named as Lilly). She is half corgi, a third bichon, and a third s-h-i-tzu. She is very loving and caring, protective of me. And poor ol' Lilly seems to be the victim of Rosco's orneriness...I am hoping one day that they will get along with one another. HA HA. Attached (if I did it right) is two pictures. One of just Rosco, my puppy, and the second one is of both Lilly and Rosco. (Though both pictures are a month or so old, so he is now a little bigger and has a hair cut so most of his black is gone. Perhaps I'll get an updated photo to share with y'all in a few days or so. )
  10. Yep... a little Rosco P. Coltrane. HA HA.

  11. Tristian Lingston eyes his younger brother for a short second as he climbs out of the van before glance long and hard at his two prisoners that remain tied to the trees as he had left them. Looking back at Tyson he breaks a smile and says, "Just as I left 'em. Finally you done something right, bro." Tyson eyes him for an angry moment before he shakes his head and steps away from Tristian as he continues to fight his own self. All his life he has looked up to Tristian, tried to be Tristian. He even gave up his life long dream of becoming an FBI agent to be his brother's side kick; to be a felon and on the run from the men he respected the most. And yet all he ever got from Tristian were remarks as the one he just gave him. Never trusted. Never respected. Always given the dirty work or the boring work. While Tristian remained the top dog of their plans, did what ever he wanted to do without giving Tyson a second look. Bottom line, Tyson knew, was that Tristian was using him to get what he wanted. All Tristian cared about was himself and no one else. Which is why he didn't think twice of killing or hurting anyone that got in his way. Tyson had always asked to be let in on some of the killing in order to show himself as capable of it as Tristian. As of yet, Tristian never trusted him to be able to pull it off as he always done and had shoved Tyson away. Which Tyson was glad of. It tore him apart to watch Tristian so violently kill another person without much thought. To see Tristian kill someone else's father, mother, daughter, or son. To see them suffer and in pain with thought that their last dying minutes were left in agony and fear, and often times alone. It silently killed Tyson to know, that even if it wasn't him killing them, he had a part in their death by being Tristian's partner. By not stopping him. And now Tristian had given him permission to kill the bearded man that had stumbled upon them. Only to force his stomach to churn painfully within him. He couldn't back down now. To back down would be weakness in Tristian's eyes and Tristian would never respect him. He didn't respect him now, but this could be his chance to prove himself worthy of his respect. Of his love. Of his friendship. "How'd it go in town?" Tyson nervously asks in attempt to prolong what is about to happen. Tristian shrugs as he reaches into his coat. "I got what I went for," he pauses as he grabs out his black handgun and Tyson nervously follows suit, dragging out the handgun Tristian had stole for him. "though I had to deal with that guy that Hogg hired us to frame. I couldn't risk him to be a witness." Tyson eyes him for a long moment, thinking of the young blond haired Duke that they had framed to rob the jewlry store. Of his youthful energy and love of life. And for the first time he could remember, a thick and heavy weight lands upon him as his emotions turn dark and hateful towards his brother. "You said he wasn't a witness. That we would leave him to rot in jail as we drove away," he states, his voice shaky. "Damn Ty what is your problem? Don't understand why you like the kid so much. He was ignorant and stupid. I did the world a favor," Tristian raises his voice, relying on the fact that they were surrounded by hills and trees and in the middle of no where to display his anger towards his brother, "besides, he got in the way. I did what I needed to do. You should do the same if you ever want to survive. Otherwise," he pauses as he moves around the vehicles and towards Hogg and Jesse, "you'll end up just as they will." Tyson follows him as he eyes the older Duke and he is slow to recognize him to be related to the young blond haired man as he recalls seeing him in the kitchen as they had snuck in the stolen jewlery into the youngest Duke's drawer. Of Bo talking comfortably with him with a smile on his face or of the darker haired cousin who was giving Bo a hard time over the dinner table and had sent everyone laughing comfortably except for Bo who pretended to be upset over what had been said. They were a family. The boys were like brothers...as he always wanted to be. Someone to rely on, count on, to trust. And Tristian just ended all that. And if he did as he had asked to do, he was about to kill the older man. If he didn't do it, Tristian would and he would probably be shot and killed soon after. By his own brother. "Perhaps that is better than to be on the run all the time. To be the bad guys all the time. Better to be like them than to be like us," Tyson couldn't believe what he was saying. The last time he tried to rebel against Tristian, Tristian beat him up bad and left him in the hospital with a promise of what would happen to him if he tried to defy him again. "Are you questioning my ways, Ty? Because I could always put you out your misery before I help them end their misery!" Tristian yells putting his gun to Tyson's head and Tyson is quick to hit it away, "I didn't think so. Now you wanted to help out with the spy over there. Well kill him any way you want. Just kill him and we'll get rid of the bodies. That is unless you want to die with them?" Tyson eyes the elder Duke and guilt runs through him as the elder Duke eyes him with tears of anger and fear in them. How could he kill him? Especially after knowing he had heard everything Tristian had said about his youngest. But if he didn't do what Tristian had said. . . "No...not really," he stammers, not knowing what he should do or could do. "but I can't kill him. I have tried all my life to be like you. To do what you do. To earn your repsect. Yet, I never have earned your respect and never will." He shakes his head as he feels his body go weak, "and I don't think killing him or anyone else will ever get me your respect. Your friendship. Besides," he takes a step away from his brother, "if that's what it takes to get a real brother. To earn you as a friend, I don't think I want your respect or friendship. You're a monster, Tristian. A monster no one should ever want to be like." "You cowardly idiot!" Tristian yells, stepping forward with his gun pointed at Tyson's head. Tyson swallows hard as he watches Tristian's thick index finger moving to yank the trigger just as a loud explosion erupts from behind Tristian. Tristian shoots just as Tyson and him are thrown violently to the ground, the bullet shooting up into the trees as their old vehicles are engulfed in fire and black smoke. "Not as much of a coward as you are," a thick male's voice calmly states and Tyson glances up to see two men enter the open area with bows and arrows, one being the darker haired man that had been giving Bo a hard time. Both men pointing their arrows down at Tristian who aims the gun up at them only for the Duke to violently kick it away and it slides down the hill.
  12. Luke Duke lets a sigh of frustration to escape from him as he shoves The General to a park behind his uncle's well used Ford white truck. Frustration at the fact that his uncle is not in the truck nor is anywhere to be seen despite the fact of the urgent call for help that he sent Luke only a half hour ago. "He don't look to be in the truck," Cooter states the obvious besides him, "nor does he seem to be anywhere near by. Where is he?" Luke eyes him as he slowly climbs out through the open window and leans back into the backseat to carefully pull his bow and arrows out through the small end of the window. "Thanks for stating the obvious, Cooter. Next time," Luke snaps at him as Cooter pulls Bo's set of bow and arrows out and meets Luke at the end of Jesse's truck, "tell me something I already don't know." Cooter shrugs cluelessly. "I was just saying -" he cuts himself off as Luke eyes him angrily. "OK fine. Never mind. Where do we start looking for him?" Luke rolls his eyes as he breaks away from his friend and walks to the driver's side to find the door open an inch and Luke's eyes averts down to the dusty dirt ground to see what seems to be two sets of footprints. Jesse's and someone else's. "He's in trouble," Luke states the obvious as he throws open the door to find the CB on the seat and everything the way they should be. "He's definately in trouble," Cooter echoes Luke and Luke slowly turns around to find Cooter picking up Jesse's trademark red hunting cap, "his hat was there on the floor. Look at this foot print on it." Luke eyes it and cusses. First Rosco, then Bo in jail, and now Jesse. But where could Jesse be? And who would want to hurt their uncle? Only to send his thoughts rewinding a half hour ago to the call Jesse had made to them. His voice had been shaky and in a hush hush type of a whisper. Luke had taken it that he had found something in order to find Bo and didn't want anyone to hear about it. But now, standing next to Cooter, Luke was forced to face reality. That his uncle was in trouble and was relying on them. And Luke had failed. Forcing his emotions and thoughts behind him he glances back down to the ground where the foot prints are smeared upon the dirt. Motioning Cooter he slowly follows them into the weeded area and slowly comes to a halt as the last layer of trees and bushes approach them. Slowly peeling back a thick leaved branch of a thick bush, Luke hears himself gasp in fear and shock as he sees Hogg tied up to a tree up on a small hill while down the hill, Jesse sits tied up to another tree just as Hogg is. There hands are tied tightly behind their backs, their legs chained together, and duct tape is spread across their mouths. A few feet from them a tall muscular man is shoving what looks to be camping gear into the back of a truck. And keeping a good eye on both of his prisoners. "Hot damn," Cooter cusses besides Luke and Luke puts a finger to his mouth to hush him up. Looking back into the old campsite where his uncle and the commissioner is tied up at, Luke slowly and carefully assesses the situation and the prisoners compared to the bad guy who is now on the phone, nodding at someone. "We can blow up his truck with our arrows and run in on him. Get him before he knows what hit him." Cooter suggests in a whisper. Luke shakes his head. "He's talking to someone. Someone else is comin' and by the urgency on his face, I'd say he'll be here soon," Luke whispers back, "best wait for that other person to arrive as to not get ambushed ourselves." Cooter is slowly to nod despite the obvious look of not liking Luke's plan at all. "Well -" Cooter begins to state before a loud engine cuts through the thick silence of the woods and an old van pulls up alongside the old truck. "Bingo," Luke states in a whisper as another tall muscular man steps out of the van, eyeing his prisoners with a hard look and then steps up to the other guy to begin talking in a whiper to him. A moment later, they both pull out what looks to be big guns, their attention is focused upon Jesse and JD Hogg who sit alert against their trees and fear of knowledge set in their eyes.
  13. Well last night was the Shoot out and the All star race. The shoot out race was a race for the drivers that weren't qualified for the All Star race (a win this year or last year, top twelve in points last year, and I think past All Star winners...that were qualified). The two top drivers to end the Shoot out was able to race in the All Star race plus one fan voted driver in the shoot out was able to move into the All Star race. Didn't get to watch most of the Shoot out - but did get to watch the last ten laps. Iowa native Landon Cassil wrecked in the second lap when his tire blew and sent him the track and into Derrick Cope. David Ragen won his first Sprint Cup race when he won the Shoot out and Brad Keselowski came in second so those two drove themselves into the All Star race. And once I heard that Dale Jr was NOT qualified into the All Star race and would have to race himself into it...I knew who would be the fan vote. And guess what? I was right. LOL. I love the pre race activities before the All Star race. Especially the driver and crew introductions. Those were great as always. The All Star race was an all or nothing race. No points attatched. They drove in segments for a hundred laps. Twenty-five, twenty-five, twenty, twenty, ten minute break, then a ten lap shoot out. Brad Keselowski lost his breaks and at one point was at least four laps back if not more. But due to the lucky dog, did finish on the lead lap. Kurt Busch had trouble on pits, and then got caught speeding on pit road. Each segment winner won a check as well. The winner of the race won a million dollars. Greg Biffle won one segment and led a lot of laps. Kyle Busch led some laps, but don't know if he won a segment or not. Gordon got up to second at one point, but spun the tires and got shoved back at a restart. Jimmie Johnson didn't do much all night. Carl Edwards ended up keeping Kyle Busch behind him to win the race...and 1.2 million dollars since he did win two segments. He did a celebration donut or spin out on the infield grass end end up hitting a sewer tunnel or something and it tore up the grass...and his beutiful race winning race car. Felt bad about the car...he could have used that next Sunday for the 600 at Charolette. .He then did his famous winning backflip from his car and took the checkered flag up into the fans. Gordon finished all the way back at 15 . It may not have been Gordon, but am glad to see Edwards win his first All Star race. (He's my favavorite none Hendrick car.) "Old Alabama" Brad Paisley Sounds like Brad Paisley aired his new video last night and thought I would share it. It has Alabama in it, but most importantly (to me at least) Jeff Gordon has a big part in it and DW is in it too. Hilarious ending to it and had to share it with you. Can't go wrong with a video with all of them in it!
  14. Gordon relaxed a bit after the boys seemed to calm down and get along with one another, but was still worried and nervous about what his future may hold. And all of this for a little joy ride to celebrate his win...perhaps his last win. "Well boys," he breaks his silence as he eyes Luke and Bo for a long moment before continuing, "I really hate that I put you into all of this. I mean, I was just going for a joy ride and ended up here and -" "Stop apologizing for something you didn't do," Bo states harshly shaking his head, "you didn't do this. Rosco did. First of all, Rosco ain't about to take credit for running into you as he did. So he has to find someone to blame. Meaning you. Second of all, once he saw and noticed who you are him and ol' Boss started thinking in dollar signs and all the attention that you may bring them. It's not you, Jeff. It's them." "For once, Bo's right," Luke states with a grin on his face, elbowing Bo in the ribs, "you didn't do it. They did. They are trying to get to you. Use you. Just as they do to anyone who they think will bring them money. We ain't about to sit back and let them do it. To you. Or to anyone." Gordon shakes his head not knowing what to make out of it. "And yet, they're still in office?" he finally questions. "Yup," Luke states confidently, "we can at least fight an enemy we know." He gives Gordon a wink. "Plus no one wants to see ol' Boss Hogg angry. You run against him, you're gonna make him angry. And ol' Rosco being the best sheriff that money could buy, keeps him where he's at too. Tell you one thing," Luke pauses and glances at Bo, "it keeps things interesting around here." "I'd rather have it quiet and boring," Gordon states as a thought hits him hard to send chills racing up and down his back, "I just thought of something. When they find us, they'll probably come loaded with guns and ready to shoot. How good of aim they got?" Luke gives a sarcastic laugh. "They couldn't hit you if you were standing still. Unless they got some help. Rosco has been known to blackmail people into aiding his cause," he goes silent in thought. "What you thinkin' about, Lukas?" Bo speaks up, alert by the look on Luke's face. "I just thought of something myself," Luke once again goes silent, leaving Gordon and Bo to wonder what idea he was starting to think of.
  15. (Video from the Daytona 500 race...was great to see Trevor Bayne wins. Sure hope he gets feeling better real fast!)"Sideways" Dierks Bently singing on the prerace show of Daytona (NASCAR version) Sorry to post the same song three times, but I had a hard time chosing which one to pick. Like the NASCAR version best of all, but enjoyed both videos of so decided to share 'em with y'all...and thought I might as well as include the original song. Doesn't seem that long ago I was watching him on the pre race show at Daytona. Love the video recap of the Daytona race of the first one.
  16. "I Play The Road" (full song) Zac Brown Band Thought I would revive this thread...sorry took me so long. Been busy or too tired to think. Love the first video...doesn't have Gordon or Johnson in it, but it has other NASCAR drivers in it...such as Carl Edwards (my favorite driver that does NOT drive for Hendrick) at the end singing with Zac Brown. You can tell he's loving being up there with Zac! It is one of the two official 2011 NASCAR theme song. Very fitting for NASCAR.
  17. Hey thanks for the birthday wishes! All is well here...other than an ornery puppy. LOL. He needs a walk and I should be doing it now. Hope all is great with you.

  18. Jesse Duke's heart races rapidly within him as he is paralyzed by intense fear as he watches the muscular man tie Hogg to a thick tree. Even though he has to really listen in to hear what the man has to say to Hogg, to Jesse it seems like he is yelling the hateful words to Hogg. True what he had to say to Hogg had some truth behind. Hogg treats people in his town like they matter little to him as he cheats, lies, and steals from them. Thinks little of anyone else other than himself. But to say no one would care to rescue him and that everyone was out celebrating his disappearance? People in Hazzard often got angry at Hogg and some resented Hogg and all that Hogg had to stand for. But most people in Hazzard have big warm hearts and despite all Hogg has done to them, wouldn't want to see him hurt in anyway. 'Well it's time to prove that bad fella wrong' Jesse thinks as he quietly backs out of the woods and to where he had hidden his truck. Sliding into the cab of his truck, he pulls out the CB, pressing the button he puts it to his mouth and states, "It's damn hot out today," he cusses before he leans over and changes the channel on the CB. "Uncle Shephard," Luke's familiar voice is slow to respond on their emergency channel, "you got something?" Sighing heavily he slowly responds, "That's a positive, Lost Sheep. I am in need of some help from you and Cooter over at Ol Mill Road in a hurry. If you are at the starting place, please bring reinforcements," he uses the terms they had created years ago, "I'll repeat. I'm in need of help as soon as possible. I'll explain once you get here." He listens to silence for a moment before Luke is slow to respond, "That's a ten four Uncle Shephard. I thought you were at -" "Don't mind where you thought I was! I have my own right to help clear my nephew's name! I don't need no back talk from you or anyone else Luka-" he cuts himself from using Luke's full name on air, "Just never mind. I tol' you I'd explain once you get here. Just get here...now. You understand?" "Yes sir," Luke says in a defeated voice. Jesse stares down at the CB in his hand for a long moment feeling the fear, anger, and adrenaline race through his aging body. Only to send questions through his mind of what he's going to do until they get here. He could return and watch the two men with Hogg, but he'd risk getting caught. Staying in his truck would make him just as suspious. Plus his adrenaline yells at him to get up and do something. Inhaling deeply, he slowly climbs back out of the truck and as he turns around he jumps in fear and surprise as a black handgun is steadily shoved in his face. The man who Hogg had called Tristian stands on the other end with an evil smile spread across his handsome face. "We're always glad for some company, ol' man," he says with an evil laugh, "perhaps if you do as I tell you to, you won't have to get hurt. Unlike the fat man you just saw o'er there." Jesse nods, sighing heavily and praying for Luke and Cooter to return soon. "OK. Whatever you say, mister," he states and Tristian leans over and grabs him by the bibs and violently forces him to turn around and places the gun tightly against his head, knocking over his red hunting cap. "Get movin'," Tristian shoves him forward, stepping on the hat, "this here gun is a pretty new gun. Got it a month ago and I am just itchin' to put it to use. Don't give me a reason to use it on you. Understand?" "Oh I understand," Jesse states as he shoved into the opening where his eyes meet Hogg's and fear enters Hogg's eyes at seeing Jesse being shoved towards him, "just as I hope you understand that you will not get away with any of this." "Shut up!" Tristian yells as he shoves Jesse against another thick tree and Jesse yells out as he falls down where Tyson is quick to join Tristian to tightly tie Jesse to the tree, just as they had Hogg, and taping his mouth shut. "Don't you worry none about me old man. I've been doing this for a long time now and look at me. Free as a bird." Looking at Tyson he confidently states, "I want you to start packing up camp. Once everything is loaded we'll get rid of these two losers and be on our way." Tyson eyes Jesse and then Hogg. "Yeah sure. What you going to do?" he asks as his attention goes back to Tristian. "I'm going back to town for one last trip. Finish our plans out," Tristian states as he eyes Hogg for a long while and then Jesse, "I ain't gonna let these losers ruin our plans. Just get things packed up and when I get back we'll take care of the garbage and leave this stupid hick town once and for all." Tyson nods. "I'll be ready for ya," he states, "but since there's two of 'em now to take care of, you mind sharing some of the load with me to handle?" Tristian eyes Jesse and shrugs. "Sure you can take care of him when I get back. I get the fat man." Jesse watches them and takes them in, their words sinking deeply within him and panic swallows him whole at the thought of what they have in mind of taking care of them meant. Eyeing Jefferson Davis Hogg, he prays desperately for Luke and Cooter to come soon, to come to their rescue before Tristian returns from town. "Sounds like a deal," Tyson states as he pats Tristian on the back, "take care in town. Don't leave me hangin' here for too long." Tristian snorts. "Trust me, I don't plan to. I'll be back in a half hour...don't do a thing with 'em til I get back. Just pack up and get the truck ready." Tyson nods as Tristian walks away and Jesse closes his eyes as he attempts to change his thoughts from where he is and what is about to happen to better times in the past. Of all he has to be thankful for. Tyson snorting forces Jesse's eyes open. "Yeah better rest up ol' man. Once the bossman returns, me and you got business to do," Tyson states as he moves away towards their tent and gear that is set up several feet away.
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