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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Love this song...would love to see Aldean in concert. Have all of his albums out as of now and love 'em all.
  2. Sorry ... not available to me...or anyone in my country.
  3. I miss Diamond Rio...they are a great band! Love this song! Wish I could find the official video, but this is the only thing I could find of it.
  4. ((((DANEY))))) I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a hard and trying time. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Am missing you too. Know that I am thinking of you.
  5. Boxers are great...bet you are enjoying him. Great name too! (My parents have a boxer...)
  6. Read part of an article on NASCAR.com where Jeff Gordon says he thinks that the championship is really down to only three drivers now. Jimmie Johnson, Carl Edwards, and Kevin Harvick. Which he is probably right...without Gordon in the mix, I am hoping either Johnson or Edwards will win it. But they were my picks after Sunday race when I had to face reality that Gordon will most likely not win it this year. In other words, before I read the article yesterday. Though I wouldn't cut anyone out until after Talledega and Martinsville...but mainly Talledega. Talledega is a race where anyone can win and anyone can wreck. You don't know who'll win it until the last lap is over...you could have the top nine drivers wreck out in that one race alone. Talledega is high speed, high excitement...and unpredictable race. They will be racing at Talledega next weekend (I think...). Here is the top ten starting positions of the Saturday night race: 1. Tony Stewart 2. Matt Kenseth 3. Carl Edwards 4. AJ Allmindinger 5. Greg Biffle 6. Ryan Newman 7. Paul Menard 8. Kasey Kahne 9. Jimmie Johnson 10. Trevor Bayne Sprint Cup will be racing Saturday night at 7:30 PM ET on ABC. Y'all know I'll be watching - am looking forward to some Saturday night racing!!!!! Though am already off to a slow start in the race...Jr starts 15th and Jeff Gordon will start all the way back in the 23rd position. Refuse to give up hope on another win or two from Gordon this season. He may be out of the chase realistically, but as long as he is in the race, he has a shot at winning it! And as always, I will write up a review after the race is over. . .am hoping for a better race to review than last week. They are Charolette where it was once named Jimmie's house due to how good he is at this track. Has been awhile since he has won here, but he is now running off momentum coming from his win last week. Will see if he can follow it with another win or how the chase points will look once the race is over. . . I'll be watching, will you?
  7. Here is my list of favorites...Jeff Gordon will always be number one!, Jimmie Johnson my second favorite, Dale Jr my third favorite, and then Carl Edwards as my fourth favorite. Am looking forward to Saturday night...love night racing. Charolette was once dubbed as Jimmie's house due to how good he use to be there. We'll see how good Saturday night to help his championship run. Am looking forward 2012 with hope of a better finish that he will this year. Oh well. He's had a good year all around. Just got plagued with a load of bad luck once the chase started.
  8. I also have a cat named Daisy Mae Duke...or just Daisy who is 13 or 14 years old. I also have nine month old dog named Rosco P. Coltrane...or just Rosco.
  9. Read an article that said that Jr, Gordon, Newman and Hamlin are pretty much out of the title hunt right now. They are all a race worth of points out of the championship as of now. Of course if the top nine drivers have horrible races and Gordon and Jr has great races...it is still managable - just not as likely. :( Very disappointed for Gordon. He has had the best season this year than he has in a long time and he was looking good for it. I am still going for Gordon, but am also realistic. If Gordon can't win it, then I want it to be Johnson or Edwards. Johnson is my second favorite...and Edwards is my fourth. So, if not Gordon, I am going for those two to win it.
  10. I did see them. You took some pretty good pictures! Sorry I didn't comment on them...was going to, but when I looked at them, I was too tired to do so. Sorry it was so windy. Hope you had a good time.
  11. Well the race is still going on...am watching it on the TV as well as on the computer - get to watch Gordon on the computer. So far, Jimmie Johnson has led the most laps and Biffle has led a lot of laps. Gordon was having a good race up until last caution when he got (Tony Stewart bumped him from behind or did something to give him some help going backwards. Another bad restart by team 24) sent back and now is 17th and is clearly upset by how he is talking on the radio. Now complaining of something wrong under the hood. This twenty four fan is now very frustrated with this race...sadly ironic how a great race goes bad so fast...he should have gotten tires instead of just gas under the caution. Now they are back under caution for debris so who knows...(at least now he has four fresh tires, probably too late this late in the race.) Other than that, not a whole lot has happened in the race. Most cautions has been out for debris except for one when Landon Cassill went off track and onto the grass. Biffle got caught speeding in pits and had to do a drive through penalty. Ryan Newman missed a lugnut and had to do a pass through penalty for that too. Carl Edwards, who was tied for first in points, has had a long and rough race as well. And now with ten laps to go, Gordon's oil is pegged. They just said he'd be lucky if he can finish the dang race. Not the race I was hoping for. His title hopes for 2011 isn't looking too good with a a couple of mediocre races already and now this. Will always be a proud 24 fan, just frustrated with the finish of this race. And now he's blowing up...caution out for Gordon's smoke. Two laps to go and all... Jimmie Johnson held on to win the race...Carl Edwards came back to finish fifth. Here is the top ten finishes: 1. Jimmie Johnson 2. Kasey Kahne 3. Brad Keselowski 4. Matt Kenseth 5. Carl Edwards 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Clint Bowyer 8. Greg Biffle 9. Marcos Ambrose 10.Mark Martin
  12. The boys will be racing at Kansas in a couple of hours on ESPN...Greg Biffle won the pole to be leading the pack to the green flag today. Am looking forward to watching the race (am now watching Race Day on SPEED...better turn it on Roger if you are reading this NOW...they are talking to your very own Kurt Busch. HA HA) Looking for a win from Jeff Gordon or Jimmie Johnson! LET'S GO JEFF GORDON AND TEAM 24!!!!!!!!!! As always, I'll be writing up the review once the race is over with how the race went, who won the race, and how the chase drivers did.
  13. Well MM...you beat me to it. Was going to add that Jason Kendall played for the Cubs for at least a short bit.
  14. Jeff Gordon sits on the old torn cot that lies behind the bars as his emotions swarms deeply within him. If only he had gone home with the crew, he'd be home with his wife and kids right now. Would be packing up soon to go to the next track to get in testing and qualifying. Yet he didn't. He had won, felt excited over his win and wanted time to himself. Time to celebrate his win in his own quiet way so he went on his own quiet drive that had eventually led to a town he had never heard of before. Now a town he will never forget. Hazzard. A town filled with corrupt law that has now placed charges on him that he never thought would be associated with his name. The name he had worked hard to keep clean as to be respected for who he is. Hanging his head, his imagination draws up all that the press will have to say about him once they hear about this. What his fans will think. But most of all, what his family will think of him. The sheriff ran into him. Clear and simple. Yet, since it was the sheriff, the sheriff has now used his power and authority to turn the tables around on Gordon. Blaming Gordon of the accident plus others. Luckily the two locals had came across the accident and had done their part to try to help Gordon out. Only to put the name fugitive behind Gordon's once clean name. Though Gordon had went along with it. Wanting their help. Wanting to get away. Until the reality came forth and hit him hard. There was no way of escaping the charges the sheriff had put on him. Not unless he turned himself in and fought the charges the legal way. Which means he will miss races. Miss his family. Meaning the whole world is about to learn what he supposedly did. A new voice enters the mix from the sheriff's station that lies above the cells where Gordon sits which brings his attention towards the stairs where foot steps begin to echo off the cheap wood. A moment later a pair of old scuffed leather black boots become visible to Gordon and then faded jean legs as the man walks farther down the stairs. Watching the upcoming visitor, Gordon watches an olderly man in faded jean overalls walks down the stairs. A thick gray beard covers his face while a well worn red hunting cap is placed upon the mans white hair. As the man steps onto the floor and over to the bars that seperates Gordon from freedom, the man offers Gordon a kind and friendly smile. A smile that shows Gordon his compassion and sympathy. A smile that seemed to spread into the man's wise blue eyes that looks at Gordon with a keen understanding. "Well I never thought the day would come when I'd be looking at the man himself. You know my youngest nephew, Bo," he states the blond haired man's name that he had met earlier today, "really looks up to you. Respects you. Watches every dang race you're in. I'm willin' to bet he's one of your biggest fans...though I am willing to bet you hear that a lot. Also willing to bet, where you are sitting, that you don't care one way or another about that at the moment. "I'm Jesse Duke. Bo and Luke's uncle," the older man pauses as he pulls a stool over, "when they gave me a call a few minutes ago, I was thinkin' it was them that was in trouble. With this crooked law we have, they spend a lot of time where you are sitting at. Am not saying they're perfect. They've messed up plenty in their time. And will continue to do so. But they're good boys. Most the time they're here on some trumped up charge of Hogg's or Coltrane's." Jesse goes silent another moment, eyeing Gordon for a moment. "Glad for once it is not them. But hate it for you as well. Thanks to Bo, we all know you have a family to be with. Have testing and all that other racing stuff you've got to do as well. I can't promise anything, but am here to tell you that I am here to help. We all are here to help and we will do our all to get you out of this junk hole here." Gordon nods quietly to make sure the older Duke is done with his speech. "Thanks Mr. Duke. I appreciate that." he finally states, his mind goes back to meeting the two boys and how quick they were to help him out. Of the younger Duke's excitement. "I appreciate all the help your boys have done for me as of now." "Ah well they know the system here. As do I. And sadly it is crooked. Hogg is as crooked as they come...and greedy. I am willing to bet that he is up there coming up with a plan to use you to get some money. Use your name to draw people and their money. That's how he works," Jesse states matter-of-factly, "but that is where we come into play. He does his job and we do ours trying to stop him. Which is why they try to frame my boys...to get them out of the way. It hasn't worked yet." "Damn that's horrible. They get away with it?" Gordon states exasperated at the situation. "So far, yeah. But at least it is someone we know and know what to expect from. So it could be worse," Jesse shrugs as if it is the only life he knows, which it is, "Anyway, my boys are out there trying to find a way to clear your name while I will help you in here. Am sure you have your own fancy legal lawyer who may be on the way. I don't know if you got him comin' or not, but thought I would at least try to help you until he gets here. Am no lawyer. Just a farmer who has past experience and know how the Hazzard law works around here." Gordon nods and offers a nervous smile. "Thank-you Mr. Duke. I haven't gotten to call him or anyone yet. They took my phone. I shoulda called him in the car, but was too shook up to call anyone, I guess." Gordon says as he glances around him once more halfway expecting to wake up from this nightmare. Jesse offers him a thin smile, wishing he could do more than he is right now. "You can thank me when this is all said and done. As of now, we still need to work on Luke's plan and get you out of here," Jesse finally states, "meanwhile, I heard the boys' side of the story of what had happened. Probably what you told them what had happened, but if you don't mind, would you explain all that had happened? That way if they missed something or got something wrong, we all can be on the same page." Gordon slowly nods before he hesitantly begins to explain to Jesse what had happened. Starting from his his win at Atlanta and what had brought him to Hazzard and to the sheriff running into him and all that had led him to the jail, where he sits right now.
  15. May be an angry type song, but love the song all the same. Had the CD in highschool and kinda wish I had kept it...for once it is not Country and not the New Kids on the Block. Just for warning...the comments under the video wrote by viewers are not the best and could offend. Which is why I didn't read them. I just like the song and video.
  16. Looks like my plans were changed for me last night. . .thanks to the Yankees. Am ready for April fifth to see the Cubs take the mound once again. . .
  17. Welcome to Hazzardnet Jaded Phoenix! I am sure you will like it here. I have seen your stories on FF.net and you do look like you put A LOT of work into your stories. I really don't have the time to follow any stories at the moment, but I always thought your stories looked really interesting and what I did read, well wrote. I am sorry you got so much trouble at FF.net...I have a couple of stories there and only got a few comments about them if that makes you feel any better. I just have to remind myself that, yeah it would be great to get reviews and to know someone is reading and liking what I wrote, but that I write for myself as much as for them as well. You are a good writer Jaded, don't let the lack of reviews let you down!
  18. I don't plan on losing. . .ha ha ha! I'll be totally bummed if the Yankees lose tonight. They better get their bats in gear and ready to hit more grand slams tonight. HA HA.
  19. Welcome to HNet Mira! Glad to see you finally signed aboard and am looking forward to hearing more from you.
  20. Love the song...wish I could have seen him in concert. He was the first country artist that I liked...my very first favorite song was his "Baby's Got her Blue Jeans On" I still love that song and have to turn it up when it comes on the radio - which it barely does anymore.
  21. "Home" Blake Shelton I love the emotions that Blake puts into each of his songs...especially this one. Makes you feel as he feels or the person in the song must be feeling. Love the song!
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