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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. You're right Lori. Here's a question from "Dukes meet Cale Yarborough" season 2 What was the year and model of the white car that Cale was using to test his new turbocharger at the Pawtucket Raceway?
  2. I agree Lori, I wish they would have featured every major holiday during the 7 years but the best we could do is those two. I'm just happy that they at least had a Christmas episode. A lot of things are shying away from Christmas in today's society because we've gotten too carried away with political correctness. They might take Christmas parties out of schools and nativity scenes off city hall lawns but they'll never take "The Great Santa Claus Chase" out of my DVD set.
  3. Here's one from "The Ghost of General Lee" Who was the first person to discover that Bo and Luke weren't really dead? (this doesn't include the mother and daughter who saw them naked because they didn't think that they were dead to begin with)
  4. You got all three right DaisyMae. You and B.L. and Lori sure are good at this thing. Which of these were on the show? Miss Potsdale or Miss Dalepot Wayridge Road or Ridgeway Road Rimfire Gulley or Surefire Gulley
  5. This one is from "Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough" and gave me a big smile. Enos is such a likable, innocent good-hearted kid. When Rosco was reporting in at a roadblock on the CB he tried to sound sophisticated by saying "Roadblock number one is fine as wine" Enos responded by saying "Roadblock number 2 is good as buttermilk" (I'm smiling again just thinking about it)
  6. With Halloween coming up, I guess this episode is the closest thing the Dukes have for a Halloween show. It's not in my top 10 either but it is a pretty fun episode to watch...(of course I say that about all the originals)
  7. Here's the answer to my last question. MaryAnne is the prominent Hazzardnet citizen that has the avatar (Rosco wrecking patrol car) and the quote ("Well, I hit it, didn't I?") from that same scene in the episode "The Meeting" Actually since I'm not sure if the term "avatar" only applies to the smaller picture on top, I should clarify that I'm refering to the picture MaryAnne has on the bottom of her threads.
  8. You got all 3 right B.L. (as usual) Which of these were on the show? Petty Farm or Pettigrew Farm Indian Creek Road or Dixie Swamp Road (episode names) Double Duke Jeopardy or Witness for the Persecution
  9. from the episode "Hazzard Connection" "There's places in this part of the South that's so peaceful and quiet that a man can almost sit and hear his hair grow. In case any of y'all gotta be told, this ain't one of them places."
  10. Nice, DaisyMae, you got all 3 right. Which of these were on the show? Atkins Road or Watkins Road Hazzard Hog Auction or Hazzard Stockyards Boss A.C. Tate Jr or Boss T.C. Cate III
  11. Hey brw9284, Welcome to the Hazzardnet, we hope you stay around for awhile. It's always nice to "meet" new friends. Morgan's right....That guy you're talking about is Jeb Stuart Duke. He's the Duke's cousin from Placid County.
  12. It looks like we're going to have 3 questions up here with no answers. Here's mine. What prominent member of Hazzardnet has an avatar that came from the episode "The Meeting" ? hint: hit it
  13. That is a great way of putting it Lori. Uncle Jesse is also my mentor. He always knows what is important and what is trivial. His priorities are (in order of importance) Faith, Family, Friends, Farm. When the Dukes first came out, Enos was my favorite character because he is so good-hearted, has such high morals and is so friendly and easy to get along with. Now that I'm a 47 year old grandfather I can see myself relating to Uncle Jesse much more. I also, take very seriously everything he says as great advice for life. It is my hope that someday I will be just like my hero Jesse. If you ever get the chance to hear the Charlie Daniels Band songs "What the World needs is a few more Rednecks" and "Simple Man" these sum up how I feel about life. I think my hero Jesse would agree.
  14. Which of these were on the show? Ned Benson or Ben Nedson Decker's Egg Farm or Niedecker's Egg Farm Ma Harper from Chickasaw County or Papa Crenshaw from Clarion County
  15. You're right Lori, it's Manassas. Wow Julie, that's a great question!! and I don't know the answer. I'm guessing "Dixie" ???
  16. You got 2 of 3 Lori, I made up Porcupine Mountain Road. Mount Paran was mentioned twice in the series. I'm trusting "closed captioning" that that is how it's spelled.
  17. You got it B.L., Homer was a dentist. I wonder how he's doing racing RVs? Here's one from "The Rustlers". What was the name of the Tolliver's fast horse? Was it.... Mississippi Millie Molassass Manassas Marathon Miller Motor Mayor Miracle
  18. You're wrong Lori!!!...the part where you said..."now I know I got these wrong"...that statement is wrong...(because you got all 3 right!!!) Nice job!! Which of these were on the show? American Archery Club or Amazon Archery Club Mt. Paran Road or Porcupine Mountain Road Beaver Fork or Muskrat Fork
  19. You're right Lori and Julie, it was Luke. In "Gold Fever", What was Homer Willis's occupation? (all the way until the end of the episode when he quit his job to drag race RVs)
  20. Nice job DaisyMae, You got all 3 right. Which of these were on the show? Ross Perot or Homer Sneed Shady Tree Lane or Shady Canyon Lane Carsonville or Central City
  21. In "Road Pirates", who broke his walkie talkie by dropping it in the back of a semi? He was trying to use it to tell the others which direction the hijacked semi was going.
  22. Which of these were on the show? Hershel Furguson or Hershel Walker Rocky Road River or Rock River (episode names) Hello Hazzard or Farewell Hazzard
  23. You're right Eleonora, it's Black Tillie and Grey Ghost. I know what you mean about those great flashbacks. This episode ranks in my personal top 10.
  24. Nice B.L. You've gotten 11 of your last 12 correct. I'll get back with you later when I have my notebook handy. I'm gone.
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