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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. GeneralLeeGirl and texasdaisy got it right. Enos has a serious case of the hives at the end of this episode.
  2. All We Need is Love (My wife says it's a Beatles song but that's not exactly my kind of music)
  3. Thanks for posting these pictures. I'm only 2 hours from Pittsburgh but couldn't go because I couldn't get out of work. Even if I could have, the roads were horrible because of the blizzard.
  4. LOL I hope you know that was a compliment! ......and it is a thought provoking idea for a fanfic. Count me in if you're looking for an Uncle Jesse. By the way, git off yer computer and git yer chores done. We got a farm to run around here.
  5. LOL That BoJames is always looking for any excuse to start a new fanfic. It looks like you came to the right place Bo77. Around here, we love the Dukes so much we'll find any reason to have an excuse to talk or write about them.
  6. Welcome to Hazzard County Bo77. We're glad you love the HazzardNet and we sure hope you stay around a long time because we love everyone who loves the HazzardNet (We even love people who don't love the HazzardNet, we just don't understand them)
  7. March 1st is Catherine Bach's birthday. That's a big deal around the HazzardNet. While it might be Daisy Duke's day, it's pendragon1980's month because she has been selected as HazzardNet's "Fan of the Month". Pendragon has been a fan of the Dukes of Hazzard since childhood and her love of the best show on television comes through with her writings here at the best website on the internet. A veteran of many years of fanfic writing on this (and less important) sites, pendragon's character Doc Walker (AKA Dr. Chance Walker) is legendary on the HazzardNet. Pendragon loves the challenge of trying to fit the good doctor into stories where such talented writers are creatively bringing fiction to life. And she's very good at it. Don't take our word for it. Check some of her work out for yourself if you haven't already. Pendragon has been a member of the HazzardNet since 2003. She has made dozens of friends here and considers those friendships the most valuable blessing of her HazzardNet experience. Her favorite character is Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane...."Khee khee...I Love it, I love it" and she delights in watching Rosco and Boss interact....don't we all! Her favorite episode is "Jude Emery" and she wishes he would have been on more than just one ep. Hmmm, poor old Enos would have had some serious competition for Daisy if Jude would have hung around Hazzard much longer. She has been to two Dukesfests and met several of the stars including James Best, John Schneider and Rick Hurst. Being from Pittsburgh, she is of course a Steelers football fan. She is also an avid reader of anything and everything, especially the HazzardNet. She loves the Dukes because it's good old-fashioned, clever, funny, family entertainment. Finally, her two biggest priorities are family and helping others. Us folks here on the HazzardNet are honored to be part of her second family. Thanks for all your contributions pendragon1980!
  8. B.L., GeneralLeeGirl and daisyxenos got it right. On the recent CMT Cribs show featuring John Schneider and James Best, what states are their cribs in?
  9. Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing
  10. My Heart Would Know (Hank Williams Sr) (I tried to come up with a song that had achy or breaky in it but didn't have much luck..LOL)
  11. I don't normally watch Saturday Night Live but I was flipping the channels a couple nights ago and there was a skit on there where a couple comedians were "interviewing" Jennifer Lopez and I couldn't get over how much she reminded me of a younger Catherine Bach.
  12. Take These Chains From My Heart and Set Me Free
  13. Happy birthday Daisy!! (Catherine Bach...March 1) We'll all meet ya at the Boar's Nest to celebrate!
  14. B.L., texasdaisy and daisyxenos got those right. Which of these were on the show? Dixie Ridge Road or Saw Mill Road Big Buck Mountain or Possum Hill (episode names) Seeing Double or Twin Trouble
  15. I'm sure that every show as popular as the Dukes was (and still is) has actors with different views of the show. It sure seems like John is a bigger fan of the show than Tom but I don't focus on that too much. I wish every actor on the Dukes loved it as much as I do but that's just not realistic. They all loved the show but for different reasons in some cases. The bottom line is that Tom gave us six and a half seasons of acting on the greatest show that ever graced a TV screen and I am eternally thankful to him for that. If he has distanced himself from the show more than some of the other actors, I respect his choice. I don't like his choice but I appreciate him too much to focus on his decision.
  16. You're right BoJames. I do disagree with you a little bit. Instead of the roles he's had in the past, I think he was focusing on his future. I understand why he didn't want to focus too much on Bo. He still has a long career ahead of him since he's only 49. He's done a pretty good job of distancing himself from Bo even though he'll never succeed with me. The Dukes show made him a household word across the world but now he wants to be looked at as someone who can play any type of role so he'll get a lot more work. His career has been very similiar to Andy Griffith's. They both successfully broke out of the character that made them famous and (like Andy did) John will have three or more decades of acting ahead of him.....lucky for us.
  17. Wow, the CMT Cribs show was awesome. John has a beautiful home. It's so nice to see a great guy like him enjoying all the fruits of his labor and talent. He deserves every bit of what he has for putting billions of smiles on millions of faces throughout his career. I hate to say this but I liked the segment with James Best much better. He greeted the camera in Rosco-mode and stayed that way for much of the tour. We also got to see a lot of Dukes related stuff in his house. I wonder if the computer they showed where he plays video games is the same one he used when he was in the HazzardNet chat room several times. Thanks to DaisyMaeDuke and the moderators for telling us this awesome show was going to be on.
  18. GeneralLeeGirl and Denver C got it right. Boss falls for a scam to store something valuable in his vault for three fellers who's car is broke down in Cooter's garage. Boss has to pay when the valuable items are "stolen" but they weren't genuine in the first place.
  19. LOL I loved that quote GeneralLeeGirl. Thanks for sharing it. I love both of the Cale episodes.
  20. Saturday in the Park (think it was the Fourth of July)
  21. BO!! I see you're logged in. You're up pretty late. It must be 3 in the morning across the big Hazzard Pond.

  22. I love this quote about my hero. "When a man like old Jesse talks, you just tend to believe it, no matter how strange the story is. That's something they call integrity." --Waylon Jennings from the episode "Mason Dixon's Girls"
  23. GeneralLeeGirl got all three right. Meadow Falls was on "Dukescam Scam". There was never an Elk Creek (or falls) on the show. There is one by my house though. Which of these were on the show? Billy Joe's Skating Rink or Joe's Hardware Dry Creek or Wet Creek (episode names) Cletus Falls in Love or Rosco Falls in Love
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