Saturday looks like the hottest day coming up and we have an outside wedding to go to. It is also the fiftieth anniversary of the first man to step on the Moon.
I have wondered in the past about the local news personalities. I know in Virginia there are a lot of folks with southern accents but I have never seen a local tv personality there with one. Where is the diversity? Where is the pride in heritage that every other group of people is permitted to have under the protection of political correctness?...well, almost every group. It is sad. When a great show like Dukes can be villified so much you know something is seriously wrong with the direction we're heading in.
Sorry to hear about your two losses Spike. Even if we live to be 100 it is still a blink of an eye compared to eternity. Everybody who is 100 says the same thing. "It went so fast". When someone dies young it is especially tragic so you have my sympathy. *hugs*
Hobie makes a great point. With all this talk of inclusiveness in our society how often do you see anybody on television with a southern accent? Considering how many there are, they are by far the most underrepresented folks in entertainment.
Thanks for sharing that Spike. I suspect I will never get the "Enos" spin-off I'm hoping for. I am thankful they put the cartoons out. I still watch them once in a while.
I'm sitting here watching the Evel Knieval show on the History Channel. They have been advertising an upcoming show hosted by David Hasselhoff called "Battle of the 80s Supercars" it features Kitt, the A-Team van and a CHIP's motorcycle. They should be ashamed of themselves. Leaving out the most famous car in the world is flat out idiotic.
That's pretty cool that we have two active members from the Netherlands when they are in the Final. Soccer is very popular with American kids who play but still has a long ways to go if it wants to challenge American football, baseball, basketball or even hockey on a professional level in popularity.
I'm glad to hear you got that adjustment made MM. I'm learning a lot about Lyme but one thing's for sure...the medical community has a lot to learn too. There are a lot of disagreements amongst the experts.
Does anybody have any exciting weekend plans? Have you folks from across the big pond been following the World Cup?
We're real excited that you drove your tow truck into town and hope you stay a long time. It's pretty cool that you're a mechanic so that means that you are the closest thing to Cooter that we have here....which is nice because we drive off the road a lot. Anybody who would take the time to get a white jacket and turn it into that kind of work of art is most definitely someone who belongs here. Welcome Cooter Jr.