I could go as early as 5:00 Eastern Standard Time for the episode watch parties if that meant Hoss could make it. Who is good with Thursdays? We'd have to do a Christmas party on a weekend though to get all the time zones in.
How hard would it be to get together an old fashioned chat room Christmas party? Of course we couldn't do it without you attending MM. Our Christmas parties always required law enforcement since someone always ended up spiking the egg nog....and you know better than anybody how much trouble comes after that. Everybody always behaved better when the Supreme Superior Commander was in the room.
Just an idea.....should you think about doing this on a weekday really EARLY in the evening so folks across the pond can get in too?. Weekends are always busy for me and probably other folks too. If so, we should figure out which day.
You always bring up some interesting subjects MM. The very fact that you think about these things is proof what a big fan you are. Hey, wait a second, MM is what I usually call Meadowmufn, our Supreme Superior Commander.
I always think that every time I watch it especially around Halloween. I wish they would have done something better like a haunted house that didn't get solved until the end of the episode like on Scooby Doo. Then at the end Boss could have said "I'd have gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky Dukes."
Hoss always amazes me. Hazzardville Horror is a great episode to watch every year around Halloween......although I wouldn't exactly call it terrifying.
You're right that they didn't say brand names but they did say "Charger" on "Happy Birthday General Lee"....the only time in 7 years if I'm remembering correctly.
I wouldn't have noticed the tape over the Plymouth name if you wouldn't have pointed it out. I pay attention to details in some things but not usually when watching TV or movies. When we used to have a blooper thread (or 2) on here I think just about all of them surprised me despite seeing each episode several times.
Great to hear from you again. You've been missed. We hope you find time between all those jobs to log in more often. I wonder if your dogs were barking at Hobie. I hear he's been sneaking around lately looking for a spot for a new still.
Hmmm, I have a list of all the roads and businesses too. I could post them like I did the residents list over several days. I also have a water list....lakes, ponds, swamps, marshes, dams, etc.
I'm really happy to hear that you're doing well despite the loss of your step mother and also that accident. It's exciting that your boyfriend is a Dukes fan. Get him on the HazzardNet....Now! Seriousely though, great to hear from you and please post daily! We've missed you!
I've wondered that too. You would think that Ford would be happy to have their name displayed. You would think that Ford would pay them just to get advertising. It seems odd that they would have had to pay Ford but I suspect you are right and that's the way things were. Maybe Chevrolet and/or Mopar had commercials on during the show and they demanded Ford be covered.....probably not.....I'm just shooting at the hip.
Or maybe the props people did it incorrectly to make the bad guys look stupid. After all, the bad guys who come through Hazzard are always stupid enough to get caught. If there is anywhere that a Duke mispelled anything then my theory may not hold water. I should add that us bad spellers need to all come together to support each other.....BAD SPELLERS OF THE WORLD UNTIE.