Definitely the Dukes theme first. And Toe the Mark just because he sang it in the Boar's Nest. Are you sure Hank done it this way? Mamas don't let your babies....Luckenbach Texas...Highwayman
Good to hear from you Mr. Lee. You are is looking like a car again. But not just any car....the greatest car that has ever rolled down the road in the history of the world. Thanks for the update. Keep up the good work.
When I posted quotes here's how I did it Skipper. Stopped the DVD. Wrote the quote down. Backed the DVD up. Listened to the quote again while I was looking at what I wrote down. Stopped the DVD. Corrected my mistakes. Backed the DVD up and repeated the process until I knew I had it right.
I hope dirt bike racing doesn't go through this. They are claiming they won't because it is necessary that you be able to hear other bikes you are competing against and if you can't that wouldn't be safe.
Because he was from the country we declared independence from.
But us Dukes fans can't make fun of British people. After all, the Dukes are British......and I've heard some Bristish people are actually quite, I mean....quite lovely.
I sure wish everybody had a Cooter in their town. If your transmission needed replaced he'd do it in the time you walked to the store to pick up the dozen donuts he wanted to do the job.
Not only are vehicle repairs crazy expensive now but vehicles have gotten so complicated that you can't work on them yourself anymore. There's just too much unnecessary high tech crap on them. But it makes the car companies more profit so they aren't going to change. In their defense, some of it is to comply with unnecessary government regulations.
Sounds like an error to me. If he was a cousin then he would have to be a blood relative I would think. Although I'm not even sure what a third cousin is. Reminds me of the Elvis song, Kissing Cousins...we are all related.
Here are notes I have written down from that episode BL.
Grandpa Henshaw was the 3 younger Dukes grandfather. He had a farm near the Duke farm.
The real Gaylord Duke is a preacher....and his grandfather was Grandpa Henshaw.
Gaylord has an aunt in England and his uncle Phillip has been dead for ten years.
Isn't that where the fake Gaylord messed up? Thought Phillip was still alive. The fake was named Roger. The only Roger in 7 years of the show.