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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Cousin HossC yep. But I am doing better with context of explaining things?
  2. They're on Facebook. There's official verification that they're real.
  3. Rosco's UNIVERSAL horoscope study in The Sound of Music, Hazzard Style
  4. (Season 1 Repo Men) Bo & Luke are outside Ace Parker's Clean Used Cars. They are discussing the wrecked Richard Petty racecar #71(aka Lee 1 repainted.) Luke:"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Bo:"It's gonna mean dealin' with Ace." Luke:"It means winnin' Saturday. Look, if we strip the parts off this Richard Petty engine fer the General, why he'd charge like Lee at Manassas." The boys still at the Petty wreck, hear Lulu scream. Lulu:"Ace! You better make this right! Or somebody's gonna answer to me!" Bo:"Sounds like another satisfied customer." It might be "Sounds like another unsatisfied customer" but sounds like "Another satisfied customer" to me. Either way it was sarcasm to mean Lulu was not satisfied.
  5. I am on cloud 9 y'all! I have been in contact with 4 of my crushes. My #2 Britney Jean Spears, my #3 Jessica Ann Simpson-Johnson, my #4 Carrie Marie Underwood-Fisher and my #5 Taylor Alison Swift.
  6. (The Castaways On Gilligan's Island 1979) Henry Elliott:"Her mouth fell open so wide you could check out all her teeth and her tonsils too!" Myra Elliott:"My tonsils are just fine thank you!" Henry Elliott:"Hi honey. I was just talkin' to the Larsons. Myra Elliott:"So I heard!"
  7. (The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion 1997) Cooter has taken Bo & Luke to find the General Lee. The car has Romeo the rooster in it, and filled with feathers, abd has rooster poop all over it, inside and out. Luke:"I had actually forgotten how great looking this car really is." Bo:"The General just added to his legend: to pretty to die."
  8. (The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion 1997)In the Boars Nest, just before the fight scene ensues. Bo:"Hey Luke, isn't that uh-?" Luke:"It sure is." Bo:"You know, without the helmet, I do recognize the driver. He's a disbarred race driver name Cam Cutler. Awe Luke, they ain't worth it." Luke:"You wanna bet?"
  9. Other Gilligan fans believe all the Rescue DVD releases to be made from old VHS release copy transfers to disc. Tapes like 1996's Front Row Entertainment. The 2004 Digiview Productions disc etc.
  10. Gilligan's Island fans... In the 2nd Reunion The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979), how did the radio know the Minnow II was missing for 12 days? Did Skipper have radio onboard to call civilization when the storm hit before Minnow II sank?
  11. There are actually 6. 1. Racing For Home(PlayStation 1, PC Windows, Game Boy Color) 2. Daisy Dukes It Out(PlayStation 1) 3. Return of the General Lee(PlayStation 2 and Xbox)
  12. Opening scene The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979) Skipper:"Gilligan! Will you get lost!?" Gilligan:"I am lost. We're all lost remember?" Skipper:"Oh I remember to well. And who's responsible for getting us lost and shipwrecked? You know who that is, don't you?" Gilligan:"Of course. I did. Don't you remember?" Skipper:"Gilligan, I'm telling you, if we don't find some fresh water pretty soon, being shipwrecked will be the least of our problems." Gilligan:"What's the most?" Skipper:"We'll all be dead!" Gilligan:"That's the most alright." Skipper:"Water! Ooop!(Tastes it.)Salt water again. That tidal wave wrecked all the underground springs. With this equipment that we've got, we just can't seem to reach fresh water. But I'll have to keep on trying!" Gilligan:"Here, Skipper! Let me help you." Skipper:"Haha just as I expected!" Gilligan:"What?" Skipper:"Ooop! Gilligan, will you go drill your own well!?"(Slams pole down on Skipper's foot.)"Ahhhh ooop!" Gilligan:"Hi Professor. Have you seen my coconut?" Professor:"Yes Gilligan. It's right there. You know Gilligan, you have a knack for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time." Gilligan:"No. Sometimes I do the right thing at the right time, and the wrong thing at the right time. What are you doing?" Professor:"I'm trying to fix the radio." Gilligan:"You didn't do a very good job did you?"
  13. The stunt show bikers are the Baxley Sisters Kate & Billie Ann played by Shawn Weatherly & the late Bobbie Ferguson respectively. It's in season 5 called Coy vs Vance. Not a Bo & Luke episode and the robbers in this Coy & Vance show are not twins.
  14. This movie shares 2 connections with The Andy Griffith Show. Harry Dean Stanton(State Police Detective Rudolph Junkins) from Christine is the proprietor of a General Store on an island in The Andy Griffith Show episode entitled Howard The Beach Comber. TAGS shares another Christine connection. Richard Collier(Pepper Boyd)was Mr. Simmons in the Seth Taylor statue episode and in Only a Rose.
  15. General Lee in Southern Comfurts
  16. Would anyone here on HazzardNet sail on it, if you had a time machine, and could go to 1912, if you could get a life boat and escape the sinking of Titanic? A lot of people say they would go back to 1912 and sail on it long as they could escape that certain death.
  17. (Season 2 The Sweepstakes) Mrs. Howell:"Thurston, how much is a year old sweepstakes ticket worth?" Mr. Howell:"Nothing my dear. Absolutely nothing. But don't tell a soul. It'll be our secret."
  18. (Season 3 The Darlings Are Coming) Brisco Darling:"I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with the head mountie."
  19. (Season 3 The Darlings Are Coming) Brisco Darling:"What uh number did we commit now?" Andy Taylor:"317: Occupancy of private property without permission of the owner."
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