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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Singer-actress Olivia Newton John has passed away at 74 years old.
  2. (Alf scene) Alf:"You love it here on Gilligan's Isle don't you?" Skipper:"Are you kidding!? Why, we'd be out of here in a minute, if smarty pants over there could figure out a way to get us off this rock!" Professor:"Hey don't blame me! Every time I devise a plan, it always gets ruined by that hiba tootinest side kick of yours who's addlepated!" Skipper:"You can't call my Little Buddy addlepated!" Gilligan:"Stop calling me Little Buddy! I'm in my 40s for crying out loud!"
  3. Dukes night at 8 PM on CBS '79-'85
  4. The Andy Griffith Show Fun Fact: Do you know in Alan Hale Jr.(Skipper) episode of TAGS(The Andy Griffith Show)The Farmer Takes a Wife, the guy coming out of the store Carroll's of Mayberry in the background is Andy's real daddy? Carl or Karl Griffith.
  5. R. I. P. Prayers for his family and friends in their time of grievance.
  6. Cooter's Uncle EARL the undertaker
  7. The real Boss and Jesse ain't in the video games either. Those have sub actors voices.
  8. I have finally at long last seen all 3 Gilligan Reunion movies '78 '79 '81.
  9. I like the Reunion shows cuz it reunited the survivors.
  10. I got the 3 Gilligan reunions today! Package came a day early. Today at 2:00 PM time.
  11. My best buddy in New Jersey has made me the 3 Gilligan Reunion movies Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978) The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979) The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981)on DVD discs. He made them Tuesday. Shipped Wednesday. They are in a truck on the way to me here in Ohio. He tracked them. They are arriving Sat Aug 6, 2022.
  12. Cam shared interesting story about the original Boars Nest fight in Reunion. In rehearsal, John picked him up over his shoulder and slammed down on the table. He joked that John tried to kill him. So then they changed his character and told him "Just hide under the table." The rehearsal sounds more interesting than the actual fight that we see.
  13. Hi y'all. Steven Boe(Cam Cutler)from Reunion 1997 is on Facebook. We started chatting and are now Facebook friends.
  14. Don't know. But it's also the title of a Gilligan episode in Season 1. Episode 14. The Water Water Everywhere part of that.
  15. Tracey Duke posted this on Facebook with a picture of his choice of a girl to play her. She’s looks a lot like Daisy Dukes if we ever do a new Dukes of Hazzard movie she’s in it for sure My comment on the post: Probably never be no more. Those '05 and '07 didn't get a very well reception among a majority of the fans of REAL Dukes. Doesn't matter who's casted or if it follows the same morals and values. If it is NOT Tom W John S Cathy B etc etc it will NOT be accepted. Look at the hate on Coy and Vance.
  16. Cousin Roger Duke... As Rosco would say "Boy, that's a toughie."
  17. OMG... Y'all won't believe the news!!! Wow a radio show host contacted me on Facebook. He wants to have me on his show. To interview me. He seen my Skipper tribute act.
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