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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. We moved out of 10 Delmar into 6 Delmar Halloween 1988. I was 1 year old. We lived in 6 from the time I was 1 up until I was 14 in 2001.
  2. We lived there from my birth 1987-2001. Lived in 10 Delmar then moved over into 6. Lived in 6 from the time of the move over from 10 up to 2001. They're talking about having a park there. They want to hopefully save some of the homes and turn them into some sort of museum.
  3. Farewell to our old home 6 Delmar Ave. Campbell Ohio USA. Sheet and Tube Houses. Our former row apartments 2-12 were tore down yesterday.
  4. Cousin Boss... Through Hobie's eyes they all look red.
  5. In our first meeting with Ernest T Bass, he writes some fairly well-written notes on a rock and heaves them through the Darling's windows. Then later in the series, we learn he is illiterate and wants an education. He only knows a handful of words and almost no math. These are the things that keep me up at night.
  6. (Season 2 Don't Bug the Mosquitoes) Professor:"The Mosquitoes left us a message." Thurston Howell III:"They can write?" Professor:"Apparently..."
  7. In the episode where ”cousin Gloria” comes to stay at Andy’s…I never understood Aunt Bee’s scolding of Andy for “being too nice and throwing competition into Helen’s face” ……when it was Aunt Bee herself who lectured Andy before Gloria arrived about how he had better be extra nice to her. Somebody ‘splain this to me!
  8. Ledbottom. What Luke Duke called Ernie Ledbetter in Luke's Love Story when he hit on Amy. "Buzz off Ledbottom. She's mine."
  9. Wow he was the one Arnold said "You one ugly *bleep* to?
  10. Cousin HossC... Dunno about a series. But Kevin Peter Hall(Floyd Malone)of the Malone Brothers in Opening Night at the Boars Nest played Harry in movie Harry and the Hendersons.
  11. Blue Moon. Ginger(as fortune teller)in Gilligan season 2 Ship Ahoax "The rescue boat will arrive when the Moon is blue!"
  12. Not that you are counting cuz. Lol
  13. MASON Mines(Dukes of Hazzard Racing For Home game PlayStation, PC, Game Boy Color)
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