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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Y'all remember there being 2 Sheriff's of Hatchapee County? Sheriff Emmitt "Spike" Loomis and Sheriff Floyd? Well, my theory about this is that maybe Sheriff Emmitt "Spike" Loomis got his pension retired and stayed home then to take care of his wife and kids if had a wife and kids, and Sheriff Floyd ran for election and got voted in to take over.
  2. This set of tributes comes from the Season 1 episode Little Island, Big Gun. Jackson Farrell:"Before long, a boat will arrive to pick me up! Until then, I don't want any problems. If any problems do arise, I won't hesitate to eliminate them. Any questions?" Gilligan:"I have a question." Jackson Farrell:"Oh?" Gilligan:"You got any bullets in that gun?" Jackson Farrell:(shoots gun at upper hut doorway beam, bang)"Anymore questions?" Gilligan shakes his head no.
  3. Hello Neil and welcome to HazzardNet! According to the old TNN(The Nashville Network/The National Network) special The Life and Times of The Dukes of Hazzard it's mentioned by Balladeer Phil Crowley of that special that "The stunt men destroyed approximately 229 Chargers over the 7 seasons The Dukes of Hazzard series aired on Network television. They also destroyed hundreds of squad cars and other vehicles."
  4. The French title for The Dukes of Hazzard is The Sheriff is a Fool. In Italy, it's called Hazzard. What are some of the titles in other countries?
  5. (Season 4 Coltrane vs Duke) Luke Duke:"Look up ahead! Looks like Sheriff Little's got the road blocked!" Bo Duke:"He's only got the middle blocked cousin!"(drives around Sheriff Little's car.) Waylon Jennings:"You see, Chickasaw County is as poor as Jones Turkey! They only got one police car. And one car don't make a very good road block."
  6. (Season 3 My Son, Bo Hogg) Sheriff Little:"Well, looks like we caught you with yer pudgy little hand in the whiskey jar, didn't we?"
  7. (Season 1 One Armed Bandits) Cooter Davenport:"Shoot fire and save box matches!" Luke Duke:"Cooter Davenport you ain't got the sense the good Lord promised a turkey!" Cooter Davenport:"Hey Luke! Whatsay Bo?" Construction Worker:(to Cooter)"Yer crazy man!" Bo Duke:"Ain't you gonna see what he did with your car?" Luke Duke:"You borrowed my car this morning. What'd you do with it?" Cooter Davenport:"Oh. I used it to run the Sheriff off the road to make him mad. When he jumped out-" Bo Duke:"You jumped into his right? Well, why did you steal the sheriff's car?" Cooter:"Well, he impounded mine! Seemed only fair to take his." Luke Duke:"Usin' my car. That's real good Cooter!" Bo Duke:"Well, I told you not to lend Cooter yer car!" Luke Duke:"Cooter, you got any idea what it's gonna take to straighten all this out?" Cooter Davenport:"No." Bo Duke:"Well hello bandit. Now, what's that doin' in there?" Cooter Davenport:"He's bringin' 'em in." Luke Duke:"Who is?" Cooter Davenport:"Sheriff Rosco Coltrane!"
  8. This set of tributes comes from the Season 2 episode The Friendly Physician. Gilligan is scared of Igor scene. Gilligan:"Skipper? Am I getting close to whatever it is?" Skipper:"Don't put your hand to close, he might bite it off!"
  9. Cousin Roger... Yeah I can copy and paste it.
  10. Cousin HossC... Also in Season 3 Enos Strate to the Top when Enos is sitting in his patrol car, in the town square, and he's looking at the wanted poster of the bank robbers. They drive past him, and he says "That's them!" His mouth don't move. Also in Season 2 Jude Emery Daisy says "Some cowboy Jude!" Her mouth don't move.
  11. Anyone catch the mistake/blooper at the end of Season 4 episode Shine On Hazzard Moon, when Luke says "Bottoms up!" His mouth didn't move.
  12. Curious. When Andy accidentally shut Barney's arm in the kitchen door of the house, in The Pickle Story, was it really Don Knotts arm or a stuntman?
  13. Everybody who seen it thought the Bandit was gone
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