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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Little Enos:"I'd like to kick his a** just once!" Bandit:"You can't kick that high, cricket crotch."
  2. Boss Hogg:"Jesse, you're obstructing justice!" Jesse:"I ain't obstructing justice, I'm sitting on it, and I'm gonna stay here until you show me them counterfeits!" Rosco:"Oooh Jesse! I just felt somethin' snap!" (From Series 3, Episode 23 'The Canterbury Crock'.)
  3. Woman Haters Club(The Little Rascals)movie
  4. This set of tributes is a publicity/press kit/promotional scene from the 2nd TV Reunion movie The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979).
  5. (Season 4 Citizens Arrest)Gomer:"Stop! Stop! Barney stop! Barney stop! Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!" Barney:"What are you yellin' about!?" Gomer:"Like you said, you broke the law by makin' an illegal U-turn, an' I hereby as a citizen of the town of Mayberry an' the United States of America arrest you!"
  6. This set of tributes comes from the Season 2 episode Gilligan's Mother-in-law & Season 2 Nyet, Nyet, Not Yet.
  7. (Season 1 Mary Kaye's Baby) Waylon Jennings:"Wouldn't you just love to wipe that egg suckin' grin off old Rosco's face?"
  8. Besides Christopher Mayer, the actor playing Jeb Morton he was the only other actor from the open cattle call for Coy & Vance to actually appear in an episode.
  9. Cousin Redneck girl 01... You spelled it right.
  10. Marooned(Lost Pilot) Skipper:"Here we are on a deserted island, uninhabited, unexplored, uncharted." Ginger:"I get the picture. Just color us lost." Skipper:"Well, our only chance of rescue is if the Professor here can get the transmitter fixed. Then we can radio for help." Professor:(frustrated)"I've been trying, but it's very difficult without the proper tools." Skipper:"Now here this, folks. We've all got enough to keep us busy. The Professor here, he's fixing the transmitter. Gilligan is out there right now, fishing for our dinner." (to the girls)"and you girls, you girls wash all of the dirty clothes on board." Bunny:"Aye, aye, Skipper."
  11. https://www.facebook.com/281516321685/posts/10159531717571686/?sfnsn=mo
  12. (Season 4 Barney's Sidecar) Andy:"Aunt Bee, we don't wanna kill him! Maybe hurt him a little, but we don't wanna kill him!"
  13. (Season 3 State of the County) Boss Hogg:"Ahhh my speech! Dang blasted! The way yer drivin' I'd rather take my chances with another bomb!" Rosco:"Well, you want me to catch 'em don't you?" Boss Hogg:"Yeah. But I wanna be alive when we get there!"
  14. Y'all remember there being 2 Sheriff's of Hatchapee County? Sheriff Emmitt "Spike" Loomis and Sheriff Floyd? Well, my theory about this is that maybe Sheriff Emmitt "Spike" Loomis got his pension retired and stayed home then to take care of his wife and kids if had a wife and kids, and Sheriff Floyd ran for election and got voted in to take over.
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