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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Gilligan's Island fans... Cool version of the Skipper hat. But the only real colors for the show of course are black(Alan Hale) and white(Jim Backus). https://www.ebay.com/itm/Replica-Captains-Hat-Skippers-Hat-Yachting-Hat-khaki-version-/203257165824?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  2. (Season 2 Smile, You're On Mars Camera) scene. Gilligan is cooking the glue to be used to repair the Mars camera lens that he previously broke to smithereens. Skipper watches on in frustration at Gilligan's antics.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/eastboundanddownBanditTransam/
  4. Bandit:"Wait! Hold it! Scratch that. I can't lie to you Sheriff. You're to good a man. Look over yer left shoulder." Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Ooof!" Bandit:"We're on our way to Boston to get some Clam Chowder! Bye bye!" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"I'm not givin' up! I'm not givin' up!"
  5. Cousin Roger Duke Correct on 1st guess!
  6. Mr. Casey:"Alright beat it! You kids take a walk. Get lost!" The kids leave. Moochie Welch tries to slip away with them. "Not YOU Moochie!" Moochie Welch:"Mr. Casey, I ain't been doin' nothin'!"
  7. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"I happen to be Buford T Justice, a distinguished officer of over 30 years seniority!"
  8. Jr. Justice:"Daddy look at the big ugly alligator." Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"That reminds me i gotta call your momma."
  9. (Season 1 Forget Me, Not) scene. Skipper:"6 Japanese prisoners in 15 minutes! I may take the whole Japanese Army single handed!"
  10. Kait Tucker Thank ya! A guy on Facebook in a group once said about this one when he saw it "That's embarrassing!" Wow!
  11. Snowman:"Yeah I see alright. Us goin' to jail if we get caught, that's what I see."
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