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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Let's face it, they couldn't even agree on the spelling of Maybelle's name! THAT is ridiculous!! There is NO excuse for that!! The last time I took a vote, 4 out 5 people agreed, that Myrtle and Maybelle were two different names!! This just goes to prove my point about the road they lived on, Jesse's wife's name, etc. etc. AND etc.!! I'm gonna go crawl up into my jug o 'shine!!
  2. Duke Farm for sale Well, here's my thought on the dismantling price. $145,000? This is from an earlier post in this thread!
  3. I love this......!! HA HA!! I hope I can remember it!! LOL!!
  4. How about this for a puzzler.?? The road that the Dukes live on was mentioned every now and then and once it was Mill Pond Road ( The one where those hoods were bringing that girl against her will so she wouldn't marry that farmer boy. They asked Maybelle where the Duke farm was...remember?) and then on other episodes it was Old Mill road, etc. I wish a lot of their stuff was tracked better so they hadn't made so many mistakes! Like when Jesse's wife was Martha on one episode and Lovinia on another, along with the boy's aunt being named Lovinia who Jesse hadn't seen in 20 yrs., so he must have 2 sisters BOTH named Lovinia!!
  5. Well, until you can get more ( How about asking for some for Christmas?) the good thing is, it's The Dukes, so you can watch the same ones and not get tired of it!
  6. Well...when it comes to the Dukes and it's really bad......how BAD can it REALLY be??? It's kind of like if someone gave you a thousand dollars free but it was all in ones....you'd rather have big bills, but still... Bad Dukes is still Dukes!!
  7. I thought it had a white stripe! Well...they SAY it's white....they all look red to me!! I'm just a little, inebr....inebria...inebriat...drun...drun....I'm kinda wasted!
  8. I haven't heard anything, but $145,000 is crazy!! That house reminds me of my grandparents house way off in the country!
  9. They made it SEEM like the car was in a previous episode, but it wasn't! Just like when Lulu complains that her fake mink got wet and stunk up the whole Hazzard County! IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!
  10. Well, the Mean Green Machine didn't TOTALLY obliterate the car, so if their clothes were in the trunk, they were probably ok!
  11. This was one of the worst, but The one I hated the most though, was Carnival of Thrills. It went from bad to worse, all the goofy lines when they were fighting, which was goofy in and of itself and when at the end, in order to get Luke involved, they had to have him look at the instruments so that Bo could " Keep his eye on the road"....what about making the jump that much harder with Luke's extra weight in the car?? Then of course he has to say, " Come on Bo, get your speed up, ", etc.....PLEEZE!! What about all the jumps, he made without having Luke's help? What about all the people who made jumps before that one? Plus all the goofy lines leading up to the fight, about how a pretty girl has you swimmy headed, etc. etc. there were probably a hundred stupid/goofy words, actions in this one!
  12. Hey! Ya gotta start somewhere!! Before you know it, you'll have them all just like most of us!!
  13. I can't remember the episode, but remember one time Rosco ( or was it Boss?) Was known as big chief Forked Toungue?
  14. He's probably busy being rich! ( I'm busy keeping warm on this cold night, with a little shine!)* * Not really! I just like to stay in character, since I'm " Hobie" on here! ...LOL!!
  15. Oh! How true!! Alcohol's not ALL bad!..LOL!! Wolf!
  16. Happy Birthday to a lady, who STILL, is all that!! ( Like Waylon once said...." Yea, I guess when you got it, you still got it!! ) Come by the car lot some time with the boys!
  17. OK....A couple of things where I never understood what was said....maybe some of you never did either! Well, maybe some fellow Hazzardites have a script or something that tells for sure! The Scene: The Rustlers - Cooter has gone to help the boys get Burl's horse back and they fight the rustlers and after the boys beat up the bad guys, Bo yells to Cooter, " Come on down Cooter!", and Cooter is in the General and says " _______ ________ down( ???)" The Scene: Ghost of General Lee- Bo and Luke are playing like ghosts and they bust out of the sherrif's garage and drive the General while working on the controls , while ducking down in the car. Luke is watching out for Bo with a periscope and Bo says, something like, " You better give me some directions, feels like I'm working on my instrument rating here." ( ????WHAT???) That's what it sounded like to me anyway!
  18. Ugly! ( They usually are, since you don't know who they are until it's too late!)
  19. I love that song and to think it was voted as the worst rock song of all time or something like that! On that commercial they forgot the tagline, " No animals were hurt during the filming of this episode" LOL!!!
  20. This is one of the 5-6 episodes that I purposely don't watch ....I really don't know WHY I don't like them, I just don't! ( I DO like Cooter though!!) .....Maybe it's because he's supposed to be not as wild ( in my mind)...you know...more settled down I I guess than out " Hooking up", etc.
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