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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. You may have a point there, come to think of it! It doesn't negate the point I made however!
  2. Yes. American muscle cars can't keep pace with European sports cars. Thanks a lot Hoss! I just KNEW you would know!!
  3. Hey, I don't know if I'm putting this in the right place or not but, about my comment on the term " Ridge Runners" and how they were calling it " Ridge Raiders", you have to remember, the ridges! When you fly down the road driving fast, you're running the ridges....the ridges being the narrow roads. If it was actually " Ridge Raiders".....how would you " Raid" a ridge ( narrow road) ?? No, Ridge Runners has got to be the correct term. This is another big blooper by the writers, seeing that they even titled one of the episodes, " Ridge Raiders"!!
  4. This commie gymnast and the silly stuff in the episode makes it one of my least favorite too. This is ONE of the ones ( The weak or outright BAD ones!) I haven't seen but 2-3 times.
  5. Right on Roger!!! Hazzard is eternal and when I don't get to watch it on TV and I'm somewhere and I'm tired or need to rest...I tell my wife " I'm going to the land"...and she knows what I mean and she knows WHERE I mean! Hazzard is a frame of mind and a lifestyle! We have people around where I live, that have " 01" and " Hazzard Life" on the sides of their cars etc.
  6. Wow! I never knew!! Thanks a lot Boss! Hey, I have a question for everybody.......What kind of car did Gaylord Duke drive in "Duke of a Duke?
  7. Head ( The head is connected to the spine )
  8. I have the 2 reunion movies and never watch them. They're weak!
  9. I could've told you who was going to win...pro football is just like pro wrestling....it's all scripted!
  10. You might like Moonrunners but the name is Haig ( not sure how to spell it) and it's Bobby Lee and Grady not Bo and Luke and Uncle Jesse dies in it. It's considered a dark comedy. The Boss isn't named Hogg or JD but Jake.
  11. I hope you're right Roger but if I had to bet money on it, I'd bet on New England to win! Yes Cooter wore a Falcons hat and ......I just saw that one a few days ago and now I can't remember! Ohhhh the aggravation!!
  12. Sherlock Holmes ( BASIL Rathbone played Holmes in the '40's!)
  13. LOL!! Right on! I NOW think it will be New England over the Falcons...I WANT the Falcons to win but they don't have a chance!
  14. I hated Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Duke, where Luke was such a jerk to everybody!
  15. My saddest episode was when Jesse was in the hospital and the one where he had to give up the farm and move to Hatchipee County ( ever notice how many counties are right beside Hazzard???) Geographically impossible!!
  16. Green Bay will beat the Patriots....my prediction for Super bowl L! !!
  17. back pack ( She wore a back pack when she was on the dirt bike!)
  18. I clicked on " Latest posts and activity " and then clicked on to " New posts" and ....No sooner had I said this ( above), and it knocked me off!! Well....we'll see!
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