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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Well, ma'am, it seems to be doing fine now, so you must have fixed everything! Thanks!! ( Come by the car lot sometime and I'll give you a real good deal on a nice red buggy* I just got in! ) * They all look red to me.......!!!
  2. Yea, Christmas is very anti-climatic.....I mean you spend all that time ( a couple months really), building up to it and then there it is...... and then.....it's over!!
  3. What is the Wiki stuff about? I thought the site looked good the way it is and Meadow was doing a fine job......?
  4. I go for what Hoss said but I really think things are fine the way they are...so.....
  5. Well, it was time to take what's his face down....the QB for the seahawks.......
  6. Every time I try to move from signing in to the new posts section, it knocks me out of the web site. Then when I click back on it already has me signed in but I can't go anywhere!
  7. That's true Roger. I can't remember anything like this in the past. I live about an hour west of where this happened.
  8. As long as we're talking about what episode something happened in, can somebody please tell me what episode it was, that Uncle Jesse ( I THINK it was him), said "Make it up on the road", or , " We'll ( You'll) just have to make it up on the road" ? I can't remember what the circumstances were but they were trying to make up time and were In a rush. The reason I thought of it, was because, sometimes I find myself in the same situation from time to time and have to make up time on the road, by "Putting my foot on it!"
  9. I'm having trouble. I can't get into the new posts on the latest posts, New Posts section. When I click it, it takes me to a blank page. I can't see the latest board. I have no problem getting on to any other part of the site! It must be a glitch in the system!
  10. I'm here too! As far as Face Book, I decided not to get on it because I learned the CIA uses it to track people. They said FB does a better job than they do! I DO have an alias on there and nobody knows it's me...not even people I know in real time!
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