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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Hey guys, I can't believe I just noticed this one and I can't believe they didn't re-write the script, unless they did it as a joke ( I feel there's a lot of stuff I see on the show, that HAD to be a joke among cast and crew.) I was watching this last night. Remember when Loretta Lynn was kidnapped and they were taking her to that barn in an RV? She threw pics of herself out the back window, so someone would find them and follow them to her. However, the blue car that the crooks were driving pulled into the barn immediately after the RV did. WHY DIDN'T THE CROOKS IN THE CAR NOTICE SHE WAS THROWING OUT PICS OF HERSELF???
  2. My father used to play that song ( Big Boss Man ) and I learned it as a small child and never knew who sang it! Thanks!
  3. Oh yes! .....( you never waste a taste!)
  4. There are things meant for women and things meant for men and women just need to STEER ( pun intended) clear! Dana IS ....well sometimes she looks hot, other times, ugly...I'm confused!
  5. I sat in Cooter's General at his place in Gatlinburg, Tn.
  6. what do you guys think about more women in NASCAR?
  7. Welcome to Hazzard! Good to have you! If you have any questions, Roger and Hoss are the two resident geniuses on TDOH!
  8. Indeed I do! ....a sip o' the old shine 'll fix you right up.... Just look what it's done for me! ( You never waste a sip!) I do hope you get to feeling better very soon Muffin'...you're loved a lot around here!
  9. Hamburger! ( onions are always good on a burger!)
  10. oh yes!! I sure did! ok only TWO REAL Confederates! ( Although Denver and Sorrell could fake it real good!....John couldn't even do THAT!...LOL!! ).......of course Jimmy, Sorrell and Denver were the only REAL actors on the show! The rest just had " The look".
  11. That's because Bo Duke was a Yankee's Yankee and Wopat was a Yankee and the only REAL Confederate on the show was Jimmy! Sorrel was great at his vocal impressions and sounded southern....remember when he tricked Bo into thinking Bo was his son and he said Bo HAWg! And Rosco said Bo HAWg? and Bo said Bo Hahg?
  12. Ramp....they usually used a hidden ramp to make jumps but it was supposed to be ....well....you know.....
  13. All the more reason, you couldn't tell the difference....there's so many of them! Ireland is still where I hail from though and I love all the accents I've heard! ( I wonder if they like southern accents?)
  14. True but the thing that gets me, is that the counties are so close, how can you tell? There's a world of distance and difference between New York and Texas!
  15. I wish that was true! It would've saved me a lot of money!
  16. I can't hardly tell the difference between Scottish people, with their accents and Irish people with their accents. My friend, who like me, is descended from people, from Ireland, told me that Irish people can not only tell the difference between them and Scottish people, they can even tell when someone from Ireland, is from another county and usually can tell WHICH county they're from!
  17. Fossil Fuels......" What type of fuels DO fossils run on?" ( High Octane....I think!)
  18. Are you kidding? you're a VERY popular, knowledgeable citizen of Hazzard brother Roger!
  19. Exactly Brother Roger!! I could set her up with some of the best tastin' mountain dew made in the woods!!
  20. Could it be she's following the money? She's probably doing fine herself but I'll guarantee she's not making anywhere NEAR what Aaron Rogers is! ( Women tend to be gold diggers anyway! ...I know! I'm married to one!)
  21. If you're a Steelers fan, you may like this: I live in Sparta Tn. ( home of Lester Flatt ( Bluegrass) ) and my Chiropracter, is Dr. Scott Kirby and his cousin is....Terry Bradshaw! ( Small world huh?)
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