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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Mr. Winkles ( Thanks Roger!) ) ...The guy that threw his voice.
  2. Siler City ( can't remember the episode)
  3. I hope things get better for you MM. You just remember how much we love you around here and know we're here for you! ( Just like fellow Hazzardites should be! )
  4. oh, I forgot to tell you. The queen photo bombed somebody over here that was on vacation over there. They were taking a pic somewhere and she just happened to be standing behind them ( the ones getting their pic took) and she was kind of peeking out at them and it looked funny. Normally you would be mad, getting photo bombed, but something like that, with the Queen....!! That's something to brag about!
  5. That is wild! You got to shake the Prince's hand! WOW!! That's something most people in Hazzard can't say! ( actually none of them! )
  6. I just KNEW there was a reason I liked him so much! I think we all ( here in Hazzard) share enough in common, that we would all live in peace and like each other, if we got together!!
  7. Building walls really shouldn't be necessary in the 21st Century. This has nothing to do with what time period you live in. People are slowly but surely figuring out, that the old ways, of separating people by race, religion etc., were not just for narrow minded, prejudiced purposes, but practical, reasonable ones. People are different. The more differences they have, the harder it will be and the longer it will take, to obtain and maintain peace. We need to go back to the old ways!! ( look at Hazzard!)
  8. Your cars are awesome! You really are good at making the General look good!
  9. +1 Roger!! I feel the same way! When I have a bad day or even if it hasn't been that bad, I still " Go to Hazzard" every night before I go to bed. When I start to fall asleep, I cut off the TV, DVD, etc. and roll over. I feel the same way about God and the Dukes.....I hope Heaven is just like Hazzard, because I could literally live in Hazzard forever!!
  10. I think so. It will be interesting to see what happens when the Queen dies.....
  11. Hey, I'm down for all of it! Let me know about it Meadow!
  12. All my family is Protestant too....I think the Northern part of Ireland is dominated by the Catholics isn't it?
  13. Hoss is also a genetic Brother, being from Ireland...I'm Irish on both sides! ( One part of my family is from County Down). Hoss is also one of my " Go to" guys when I have a DOH question....He's definitely an ok kind of guy.....so....He gets a pass!!
  14. I had a guy where I used to work, from somewhere around one of the Dakotas and I said " Have a good 'un! " and he's like " Whaaat??" I said " Have a good 'un" and he's still confused and so I explained, down here " Have a good 'un " is short for " Have a good one!" Meaning have a good day! "
  15. Everybody knows The General is the Fastest car in Hazzard County!....Bo told Cooter.
  16. That's definitely funny! Hey, thanks for the Ben Jones info Hoss!
  17. GEORGIA On My Mind- The song Rosco's watch plays ( I forgot the episode....)
  18. I thought you might like this one, esp. being from my homeland! The Jack O Lantern Legend It's unlikely that pumpkins grew in Celtic heartlands, so our ancestors probably made pumpkins by hollowing out turnips and placing a candle inside. There is an enduring Irish story based on the Jack O Lantern. Mischievously, Jack tricks the Devil into climbing up an apple tree, with a promise of cider. Then, Jack carved the sign of the cross, into the trunk of the tree. This infuriated the devil, as he dared not climb back down the tree and touch the cross. Years later Jack dies and because of his life of mischief, drunkenness and worse, there is no chance of him going to heaven. Reluctantly, Jack heads for Hell, but the Devil remembers his prank of the cross on the apple tree and consequently refuses Jack entry into Hell. Thus, Jack is left to roam the Netherworld, and the only time of the year when he can become visible, is at Halloween, hence Jack O' Lantern!
  19. What book by Ben? I might have to go shopping!
  20. No...YOU guys do! LOL!! Yes, you would say I do but there are so many Yankees down here ( more of them than there are of us!), that some of the people here pronounce words like Yankees do! Charlie Daniels lives not too far from me...in Mount Juliet. Loretta Lynn has a ranch outside Nashville. I live right outside Cookeville in Sparta, home of Lester Flatt ( Flatt and Scruggs...bluegrass...a certain type of country music) Charlie Daniels real last name is Daniel with no " S ". He said they got it wrong when he first got into music and it just stuck!
  21. OK.....this is from the HUH??? or the WHAAAAT??? Dept. You know those few times/scenes, in episodes that you have no explanation for? Well, on this episode, when Enos and Rosco had collected all the merchandise that Bo and Luke had been framed with ( Remember they supposedly tried to make off with merchandise from a dept. store and it was all set up by Boss? ) . Enos and Rosco were in Rosco's office WITH the merchandise and Enos said, " Well I guess that clears the Duke Boys of all charges" And Rosco said, " That's a wrong, that's a wrong! They're probably hiding the evidence, just to weasel out of it!" WHAAT?? This made no sense! They were HOLDING the evidence ( all except for the car) in their hands even as he said this! This made no sense!
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