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Everything posted by HossC

  1. I know - it's been a while. I found it while I was looking for something else and then searched to see where it was mentioned on HNet. Sadly I didn't get to see it live (I had already left London to live in Ireland by then), but did watch the original showing on the BBC. From scanning the threads that mention the show, it seems that in the US, only people with BBC America got to see the whole show. The links that had been posted were just to clips, and none of the ones I tried seemed to work anymore. I'm still kinda new here, so I've been reading through loads of the old threads, and reviving them if I've got something new to add.
  2. All the threads that mention this show seem to have dead video links, so when I found it on YouTube I thought I'd post a link to it here - the full show is there in several parts. As RogerDuke mentions in another thread, the show is not suitable for children as its topics and humor are somewhat risque. ETA: The link I posted in 2010 is now dead . BoJamesDuke, do you appear on screen at any point?. Are you prepared to point yourself out if you do?.
  3. I found this from a 1953 'I Love Lucy'. The full episode (Lucy is Matchmaker) is available in 3 parts, but Peggy is only in part 1. She appeared in 4 episodes of season 2, this being the last. According to IMDb 'I Love Lucy' was her first tv/film role. I Love Lucy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqyww9f0Ewk Peggy Rea on IMDb http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0713762/
  4. I was doing my regular daily online crossword today and I got the clue 'Noblemen (5)' - of course, the answer had to be 'Dukes'.
  5. That's a real possibility Roger. Of course 'Crazy' was another big hit for Patsy Cline.
  6. This one's from 'Enos in Trouble' - don't think we've had it before. When we first see the bad guys watching Enos's footlocker Waylon says: "There's two faces that only a mother could love, and I bet neither one of them had one."
  7. I was watching 'Farewell Hazzard' the other night and wondered which wig y'all think suits Boss the best?. I'm sure, like Rosco, we all liked Boss's 'little chrome dome, when it was smooth like a baby's bottom' the best, so I haven't given that as an option. The last option wasn't in 'Farewell Hazzard', but I couldn't leave it out:). NB. There were 2 curly wigs and 2 black wigs - I left one of each out to keep the number of options reasonable. Against my better judgement I have spelt 'Gray' the US way (we spell it Grey) as I'm sure there are more members in the US.
  8. Looks like they're approved - I've been waiting to see them since I saw your post. Looks like a pretty clean car - is it solid underneath?. Are you going for a Hazzard patrol car?. The reason I ask is that the '76 Fury was favored by some of the neighboring police e.g. Chickasaw, Hatchapee, Atlanta, Capitol City and State Police. Most of the Hazzard cars were '77 or '78 Furys and Monacos. Did you get the lightbar with it, or did you source it separately?. What's the law like where you are regarding lightbars on replica vehicles?. I'm sure that even though everyone knows you're not trying to impersonate real police, they would still have a problem with it here. I remember when I lived in London they used to test drive repaired police cars past where I worked. These out-of-service cars had their lightbars covered and an 'X' of 1/2" insulating tape over the word 'Police' on the doors. They looked pretty funny - we used to joke that they were undercover police cars. Is that your General in your gallery? - looks great. I'm sure it'll be hard to resist having a good ol' chase when the patrol car gets its decals on.
  9. Caught this show completely by chance today on UK satellite channel Discovery Turbo. I was initially put off when the intro described the General as being driven by the Duke brothers (sic). After that it got better and Kenny Wayne Shepherd (the project car's owner) seemed to be a genuine Dukes fan. The final car had custom suspension, custom interior, custom rims and a custom air-brushed paint job. If it were my money I'd keep the mechanicals and interior, but have an authentic General Lee paint job and rims. For those who haven't seen it, here's a couple of pictures:
  10. ERTL/American Muscle have made many variations of the 1:18 General Lee over the years - I'll try to cover most of them - I'm sure there are a few missing: 2000 32485 - Orange General with black interior (I think this had Florida plates). 2000 32485k - Black General Lee chase car - no graphics (1000 made). 2001 32485b - Correct beige interior (I think plates were corrected). 2001 32878 - Orange General Lee with matching 1:64 car (5000 made). 2001 31435 - Body Shop General Lee (kit). 2002 33041 - Race Day General Lee with unfinished graphics and primered hood/fenders. 2003 33397 - Barris Edition General Lee with certificate (3000 made). 2003 33397ch - Barris Edition 18ct gold plated General Lee (100 made). 2005 32485d - General Lee dirty (TV box). 2005 2485db - Supercars dirty black General Lee with graphics (252 made). 2005 32485gp - Supercars 22ct gold plated General Lee (8 made). 2005 39181 - Orange General Lee (movie box). 2005 39181ch - Chrome General Lee chase (movie box, 1000 made). 2005 39181ch2 - Polished (silver) General Lee, Evergreen Toys exclusive (movie box, 600 made). 2008 39505 - Authentics (high detail) General Lee (5000 made). 2008 29666 - Supercars Authentics black General Lee with graphics (Authentics box, 1002 made). 2008 29666k - Supercars Authentics black General Lee without graphics (Dukes box, 150 made). As well as General Lees they have also made: 2001 33043 - Ford Mustang #00 with flames and matching 1:64 car. 2007 39406 - 1974 Dodge Monaco Police car. Supercars auctioned 2 of the 22ct gold plated cars on eBay last year - they went for about $1500 each. They have a 22ct gold plated dirty General Lee (#32485apg - again only 8 made) being auctioned this August (see link below). http://www.supercar1.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=14_17&products_id=4665
  11. We've passed 150 views, so I thought it was about time the third crossword went up. CLUES Across 2 & 18 across. Actor who played Sheriff Little (3,5,6). 4. One of my favourite guest actors who played Digger in 'Bye, Bye, Boss' (7,6). 10. Landing strip used to pick up the crooks in 'Officer Daisy Duke' (7,8). 13 & 25 across. Ex-NASCAR driver who signs up Daisy in 'Birds Gotta Fly' (5,8). 15. Here's a tough one - last name of John who played Bo Duke (9). 16. See 12 down. 18. See 2 across. 19. Vehicle cleaning facility in Hazzard, or where Rosco's car usually ended up (7). 20. Bo's the pretty one, so you would never call him this (4). 21. Service Miz Tisdale works for (6). 23. Unconscious state Luke is in after the accident in 'Brotherly Love' (4). 24. Jesse's relationship to Bo, Luke and Daisy (5). 25. See 13 across. 27. The Duke ____ - where they live (4). 29. No matter how much he eats, Boss is always this (6). 31. Bo and Luke help out Miz Tisdale by driving this vehicle (4). 33 & 34 down. Daredevil stunt show from season 3 (8,2,7). 35. County patrolled by Sheriff 'Spike' Loomis (8). 37. Amount Rosco actually inherited in season 4's two-parter (3,7). 38. Boss campaigned for this in 'People's Choice' (2-8). 40. Rosco is her 'daddy' (5). 41. Alien that came to Hazzard in the title of an episode from season 7 (7,7). Down 1. Cooter's profession (8). 3. County where the boys are arrested in 'Cool Hands, Luke & Bo' (5). 5. Rosco's Wild West relative (5,1,8). 6. Last name of Texas ranger Jude (5). 7. It might not deliver 'high octane', but it delivers regular gasoline (4). 8. Makers of Lulu's dream car in 'Repo Men' (5,5). 9. The Dukes usually donated prize/reward money to this (9). 10. Competition involving re-building carburetors, driving and swim-suits (4,3-8). 11. Day when the women of Hazzard swap jobs with the men (5,4). 12 & 16 across. Make and model of the World's most famous car (5,7). 14. Boss Hogg's black suit wearing twin brother (7,7). 17. Boss's gasoline company (you'll find the name on 7 down) (7). 22. 'The Deputy' of HazzardNet (8). 26. Gy Waldron was this to the Dukes of Hazzard (7). 27. Last name of guest actor Jonathan who also played Cdr. Riker in Star Trek TNG (6). 28. Rosco enters himself in this competition in season 5 - '______ of the Year' (6). 30. Daisy's CB handle (2,4). 32. Jason Steele built one of these of General Lee to frame the Duke boys (7). 34. See 33 across. 36. Sign of the zodiac for the birthdays of 15 across and Byron Cherry (5). 39. Daisy has to go here to renew her drivers license in 10 down (1,1,1).
  12. I'm afraid not. I do like my cars, and know enough to bore non-car types quickly enough, like when the turn signals moved on the XK-E (or E-Type as we call it). The Cougar has to be first generation (and '67-'69 due to the grille). The '59 DeVille is also an iconic car. I'd remembered the cars I liked, but for the details I had to check with the following sites: The Internet Movie Cars Database http://www.imcdb.org/movie_78607-The-Dukes-of-Hazzard.html For some movies they even list interesting background cars. Tilley's Dukes of Hazzard Website http://www.angelfire.com/80s/dukesofhazzard/vehicles.html It doesn't appear to have been updated since 2007, but it's still a great resource for cars, characters, and other stuff. These days it's not so much 'what you know', or even 'who you know', but more often 'what websites you know'.
  13. Everyone can play this game, right? This is my first go.
  14. I suppose Mississippi is quite a long way from France, especially if news had to go via the 'local' airfield in California. Thanks for putting me straight. Maybe we should call Dukes by it's French name now we know the truth: Shérif, fais-moi peur! (translated literally this means something like 'Sheriff, frighten me', however if you use Google's French to English translator it now tells you 'Shérif, fais-moi peur!' means' Dukes of Hazzard' - there's progress in action). I'm sure you're right about MaryAnne and MeadowMufn, but these days I'd settle for more fun to be around than Colombo, and better looking than Scooby Doo:). Dang it - I've gone and left my 3 foot high sandwich in the pocket of my dirty old raincoat again.
  15. Google translate gives 'choc' as French for 'shock', so 'choc ta' is 'shock your'. With Choctaw County, and I assume Choctaw Ridge so close, I'm surprised no-one on the show ever mentioned Billy Joe MacAllister jumping off the Tallahatchie Bridge.
  16. I didn't plan to follow this up so soon. I was watching season 2 episodes to try to get a clear screen grab of the COLD BEER sign outside the Boars Nest to complete my Boars Nest sign: http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7044&page=5 (scroll down to see it). Then I saw Cooter had a map for the Jesse vs Boss race in 'Days of Shine and Roses'. I couldn't get a clear grab, but watched it through about 3 times. I could make out the name I've marked '1' ended with 'ville'. That didn't narrow it down much since there's loads a places in the US with this ending as I found recently when posting the old map of the the L & N: http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3368&highlight=michelle+shocked&page=2 (2nd post on this page). The place I've marked '2' says 'Fort de Vaux' which was a fort near Verdun in France which was attacked by the Germans in 1916. You can read about it here: http://pierreswesternfront.punt.nl/?id=414014&r=1&tbl_archief=& That meant the name marked '3' must be Damloup (it's unclear due to being in the fold of the map). Finally that leaves us with the real location of Hazzard: Dieppe-sous-Douaumont, near Verdun, France. Considering it's location I guess the correct exclamation is 'voila'!
  17. Great detective work there MaryAnne. Who would have thought that the nearest small landing strip to Hazzard was just across the bay from San Francisco. No wonder Daisy went to a different airfield when she was learning to fly the crop duster.
  18. I came across this map when double checking my clues for the soon-to-be published 3rd trivia crossword (dang it, that'll give away one of the answers:)). You can't read anything in the long shot, but close up all but the main name are reversed. Is this a real map that anyone recognises?. It looks like the new text was added after the original was 'distressed' with correction fluid and tears.
  19. I'll leave aside the main featured cars because they've all been mentioned. Here's some of the others I liked (in no particular order): Cletus's Mercury Cougar (there's a similar one often parked in the square, Cooter also had one as a loaner) Gaylord Duke's XK-E Grady Byrd's Mama's '59 DeVille Swamp Molly's '46 pickup Doc Petticord's 1950 Olds Jason Dillard's '68 Shelby Cobra Mason Dixon's Girls' Pontiac Trans-Am convertible
  20. HossC

    Name songs

    I found this thread and was going to revive it with a few additions of my own. As it turned out it was a quiet Sunday morning and I got carried away going through my MP3s. As you can see, I listen to a range of music - hopefully there's something for everyone in here somewhere. My Sister Rose - 10,000 Maniacs Planet Claire - B-52's Barbara-Ann - Beach Boys Help Me Rhonda - Beach Boys Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles Hey Jude - The Beatles Michelle - The Beatles Kate - Ben Folds Five Losing Lisa - Ben Folds (Let's hope not MaryAnne:)) Denis - Blondie Maria - Blondie Felicia - Blues Traveler Virginia Plain - Roxy Music Daria - Cake Maggie's Farm - Bob Dylan Edie (Ciao Baby) - The Cult Charlotte Sometimes - The Cure Eloise - The Damned Moira Jane's Cafe - Definition of Sound Becoming More Like Alfie - The Divine Comedy Susan's House - Eels Alison - Elvis Costello Stan - Eminem Layla - Derek & The Dominos Song For Lindy - Fatboy Slim Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac Aunt Maggie's Remedy - George Formby Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz Arthur's Farm - Half Man Half Biscuit Louise - Human League Hey Joe - Jimi Hendrix Jack & Diane - John Cougar Annie's Song - John Denver Charlotte Anne - Julian Cope Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs Alfie - Lily Allen Andy's Chest - Lou Reed Dear Jessie - Madonna Kayleigh - Marillion Valerie - The Zutons or Amy Winehouse Billie Jean - Michael Jackson Grace Kelly - Mika Amelia - The Mission Valleri - The Monkees Brian Song - Monty Python (Is this your song Mr. Coltrane?) Louie Louie - Kingsmen (et al) Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Bernadette - Paul Simon Jeremy - Pearl Jam Cecelia Ann - Pixies Roxanne - The Police Faron - Prefab Sprout Charly - The Prodigy Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega Luka - Suzanne Vega Mary Ann - Ray Charles Dammit Janet - Rocky Horror Picture Show Laura - Scissor Sisters Alice - Sisters of Mercy Minnie the Moocher - Cab Calloway Black Betty - Ram Jam Mary Joanna - The Stairs 867-5309/Jenny - Tommy Tutone Marianne - Tori Amos Tell Laura I Love Her - Ray Peterson Runaround Sue - Dion Jenny Take A Ride! - Mitch Ryder And The Detroit Wheels Lucille - Kenny Rogers My Sharona - The Knack Martha's Harbour - All About Eve Nellie the Elephant - Mandy Miller (No offense intended MeadowMufn:)) Lay Down Sally - Asleep At The Wheel Big Bad John - Jimmy Dean Oh Carolina - Shaggy Geno - Dexy's Midnight Runners Lily The Pink - Scaffold Frankie - Sister Sledge Gloria - Laura Branigan Joanna - Scott Walker Donna - Richie Valens Christine - Siouxsie and the Banshees
  21. As an Formula 1 fan I had always assumed (in my younger days) that oval racing must be really dull with no chicanes or twisty-turny bits. Then one of our non-subscription channels picked up some NASCAR races and started showing them at 2 or 3 in the morning (it wasn't the time difference - they were shown a day or 2 late). It's a very different type of racing, and watching the lead change several times a lap certainly means I was wrong about it being dull:). I'm not sure whether they've stopped showing it, or my insomnia cleared up. For your sake I hope they stopped showing it, otherwise there's going to be a whole bunch of dumb questions heading your way.
  22. Thanks for getting back to me about the crossword - I hope you got more than 37 across (you did get 37 across, right?).

    I feel really dumb 'cos I've only just found out what a Meadow Muffin is :oops:. It's one of those little phrases that hasn't made it across the Atlantic (we have our own terms for them). I guess if Jimmie gives you a name - go with it :).

    Just checked out your acknowledgement in my copy of The Unofficial Companion - that's pretty cool.

  23. Found this great map of the L & N (Louisville & Nashville) Railroad dating from 1886. Hazard is marked just under the 2nd 'K' in Kentucky. http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~24455~900013:Map-of-the-Louisville-and-Nashville
  24. Don't know why, but I wasn't expecting to find another DNA fan here. Such a shame 'The Salmon of Doubt' didn't get finished - we miss you Douglas. I tried entering one of my posts from HNet into iwl and apparently I write like Cory Doctorow. Don't want to offend anyone, but I'd never heard of him. I looked him up on Wikipedia and might check him out.
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