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Posts posted by HossC

  1. I can't believe I haven't posted this before:

    Cars - Gary Numan

    This track seems to make its way onto '80s compilations despite coming out in 1979. I was too young then, but did eventually see Gary Numan play live in the mid '90s. The distinctive opening has been sampled many times, in songs like

    (which also fits this thread :)).
  2. Another Pilot song from the '70s:

    The song appeared on the soundtrack of 'Happy Gilmore' and 'Herbie: Fully Loaded'. In 2009 it was covered by Selena Gomez and sampled heavily in the track 'Magic' by Flo Rida.

  3. Alex, I'm making a start. As CDoherty said, the last few pictures were made by changing colors and moving a few elements around. Starting something from scratch takes longer, although a side only view is much quicker than multiple views in orthographic projection. I'll put my current project on hold to squeeze this in, but don't expect anything for a couple of days.

  4. Another song from a commercial. This beautiful song is currently being used to advertise DKNY 'Be Delicious' Eau de Toilette. The video of atmospheric shots from NYC during a sudden downpour fits the song perfectly.

    Before anyone asks, I live in Ireland, so it does rain where I am :).

    Yay! - post #2012 on the first day of 2012 - how's that for timing?.

  5. Hoss, I want to see the bike...General Lee. Please...

    If you really want a vector art version, I'll put it on my 'to do' list. Until then, here's some pictures I found that'll hopefully keep you happy in the meantime. There's bicycles, scooters, motorcycles and a couple of oddities at the bottom:



    And for anyone who hasn't seen it, don't forget to check out CDoherty's General Lee bicycle here.

  6. With the dawning of 2012 upon us there was one song that sprang to my mind (well two actually, but

    is three words long, so I couldn't use it in this thread :)). From 37 years ago:

    This song spent three weeks at the #1 spot in the UK charts in, you guessed it, February 1975!.

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