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Everything posted by HossC

  1. HossC

    NASCAR news

    I was just checking out the starting line-up for Richmond. It seems that Ricky Stenhouse Jr., who is sponsored by Fifth Third, qualified fourth. I hope he finishes first by a split second .
  2. French
  3. marriage
  4. library
  5. Very nice, Roger, and a belated Happy Birthday . BTW, is this the first picture you've posted on HNet?
  6. I've just seen the sad news that Clifton James has passed away. Known to millions as Sheriff J.W. Pepper in the James Bond movies 'Live and Let Die' and 'The Man with the Golden Gun', he was known to us Hazzardites as Sheriff Lester Crabb in 'Treasure of Hazzard'. He died yesterday (Saturday) due to complications from diabetes. He was either 95 or 96, depending on whether you believe the date of birth quoted on IMDb or Wikipedia - the news outlets all seem to be going with 96.
  7. hood
  8. ski
  9. Indy 500 (Double F1 World Champion Fernando Alonso will be racing there next month instead of Monaco)
  10. Richard Petty's race car was a '69 Charger, because it was "LEE 1" repainted. They don't name the make or model in 'Happy Birthday, General Lee', and even get the year wrong, describing it as a "Beat-up, black '68 coupe". The 1975 blue Plymouth Fury gets a mention in 'Mary Kaye's Baby', as do its tuned Edelbrock headers, but after that, I think only Rolls Royces get a name check.
  11. I think the closest they get to identifying the engine in the series is showing us that it came from a Richard Petty race car (which was wrecked doing tire commercials).
  12. HossC

    NASCAR news

    The new #24 driver, Chase Elliot, is currently second in the standings. Jeff Gordon did return for a few races last year when he filled-in for Dale Earnhardt Jr. while Dale recovered from concussion-related symptoms.
  13. I always assumed that the word "ridge" referred to the hills and mountains where they carried out their clandestine activities.
  14. Gaylord Duke drove a 1971 Jaguar XK-E.
  15. HossC

    Duck Dynasty

    One of the UK channels is currently reshowing a series called 'Cradle to Grave, a comedy based around the childhood years of DJ/presenter/author Danny Baker. This is how they portrayed his first encounter with a VCR. In this case he was hooked by 'Rising Damp' on demand rather than Dukes.
  16. HossC

    NASCAR news

    I didn't get to see the race this week, but I watched a clip of the last few laps, and I don't think Ricky Stenhouse Jr had anywhere to go. It's good to see Ricky Stenhouse Jr get a top 5 finish.
  17. Thanks for the replies, T.J.P. I think we'd pretty much narrowed down the location of the State Courthouse/Central City General Hospital to roughly that area, but it's great to have it confirmed, especially with all the extra information you provided. How did I miss the Glass Building? It's right across the street from the studios! Here's a recent Streetview image. Even with the trees it's still recognizable. There can't be many loose ends left now.
  18. clunker
  19. HossC

    NASCAR news

    The current generation of F1 cars was heavily criticized for being too quiet when they debuted a few years ago. Subsequent tweaks to the engines and exhausts have restored some of the missing volume. I'll admit that the situation is different - there are half as many cars on a longer, more open track which allows the sound to escape more easily.
  20. Most of the pictures I've found (screengrabs, models and replicas) seem to use a mid blue. That's what I went with on my Fan Art version: I'm not sure if Cooter's tow truck had a matt finish, but it certainly wasn't shiny .
  21. Cookies Maryland Cookies are a popular brand in the UK, Ireland and many other countries, although I understand that they're not available in Maryland!
  22. Baltimore
  23. Welcome to HNet, Rollman. I look forward to seeing your build progress. Regarding the images - it may be better for you to sign up with an image hosting service such as Flickr, Imageshack, Photobucket, Google Photos etc. You should be able to find one that offers free hosting. Then you can post larger images. PS. The blue Ford pickup in the background of the second picture needs a coat of white paint so that it's ready for Uncle Jesse .
  24. buffalo
  25. I spotted another small blooper when I was skipping through 'Mrs. Daisy Hogg' the other day. When Rosco's patrol car has its first impact, it loses its front end (fenders, hood, grille etc.), but the shot of the occupants immediately afterwards shows the fender still in place.
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