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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Walking over to where Jeff Gordon and his mechanic are located at, Bo Duke slowly takes in the crowd that is patiently waiting for the race to begin. Looking ahead at where Jeff Gordon and his mechanic looks under the hood of his custom race car that he has had delivered here from North Carolina, Bo sighs in disbelief. Being stuck in Hazzard Georgia, Bo never thought once he would ever have the chance to meet his heroic Jeff Gordon. Sure there is a big NASCAR race track an hour away from Atlanta, but with how the Dukes are financially, there is never a chance to go see a race in person. And yet here he is, Jeff Gordon, in Hazzard Georgia. All because he took a drive by himself and got caught by Sheriff Rosco's dangerous driving skills. If it wasn't for Rosco, Gordon would probably have driven right through Hazzard and Bo wouldn't have had a chance to meet him. Still Bo hates it that Rosco is making Gordon pay for something he did. That Boss and Rosco are putting him through all this. "Ah looks like we got company," the thin mechanic states standing up and Gordon slowly does the same with a smile. "You must be Bo Duke. I'm Alan Gustafon. Jeff -" "Gordon's crew cheif," Bo finishes his statement with a confident smile, "and yes, I am Bo Duke." They both confidently shake hands. "Wow...I never thought I'd ever have the chance to meet both of you...and this beauty here." He points down at that burgandy AARP Chevy Impala. "I'm just sorry that it is under these conditions." Alan nods. "Yeah well it is what it is. If my driver didn't run off as he did, none of this would have happened, huh Jeff?" he glances over at Jeff who shakes his heands and nods, "We all just appreciate all that you and your family have done to help Jeff out of this situation." Alan pauses as he looks up over at The General where Luke and Cooter are going over it. "Talking of beautys...look at your's over there. If you drive half as good as you build cars, Jeff here may be in some trouble today." "Looks like we are about to find out. Luke and Cooter have been going over it end over end off and on for the past day or so. Should run perfect as well," Bo states before going quiet for a moment. "Just thought I would give you a heads up. Sheriff Coltrane does not have the best driving skills...if you haven't figured that out already...though he seems to think he does. This race is only going to boost his ego so hopefully we can use that against him. But Cooter just got done telling us how he was blackmailed into putting a brand new top of the notch engine in the patrol car he is driving." Jeff and Alan look at each other and shrugs. "Well I guess we all have to have an advantage somewhere in this race. Though to be honest we got ourselves a new engine under our hood too...top of the notch kind of NASCAR engines," Alan proudly states, "and am sure your car has nothing to worry about either.. Just as long as the law plays fair, this should be a fun race." "Which is what we are trying to make it," Jeff adds, "just for fun. Don't get us wrong, we're going for the win, but I'm not going to wreck my car just for him either." Bo nods with a smile. "Just thought I'd warn you," Bo says nodding at them as he begins to walk away. "Thanks. And Bo," Jeff calls out to bring Bo to a halt, "give me all you got. I want to see what you're made of." Bo flashes them a large smile. "Of course. I don't race any other way," Bo responds before turning back around and returning to The General Lee where Daisy and Uncle Jesse are crowded around the orange car with Luke and Cooter. "He up to racing conditions yet?" Bo asks as he glances under the hood. "Perfect racing conditions," Cooter states with a smile as he shuts the hood. "Look y'all, I'm sorry about Rosco's car. I. . .I -" "Stop apologizing Cooter. You did what you had to do," Luke pats him on the shoulder, "Besides it don't matter what you got under that hood of Rosco's car, he could be driving Gordon's perfect car over there and still manage to wreck it. Not only that...but we got the best race car driver around driving The General and one of the best NASCAR drivers racing against Sheriff Coltrane. Have some faith...Coltrane don't stand a chance against these two." "Yeah," Jesse states shrugging with a smile on his face, "I kinda feel sorry for the guy." Everyone looks at him and he shrugs. "Relax guys. I'm on your side...I said kinda feel sorry for him." Cooter slowly nods. "I know. Just feel like a trader doing that," he adds as he glances over at Jeff Gordon and his crew cheif. Looking back at Bo he changes the subject with a serious tone to his voice. "Lookie here Bo. I know how you feel about that other driver over there. I know you know just as much about him as his crew cheif over there does. I know you have followed him for a long time. Look up to him. But I am telling you right now, once you step foot in the General Lee, I want you to put all those Jeff Gordon stats you know by heart, your thoughts on the guy...all of it behind. I want you to race him as if you were racing Luke there. I want you to race him just as hard as you race Rosco." He pauses for a moment before poking his index finger into Bo's thin chest and raising his eye brows, he states, "Understand?" "Uh yes sir," Bo states and nods at the same time before stepping away from Cooter's finger, "but what is it with everyone telling me to race Gordon hard...as if I would race him any other way. I race to win. End of story." "Good," Jesse states giving him a hug. "I am proud of you...now go win." "Yes sir," Bo states as he climbs behind the wheel and puts on his driver's helmet and waits for Luke to climb in. "Is it time?" Luke shrugs as he places his helmet on and glances over at Jeff Gordon who is doing the same while Gustafson is talking to him through the window. "I don't know...looks like Rosco is in his car," he answers looking over at Rosco and looks back at Bo. "Hogg is suppose to tell us to line up over the loud speaker." (Well this is a fictional story with mostly fictional characters...Jeff Gordon is real as his crew cheif Alan Gustafson... )
  2. You are welcome, Roger. Sorrell is and will be greatly missed.
  3. Nineteen years ago today we lost an intellegent and great man in Sorrell Booke...he will always be missed by me and the rest of Hazzard County. RIP Sorrell...thanks for all you did and all your work to make the Dukes possible. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. Jesse watches as Sheriff Coltrane and Commissioner Hogg quickly leave before nodding at Bo and Luke. "Shall we?" he breaks the silence as they begin to walk towards Jeff Gordon and Thom Aussler who stand on the porch. After a brief moment of walking in silence they climb the few steps to join Gordon and Aussler. "Well," Jesse starts off, "either Hogg wasn't too happy with your deal or he liked the deal too much and wanted to leave quickly before you all changed your mind." "Nah Jesse. You know Boss," Bo states sarcastically as he steals a glance at Jeff Gordon, "he probably got hungry and we didn't have enough food to satisfy his appetite." "Nah he didn't say anything about food," Aussler states naively as he glances at the Duke family before Gordon slowly walks off the steps to catch his attention. Looking back at Jesse Aussler states, "I apologize. I have Jeff my phone to call his family and let them know he is OK. He will join us whenever he is done." Jesse nods. "That is understandable. They've got to be worried crazy about him," Jesse goes silent for a moment as he glances at Jeff who leans against Thom's vehicle with a black cell phone to his ear. Looking back at Thom, he asks, "Perhaps this is none of my business, so tell me so, if it is. But, how did your meeting go?" Thom forces a confident smile at Jesse before his attention falls on Bo who now is a step back from everyone, leaning against the house and silently taking everything in. Sighing heavily he forces his attention back at Jesse. "Well it went as well as to be expected," he pauses for a short moment, his attention once again falling upon Bo then to Luke and Jesse, "we at least got ourselves a deal." "Well that's good," Luke states with a smile, "isn't it? You don't seem so happy about it." Thom sighs heavily and takes the Dukes in for a long moment once more, letting his thoughts sink in while attempting to think of how to respond. "No it's great news and I am happy about it. We definately would not be here right now if it wasn't for all of you and all that you have done for Mr. Jeff Gordon. If not for you," he pauses for a long moment, "Gordon probably be at the State Pen right now and his name muddied in all the big papers in America. We owe everything to you Dukes." Jesse shakes his head. "You don't owe us anything. That is what us Dukes are here for. Helping the innocent escape Hogg's greasy dirty greedy hands. Us Hazzardites have the advantage to know what to look for and what to escape...you city folk come in blind and unexpectant. Besides," Jesse pauses to point back at Bo, "Bo here would never let us get by without helping...he's one of Jeff's biggest fans. We are here to help any way we can." Thom nods as he glances at Bo once more and back at Jesse and Luke. "Thank you. All of you," Thom states and nods at them all, "both of us are very appreciative for what you all did." "That is great and everything," Bo states to break his silence, irritation and impatience thick in his voice, "but if you don't mind me asking, what deal did you make? Is Hogg dropping the charges?" Thom flashes Bo a quick smile before turning serious, his dark eyes going from Bo to Luke and Jesse and back to Bo. Slowly he nods. "We made a deal. But in order for me to make a deal with him, I had to give him something he wants. When Jeff was in jail or held hostage by your law Hogg kept badgering him to race him. Hogg wanted a big race...Gordon against Hogg. Gordon refused racing him, saying he refuse to race someone he don't trust," Thom slowly explains, "So I made a deal that if he dropped his charges I wouldn't be pressing my own charges. That Gordon would race but three fourths of the money that comes from this race will be going to the Hazzard Orphanage. The remaining money will be going to Sheriff Coltrane -" "Sheriff Coltrane?!" Bo interrupts pushing himself away from the house and back up by Jesse and Luke, "How you manage that one past Hogg?" Thom shrugs. "We didn't give Hogg or Coltrane much of a choice on that matter," Thom shrugs before turning to Bo, "Now Bo. Correct me if I am wrong, but I'v heard you know a thing or two about racing." Bo eyes him skeptically before glancing at Jesse and Luke who only shrugs at him. Glancing back at the lawyer Bo flashes a smile and states, "I guess you can say that." Thom laughs. "You guess I can say that? Of what I am told you are the best talent behind the wheel around this here area. . .I would suspect that you know more than a thing or two about racing if that is accurate. In fact, I was told that you were an expert behind the wheel and great under the hood as well," Thom confidently states. "And the biggest NASCAR fan around this here area as well," Jesse states proudly. Thom nods at him and looks back at Bo. "Good to hear. Knowing all that, I am about to give you a chance in a lifetime," Thom pauses as everyone's attention focuses upon Bo just as Jeff climbs the steps to join them, "I'll let Jeff tell you." With that, Thom leans over and whispers something into Jeff's ear who listens for a long moment before shrugging and nodding his head at him. "Look, all of you, I appreciate all of your help. Who knows where I'd be right now if you didn't show up when you had. If you didn't do all that you did to help me out of this mess I got myself into. Thank you," he pauses for a moment. "Thom just told me that he was about to fill you in on our deal with Commissioner J. D. Hogg," he goes silent as he shoves his hands into his pockets of his jeans and looks over at Bo. "Look Bo, I hope that you don't mind racing against I and Sheriff Coltrane in this race that Hogg and Aussler has agreed to." Bo eyes Jeff questionably and then glances over at Thom and then at his family. Looking back at Jeff he questions, "Race against you and Coltrane?" "Well it was originally suppose to be me against you. Or you against me," Jeff shrugs, "but Hogg had to put Coltrane in the mix. So Hogg is suppose to come up with the time and place for the race...and then it will be you, Coltrane, and I racing against each other." "A chance in a life time," Thom states with a smile, "I had to think on Hogg's level and I couldn't think of anything else he could possibly agree to outside of racing himself. What you think?" Bo eyes everyone around him, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the shift of attention upon him. "That would be great," he hears himself say. "Great," Thom states, "we should have a car arriving within a few hours."
  5. I am glad someone is happy about the Super Bowl score... Now onto the real sport... NASCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Well here it is as promised...my 2013 NASCAR race reives and results thread. With only ONE week until the Sprint Unlimited (use to be Bud Shootout) means only one thing...speed weeks is only ONE week away. Daytona 500 - the race that starts the 2013 season off- is only two weeks and one day away. And this NASCAR fan is...excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First off, here is a look at this year's NASCAR Sprint Cup Series schedule. 2013 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Well there has been a lot of changes done to NASCAR Sprint Cup Series during this off season. Major one being the NEW car that they got. Looks pretty slick. They are moving from the COT (car of tomorrow) to the Gen -6. Gen 6 There is a good site that will show what the new car is going to look like. Of what I have been hearing, a lot of drivers are liking the new car. Also what I have heard that this car is a lot like the old car which is more to Jeff Gordon's liking. (Sorry had to include that...) Also with the changes to NASCAR Sprint Cup comes with testing that the drivers and teams will now be able to do indepent testing at the tracks...I guess up to four tracks. Another change comes to qualifying. Before the top thirty-five teams in owner points were locked into the race...this year the fastest thirty-six cars will be locked into the race with the top six owner point cars being locked in. There has also been a few changes with cars and drivers. Main big changes is that Matt Kenseth has left his long time team at Rousch Fenway Racing and is now driving for Joe Gibbs Racing. He has moved from the number 17 car to the number 20 car. Joey Logano moved from JGR car number 20 to Penske's 22 car. Ricky Stenhouse Jr who won the Nationwide Series championship last year will take over the seventeen car at Rousch Fenway Racing. And Danica Patrick will be running a full time schedule with Stewart-Haas racing from her part time gig she had ran last season. This will be Kevin Harvick's last season with Richard Childress and he will be moving to Stewart-Haas Racing next season...but we will worry about that next year. We also have five new members of the NASCAR Hall Of Fame that was inducted yesterday...Rusty Wallace, Herb Thomas, Leonard Wood (from the Wood Brothers - own Trevor Bayne's 21 car), Buck Baker, and Cotton Owens. 2013 NASCAR Hall of Fame Congrats to them all...and thanks to them all for helping NASCAR be what it is today! With all that said, this is where I will be posting my pre race write up, my race reviews, where the top fifteen or so will qualify and how who finished where at the end of the race...starting next week for the Sprint Unimlimted...use to be Bud Shootout. Which is a non point race...first point race will be Feb. 24th at Daytona 500! After ninety LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG days my count down is slowly coming to an end...and with it, my NASCAR withdrawal will be cured! Hope you all are as excited as I am!
  7. Thanks Roger. I was excited last night when I logged in and saw that we got ten members in my league! Would like a few more, but if this is all that I will get for my league, I will be happy. Thanks for your help...without your help, there probably only be four or five in my league. Sixteen more days til the Daytona 500...a week from tomorrow is the Sprint Unlimited. Use to be the Bud Shootout. Though if you ask me, I think they should have stuck with the Bud Shootout. But then again, no one asked me. So next Saturday is the beginning of Speedweeks! I will be making a new thread for the upcoming 2013 NASCAR season soon...
  8. This has got to be one of my favorite Toby Keith songs...
  9. Guess what y'all...there is ONLY 20 LOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG days until the Daytona 500! Who else is excited?????
  10. LOVE this song and the emotions that Lonestar puts behind it. Loved it when I saw them sing it in concert!
  11. Congrats MM and Roger on your win
  12. Well we are only in the third quarter and in delay due to the lights and all...but so far I am LOSING big time. Guess there is always hope for a huge comeback...
  13. OK Hoss you asked for it...here it is: This has got to be one of my favorite Backstreet Boys songs...the video is kinda creepy though.
  14. This is such an awesome song...an awesome video. Then again my opinion is biased...Kenny Chesney is my favorite Country artist.
  15. Jeff shakes his head as he slowly stands up. "I've been in the Sprint Cup Series for twenty years Commissioner Hogg. Be hard to be in something for that long and not know or appreciate the history behind it all. I know where NASCAR has came from. The history behind it. Trust me, I know. And never before had I heard of that...that name just said," he pauses as he begins to walk towards the door, "So no, that is not why I race you. To be honest with you, I refuse to race someone I don't trust. Too dangerous to be racing someone as fast as I drive with someone you can't trust. Have a nice afternoon gentlemen." With that Jeff slowly steps back outside, glad to get some fresh air after being trapped inside with those two. "Well looks like our meeting is over, Commissioner. I am glad we have come to an agreement or a settlement with all of this," Aussler states as he stands up, his folder of the papers tightly in his hands, "you let us know where your sheriff wants to race and we'll make sure to be there. If you don't mind, I need to go check on my client." He nods and slowly walks out to find Gordon sitting on the porch swing. "So Thom," Gordon states looking up at him, "that was a nice settlement you made and all, but I do believe you are missing one thing." "And that is?" Thom states, raising an eye brow. "You have just volunteered Bo Duke into this big ol' mess...as if they all haven't been brought into my mess as it is," Jeff pauses, "you sure he'll want to enter his car into this race? To race me and that sheriff in there?" Aussler nods. "Sure he will. According to folks around here he's the best driver around these here parts. Any local race car driver would love to prove his talents against someone who everyone knows excels at the sport," Ausslers states confidently, "but if for some dumb reason he's not ok with it, it's up to you make it OK with him. I did my part. The rest is on you." Gordon nods. "Sounds fair enough." "Dang right it is fair enough! If you didn't go off on your own all of this wouldn't be happening right now, now would it?!" Aussler throws back at him as he steps off the porch, "Wait til you get back and see the zoo you created with the media, NASCAR, your sponsors. Your team. Your family. You'll have a lot of explaining to do." Gordon sighs and nods. "Well if I knew this woulda happened, I wouldn't have done it. Just thought it would be nice to go for a drive," Jeff defends himself before reluctantly joining Aussler. "But for now I do believe we should go talk to the Dukes. See about them being OK with this deal of your's and perhaps finding a car for me to race." Aussler nods as they look up to find Jesse and the boys slowly walking their way.
  16. Jeff Gordon watches Hogg and Coltrane sign Aussler's papers while arguing amongst themselves before Aussler takes the papers from the sheriff. "Now wait a minute," Gordon breaks his silence to recieve a dirty look from Aussler, "how in the world you expect all three of us to lose? I don't know what kind of race you watch or know about...but every race I have ever watched, raced, or heard about...they all had a WINNER to them. No way you can have everyone lose in a race...there will have to be a first place, a second place, and a third place. End of story." Aussler gives him another look before sighing in defeat and eyes the paper that has been signed. Placing them in his folder that was on his lap, he glances up, "Well it sounds like my client has an legitimate question, Commissioner. What is it that you mean that all three of them is suppose to lose?" With that he leans back in his chair and watches the commissioner and his side kick, watching their reactions while waiting for a response.
  17. Wow what a horrorific story Hoss . Just so sad to hear stories like that. For everyone involved. I can't imagine being in that building when that happened and all the panic. It would be natural for the people to panic and get lost in the mess and then to add the fumes and all that other stuff they mentioned? So sad for everyone. The victims. Their family, friends. The people that survived -their lives are changed forever due to one night that was suppose to be fun. And the band members. Setting fireworks off in a club...not a bright idea. Especially with only way out like that. Should have had it all checked out...and maybe they did and it was something else. I don't know. Either way they got to feel horrible and that night too will change their lives forever too. It is horribly sad no matter how you look at it. I remember being at a concert where the group went off the stage to a back stage. I made the mistake of going with the crowd to get closer...and remember thinking at that moment if the place caught fire or something happened, everyone would be trampled to death. My thoughts and prayers are with them all.
  18. What guilt trip and accusations, Roger? I was just laying down the facts. You can't argue the facts, can you? Ah well...was just giving you a hard time. I wouldn't get all upset about it. Jr is a good guy and a great driver. Can't go wrong by going with Jr...though you could do better to. Like going for JEFF GORDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. See you haven't been on for awhile...hope everything is OK.

  20. 34 years ago THE BEST TV SHOW made it's first appearance on TV with "One Armed Bandits". Though I was yet to be born on the date that it aired, I do remember watching it when I was a kid...though was very young. I got back into it in 1997 when it was on TNN (It came on TNN in 1996...) and been hooked ever since '97. Even recall the first episode I watched on TNN...was the second part of "Million Dollar Sheriff". Leave it to me to catch on the last half and not the first...ah well, was good enough to get me hooked on any account. Fifteen years later and I still LOVE the show. Life would sure be different without the Dukes...and boring too. Without the Dukes who knows where my writing would be at (not that I have gotten any writing done in the past MONTHS, but at least I have a show to write about whenever my muse comes alive...if ever!). And without the Dukes...would probably still consider NASCAR the most senseless sport ever. Before the Dukes I had thought of NASCAR or any kind of racing as senseless -after all all they do is chase each other in circles. No one gets anywhere despite the many miles it takes to get there. Might as well as watch the dog chase it's tail...less expensive and in most cases, no one gets hurt. Then the Dukes came around with The General Lee, they raced, and talked about Richard Petty and had Cale Yarboro on the show. Changed everything - now I can't get enough of NASCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST TV SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DUKES OF HAZZARD!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Well Hoss please don't hate me for posting this BRAND new New Kids on the Block song...I am just so excited about the new music and being able to go see them in July, well, I couldn't help it... As I said...New Kids brand new song. In fact they just introduced the song on the tv/radio today or last night. Can't get much newer than that.
  22. Wow Roger...where did I ever steer you wrong?! Don't get me wrong, I do like Dale Jr. He's my third favorite driver. He's a great guy. Great driver..but really? He just got done being voted as the most popular driver for the ninthe time in a row...you really think he needs another fan? What's so wrong with Jeff Gordon or Jimmie Johnson? Oh that's right...they are from California...talk about discrimination of drivers here Roger. As I said, I do like Dale Jr...nothing against him or his fans. If I did, I'd have something against myself. Yep do agree with you. You change drivers like Coltrane changes cars. Like Hogg changes lisence plates. Guess I'll ride this phase out...sooner or later, your favorite driver will have to be Jeff Gordon. Who has 87 Sprint Cup wins, twenty years in Sprint, four championships...and an all in all great guy. Just because he is not a redneck and is from California doesn't make him a bad driver or a bad person...in fact he now has a big ol' house in North Carolina. Is that good enough for you Roger? Ah well if you can't tell, Roger, I am pretty loyal myself. Been a Cubs fan since I was four years old. My favorite TV show has been the Dukes since '97 (I know I know not as long as you...don't rub it in. I can't help it I was born too late! Though I do remember liking the show way back when before they took the show off...if you want to count that.), been a NASCAR / Gordon fan since '98 (somewhere around there), and been a Bears fan for the past few years (took me forever to truly understand the sport of football..as it did with NASCAR). I have only moved away from my home town for a year before going back...though about now I would love to move somewhere WARMER than here. HA HA. So I guess we have that in common, we are loyal. I just like the better teams and driver! If Jr wins it all this year, I will be excited and happy for him. As I said, I do like him. He is a Hendrick driver. He deserves to have a great year...though Roger I do have to tell you what your new favorite driver did at testing in Daytona a couple of weeks ago. He was out with ten other cars...and guess what? He managed to wreck all ten cars! INCLUDING JEFF GORDON!!!!!!! Don't worry Jr drove off while Gordon had to go to the garage...all thanks to your little Dale Jr.(Though guess it is not entirely his fault. I was told he was trying to bump draft with Ambrose - Ambrose drives a Ford. Jr a Chevy. Guess the rear ends of the Fords don't match up with other makes and that is what had caused the accident.) Still it was Jr who caused it...ten cars on the track and he wrecks 'em all...way to go Jr. LOL But I wouldn't count on it (on ol' June Bug (JR) winning it all) Roger...it is Jeff Gordon's turn to shine. After all the bad luck he went through last year, it is about time that luck turns his way. His drive for five is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And oh yeah, btw, thanks for advertising my league and bringing more people aboard. You seem to be doing better than I am at it. Please feel free to join my league...it will be fun and I promise not to pick on you as much as I do Roger. Also...ONE MONTH from today is the Daytona 500!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else excited?
  23. Thom Aussler watches Hogg throughout his whole speech before nodding slightly when Hogg is done. Leaning over he quietly whispers into Gordon's ear, "What you say about that?" Gordon eyes Hogg and Coltrane for a long moment. "You thinkin' of caving into them after all that they have done? All that they are doing? They are threatening the very same people the govern every day!" Gordon pauses for a short moment, "It's up to you Aussler. I can beat him with my eyes closed. Easily." Thom nods at him before sitting up in his chair and forces a cold smile. "First off, Hogg, I'd appreciate it if you would stop polluting my lungs with that awful cigar smoke. Bet Jesse would appreciate it too if you'd stop polluting his nice little farm house. You want to smoke, take it outside. And this meeting is over and the deal is off the table," Aussler goes quiet as he watches Hogg for a moment who stares angrily back at him with dark angry eyes. After a moment Hogg hands the cigar to Coltrane who reluctantly stands up and smashes it out in the tin emtpy garbage can. As the sheriff slowly sits back down, Aussler continues, "Thank you. "Second of all, I don't get bullied around by others. Or controlled. I don't normally take offers from the people I am handing out the offer to. But," he inhales heavily as he takes the papers back and quickly writes down something on them, "luckily for you Gordon and I don't have time to waste over petty little details like this. Gordon will find himself his own car, Bo will drive The General, and your sheriff can drive his car. That's it. "And oh yeah. If Coltrane there is driving in the race, well then," Aussler gives them a cool smile, "the moeny I had mentioned that will be going out to you two will be given to Coltrane. If he wishes to share with you, that is his business and his business alone. That is our deal. Take it or leave it." He shoves the papers back towards them. "As I said, please sign and date on the lines. Both of you," he nods as he sets the pen on top of the papers.
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