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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. I am glad Hoss that you are so excited about the great news that NKOTB has come out with today. If you want...I just got done watching thier portion from today's "The View" on YouTube. I could always post the link here for you to watch... 98 Degrees and Boyz 2 Men are their opening acts...they were on "The View" as well. Dang it Hoss you beat me to it! Ah well here is my song for the thread...by two of my favorite Country singers...together. Just awesome!
  2. Well Hoss, I bet you are just dying to find out what the BIG NKOTB news was that they came out with on THE VIEW today...now aren't you? Well before I tell you the awesome news, let me post my AWESOME song! "Don't Turn out the Lights" New Kids on the Block with Backstreet Boys It is from their performance on Dancing with the Stars and does include a couple other NKOTB / BSB songs if you are interested. As for thier big news...sorry to say that you are way WRONG with your predictment of what the news is, Hoss. Sorry for you. Happy for me. Their big news is that they have a NEW CD coming out in early April, new single out next week...and get this - you'll love this - TOUR DATES!!!!!!!!!!! Better yet...looks like I may be going to go see them in July...this NKOTB fan is EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Bet you heard me yelling in excitement all the way where you are, huh, Hoss?) So in other words, the New Kids on the Block is going to anything BUT silent this summer. Don't you just love it, Hoss?
  3. Thanks Roger for your support. Yeah if you do know any NASCAR fans please let them know or send the info. Right now there is only a select few signed up...then again we still got a month to go. *sigh*
  4. Well I was listening and watching I like Brad Paisley's music and do love this song...but got to say I absolutely LOVE this video. Once you see it, bet y'all can't guess why? LOL. Yeah...it has to be the best video ever created!
  5. Thom nods as he sits down after he had stood up to greet the sheriff and the commissoner. "As do I, Commissioner," he slowly nods as he glances at his paper work in front of him, "so let's get started. I have spent the past few hours working with the Dukes and well, looking over this weak case you have against my client. Jeff Gordon. "Now before you go and argue against my claim let me let you know that I do have a witness that has stepped forth with new evidence. Including this here picture," he puts the picture Little had given to him on the table, "as well as these," he puts the pictures that Earl and his investigators had taken of the beat up vehicles down at the police garage. "My witness' picture clearly puts your sheriff there at fault. If that is not enough, my investigators' pictures clearly state that your sheriff hit Jeff Gordon's SUV." Thom goes silent as he comfortably leans back in the old wooden kitchen chair, letting what he had just said to sink in for Hogg and Coltrane, giving them time to look at his pictures. After a moment he sits back up and continues, "Now look. Jeff here is a highly acclaimed NASCAR driver. Best there is. Four championships. Eighty-seven Cup wins. Twenty years in the highest level of NASCAR. If anyone knows that accidents happen, it is ol' Gordon himself. So we understand that accidents happen. Perhaps your sheriff got distracted. Perhaps he had a twitch. Perhaps his breaks went out," Aussler shrugs, as if to say it was no big deal, "My point being is, that accidents happen and that is fine. What is not fine is how you treated my client. How you used your accident to frame my client. How you had him in jail for something your sheriff had done. How you tried black mailing him to earn you money. No, that's not OK. That is why I am here..." Once again Thom pauses for dramatic affect as he glances over at Jeff for a long moment who silently watches, sitting tense in his chair. Looking back at the man dressed in white and his sheriff Thom inhales and rests his hands over his papers. "But let me tell you what a great guy Mr. Jeff Gordon is here," Thom finally breaks his silence before Hogg could interrupt his speil, "if you drop these here false charges you have against him, we too will drop our charges of framing him and all the other charges I can come up with against you. "But not only that, you drop these false charges he will agree to race against Bo Duke in the General Lee. You pick the track or location of the race. Three fourths of the proceeds that comes from this here race will go to the Hazzard County Orphanage. The rest goes to you and your sheriff...evenly." Once again, Thom goes silent. Letting all he has said to sink in before he finishes what he has come to say. "You decline our offer, the offer will be off the table and I will make official charges against you and your sheriff for the whole ordeal you had put upon my client. I got a good stable witness that put Coltrane at fault, we got the pictures, and we got Gordon's rock solid background to back him up. I have a pretty strong case and if I was anyone else, I wouldn't be making this here offer...I'd just go and press my charges. But Gordon and I have agreed that it would be best for us all if we all can agree with the offer we just made the two of you," Thom pauses to look through his paper work before he comes forth with his written offer and an black ink pen, "You two discuss what I just said. You agree with it you both will need to sign and date on the line there...then we can discuss where this race will be located at and when. Understand?" With his offer on the table, Thom leans back with his hands behind his head, glances at Jeff before giving Hogg and Coltrane his full attention.
  6. Can't believe I didn't think of this song last night...one of the first things that entered my mind this morning was this song to this thread. Glad it still works. Love this song...and truly miss John Michael Montgomery and his music (on the Country music scene that is...)...saw him seven times in concert and he was AWESOME each and every time. I was 13 years old when this song came out and I still remember it as if it wasn't that long ago. Great song, great video, great singer!
  7. Well so far the only HNet member that is interested in joining my Fantasy NASCAR league on Yahoo is Roger (thank-you Roger! )...but there is still plenty of time to sign up. Still 32 days left to the Daytona 500! All are welcome and as I said before, it is all for free and all for fun. Would be glad to help you sign up as well as help you learn how to play - it is super easy. In case you are interested in joining my league - my league ID is 1062. My password is JGRules. The league name is Gordon's Drive for Five. Though all you need to know to sign up is the league ID # and the password. It is on Yahoo.com. If you have any questions or concerns about it, let me know and I'll be glad to help you out in anyway I can. Even if you don't know a lot about NASCAR, Yahoo gives out driver info, track info that you can count on as well as placing their own fantasy leagues up to go by as well. You don't have to watch the races to play either...
  8. And it has been a fun three years at that. Guess if you like sports you must have some competition in ya. LOL Well we'll have to see who will win this one... GO 49ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Woo Hoo! I won, I won! Now what did I win? Just kidding... Well the 49ers have yet to fail me this post season so I am going to go with the 49ers to win the Super Bowl this year! Wow Roger...you just always have to go for the opposite team than me. Now don't you? Well I guess we will have to wait a couple of weeks just to see who has picked the better team. LET'S GO 49ERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Well Roger looks like you won't be watching the Super Bowl. The Ravens just beat the Patriots 28 to 13. Guess I got half my wish... Super Bowl teams...49ers against the Ravens. Looks like Ray Lewis has another game left to his career...
  11. So far the Patriots are winning by six points (at half time)...I am really hoping for a 49ers and patriots Super Bowl game. Got half my wish ... now working on the other half.
  12. Sorry Roger...your Falcons musta fell behind my 49ers. 49ers now going to the Super Bowl! 49ers 28 - Falcons 24. Now all we got to see is who wins the Patriots and Ravens game.
  13. The Nextel commercial was hilarious...first one was fast. LOL. Here is another Jeff Gordon commercial for
  14. That was a good one Hoss, but do believe I got one a bit better than your's. Then again, my opinion is biased... Yep this has gotta be the best commercial ever...has to be where they got the whole idea of "Cars" from. After all, this had to have been taken way before the first "Cars" movie was even thought of. As for your Coke statement, Hoss, I am not a fan of Coke products (Sprite is OK). I prefer Diet Pepsi or Dr. Pepper if Diet Pepsi is not an option.
  15. Thanks Hoss for reminding me of this song by your "Lollipop" song on the other thread. This is from their first album where Joe, the youngest in the group and the lead singer of this song, was only twelve years old or so. They sound so young...LOL.
  16. Well Hoss you ask and you will recieve...here is some more NKOTB. Just for you... Well Hoss, I hate to say this to you, but you are wrong. No way they would go anywhere in silence...not with such a huge fan base that they have. Hope you are not too disappointed when their big surprise is NOT what you are wanting.
  17. Sorry Hoss but I couldn't help myself. The New Kids will be on "The View" on Tuesday (sadly I won't be able to watch it... ) but they are suppose to reveal some news. I am hoping it is some tour dates for their upcoming NEW album that they have coming out in a couple of months. (See Hoss...in a couple of months I'll have some new and upstead NKOTB music. Just for you. )
  18. Seeing how the Duke kitchen was too small and there was a lot of people involved, the Dukes and their company all packed into the barn. "We got about fifteen minutes before they get here," Jesse calls out as he looks at his old pocket watch. "We all trust Mr. Aussler will do what is best for Mr. Jeff Gordon with Commissioner Hogg and his sheriff. We appreciate all the help we recieved from Sheriff Little," he nods at Little who gives a small smile, "and the agents. Thanks for coming to help Mr. Aussler." "Thank me? I'm doing my job. I am doing what I get paid to do," Aussler states, "Gordon and I are the ones that are thankful for you Dukes stepping up in a big way to help us out in our time of need. Without you...well who knows what or where we would be. I told your commissioner that it would just be him, his sheriff, Gordon, and I at our little meeting. We will be appreciative if you all would respect and honor that. Know this is your house and all and I appreciate you letting us borrow it. Figured it would be best than the sheriff's station. If I had my way, Jeff here, won't ever step foot in that nightmarish building." Jesse silently nods at the lawyer before glancing over at his boys to find Luke silently taking it all in while sitting on an over turned bucket while Bo nervously and anxiously moves from foot to foot. Turning back to Aussler, "The house is all your's for however long you two need it. Me and my boys have plenty of chores to get caught up on. Daisy needs to get to work and well your agents will have to figure out what they can do to buy some time. Perhaps Little can give 'em all a tour of Chickasaw." The agents begin grumbling amongst themselves about Jesse's idea. "I really think we can think of better things to do than take damn tour of Chickadee," Earl boldly states, look at Aussler for him to turn the offer down. Aussler smiles at Earl and turns to Sheriff Little. "You know what Sheriff Little," he pauses momentarily, "I think Jesse has a great idea. My agents would love a tour of your nice little town. Be a good taste of small town living. They all live in a big ol' city and know very little about small town livin'...they may find they might even like it." His agents angrily look at their leader before caving in and nodding at him. Knowing better than to argue with him. "A tour of CHICKASAW," Little corrects Earl, "would be a great idea. Though we all won't fit in my car. Someone can follow me. Let's go." The population of the barn steadily decrease before they all pile out. "Good luck Jeff and Thom," Daisy smiles at both of them and waves at her family before climbing into her car to take off. "Guess that is our cue," Jesse smiles walking to the entrance of the barn, "good luck you two. We'll be close enough to see when Hogg and Coltrane leaves and will make our way back when they leave. Otherwise, if you need help, just run outside and yell. One of us ought to see or hear ya. Good luck." Jesse waits a moment before eying Bo and Luke who stay in place. "C'mon boys we got work to do as do they." Bo and Luke reluctantly nod at their uncle before glancing over at Aussler and Jeff on their way by. ***************** Jeff Gordon and Thom Aussler watch as everyone leaves them to do their own thing to create a still silence in the barn. "Well guess we should get in the kitchen and get prepared to meet with the Hazzard law," Thom breaks the silence as he leads the way from the barn and into the kitchen. "OK Jeff. I want you to sit right here," he points to the head of the table, "I will sit here and those two will sit across the table from me. That way I can talk to them easier. We will stay seated until the meeting is over. You are not to say a word to them unless I nod my approval for it. Understand?" Gordon breathes out heavily. "I understand," he slowly states, "I hope you got a good case to support me, Thom. I am not going back with them clowns. Or racing them either. I will race Bo or Luke or any other honest citizen of this town, but I am NOT going to race someone I don't trust. And those two, Thom, are not to be trusted. Worth anything!" Thom nods at Jeff as he lays the papers down on the table that he had laid on the kitchen counter. "Look I got it all wrote up right here. The deal that is," Thom points at it, "I know what we are dealing with. In order for me to do my job you need to trust me...just like you do your crew cheif. Understand?" Jeff nods as a car becomes audible, a car that is steadily growing closer. "I think they are here," Jeff states, "let's get this started and over with. I need to see my family. Need to go talk to my crew. Need to get back on track." "I understand that. But first thing is first," Thom pats Gordon on the shoulder, "and we have to worry about this before we even start to think about all that other stuff. Let me do the talking, remember what I said, and we should do fine. This is an open and shut case." "Good," Jeff states forcing himself to relax in the old chair before he looks away from his lawyer and around the farm kitchen. Silently taking it all in while his thoughts wonder away from his situation and to the Dukes. Of the lives they live. Of what all goes on in this house and out of this house. And despite their crooked law, can't help but think that with the family they have, that they love the life that they live. Depsite the chaotic mess the law puts them in and the very limited income they recieve, they are happy with what they have and where they live. That they make things work with what they have and are happy with what they have. "Now then," Thom once again breaks the silence as a car is heard outside and he looks at his expensive watch, "sounds like they are here. Just in time."
  19. Aussler lets a deep sigh of relief escape him at hearing the commissioner finally cave into his request to meet him on his terms. "OK Commissioner. Gordon and I will meet you and your sheriff in an hour in the Duke kitchen. They have agreed to stay out until I give them the signal to come in," Aussler pauses a moment, "Just a reminder. You and your sheriff. That is all. Anyone else shows up the meeting is over and my deal is off the table." "Well Luke," Thom turns to the country boy who had sat through it all quietly besides him, "sorry to see what you and your family have to go through with them. Will be glad to get Gordon out of your town and hopefully set the media right without much damage than what has already been done." Luke smiles and nods at the lawyer. "Well it is a lot easier to fight an enemy you know than one that you don't," Luke slowly responds, "but it's not over yet. We've got an hour. We better call everyone in and let them all know what is going on and then get you and Gordon ready to meet with our law." "I'm on it Boss," the agent in the front seat says pulling out his cell phone and pushes a few buttons before saying something into it. "Hey Luke," Gordon finally breaks his silence, "I will have to say this to everyone, but want you to know how much I appreciate all that you all have done for me. If it wasn't for you, well, I'd probably still be in jail. Either that or had no choice but to give into what Hogg wanted." Luke gives a small laugh. "Not a problem, Jeff. As I said, we know our law better than most around here. Easier to fight something you know...become to know what to expect and so forth. Though," Luke pauses dramatically, "we would have come to your rescue no matter what, but you really have Bo to thank. Bo would never let me hear the end of it if you went to jail or if we didn't do enough to help you. Know you probably hear this all the time, but he has got to be one of your biggest fans." Jeff smiles and nods at him. "Well I appreciate you and all of your family for what they did. Appreciate your cousin for his loyal support as well," Jeff states before going silent to look out his window. "Thank you." "They said they'll be at the farm in another fifteen minutes or so so we can discuss what is going on," the agent says turning around in his seat. "Alright thanks," Aussler states as he quietly goes over the deal he has planned out to make to the commissioner as well as how he should deal with this meeting.
  20. Just for you Hoss . . .
  21. Not proper music, eh Hoss? Well in that case here is another GREAT New Kids on the Block song to show you how proper their music is. I am in the middle of reading a book about the New Kids on the Block and iti makes me realize the process they went through to become a group and to make the music...and the videos.
  22. "Baby I Believe in You" Jordan Knight / New Kids on the Block Jordan Knight is the singer to this song, but he is a member of the New Kids on the Block and this song was on a New Kids album. Love this song...Jordan Knight was always my favorite New Kid.
  23. Thanks for the heads up JPB. Sad people have to worry about stuff like this...
  24. Just looked and her ID says just over eleven years ago I registered...but could be longer than that. Seems like something messed up the dates with that ID. Could be wrong though. Been here awhile that is for sure. :D

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