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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Almost a hundred in our RP...awesome. Been a great a hundred posts. :)

  2. Garrett is getting close to his nineth year of being on Hnet ;). I was Kristy before I had him...Have probably been on here for about eleven years. I'll have to find out. LOL

  3. Thom Aussler sighs in frustration as he stares out the window anger rages within him. Anger at the crooked commissioner that wouldn't take time out for their meeting and had tried to control him, anger at himself for allowing himself to be jerked about by strangers in his joke of a county, and anger at his client. Anger at Gordon for being naive enough to go off on his own for his own adventure. Thanks to his "Sunday drive" he now has charges of all kinds stacked against him, is on the run, and has him out trying to save his hide. Not to include all the pressue he feels from the media, fans, from NASCAR to bring Gordon back yesterday. "Luke, I am not in the mood to be messed with right now. We have been on this damn road for the last fifteen minutes and nothing. No Gordon. No patrol car. No nothing. We are in the middle of nowhere!" Aussler yells at the locall despite his growing sympathy towards him and his family for having to put up with this circus act of a town all their life. "Heck, he's not even answering his -" "That's why," the driver in front states, tension thick in his voice. "Damn it!" Aussler cusses as he sees the wrecked patrol car, Gordon's small figure in the middle of the road and what looks to be an ambulance. "Must be that fake ambulance," Luke states as they grow closer, "this here is a rental car and I know you want to bring it back in great shape, but if you want to save Gordon I suggest you ram the ambulance into the ditch before they can use it to take Gordon." "Do it...do whatever it takes to get Gordon," Aussler states, "once we get Gordon in the car we will call your Commissioner. Gordon can't leave this town an escaped convict. We will have to find a way to sit him down and have a face to face chat. Show him our photos. Show him our evidence...and perhaps work out a deal." "A deal?" Luke asks surprised, "After what -" "Not for Hogg's sake or Gordon's. For this town. For you. Your family. Gordon will see fit to do something to pay you all back. He has a heart of gold," Thom nods confidently, "but for now, ram him as good as you can. Just make sure we are not in need of a REAL ambulance due to it." "Sure thing boss," the driver answers confidently as he presses onto the accelerator and everyone braces themselves as they rear end the back of the ambulance that slowly moves forward and into a tree. As soon as the car comes to a halt, Luke, Thom, and his agents jump out. "Hughie Hogg you rat!" Luke hisses as he sees Hughing near the damaged ambulance, "I shoulda knew it was you when Gordon said something about some fake injuries! So what you gettin' out all this?" Luke stares at the thin man before looking up to find Aussler and his guys stuffing Gordon into the car. "Guess this is my cue that it is time to go," Luke sighs, "give ol' Boss a message for me, Thom is going to be giving him a call and if Hogg knew what was best, he would listen Thom through before he says anything. Got it?!" Before recieving an answer, he climbs into the crowded back seat and slams the door shut before the driver squeals away. "Wow talk about perfect timing," Gordon states with relief, "I didn't know what to do." "I will tell you what we are going to do, Jeff," Thom states firmly, "I am going to place a call in to J.D. Hogg and place a meeting with him. We will show him our photos proving it was his phony sheriff that is at fault. And then we will make our deal with him. He drops the charges against you, we won't take this any farther. He drops the charges against you, you will race Bo in the General. Three fourths of the money earned will go to the Hazzard County Orphanage...the rest will go to him and his sheriff. So they will get something out of this whole ordeal. Plus we will make it look like it all was his idea...he contacted you, wanted a race, we can even call in a few media sources. Show what a swell guy Hogg is." "After what he just gone and done to me?!" Gordon yells, "I'll be glad to race Bo but not to give -" "Jeff, you don't have much of a choice. If we can't get the charges dropped against you, then we will be going to court. Even when we win, your name will be in the media with all this trumped up charges. Right now the media just thinks you went off on your own...got tired of the whole racing and needed a break. They are coming up with a whole bunch of speculation. These charges will only spread fire upon all them speculation. In order to escape bad publicity," Thom states, "we need to give them good speculation. Show them all what the great guy you are. Not that you need to prove it. You already did with your Rwanda trip. Your Children's Hospital. Your other charities, but -" "With my disappearance I need to remind them of all that," Gordon slightly nods, "fine. Whatever it takes. Do it." With that the driver hands Thom the CB. "Commissioner J.D. Hogg. This is Thom Aussler. I don't know if you heard back from that rat of your's in the ambulance, but if you haven't, let me tell you, we got Gordon with us," Thom states assertively, "but before you get all upset and ready to fight. Listen to me. Gordon and I have come up with an agreement that we need to sit down and talk to you and your sheriff face to face. Show you what we have. Just as I planned to do when I first got to your town. "As I said, Gordon will be with me. We are not going to leave Hazzard on the run and if push comes to shove I will have to fall on my back up plan, but I respect that you are smart enough to listen to what we have to say first before doing anything rash." Thom pauses as he whispers something to Luke who nods, "Meet Gordon and me at the Duke farm in an hour. Just you and your sheriff. No one else. I see anyone else coming, we will retreat and my deal I have for you is off the table. See you in an hour Hogg."
  4. Gordon upset at himself for even entering this circus town, upset at himself for allowing the crooked commissioner to tempt him with his unsupervised keyed patrol car, and upset at himself for allowing Hogg's circus act of a ambulance and medical crew to wreck climbs out of the wrecked patrol car. If he was anyone else, he would throw up his hands and surrender to all the fake people of this county with some hope of leaving the town alive...and with a little digintity. But he wasn't just anyone else. He was a highly trained NASCAR driver who encounters difficulties, wrecks, miscues, and chaos with every chance he climnbs into the car. Meaning one of his characteristics is stubborness to surrender to such circumstances. Always determined to get in the car, push the accelerator down to the floor, and carry on. No matter what. Never give up. And dispite not having his highly qualified stock car at his side, those characteristics forces him to refuse to give up, refuse to give in to Hogg and his crooked people. But looking around and slightly shaken by the wreck he is at a loss at what to do next.. Where to go next.
  5. The Dukes is real? There is a Hazzard Georgia? That's it I am putting my papers in tomorrow morning, packing the car, and moving! Moving to Hazzard GA that is...gotta be better than this freezing cold place I am stuck in. Plus we all know how Hazzard loves happy endings...Bo and Luke Duke. Uncle Jesse. The General Lee! Hazzard has gotta be the best place on earth! Though I don't know about Gordon just being some actor playing a NASCAR driver...that part in your post is depressing and just plain wrong. So since that is wrong then that also has to mean your whole ordeal about the Dukes being real is wrong too. Meaning I shouldn't be packing up and moving afterall... Sorry to disappoint y'all...but gotta go for the 49ers and the Patriots for my above reasons. Though I guess it could be the 49ers against the Falcons... Forget football already...my Bears are outta the hunt anyway. 40 more days til Daytona 500 and the beginning of the 2013 NASCAR season...that's what really counts now!
  6. I am now hoping for a 49ers vs Patriots Super Bowl game...LOL. (Only because Jeff Gordon likes the 49ers and Donnie Wahlberg (New Kids on the Block member as well as on my other favorite TV show, "Blue Bloods") likes the Patriots.) Awesome reasons to pick a team, I know, but without the Bears I really don't have a team to go for. . .
  7. Ahhh Roger...what at scary thought and feeling. Don't feel that way. Just think of it as a new experience. You never know you may love Fantasy NASCAR so much that you get addicted to NASCAR the sport...heck you may be good at it and end up winning the whole thing. By the way if anyone else is interested in joining...let me know and I'll let you know how to get signed up. Still got 41 days til the first point race...got plenty of time.
  8. I agree. Love the screen name. Welcome to Hazzardnet...all things Dukes of Hazzard!

  9. Yeah that sounds great

  10. Well Roger...am I completely out now? I mean the 49ers are still alive...
  11. Looks like half of my prediction went down the toilet...no more Broncos. My last hope is the 49ers...they get out tonight, then I have lost all interest.
  12. Jeff Gordon shoves the sheriff's car as fast as it can as mixed emotions flow through Gordon. Fear, excitment, relief, nervousness. All wrapped up within him. Only to send questions rippling through him. Was his win at Atlanta worth all this? No...not only is he stuck in this nightmare, he is away from his family who is worrying about him. He is away from the track which means he has probably missed another big race. Meaning a big hit in his points. Also meaning his chance for this year's championship is all but over for him. And his team. His poor team. Just because he decided to go off on his own, they are now without a driver and will also take the same hit in points he has taken. All because of him. They are probably worried about him now, but if he ever gets out of this, they'll be rightfully angry at him. And what about the Dukes and the rest of the innocent people of Hazzard who live with this every day? How can Gordon walk away from here and leave it as it is without feeling bad for them? Especially the Dukes after all they have done for him. Of course, driving in NASCAR for twenty years, Gordon does know the right people. Perhaps he could take Bo and Luke with him. Show off their talent. Get them a ride in the Cup Series. That would definatly be a start at paying them back for all that they have done for him. Gordon sighs as he sees a dark intersection up ahead, car lights flair on the other side. Looking to be going as fast as he is. Leaving a large lump in Gordon's throat in fear. Going the speed he is going, there is little hope that he'll be able to stop in time. If he does, he'll be going back with Hogg and Coltrane... ******************************** "Thank you for coming over and trying to help Mr. Gordon out, Sheriff Little," Jesse states from the passenger seat as they get to the top of a large hill with a sudden drop. "Think we all need all the help we can get. Coltrane and Hogg are willing to do anything to set up Gordon." Little grunts from the driver's seat and Jesse notices how tight his hands are upon the steering wheel. "Had to do something when I saw it happen. Just knew Hogg and Coltrane wouldn't listen to me. But when I saw the picture I developed, I knew I had it," Little blows out heavily as they begin to go down the hill, "Hang on. Those two cars are coming down that hill at a good clip. As am I. No way any of us will be able to slow down." Jesse finds himself holding onto the door and glancing protectively back at Daisy who flashes a small smile. Looking back, Jesse gripes, "Who in the right mind would be driving that dang fast down this dang road?! Especially at night?!" Litttle shrugs. "We are," he states, "one of us is gonna have to budge." Jesse nods silently for awhile watching Little's Mustang reach the dip in between the hills while the other first car reaching around the same time. "Hold on Daisy," Jesse says worriedly as they reach the bottom. As they reach the oncoming white sheriff's car, the sheriff's car professionally swings over to pass Little's Sheriff car. "What in the world?!" Little exclaims, "Your Sheriff Coltrane musta been taking lessons from your boys to be driving like that! That was an expert move...too easy to swing over too much and go into the ditch!" With they all look out their windows at the deep ditches that have large thick trees planted in them. "We ain't done yet, Little," Jesse warns as they brace themselves for the on coming car. "He's racing in the middle of the damn road!" Little exclaims, "No way we can make it around that fool!" Jesse braces himself for the hit and as the cars get close they both slam on their brakes forcing their car to hit eachother sideways. As the fancy GTO car hits Little's car it slips forward to dive into the deep ditch forward, coming to a halt at the foot of a large and thick tree. "Damn it," Little cusses to get a dirty look from Jesse, "sorry. But this here Mustang is my baby and just look what that...that...that fool gone and done! Just 'cause he thinks he's too good to drive on his side of the road as everyone else does!" Jesse shakes his head. "You OK Daisy? Little?" he checks on everyone who nods sullenly, "We better go see if the other driver is OK." Little nods as they all pile out of his car and walk over to the crashed car as the doors swing open. "Sheriff Coltrane? Boss Hogg!" Little yells in surprise, "Who in the world is driving your car? Heck I shoulda known it wasn't you Coltrane. He was much better driver than you! You just proved it...driving in the middle of the damn road! Look at what you done to my Mustang! Hope you know you payin' for the damage you done!" Jesse eyes Little and the fire of anger in his dark eyes. "It's a car, Little," Jesse states as he slowly slides down the hill to where Hogg was having difficulties gettin gout. "Just as your beloved General Lee is just a car, right?" Little spits out, walking back to his car. "Boss, Rosco," Jesse states as Daisy and him help them and their passenger up and out of the ditch, "you got yourselves some explainin' to do." "And Rosco needs to go back to driving school!" Little yells out.
  13. You impress me Hoss that you are now able to identify the number with the driver...I am no longer the only one it seems. *sighs* You know all this and yet have to tell me who your favorite NASCAR driver is...I can always assign you one if you wish.
  14. Or Richard Petty days remaing until the Daytona 500... But yeah Aric Almirola now carries the King's number and drives for the King...
  15. Well y'all with 43 days remaining until the Daytona 500 Yahoo has finally opened up their Fantasy Auto Racing and I have just opened up my first league! Am super excited. If you are interested please let me know and I will send you the info. Once again, if you have questions, let me know and I will be glad to answer them the best I can. It is super fun, super easy, and all for free.
  16. Woo hoo! Thanks Hoss...now I have something to watch this weekend. Would do so now, but I think I will wait til this weekend when I will be able to enjoy it more. Thanks for the link! Great picture too...does Bo and Luke go there to buy parts from "Geoffery"? LOL
  17. Jeff Gordon watches the car in his rear view mirror before looking forward and pressing harder upon the accelerator and feeling the car shove forward. With the speed under him, he feels the adrenaline rush wildly within him. Never before had he ran from a cop. Never before had he been in trouble from a cop. But also, never before had a cop frame him for something he didn't do. Especially something as serious as attempted murder of a police officer. A small and nervous smile crosses his face as his thoughts turn to the media and what all they would say over his predictament. What they may be saying about his disappearance. Only to remind him of his son's movie the first "Cars" and Lightning McQueen; who was a famous rookie race car going for the championship when he got lost in a small town and was reported missing at the big championship race. But that was a fictional movie...this was not. What was he going to do if he escaped the oncoming law? He couldn't possibly run away from the law for the rest of his life. But he refused to sit behind bars for something he didn't do. Refused to sit there and let people accuse him of such horrible things and allow his own children to hear such accusations about him. Picking up the CB he thinks for a moment and with a smile says, "Bristol." With that said, he throws the CB down and makes a sharp left turn on a dirt road and watches the distance between him and the GTO grow in distance.
  18. Well I just went over there and yeah I can't find a place to check out at...perhaps Yahoo is keeping us prisoners in our league? HA HA. ;)

  19. No I haven't. Was there earlier, but I guess I don't ever really check out on my home computers. Will have to check it out. That is odd though...

  20. Well this isn't exactly NASCAR news but it being Jeff Gordon, I have to share it. LOL. This Wednedsay he will be on a TV show called "I get that Alot" where he is suppose to sell car parts at a car part store without getting recognized. It is on this Wednesday night on CBS at 8 PM ET. Sadly this Jeff Gordon fan will not get to watch it because I have something else I have to do that night at that time and since I have to have the box to watch TV, my VCR won't record. :( Am hoping to get a chance to watch it online sometime this weekend...CBS often times have episodes of their shows on their website...fingers crossed on this one. I have seen videos of it on lines of it for the past week and it looks hilarious. I think this one has to be my favorite clip I have gotten to see of it so far... This cracks me up every time I watch it...how can the guy not know? I mean look around the store? (Oh and by the way...there is now Jimmie Johnson's number of days til Daytona...in other words...48 days til Daytona 500! I for one CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!! And 83 more days til the opening day of baseball! )
  21. Well all I have to say about next week's football games is.... GO 49ERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Thanks for the message. Always great to hear from you. Away from the computer? How can you manage that? LOL. Hope all is good for you.

  23. It has been a long time...probably even longer since I was in it as well. Could come up with plenty of ideas...but most of 'em probably no good.
  24. Thank you for sharing your collection Sissy Duke...like what you got.
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