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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. As everyone twirls around from looking at the wrecked cars, the large man slowly and confidently steps down from the step from the hallway and into the garage. A thin smile covers his round face at seeing the sharp look of surprise upon the younger Duke's face as well as the deputy's face. A questioning and stern look crosses the investigators' faces as they take in the large man and what he is wearing. "She...sherr..." Enos's voice squeaks as he stutters in shock, fear, and surprise before he pauses to look over at Bo as if to silently ask him if this was his idea. When Bo shrugs, Enos looks back at the man standing in front of him and attempts to hide his emotions. "Sheriff Little," he finally gets the sheriff's name out, "wh...what are you doing here? Wha...what can I do to help you?" "You heard me, Deputy. I saw the accident them there investigators are investigating. I apologize for me not stepping in any sooner, but you know Hogg and Coltrane won't listen to a word I have to say," he firmly states before turning to the investigators, "Hi to you guys too. I am Sheriff Ed Little of Chickasaw County. Commissioner Hogg, Sheriff Coltrane and I don't get along. If you met them, perhaps you understand why." Earl finally nods. "We are getting the idea of the why you may not get along with them. Piece of work they are," he shakes his head in dismay, "but you being the sheriff of one county or another, you know how important it is to step forth and report your findings of any crime. NO matter WHAT!" Little jumps slightly. Irritated that he had the nerve to talk to him that way. "As I said, they wouldn't have believed a word I said. I'd be wasting my breath. I saw Bo and his cousin Luke helping that driver out," Little points to the SUV, "and I am here now. With evidence." Bo eyes the larger sheriff with questioning eyes as he fights back the excitement that rushes within him. First the paint on the cars pointing to the sheriff and now this? But his past history with the sheriff is quick to halt any excitement. "What evidence?" he questions for everyone, no longer willing to be silent and let the others do the work. "What were you doing in Hazzard anyway?" "Well I..." Little looks around embarrassed, "I have this little hobby of mine that got kinda passed down from my grandmother. Watching birds. Never liked it at first but she made me go with her with a camera and binoculars. Looking at every such bird there was. She'd see a big hawk and you'd think she struck gold or something," he laughs to himself, "sweet ol' lady. Drove me crazy having to sit all still and patient like that. And for what? A bird! But as I got older I got ta appreciate the time with ol Granny and now well," he shrugs his big shoulders, "I go out there just to be with Mother Nature as she had done. Every bird makes me think of Granny...sweetest old woman ever. Sure do miss her." "Enough with your ol history sheriff!" Earl yells from the sheriff's car, "What has chasing some ugly bird around bring you to Hazzard?! Don't they have birds in Chickadee?!" "Chickadee? Where you get that grouch at?" Little asks the nearest investigator as he points to Earl, "I don't know where Chickadee is at Oscar nor have I ever been to Chickadee. I am from Chickasaw County. The county bourdering Hazzard just over there." He points outside of the garage. "Chicadee? Chickasaw? The same damn thing," Earl rolls his eyes, "either get at what you have come to tell us or get outta here and stop wasting our time!" Little inhales deeply as he eyes Earl before looking at Bo who stands off to the side, watching the exchange. "Look investigator," he starts using sharp words, "I have come to help, but if you wish I can take my story and my evidence back to Chickasaw County as you have told me to do. I just thought if I could help an innocent man out, I would. G'day Bo. Deputy." He eyes Bo and Enos before turning around back to the door. "Bye Sheriff," Enos states with a niave look on his face, "I'll tell Rosco and Boss you stopped by to say hi." "Enos!" Bo yells at him before grabbing Little by the forearm, "Look Little...you gotta excuse them investigators. They are from the big city...and not Atlanta. They work with a big shot lawyer that is aiming to get Gordon out of jail but he could use any evidence. Any help he can get. Please excuse their behavior...they don't know no better." Little eyes Bo for a long moment and then looks at Earl. "Fine OK. Y'all are forgiven. For now," he reluctantly states, "I was following this bird from Chickasaw County into Hazzard. It was my off day so I was not on duty. I had taken several good pictures of this bird...that you are not interested in," he says sharply, "when this guy's SUV comes and scares the bird away...so instead of taking a picture of a bird, I gotta picture of this." He goes silent as he pulls out a normal sized picture out of his chest pocket and hands it to Bo. Bo gives a nod of appreciation to Little before looking down at the picture which is a picture of the sheriff's car running into the side of Gordon's hood of the SUV. "Damn. Clear as day!" he states with excitement as he passes the picture onto Carl who eyes with a look of satisfaction and passes it on. "Sheriff Little you may have just gone saved the day! Thanks a bunch for coming forth like this!" "Damn," Earl states finally showing a hint of a smile. "Jack pot. I repeat Bo's appreciation. Thanks Sheriff." "I'd have stepped forward sooner...but as I said, Hogg wouldn't hear a word I'd have to say. So I had to wait for my film to get processed. Just came in an hour ago," Little states as Enos is reluctant to look at the picture. "You mean this Mr. Gordon didn't run into Rosco?!" Enos asks, his voice rises in excitement and anger, "Mr. Gordon is," he pauses to look at Bo with dreadeful eyes, "is innocent?" "That there Deputy is what we have been saying all along. We just didn't need no damn picture to prove it to us," Darryl state. "Or some paint on the sheriff's car," Earl joins pointing at the cars.' "Gordon has a heart of gold. If he hit the sheriff on accident, he'd have felt horrible about it. Would do anything to make it right. But Gordon is the best driver around," Carl confidently states, "no way he'd have an accident as careless as this was!" "And now he is kidnapped," Earl states with resentment, "by Boss and Rosco." "Kidnapped?!" Little yells in outrage, "They are the law! The law don't kidnap prisoners! They put them in jail!" "They did," Enos slowly states, "but Mr. Gordon refused to race Boss...so Boss got desperate and took desperate measures. I guess." "Now I'm mad," Sheriff Little states, the fire in his dark eyes confirms what he had just said, "I am not leaving Hazzard County until justice is brought upon Hogg and Coltrane. I will not leave until this Mr. Gordon is a free man. Where is Mr. Gordon, Deputy?!" "I...I don't know, Sheriff," Enos shyly states, "you know they don't tell me nothing. They don't trust me to keep their secrets a secret." "Well then, I suggest we go back inside and you put a call into your boss," Little orders Enos, "tell him there is an emergency at the sheriff's station. You need him and the sheriff back here as soon as possible." Everyone starts to walk away from the garage and back into the sheriff's station. "I. . .I can try," Enos slowly states, "but what's the emergency? When Hogg is off on one of his money making ideas, there is no way of pulling him back!" Little eyes the investigators before eyeing Bo and a smile forms on his face before he quietly whispers the idea to everyone around. "Got it?" he asks Enos. Enos eyes Bo and then the investigators. Looking at Little, Enos nods. "I got it Sheriff," he pauses as Little hands him the CB holder. Enos fumbles with the switch to move it to the right channel before screaming into the CB, "Commissioner J.D. Hogg! You out there?! Sheriff Coltrane, you out there?! You hear me?" static comes back, "Sheriff! Boss! I need you to answer me! Sheriff! Boss! ANSWER ME!"
  2. Who do you think will win? Dang Roger this is a hard question... I hate to say this, but I think the Packers will win another Super Bowl over the Texans maybe. Who I want to win the Super Bowl (since sadly my Bears have no chance of winning...) is the 49ers to beat the Broncos in the Super Bowl. And in case y'all are wondering...I picked the 49ers because that is Jeff Gordon's favorite NFL team. (Jr's favorite team is the Redskins and Kasey Kahne's favorite team is the Seahawks...)
  3. Well the Packers lost to the Vikings...the Vikings are in for the play offs. The Bears are out... Onto next year.
  4. Glad your Steelers won for you Roger. Always good to end the season with a win. Hopefully next season will lead your Steelers to the post season. Thanks for the congrats. Excited for the win...and now watching the (cough cough) Packers (cough cough) game. And for the first time am sad to see them losing at the half.
  5. Well after a strong first half for the Bears, the Bears lost the 17 point advantage to the Lions and walked away with a 26 to 24 win. A win is a win and I'll be glad to take it... And now for the first time ever...I will be hoping for a Packers win. Guess there is a first for everything...
  6. Love Cooter's...closest thing to Hazzard. Was Cooter there? Glad you got to meet Rick and that you had a good time. Rick is a great guy!
  7. Can't remember...was trying to think of that as well as the other day. If you go by what I wrote down a couple of years ago...looks like I failed. Again. Though if you are planning on doing it again in 2013...I am interested in trying to do it. Again. Perhaps if I try enough times, I'll eventually suceed.
  8. Hope you have had a great birthday...miss seeing you around HNet!

  9. Deputy Enos Strait gulps audibly after listening to all that Bo was asking of him before looking nervously at the four muscular men that surrounds him. "I...I really want to help you, Bo. Really I do," he finally states, "but I can't. Just can't do it." "Why not, Enos? Because of Boss and Rosco?" Bo asks, already knowing the answer. "So your dang job is more important than a human's life? Better yet, it is more than just about Jeff Gordon. He has a wife. A two year old son. A five year old daughter. All at home in tears with fear and worry for her husband. For their daddy. For their daddy who is not home because Hogg is so greedy and selfish." Bo shakes his head in disgust at the deputy, "And you holding out on us for your job makes you just as greedy and selfish for not helping us bring their daddy. Their husband home to them. If that isn't good enough for you Enos, you know he has his own children's hospital? Other great charities helping those in need. Who is going to help them all out now that their founder is in jail? Damn Enos," Bo starts walking back and forth, "I thought I knew you better than this. You really disappoint me. Disappoint my family. Disappoint Gordon's family. Your damn job is replaceable, but a husband? A daddy?" Bo stops in front of Enos and stares at him, "They aren't replaceable. Tell me Enos, how you plan to sleep tonight knowing all that you are helping Hogg and Coltrane do to an innocent man and his family. Makes you just as bad as them, Enos!" Everyone jumps as Bo yells the last part into the deputy's face. The agents look at one another, surprised that a little ol' farm boy could must enough confidence and anger to stick up to the law as Bo had just done. Enos stares at Bo in disbelief of his own that a friend would get in his face as Bo had just done. "I. . . I don't know what you want of me, Bo. You know Boss and Rosco don't tell me nothing. They don't tell me nothing cuz you and Luke will eventually get it out of me," Enos states nervously, looking everywhere but at Bo. "C'mon Enos. You can do better than that," Bo states, "you know something. I can tell. What is Hogg doing with Gordon? Where are they?" Enos breathes out. "You know what Hogg wants. He wants to race Mr. Gordon and Mr. Gordon is being stubborn about it all. All he had to do is -" "Shut up Deputy!" Earl snaps, tired of this conversation, "Jeff Gordon didn't run into anyone. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Jeff is a highly skilled NASCAR driver...which makes him an even more skilled driver out on the street. Your Commissioner and your sheriff is trying to use Gordon for his money and talent! Perhaps if Mr. Hogg and Mr. Coltrane wished to race Jeff, they should have asked him. Instead they falsely accused him of something we all know he didn't do and now has him kidnapped. Your Mr. Hogg and Mr. Coltrane are now facing some serious charges." Enos eyes him wide eyed. "Serious charges? Bo?" he looks at Bo who silently and sternly nods, "Look you know as well as I do Bo that Hogg and Coltrane don't wish no harm on him or anyone! All they -" "All they are doing is kidnapping an innocent person and you not cooperating with them now makes you an accessory to their crime," Carl interrupts, "try the words, aiding and abetting." Enos looks at the men who all sternly look at him and Bo who looks at him with angered blue eyes. "Look I don't know where they took him. All I know is that they took Mr. Gordon to go see someone," Enos finally exhales, "I don't wish no harm on anyone. You know that, Bo. Tell 'em. I had no word or no say in any of this. I'm just doin' my job!" "I really don't care right now, Enos. It is one thing when it is Luke and I that you all are falsely accusing, it is a whole different thing when you bring someone like Gordon into it! He has people depending on him. People who are worried. Ol' Earl here is talking about calling the SWAT team down to look for Gordon...to get at Hogg. So," Bo pauses for a long moment, "I think it would be best for you, Hogg, and Coltrane if you would cooperate with us." "The SWAT?" Enos' voice squeaks in fear, "Honest Bo, I'm tellin' you the truth. They took him somewhere to meet someone. They didn't tell me where or who." "Took him?" Chris breaks his silence, "You mean kidnapped him?" "Forget you," Earl shakes his head stepping in between Bo and Enos. "Where's the wrecked cars?" Enos eyes them all, shaking his head. "I can't tell you that. That is for the sheriff and the police," he states. "See this?" Earl states, shoving his ID in Enos' face, "States I am an Private Investigator and I am investigating the disappearance of one Jeffery Michael Gordon. One that your bosses have hid somewhere due to something Gordon did. Them cars could prove your side. Or it may show Gordon's innocence. And now you are trying to interrupt the right to do MY job? Perhaps we should just arrest you right here and now. Throw you in your own jail. Love the irony of it all." Enos gulps before eyeing Bo with angry eyes for bringing the agents into his jail. "Uh um," he stutters. "OK then," Earl states pulling his phone out of his jacket, "I can call the SWAT right here and now on your bosses. May put your name in my call as well. Them SWAT boys don't mess around. People tend to get hurt when they come to town." Enos eyes Bo. "Don't look at me Enos. You gone and done this to yourself. Not me," Bo shrugs nonchalantly, "besides I can't control 'em. Or stop 'em from doing their job." "OK, OK, follow me," Enos relents and slowly turns around and Bo and the investigators follow him down a hall where he opens the door to the garage. "Here's the garage and the wrecked cars." "Thank you Deputy," Chris states as they all walk past him towards Gordon's wrecked SUV. Chris and Earl with cameras while Carl and Darryl have pen and paper out to take notes. "Hey look at this!" Earl yells out in excitement near the nose of the SUV and everyone rushes over to where he stands taking pictures. "See that?" he points to a scrunched in metal over the front wheel, near the driver's door. "That there is white paint from that there sheriff's car. You know what that means, Deputy?" Enos eyes him blankly. "No sir," he slowly states as Carl and Chris walks over to the sheriff's car. "Yep. . .there is red paint on the front bumper of the sheriff's car," Chris states snapping pictures of the front bumper. "Means that your sheriff ran into Gordon," Earl states matter of factly at Enos, "kinda hard to hit someone with the side of your car, now isn't it Deputy." "I. . .I guess so," Enos slowly states, "but if Gordon ran a stop sign when the sheriff was comin' then -" "The sheriff hit the SUV. I saw it with m' own eyes," a deep voice drawls and everyone turns around to find a big figure standing in the door way.
  10. Personally I like Lovie Smith...but by what people are saying on FB, I may be the only one to feel that way. Then again, I liked him when he was with the Ram and Kurt Wariner. But if the Bears would play better for another coach, then I guess that is what would count. I am really hoping for a win against he Lions despite the whole manager/coach situation. I heard he still has another year on his contract to go as well.. Excited that Julius Peppers, Charles Tillman, Henry Melton, Brandon Marshall and Tim Jennings all made the Pro Bowl for the Bears! (I think I got all that right )
  11. "Nothing," one of the agent hisses out in frustration to drag Bo's attention from the all too familiar scenery; stating the same thing Bo has been warning them about all along. "Don't know what you are expecting to find," Bo states as he makes his way back to the group of men, "it's not like there is some video or camera is marked here to show what had happened." They all stare at Bo with a look of impatience. "Well when the boss tells us to go investigate, we go investigate. End of story. But since you seem to think you are so smart," the taller of the group peers over at Bo with piercing blue eyes, "why won't you tell us where we may find those answers that will clear Gordon of his clean name?" Bo inhales heavily as he fights back the instict of hitting the agent as hard as he could just to see if he could be any more sarcastic. "Well we could always go to the jail and talk to the one and only honest law we do have. Deputy Enos Strait. Couldn't lie to save his life," he states instead eyeing the men while his thoughts remain upon what Luke could be doing right now. "Hogg and Coltrane don't really trust him with all their information, but he may know of something that could help. Something to shed light on." "Sounds good...but we all have been summoned to the farm," the smaller agent, named Hanks states, "we'll have to let everyone know your idea and go from there." ***** Thom Aussler looks at his clock before looking at the Duke clan and his seven agents. Everyone looking tired and stressed after a night of attempting to rest. They had met back at the farm after Hogg's last statement on the air and conversed notes of what they all had come up with. Pretty much close to nothing. And despite everyone agreeing that Bo had the best idea of getting to Enos, they figured the morning would be the best time to approach the deputy. "You going to meet Hogg?" Luke breaks the silence. 8:30. He had a half hour to get to the jail and to where ever Hogg wanted him to be at. "Nope. I will not be controlled by him or his crooked law," Aussler firmly states. "I am not playing his crooked game he is playing. I came to talk to the man but he was unwilling to cooperate. So. He wants to fight, we'll fight. But he better be warned, I don't lose. He has now taken prisoner a highly recognized athlete and he will be dealt with how we deal with highly recognized criminals as he and Coltrane are." Everyone is silent as they eye each other quizzically. "Well then Mr. Aussler," Jesse speaks up, "what do you plan on doing?" "Luke, me, Hank, and Karson will be on our way," he nods at Luke, "while the rest of the team will go with Bo. They will go talk to that deputy and see what they can get from him. You and Daisy I need you to be our ears in town. See what is getting out and about. See if you can find anything else out. Bo eyes them wildly. Not too keen about being seperated from Luke; again. "What will you guys be doing?" he skeptically asks. Thom shakes his head. "We are going to find Hogg our way and make him beg for mercy is what," a broad smile reaches his face, "let's go before he decides he wants to talk to me; again. And when he does, Luke will answer. I am not talking to him any more. Not wasting my time with him." Everyone silently nods, not wanting to argue with him, before they slowly leave the old farm house in hopes of bringing Gordon back to safety.
  12. Well we are heading into the last week of the 2012 football season and with a win from my Bears last week against the Cardinals the Bears still have a little hope of making the play offs...sadly it requires a win from the Bears' rivals, the Packers. (LOL) Bears will have to win against the Lions Sunday and the Vikings will have to lose against the Packers to get into the play offs. Otherwise their bags will be packed and I'll be forced to live the whole month of January with no sports to watch...guess I can always watch the Bulls. LET'S GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!! How does your teams look going into the last weekend of the season?
  13. Well I did ask my cousin, but he has yet to respond. May have to prod him again to see if he is interested...LOL. I wouldn't want more than ten. Would be happy with ten. Yahoo said it won't open until the first week of Jan. though wouldn't be surprised if it was more like the middle of January that it got opened. I will be glad to post it on your fantasy BB league if you wish. Know other sports do have a max and a min amout of players on the team...but the first year I pladed Auto Racing it was just the three of us. So perhaps it is different in Auto Racing. Also different is in in FB, BB, baseball, is that if you are in more than one Auto Racing league when you set the field for each race you set it for all the leagues at once...where in the other leagues you get to chose different players and the such.. Was disappointed last year when I found out that I had to settle for the same team in both leagues rather than chose different teams. Ah well I guess. Will let you know when I know more.
  14. Aussler looks at the CB in his hand with disgust before angrily throwing it down on the table. "Nine o'clock tomorrow morning? He may run this damn town and everyone in it, but he does not run me!" he cusses running a hand through his thin hair as eyes the crowded room, "I don't have time for this. Jeff doesn't have time for this. No." He shakes his head as if he was having a conversation with someone, "I am not going to just sit here and wait on Hogg and the rest of your crooked law to work time into their schedule to meet me!" "Thom I respect you are upset. We all are," Jesse states firmly, "but I appreciate it if you don't cuss in my house. Cussing Hogg out won't help anything none." Thom eyes Jesse firmly. "Forget what I said then. I came here thinking that perhaps I could sit down and have a face to face chat about this so called situation he has put Gordon in. I was even willing to forget pulling charges on him and his sheriff. I had this great plan that would benefit him and this town. Make this whole miserable situation into a positive," he pauses as he eyes his men, "well forget our plan gentlemen. Hogg wants to play rough, we can play rough." "Rough?" Jesse looks at Luke quizzically, "We Hazzard folk don't like to see people hurt. Even our enemies." Thom sighs heavily and forces himself to sit down in attempt to organize his angered thoughts. "I never said anything about hurting anyone. Just I am no longer willing to make any deals with your law," he forces out calmly, "he just gone and admitted that he was holding Gordon captive. Live on the air. Stupid old man." he forces out a sarcastic laugh. "Hope he enjoys life behind bars." ******** Meanwhile fear assualts Jeff Gordon as he sits in the backseat handcuffed like a criminal. All his life he had stayed out of trouble and now just because he decided to go on a little drive of his own, he finds himself arrested and a prisonor. The sound of his lawyer's voice brings a little comfort to Gordon but with Hogg taking him to where ever he is, who knows what will bring about. Or who this fella is that supposedly owes him a favor. "I know I've said this before," he finally breaks his silence, "you are making a big mistake. Especially now that my lawyer is in town. Sure he's got the best of the best with him. Enjoy your freedom while it last."
  15. Yeah I will have to find that out...am not sure if there is a limit. The first time I played anything fantasy was Yahoo! Fantasy Auto Racing (Yahoo calls NASCAR Auto racing...) was with my cousin and his friend. Was just the three of us that played. And guess what? Give up yet? LOL. I won. And that is the only time I have won at fantasy...though for my football league I have made it to the playoffs...down to the last game and all. Me and another guy. Wish me luck...Yahoo has picked the other guy as a favorite over me. As for the name...last year I did have a Hazzard name picked out if I did get enough people for a league. Though I didn't find anyone last year interested in joining and the I seemed to forget the title at the moment that I had. I did ask my cousin if he would want to play...though have yet to hear back from him one way or another. Will let y'all know... As I said, if anyone is interested in joining, let me know and will make sure to send you info and what not...if you are unsure about NASCAR, would be glad to help you out the first couple of weeks or so...
  16. Sorry to hear you and the hubby are sick...definately not fun. But at least the dog ain't sick...my Lilly got sick a couple of months ago from some bacteria and it was not good at all. So...guess it could be worse. Hope you all get feeling better soon. Not fun being sick to begin with, be worse to be sick on Christmas and your birthday.
  17. Hi Redneck Girl. Yeah I got everything wrapped and put under the tree. It was a nice Christmas. Just too fast. Hope your's was good. :D

  18. Thom Aussler looks over at Luke and asks, "Is this guy for real?" "I'm afraid so, Mr. Aussler," Luke rolls his eyes at the CB, "when ol' Hogg gets the idea of how to steal an extra penny, he goes all out for it and he'll tear down anyone who tries to stop him." "Well he's not going to tear me nor Jeff down," Thom states, full of determination. Picking the CB up again, he leans back in his seat and states, "Look Mr. Hogg I have been filled in on this negative situation that we all find ourselves in and I am highly disappointed by it. But then again that is where I come in. To turn a negative into a positive." Thom goes silent as he watches the car pull into an old farm's dusty dirt drive way, taking it all in for a long moment before turning back to the CB. "I don't know about you Mr. Hogg, but I prefer to do a face to face meeting rather than to discuss all this over the CB like this. I can be at your office in an hour to discuss our situation and all that I have come to offer you and your sheriff." As Thom goes silent Luke states. "This is the farm. Jesse will be inside. You hear back from Bo or your boys?" "Dunno," Karson states from the back seat, "No one is answering our call. Either means they are in trouble or they found something. Let us all hope they found something rather than in some sort of trouble." Luke eyes the tall muscular PI for a long moment as a chill of fear runs down his spine for his cousin. If something were to happen to him, he would never forgive himself. "Damn right they better not be in some sort of trouble," he hisses at the agent. "Calm down. Both of you," Thom orders as he watches an older man in bibs step out on the porch, "they will call back when they got something. For now let's go in and fill the old man in on what's going on and hope Mr. Hogg will call back." "Jesse...the old man's name is Jesse, Thom. You may not live out in the country. May live and surive in the big city and all that fancy stuff, but while you are down here, you will respect my family." Luke states, eyeing the lawyer with firm blue eyes. "You understand? Otherwise I will escort you and your boys off my property and you can deal with Hogg and the Hazzard law on your own." Thom puts his hands up in mock surrender as he steps out of the car. "I understand. I didn't mean to disrespect you or your family. I just forgot his name," he shrugs as everyone joins him. "Let us all go in and talk to Jesse and see what he has to say before Luke here takes me back into town to have a nice talk with Mr. Hogg. That is if he agrees...if not, well, we all will be on our way to find Mr. Hogg so we can have a talk. Better?" Luke sighs heavily as he walks past the investigators to Jesse. "Hi there Jesse. Like you to meet Jeff's lawyer Thom Aussler and his associates," Luke states and Jesse shakes their hands while eyeing them causiously. "Where's Bo?" Jesse states full of worry, "I'm not getting a good feelin' here." "I apologize Mr. Duke if we come across the wrong way. This is just how our law works," Thom speaks with a kind smile, "Your Bo went with the other half of my team to invistigate the scene of the crime while Luke here is helping me and this half of the team." "Luke?" Jesse eyes his oldest nephew. "Yes sir. He's speakin' the truth," Luke slowly states as he leads everyone inside. Once everyone is crowded in the small kitchen he says, "I told Thom here that he should come talk with you and that you may shed some light on J.D. "Boss" Hogg and our crooked law. Seems like they have removed Gordon from jail and has him hid out." "Hid out? As in kidnapping him?!" Jesse yells full of anger, "Now they are taking things too far! I. . .I," he stammers before sitting down and calming his emotions. Looking at Thom he says, "I'll do my best to be of help to you and your men. Best thing to know about Hogg is he is not to be trusted. No matter what. He is dirty, low, and greedy."
  19. Sorry to hear MM that things aren't going so well on your b-day. Hope your family get feeling better soon. Hope you aren't sick on your special day! Just means you get to celebrate your special day longer. Happy birthday Meadowmuf'n!
  20. Thanks for your interest Roger...will make sure to let you know when I create the league and so forth. Yeah I do think you do have to have a free Yahoo! mail account to create a team. Thanks again Roger...this should be fun!
  21. Luke sits in the passenger seat, slowly directing Thom's driver to where the dynomite shack is located. "So tell me Duke, how Jeff end up here when the rest of his team made it back to the shop?" Thom breaks the awkward silence. Luke shrugs before pointing the driver to turn right. "I think he said something about a win in Atlanta and he wanted to take a drive," Luke is slow to respond as the shack comes in clear, but no police vehicle in sight. "That's the shack, but I don't see the Sheriff's car or the commissioner's car. Don't look too good." "I don't have time to go on a wild goose chase, Duke. Jeff better be -" "Or what, Thom?" Luke snaps turning around, "Bo and I...my whole family have done everything in our power to help Jeff out. If you haven't noticed, we are on your side. And now you sit there threatening me when I am doing all I can to help you out. Rosco said on the CB that he was here. So that is what I told you. Knowing Hogg he found out about Rosco's call on the CB. Got mad. Moved Jeff to a new and more secure location." Luke sighs heavily as he steps out of the car, "But before we all jump to conclusions, how about we have a look?" Thom eyes Luke with a hint of surprise. Not a lot of people have enough nerve to talk back to him like this farm kid just done. "OK Luke. Let's have a look then," he slowly states and he begins to walk next to Luke. "I apologize. Things are getting a bit stressful at the Hendrick camp. His wife and kids are all in a panic. Once the media gets wind of this . . . it is going to be like a wild fire." Luke nods. "Thanks to my cousin, I do understand all of that. Know Jeff probably hears this from everyone, but my opinion, is that Bo is Jeff's biggest fan. If Jeff has a good race, Bo has a good day. Jeff has a bad race, Bo has a bad day. This all is killing him." Luke reveals, "I hate it just as much. All I know of Jeff, I learned from Bo. Hate to see such injustice done to anyone and hate to see Bo this upset and hurt. Trust me Thom. We are doing our best to help you. To help Jeff." Thom nods in understanding as they reach the entrance of the shack to find it empty. "Damn," Thom hisses as he walks over to the empty chair with the cut rope. "They were here...they musta moved him like you said." Luke nods as he looks around and eyes the fresh tire tracks. "Fresh tire tracks. They were here not too long ago," he shakes his head in frustration. "You said this Hogg guy is greedy, right?" Thom slowly asks as they slowly make it to their car and Luke nods in agreement, "Is there a way I can get a hold of him?" Luke shrugs. "The CB would be the best bet...that is if he would pick up," he is hesitant to answer. "Why?" "Because I came all this way to have a legalized communication with this guy Hogg and I will have it one way or another. Thanks to sponsors, Hendrick, and some other people I just may have the money to get this Hogg guy's attention." They all climb back into the dark car. "I don't know Thom. Hogg is set on racing this race. Getting the attention. The money. He is pretty set on his ways," Luke slowly responds. "You have a better idea right now Luke?" Thom eyes Luke from the back seat who shakes his head not. "Very well then. Hand me the CB and get me on the right channel. I need to set this meeting up and see what we are up against." "Ok then. You're the lawyer," Luke states handing Thom the CB handle and putting it on the right channel. "It's all your's." "Thanks," Thom nods at Luke before speaking into the CB. "Is there a Jefferson Davis Hogg out there? A Boss Hogg?" he goes silent for a long moment before continuing, "If there is, listen close. I am Jeff Gordon's lawyer, Thom Aussler. I have come here to have a meeting with you and your sheriff about this situation my client has found himself in. Name a place and time and I would be glad to meet you two gentlemen." Thom hands the CB handle back up to Luke. "Hopefully that will get his attention. If not, well then, we will have to think of something else. I am not leaving until Gordon is on his way home to his family," Thom says to the car full of men, "you have any ideas where they may taking Gordon to, Luke?" Luke stares ahead for a long moment. "I don't know. Could be anywhere. How about we go to the farm and get Bo's crew back there and fill my uncle in on all that is going on. No one knows J.D. as well as Uncle Jesse does. He may have a clue on where he would go," Luke is hesitant to respond as he directs the driver in the direction of the farm.
  22. You are welcome, Roger. Hard to believe that it has been fifteen years already, isn't it? Don't think I really had an opportunity to meet Denver, but would love to have been able to meet him. Very true...have to take each opportunity you can get, because one never knows what could happen. Good lesson. Denver's passing hit me harder than any other celebrity's passing has before and after that sad day. I will always miss "Uncle Jesse". RIP Denver.
  23. Well the NASCAR season won't start for another 61 days . . . *SIGH*. . . and I for one am anxious for the arrival of speed weeks. Or better yet for Daytona 500...NASCAR's Super Bowl race. I just checked Yahoo's Fantasy Auto Racing (NASCAR) and they say that the season has concluded (sigh) but will reopen in early January. Only a week or so away! Which got me somewhat excited...for a fresh start in fantasy sports. Though I did make it into the play off section for my fantasy football team... Anyway, once again, am interested in creating my own Fantasy NASCAR league if I can find anyone interested in joining. Otherwise, I could create one and make it public...but it would be more fun playing with people that I know. For all that is somewhat interested, here are some of the rules or how it works: *Every week you chose eight drivers to be in your team that week (or if you don't change it the next week, it will stay with last week's picks.) * Four of the drivers are starters, the other four are bench drivers. The starter drivers you will get points for where they qualify at, for laps led, and where they finish the race at. Whereas the bench drivers will get you points for where they qualify at ... so for them it don't matter if they finish first or last or last. *There are three groups of drivers. Group A (the more seasoned drivers, drivers that win more...) Group B (drivers that are good, but don't win as often) and Group C (the underdog drivers...the rookies and the drivers that you don't think of to win races.) *From Group A you pick one starter driver and one bench driver. From Group B you pick two starters and two bench. From Group C you pick one starter, one bench. On Yahoo they do have driver stats and expert picks that you can use from race to race - though it don't neccesarily mean a great finish (Here is an example of what a roster may look like: Group A: Jeff Gordon (S) Jimmie Johnson ( Group B: Dale Jr (S) Jamie McMurray (S) Ryan Newman ( AJ Allmendinger ( Group C: Michael Waltrip (S) Paul Menard () *For starters, you can only use a driver nine times (Bummer, I know. I'd love to use Gordon all 36 races...oh well. ) That is all I can think of as rules right now...I find it fun and entertaining. It gives me more than just Gordon, Johnson, and Jr to follow throughout the whole race. If you have questions about the game please ask them here or message me and I would be glad to answer them the best that I could. If you are interested in joining my league, please let me know here or message me...Never thought I would be for fantasy sports, but now that I am in it, find it fun and addicting. My league would just be for fun and NOT for any money. (Thanks Roger for the idea of starting a new thread for the 2013 league...had thought of doing that but didn't know if I should or not. Probably best for a new thread. Thanks for letting me know that you are interested, Roger. I can't wait to play you in NASCAR...perhaps in one league I'll get to beat you. Though I will not take that for granted and will have to keep a close eye on you...wouldn't want you to beat me in NASCAR. LOL. )
  24. Thanks Hoss for your awesome artwork that you do...just amazing! You both are very welcome...not a Christmas goes by that I don't stop and think of Denver / Uncle Jesse. Bo and Luke will always be my favorite DOH character, but Uncle Jesse was such an amazing person. As I said, I felt as if I lost my own uncle when I heard he had died.
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