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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. You are very welcome Roger. Wasn't sure if I wrote it out correct or political correct or what not, but just wrote what I felt. Haven't told many people about this, but the night he died I had a dream or a vision of him...it was odd but it was so clear and will never forget it. I was away visiting for Christmas so was at a hotel. All I remember was him coming and saying that I shouldn't be sad that I should be happy...that he wasn't in any more pain. Something I will always remember and find comfort in. And being fifteen years made me feel like I should write something for him...what an amazing actor, person, character. RIP Denver.

  2. Well the NASCAR season won't start for another 62 days . . . *SIGH*. . . and I for one am anxious for the arrival of speed weeks. Or better yet for Daytona 500...NASCAR's Super Bowl race. I just checked Yahoo's Fantasy Auto Racing (NASCAR) and they say that the season has concluded (sigh) but will reopen in early January. Only a week or so away! Which got me somewhat excited...for a fresh start in fantasy sports. Though I did make it into the play off section for my fantasy football team... Anyway, once again, am interested in creating my own Fantasy NASCAR league if I can find anyone interested in joining. Otherwise, I could create one and make it public...but it would be more fun playing with people that I know. For all that is somewhat interested, here are some of the rules or how it works: *Every week you chose eight drivers to be in your team that week (or if you don't change it the next week, it will stay with last week's picks.) * Four of the drivers are starters, the other four are bench drivers. The starter drivers you will get points for where they qualify at, for laps led, and where they finish the race at. Whereas the bench drivers will get you points for where they qualify at ... so for them it don't matter if they finish first or last or last. *There are three groups of drivers. Group A (the more seasoned drivers, drivers that win more...) Group B (drivers that are good, but don't win as often) and Group C (the underdog drivers...the rookies and the drivers that you don't think of to win races.) *From Group A you pick one starter driver and one bench driver. From Group B you pick two starters and two bench. From Group C you pick one starter, one bench. On Yahoo they do have driver stats and expert picks that you can use from race to race - though it don't neccesarily mean a great finish (Here is an example of what a roster may look like: Group A: Jeff Gordon (S) Jimmie Johnson ( Group B: Dale Jr (S) Jamie McMurray (S) Ryan Newman ( AJ Allmendinger ( Group C: Michael Waltrip (S) Paul Menard () *For starters, you can only use a driver nine times (Bummer, I know. I'd love to use Gordon all 36 races...oh well. ) That is all I can think of as rules right now...I find it fun and entertaining. It gives me more than just Gordon, Johnson, and Jr to follow throughout the whole race. If you have questions about the game please ask them here or message me and I would be glad to answer them the best that I could. If you are interested in joining my league, please let me know here or message me...Never thought I would be for fantasy sports, but now that I am in it, find it fun and addicting. My league would just be for fun and NOT for any money.
  3. "What time is it?" Bo ask, aggravated as he pats his knee anxiously, "The lawyer told you two hours and -" "Give him a minute. If you weren't complaining and blooping you would hear the air plane getting closer. Perhaps that is him," Luke interrupts before going silent to make the plane noise to become clear and Luke can almost hear Bo sigh in relief. "See? What I tell -" Luke is interrupted by a loud static on the CB before Rosco's voice becomes audible and Luke is quick to turn it up. "Ol Mother Hen. You read me?" "Mother Hen. Loud and clear," the sheriff's mom replies, irritation in her voice, "Rosco this CB talk of your's is nonsense. You know who I am and I know who you are. Why can't we talk like normal human beings and not some spy hero of your's?" "Mother Hen please stick to code. I discussed this with you already and if we need to do so again, we can later on. But right now I got some exciting news for you. You are going to love it! Khee!" the sheriff goes silent a moment as the plane comes clear into view, "Are you ready Mother Hen?" "Ready for what?" she asks and Luke is forced to raise the volume on the CB as the plane gets louder, "What is all so important that you have to go and interrupt my sewing? Whatever I am going to supposedly love, better be good! Now get on with it!" "Yes ma'am," Rosco states as the large plane swiftly hits the open field and rolls for a while before coming to a halt, "That Jeff Gordon fella you and your lady friends like to watch in that race. You know him?" "Of course I know of him...why else would we be watching him? He's gonna go win the championship this year...you wait and see," she claims with pride, "But what about him? What's got you all fired up about Jeff Gordon...you always claim he's not good enough. Which shows how little you know! HA!" Rosco goes silent as the boys watch the plane door being opened and a set of steps fall out. "Well that Jeff Gordon fella has gone and done it. I arrested him for a hit and run...namely on your son. Khee Khee!" he laughs and both boys look down at the radio in disbelief, "Well anyway I know how much you like him...supposedly y'all think he is so good looking." Rosco pauses and a bunch of men pile out of the plane, "And since he is not cooperating with Hogg he is under solitary confinement." "You arrested Jeff Gordon?! Rosco Pervis Coltrane how 'm I to watch the race on Sunday if he ain't in it? You know there is little to no reason to watch the race if my driver - " "There is other drivers you can watch if you really want to. But I was thinkin' that you may wanna come and get his autograph," Rosco cuts his mother off in attempt to save his hide, "since you seem to like him and all." The CB is quiet as Luke watches the men talk amongst themselves for a moment. "You mean I can actually come and see Jeff Gordon himself? In person?!" Mrs. Coltrane screams on the air, "Get his autograph?! Ah Rosco you know how to make your mama happy, now don't you? So," once more she goes silent. Probably to calm her emotions. "When and where?" "I thought you'd be happy about it mama once you realized you had an opportunity to meet him. Make all them other ladies in your club real jealous. KHEE!" Rosco laughs as the men begin to walk towards The General. "You can come and meet us at the old dynomite shack in an hour. That is where Hogg has him tied up at." "Tied up? You tied Jeff up?" his mother asks, concerned. "Don't worry. Jeff is and will be OK. We won't hurt him. Well bye Mother Hen, I gotta go meet up with Hogg." With that the CB is silent and the two Duke boys look at each other. "Damn it! Look what he's gone and done, Lukas?! All because you gone and talked Gordon into turning himself in!" Bo looks accusedly at Luke, "They got Gordon tied up with all that dynomite -" "I know, I know. You know as well as I do that Hogg wouldn't hurt him or anyone. He is trying to scare him into racing him," Luke forces himself to be calm towards Bo's outburst, attempting to ignore the accusations. "But thanks to ol' Rosco we know where he is at and we can use that to our advantage. Let's go meet the lawyer and let him in on all we know." Bo nods and together they climb out of the General Lee to be greeted by a tall lanky man with a pair of dark sun glasses on and neatly trimmed black hair. "You must be the Duke boys I talked to?" he asks, his voice carries the same authority the man carries himself with. "I'm Jeff Gordon's lawyer, Thom Aussler." He puts his hand out and firmly shakes both Bo and Luke's hand. "And this here," he motions to the seven men in suits behind him, "is my team of investigators." "I'm Luke Duke and this here is my cousin Bo Duke. Sorry we didn't greet you when you got off your plane but we were just listening into the latest developments on Jeff Gordon. It seems like he has been moved," Luke begins before telling him and the investigators all that has happened; his voice in a whisper to make sure no one else could over hear him. "The law has got Jeff tied up with dynomite?! What kind of law do you have in these parts?!" he screams as he takes off his glasses to look at the boys with intensely dark brown eyes. "Crooked. But they won't hurt him, Mr. Aussler. They are just trying to scare Gordon into racing him in attempt to get money off of Gordon's talent," Luke states calmly, "They are crooked, dirty, and greedy, but they are not into violence or anything to cause any harm." Thom nods as he eyes his team of investigators who was taking notes. "Well that will make it all the more easier to free Jeff and arrest your law. I will send a couple of my boys out to where the accident had taken place with your blondie there," he points to Bo. "You mean Bo," Luke is quick to state, "but if we are to seperate, we will need another car. Perhaps we can call Cooter and we can take a drive into town to get a car from him." "OK fine. Hank, Darryl, and Chris will go with Bo. Carl, Earl, Derrick, and Karson will go with me and you to the shack," Thom says full of authority and confidence, "though we don't have to worry about the usage of another car from a friend of your's." He pauses as a black car with tinted windows pull up behind The General. "I had a car called in to meet us while we were in the air. Bo and the crew I called out will take the orange car and we'll take our car split up that way. We all have phones to keep in touch." Luke shrugs at Bo. "Guess that works too," he states, "this sound OK with you cuz?" Bo eyes Luke. Silently wishing it was him to go rescue Jeff and just go look at the scene of the accident. The scene they already had looked at. But also feels like he has little to no room to argue against the lawyer's idea. "Guess it'll have to be Ok," he slowly states as he climbs into the driver's seat through the window, indicating he was done talking about it. ***Just thought I'd make note that Gordon's lawyer in this RP Thom Aussler and his team (Hank, Darryl, Chris, Carl, Earl, Derrick, and Karson) are all fictional characters. I have no idea as to who Gordon's lawyer is or who he has working for him. And though Jeff Gordon is a real NASCAR driver, this RP is of course all fictional. Thank-you. ***
  4. Fifteen years ago (from tomorrow...Christmas) we lost a great actor and a great person in Denver Pyle. I remember that day pretty clear and it felt as if I had lost my own uncle when I heard of his passing. We may have lost a great person, but Heaven gained an angel. Rest in Peace Denver...AKA Uncle Jesse.
  5. That was great...love that scene too. Would love to be at that Christmas party!
  6. Jeff Gordon looks up at the short round man and his sheriff while feeling the rope dig deeply in his skin. Anger and fear rush through him as his thoughts focus on his family back home. Of his children. Only to send questions within him. Would he ever get to see them again? Get to see them grow up, graduate, get married? Would this be the way he will spend the rest of his life? Tied up in some run down barn full of dynomite? Which only forces the thought of withdrawing his struggles with the law and giving the fat man what he wants. A race against him. How could someone like him think he could even compete with the likes of a four time NASCAR champion? With 86 wins against some of the toughest drivers, there was little to no chance that Gordon could lose against him. He could beat him with his eyes closed, his hands tied behind his back. But the dark haired Duke's words of caution rings loud and clear in his mind. "Hogg and Coltrane are as dirty as they come. They wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you in any way, mind you, but they would do anything they can to earn an extra penny...an extra dollar. Use you for all you are worth...and then some. They'll cheat, they'll do anything they can do to make them look good and you look bad. Do any thing to get what they want no matter what it takes. They are dirty and not to be trusted." How can he race against someone as dirty as Hogg and Coltrane seemed to be? And even if he just drove around the track and let him win, once he caved into Hogg and did what he wanted, then whose to say hogg'd just let him go as he said he would. Especially since he is not to be trusted. And once he caved in and gave him what he wanted, he would be controlled by the short fat man. Always be blackmailed. Nope. He wasn't about to race a guy who is obviously crooked. Not about to give someone who has treated him so poorly what they want. No matter what. Gordon sighs silently. Confident that by now his lawyer will be on his way and in a matter of an hour or so, he'd have the honest family of the Dukes on his side as well as his lawyer and his team of invenstigators. Meaning in no time, he'll be out of this dump, out of Hazzard, and Hogg will be begging for forgivenness. Afterall no one messes with the likes of Jeff Gordon and gets away with it. Hogg may have his crooked law behind him but Gordon has the truth on his side. He has the honest Dukes on his side who know how Hogg's law works. And he has his lawyer and his team supporting him. Nope. There was no way Hogg and his crooked law would get away for kidnapping him and tying him up as well as threatening him as they are now. "My new home?" Gordon breaks his silence with a confident laugh, "You keep digging yourself a bigger hole, you know that Hogg? First you and your sheriff there falsely accuse me of something you both know I didn't do. That is one charge. Second charge will be for kidnapping and threatening me." Gordon laughs and shakes his head. "My lawyer should be here soon and when he arrives, well Mr. Hogg, I almost feel sorry for you. He's going to eat you up and spit you out. I wonder if you will see any other innocent people you arrested when you are arrested and in jail. Bet they'd love a word or two with you, now wouldn't they?" Gordon lets that sink in for a bit. "I wonder who will become the new commissioner and sheriff while you are in jail. I bet Jesse Duke would make a great commissioner. He'd be honest and treat people with respect. The law will be served as it should be. Not the joke you two do with the law." Gordon shakes his head and spits at the ground a foot in front of Hogg's foot. "And you did it to yourself. I'd be glad to race an honest race against Bo or any other honest citizen in this crazy town of your's, but you had to be greedy and make this all about yourself. Though by the sound of things, I shouldn't be surprised. "My new home...I think I will enjoy it for awhile. Will enjoy it more when my lawyer shows up and get to watch you beg for forgiveness. Enjoy watching the two of you getting arrested...enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame as your name will be on all sporting news as the two who falsely accused me of what you did. I got a lot of fans. Lot of sponsors. All who are going to really not like you and this little town of your's. All them people who will reject Hazzard all because of you. No people in your town equals no money for you or your town. All because you got greedy..."
  7. Hey Redneck girl. Long time no see. I still need to wrap presents...which I better get done tonight since my family's Christmas is tomorrow.... :o Are you ready? Hope all is well with you. :)

  8. 66 more days until the Daytona 500...66 too many days that is.
  9. I will try to stop by for a little while...not like I can go anywhere with this nasty weather and oh yeah a seemingly dead car battery. Just got it fixed up on Tuesday and now this...if it isn't one thing, it is something else. Anyway...internet willing, I will try my best to make it to chat this year.
  10. That is good...miss seeing you around here :)

  11. OK I think I probably have posted this commercial before...if not, I should have. If I have, I apologize, but love this commercial and have to post it...perhaps it has something to do with that it reminds me of something I would do. LOL 69 more days until the Daytona 500...or ten more Sundays. Either way...much too long for this 24 fan.
  12. Luke's heart suddenly comes heavy as the commissioner's angry voice booms over the CB in The General and he slowly dares a glance over at Bo whose knuckles turn white with his death grip upon the steering wheel. "Alright," Luke breathes heavily out before motioning to the a deserted area ahead that is well hid by the thick trees. "if Boss wants to do it the hard way, we'll do it is his way. Pull over there." "What?!" Bo questions angrily, "We are on our way to go visit Gordon and not to go on your wild adventures. If you -" "Will you stop already?! Going and visiting Gordon now makes little to no sense what so ever. Pull over in them trees and perhaps we can discuss this like adults," Luke snaps back, "not like -" Luke cuts himself off. "Never mind. Just pull it over there." Bo eyes Luke angrily for a silent moment, not trusting himself to talk. Looking forward he reluctantly pulls over to where Luke had instructed him to pull over. "Well now, we're parked," Bo interupts the awkward silence, "and wasting Gordon's valuable time. Tick, tock." Luke glares at him and shakes his head before he leans over and opens the glove box and pulls out a small black rectangle. "Look Bo. As I said before, I am not too happy about this myself. But as of right now, Boss and Rosco are locking Gordon into solitary confinement for obviously not agreeing to his so called race," Luke pauses to look at the foriegn object in his hands, "which means that this has turned from bad to worse. Remember what Gordon said to do if things get worse?" Bo shrugs. "Call his lawyer," Bo sighs as he slowly sees where Luke is going with all of this only to force his anger to reverse from Luke to himself. "That Gordon's cell phone." "Yep," Luke says wakining the cell phone with a chipper ding. "Press nine and it goes right to his lawyer. No office, no family member. Just Bernie Aussler. His lawyer. So sit tight while I talk to him and get him over here...if Bernie is all that Gordon says he is, ol' Boss will be begging Gordon for forgiveness by the day is out." "Ten four," Bo sighs out, hating the fact that once again, he is forced to sit tight and not do a dang thing to help out. Forcing him to feel as if he is more in the way than he is of any help. Pressing the number nine on the number pad on the small cell phone, Luke puts the phone to his ear and is relieved to hear the ring tone, meaning he had followed Gordon's instruction good enough to work. After the third ring a rough voice says, "Jeff. Is that you? Never mind...it's your phone. Has to be you, right?" Luke hears a rough cough, "Where in the world are you? The media is loving this right now...the four time NASCAR champion is missing. You are all over the head lines. Your family is scared to death. The police are out looking all over for you. Hendrick and everyone there has been working hard to find you! You better have a damn good reason for this wild disappearance of your's! According to Mr. Hendrick you have missed several prime sponsor meetings...you know what that means? No sponsors, no number 24 car out on the track! Are you alright? You gone and lost it after twenty years behind the 24 wheel?" After what seems like forever, the lawyer's rant ends long enough for Luke to speak up. "Mr. Aussler," Luke glances over at Bo who stares out of his open window, "this is not Jeff. This Luke Duke. Our friend Jeff has found his way into a lot of trouble in our small town of Hazzard, Georgia. He was falsely accused of running into the sheriff when in actual, the sheriff ran into Gordon as he drove through Hazzard." Luke calmly recites the horrific events Boss has been putting Gordon through. "How I know you aren't making all this up? That you kidnapped Gordon and this is your way of asking for money?" the lawyer questions. "Because we don't got Gordon. We got a crooked law that will do anything to get a dime and now they are trying to use Gordon's good name to get money while Gordon is in jail for something he didn't do. He gave me his phone to call you in case things got worse. Well by the sounds of things, things have gotten worse. I am sure with all your computers you can look up Commissioner J.D. also known as Boss Hogg and his sheriff, Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. They are as crooked as they come," Luke grasps at things to convince the lawyer of his story. "OK, ok," he slowly states, "I can be there in a couple of hours. I'll bring a few of my best guys, alert the police, and will be there. Where can we meet you at to get the run down on it all? You can take us to the police station." Luke nods in relief before he recites the farm's address. "Thank you Mr. Aussler. We will be looking forward to meeting you and your crew and hope that we can work our way out of this mess our law has gotten Gordon into." "See you in a couple hours Luke," Aussler states before hanging up. "OK we got a couple of hours to spare before his lawyer and his crew will arrive. Lets go back home and fill Jesse in on all that is going on," Luke states and as Bo goes to say something, Luke cuts himself off, "we go ahead and visit Gordon, will only upset Hogg even more than what he already is. Probably throw us in jail for no reason. Won't be no good to Mr. Aussler or Gordon if we are behind bars." Bo sighs before he slowly pulls out and heads the way they had just come. "You know Luke," Bo slowly states, "for once, it would be nice if you were wrong...and I was right."
  13. You are welcome...glad to hear from you. Hope you have been busy with all things good. :)

  14. Gordon looks at the commissioner with a lot of skepticism, recalling Luke telling him to never trust Hogg. That he always has something up his sleeve. And by how quickly Hogg was willing to give in to his terms, only convinces Gordon of what Luke had said. Something was going on in that fat head of his. "I never agreed to race against you, Mr. Hogg. You said the citizens of this community and you aren't just a citizen. You are the commissioner. The judge and whatever you see fit to be, it seems. But not just a citizen. When I agreed to your terms it was to drive them, not you," Gordon slowly states, shaking his head, "I won't finish first, second, or last to you, seeing on how I don't drive someone I don't trust. Too dangerous. And to be honest, Mr. Hogg," Gordon shrugs, "I am finding it real hard to trust you and your law around here. The only people in this dark town of your's that I have met thus far to be trustworthy is the Dukes..." Gordon goes silent to let his words fill the room his cell is in. "Nope. The only way I am going to agree to your terms is if you keep it to your original plan of racing against the citizens of your crooked town. Not you. Not your sheriff. End of story."
  15. I know, I know...it's rather sad how I count down the days, I just can't help it. Sunday's aren't the same without a race. The week is not the same without having a race to look forward to. Sure there is football, but it's just not the same...am I really the only one counting down the days until Daytona? Thanks for your compliments... I think you got it all wrong...I think it is too bad that you aren't a Cubs and Bears fan. I just don't understand how anyone could NOT be a Cubs and a Bears fan...
  16. Guess what y'all...the number of days slowly keep going down. There is now 75 LOOOONNNNNGGGGG days until the Daytona 500!!! Football will never replace baseball and NASCAR in my book, but am very grateful for the Bears to be filling that empty space that took over after Homestead. Three more weeks and their season ends...and then what? 75 more days...
  17. Yesterday was another sad day for this Bears fan. Yeah I think their Super Bowl dreams have gotten a huge hit these past few games...thanks to ALL of their injuries on the team. Sorry to hear your Steelers lost as well...sigh. Onto next week...gonna be a big game next week. Packers are coming to Chicago...LET'S GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Think I'll have to watch that game with my eyes closed...LOL) Best o' luck to your Steelers, Roger.
  18. Gordon is looks quick and hard up at the short fat man as anger races through his tense body. "Finish second to you? I don't care if you are Santa Clause...I don't finish second to no one on purpose. I drive for one purpose and one purprose only. And that is to WIN! Not a chance would I EVER let you win...EVER!" his voice echoes off of the brick wall and for a quick instant his mind falls back upon the blond Duke who was so excited to see him and so quick to stand up for him. After a brief moment of letting his anger and disgust die down a bit he eyes Hogg suspiciously. "Anyway...your supposedly crooked up plan was for me to race against local towns people. Not you. Not your joker sheriff. "You want me to race for YOU to EARN money off of ME, you are going to have to agree to let me find my own ride and to race against the victims of this town. And in victims, I mean the Dukes and the honest citizens of this crooked town. I agreed to sign autographs and to race for THEM and NOT you or your clown sheriff." Gordon finds himself pacing angrily in his cell as he fights through his emotions and fights for a way to get out of here and to make it to his next race. Coming to a halt right in front of the commissioner, Gordon stares fiercely at him, refusing to show any other emotion than anger and hatred. "Nope. Not a chance would I let a loser like you beat me. No matter what. So I guess I will sit down and let myself get comfy in this dark hole of a cell of your's seeing as how we don't seem to have an agreement no longer." Gordon shakes his head at the commissioner and slowly walks back to the ratty cot and sits down on it while kicking off his shoes. "You can try to shake away the thought of my lawyers not getting to you all you want. You only run a little shabby town that you get to terrorize at your free will. Well, I will not be terrorized or controlled by you. My lawyers will have a hay day with you and your supposed law. And when all is said and done, all you will have accomplished is dirtying your name and your town name up even worse than what it already is. You see, Hogg, I have a faithful team of followers. My fans. The media. The public. Once I get my story out, no one will ever want to come to your town. Eat at your restaurants. Sleep in your ratty hotel. No visitors, no money," Jeff confidently states, eyeing Hogg with a no nonesense look. "And while we are talking about money here...without us reacing an agreement to your crooked plan, I won't be racing or signing autographs and you won't be earning a single penny off of me. "On the other hand, when I do find my way outta here," Gordon leans back, letting his words sink in, "I'll sue you for all you got for false arrest. Perhaps see what kinda charges I can put on you. And with all the money I get from you, I'll give every cent of it to the orphanage I saw here in town and to other towns people that are in need of money. And perhaps, I'll even offer Bo Duke a ride in the Sprint Cup. I've heard a few good stories of how good his talent is. Talent that is being wasted in this junk hole of a town you run." Gordon lies down on his cot. "You can think about it and get back to me. We can either fight or we can reach an agreement. I am fine either way. Either way I will win. No way am I going to lose to someone as arrogant and spoiled as you are...and no way am I going to race you or your sheriff. No way I would ever let you win," Gordon pauses once again for dramatic effect. "As I said, you can think about it and get back to me. For now, I need my rest. Have a good day, Commissioner."
  19. Happy birthday James...hope you are having a good one.

  20. You are welcome. Didn't get to watch the game either due to FOX showing the Packers game instead. Only saw the last play on TV. Guess we can't win 'em all. ;) Congrats.

  21. Gordon eyes the round man with suspion for a long moment, letting the proposal slowly sink in as he reads and rereads the poster. Anger resides deeply within him. It's not that the race or signing autographs upset him. He'd be glad to do that. That was part of his job. What upsets him is how the fat man was controlling him. "You know what Hogg. I resent how you are treating me. I appreciate the respect that you are showing me by finally getting my name right. What I don't appreciate is the fact of how you are trying to control me. Frame me and force me to do something I would have been glad to do from the start if only you had asked," Gordon finally speaks up,eyeing the commissioner firmly in the eye, "You know what, whatever. I need to get out of this place, out of this town. I need to get as far away from you and your hick sheriff as I can," Gordon shrugs, "I'll agree to your terms for Friday to race and to sign autographs. As I said, I'd have done all that if only you had asked...but that'd be too easy for you, now wouldn't it have, Hogg? Or perhaps to honest for you." Gordon shakes his head as a thought strikes him. "Oh on second thought. I'll agree to your proposial under one condition," Gordon pauses for dramatic affect, "that I get my own car. I'm not talking about my personal car or my NASCAR car." Gordon pauses nervously. He knows he is going out on a limb on this after all the only people he knows in this small town is the Dukes. But they had warned him of how crooked Hogg is and he is not about to trust Hogg enough to drive his cars. "I will find my own car to race. If that don't work for you Hogg, then I'm giving my lawyers a call and they'll have your behind sitting behind bars for false arrest and all sorts of other charges." Gordon gives a confident smile at Hogg. "Now that we are business partners and all, I am sure you will understand where I am coming from and will be glad to agree to my terms," Gordon pauses for a short moment, "right?"
  22. Yes it did...broke my heart big time. Very disappointing game for this Bears fan. Not only that we lost some great players today in today's game due to injuries. Earl Bennet out with a concussion, Tim Jennings shoulder injury, and Brian Urlacher tore hamstring or something like that. All those are from today's game...got a few others out due to last week's game. My Bears won't have much of a team if they all end up on the disabled list... Congrats on your win Roger with the Steelers...bet both you and MM were jumping for joy today. Guess that leaves me as the odd one out.
  23. I really hope he wasn't intending to hit Kyle with a hammer...that could be deadly. I really don't know what Steven's intentions were, but hopefully they are dealt with one way or another. Understand being upset at Kyle for wrecking him, but throwing a hammer is taking it to the extreme.
  24. Well don't know where to put this...there was some sort of race called the Snow ball derby today. Sounds like a lot of the younger drivers were in it. But thought of you Roger when I saw a tweet from David Ragen. Sounds like he was in it, led some laps (31), went a lap down, and finished 8th. I didn't watch it, though sounds like it was a good race to watch. Hendrick up and coming driver Chase Elliot who I have been following on FB and twitter started fifth and finished fifth. Matt Kenseth's son, Ross, was in it as well. Ross finished 11th. Erik Jones, a sixteen year old went on to win the race. But I think what is catching everyone's attention is Kyle Busch who was in the race and finished third. By what I gathered is, is that Kyle wrecked a lot of cars today. Made a lot of people angry. Including Steven Wallace (Rusty Wallace's son) who threw a hammer at either Busch. Like I said, don't know much that had happened...a lot of people are talking about it on Twitter right now where I got some info at as well as looking it up. Well I guess Wallace throwing the hammer at Busch doesn't make Tony Stewart's helmet throw at Kenseth this year look so bad any more.
  25. Congrats on your team winning. :)

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