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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Listening to the impatient tapping of Brian’s foot upon the wooden floor of the sheriff station, confusion washes through Garrett’s numb body. “I don’t know -“ Garrett begins to say while forcing himself to stare boldly at Brian, refusing to allow any emotions to show. Reaching a brief understanding of what Brian’s actions may mean, Garrett fades back into silence as questions streak through him. Did Brian actually believe he was running with Lenny and his gang? Or is it some kind of cover up? But why would Brian want to help him out now? After all he’s done to him and the law? Perhaps for Kristy. “I’ll give you your share of the dough when I get the dough.†Garrett continues to watch Brian carefully for a long moment before he glares across the room, taking in the guards before glaring up at Lenny who smiles boldly behind the desk, confident that his men will handle things. Behind him, Kristy sat helplessly upon the old torn cot that is held behind the thick bars of the cell, watching with interest and with hope. Guilt once again settles within him at seeing her locked up and held captive for something he had done a few years ago and at seeing her disapproval that shines in her soft green eyes. “What is this?!†Lenny yells harshly from behind the desk as he abruptly stands, his dark eyes seem to grow darker with anger as he points at Garrett and then at Brian, “Who is this?†Garrett glares up at Lenny while allowing silence to build within the stuffy room before Dane harshly grabs a handful of hair, yanking it back. “Answer him!†Dane yells, yanking his hair back farther. Anger follows the pain that streaks through his head as Garrett harshly throws an elbow back, hitting solidly into Dane’s muscular chest to force Dane to let go while grasping for air. “Enough!†Lenny quickly snaps at Garrett as Dane slowly stands up, anger flaring in his dark eyes, “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t like it. Answer me Garrett or you’re sister will be answering for you!†Garrett glances over at Kristy who stares back at him from the torn cot before glaring back at Lenny who makes a show of aiming his gun at Kristy. “Leave her out of it! You want me, you got me “ Garrett snaps as his anger continues to rise within him towards the group of men that is holding them captive and towards himself for placing them in this position. “As for who he is,†Garrett pauses fighting to put it in words, “is someone to not be messed with.†-Garrett Duke-
  2. http://www.cmt.com/search/index.jhtml?searchterm=Dukes+of+Hazzard&searchtype=shows&x=18&y=6 A link that goes to CMT's page for the Dukes. They have different episodes down as well as a couple other links for the Dukes. They have a pole you can take as well as 22 pictures of the cast of The Dukes of Hazzard. They also have a short piece of James Best talking about one of his paintings. It was pretty neat. Glad to see the Dukes making another appearance on TV! (Even if I don't have cable...LOL) Garrett Duke
  3. Well...uh... I failed that test. Guess I shoulda put - yell yee haw and floor...hmmm perhaps then I may have passed. LOL. -Garrett Duke- -just a little more than the law will allow~
  4. LOL. What is there not to believe? What's so wrong with Jeff Gordon and the Cubs? You ask me ...nothing is wrong. I have been a Cubs fan since I was five...I can't really turn my back on them now nor would I want to. As for Jeff Gordon - y'all have the Dukes to blame for that one! Before I got back into watching the Dukes, I thought of racing as not making much sense. How much fun could it be to watch men chase eachother in circles? LOL. Ok that was my thinking at the time until the Dukes got me into NASCAR. (You wouldn't think that if you saw my room...you'd think I'd always been a Gordon fan. LOL) Garrett Duke
  5. My hobbies include anything that deals with Dukes of Hazzard - from writing DOH fan -fic to collecting and watching Duke episodes, baseball (Chicago Cubs), NASCAR (Jeff Gordon), Country Music - large collection of CDs, and reading. -Garrett Duke
  6. "What's it gonna be?" the leader smiles evilly across the scarred desk at Garrett who remains tightly tied to the wooden desk. Anger and fear continue to dance within Garrett as he stares boldly back at the muscular leader while silently recalling where their paths had met; with the arrest of Jay. "Answer me!" the leader abruptly arises the send his chair falling back upon the old wooden floor behind him, while he leans across the desk to back hand Garrett across the face with the butt of his gun, "If you want to act stupid and just stare at me, maybe I'll finish her here and now. I'll enjoy taking care of such a pretty -" "Leave her out of this," Garrett spits at him only to get back handed across the face once again, "she had nothing to do with this. You want me, you got me." "Nothing will happen to her, if you do what I want," the leader smirks as he slowly takes a seat back into the chair that one of his guards had placed back up. The leader takes a second of silence to glare at Kristy who sits silently in the cage, silently watching the comotion out of the cell. Turning back to Garrett he continues, "You know it is all very convenient of you to have the law held up in the cells as you do...I appreciate it. It makes my job all the easier." "Good for you," Garrett glares away from the leader. "So what's it gonna be?" the leader returns to the question, "I'd hate to have to hurt your sister, but if that's what I have to do, then I'll do it. You don't make your choice within the next second -" "Don't you damn touch her!" Garrett struggles momentarily against the ropes for a short moment and a heavy forcefully hand lands upon his shoulder from a guard. Sitting still, Garrett glares coldly at the leader before responding, "I'll make your damn run for you if you don't touch her." "Fair enough," the leader shrugs as he motions for the gaurd behind him to untie him. Garrett sighs in relief as he is let free from the chair only for the gaurd to grab him forcefully under his arm to force him up, "Dane there will be going with you and will tell me all that happens. You mess up, you'll be going to your sister's funeral in a few days. Dane will explain it all to you on the way. Have fun boys." Silence fills the room as Garrett allows the large muscular man to drag him to the door where the gaurd slowly opens it, looks out before shoving Garrett into the open room of the sheriff's office. A soft shuffle of noise arise from the basement to grab Garrett's attention. "Don't think of it," Dane whispers harshly into his ear as he takes Garrett by the back of the neck; guiding him to the door. Garrett nods reluctantly, silently hoping someone or something would interrupt the gang's plans. (Cue anyone)
  7. By your description you have given, I would guess it to be the episode of "High Octane" which was in the first season. But there could be another episode with moonshine in it with the General, that was just the first episode that came to mind. I hope I helped a little. Garrett Duke
  8. Harsh emotions ripple across Ethan's tense body as he stares blankly at the wounded tiger lying on the cold floor while thoughts rush wildly within him. Thoughts of the past day or two from planning to landing downstairs of the jail cell entrapped within the cobweb of plans he had helped engage. Abruptly the thoughts come to an halt as images of the past hour or two rush by, scenes of Garrett escorting Chet down the stairs to find Ethan had crossed the line. Garrett's hardened, hateful eyes remain clearfully fixated within him - the eyes that had turned to him when he saw him on the other side. Eyes full of pain, fear, and hurt feelings; eyes of abandonment. First Chet and then him. Abruptly, light foot steps landing upon the cement stairs brings Ethan out of his thick and heavy thoughts and he hesitantly looks up to find Bo, Luke, Cooter, and Vicki coming down the stairs. Fear and shock enter their wild eyes as they glance around the crowded jail floor, taking everyone in. "We'll have y'all out in no time," Cooter breaks in as Vicki slowly moves from door to door, unlocking the doors with the keys. "What's going on?" Luke breaks away with Bo to Ethan, their eyes fall upon Chet to Ethan. "It wasn't suppose to be like this. No one was to get hurt, just make a point," Ethan stutters as he eyes the angry people leaving the cell to where Cooter holds up the stair way, "but Chet turned on us with unknown plans of his own. Things went wrong and people got hurt...well Razor got hurt and Chet and Garrett fought a few times...guess Garrett won at the end." Ethan eyes Chet tied to the bars. "Point of what?" Luke squints at him in a struggle to understand. Ethan shrugs. "A point to prove ourselves...to make ourselves known. Perhaps we'd one day get recognized as being someone," Ethan glances down at the floor, "Obviously now, we went at it the wrong way and I think Garrett saw that too. But once we were in, we were in. I backed out when I got thrown down here by Chet and talked to by the deputy...I guess whatever punishment she hands me, is what I get. I am just worried about Garrett...he hasn't been heard from or seen since he stormed up the stairs. I think he was upset by me joining the other side." "Well Vicki said something of being held hostage by a former gang," Bo inserts as worry fills his baby blue eyes for his twin brother, "Maybe Kristy." "Damn it," Ethan cusses under his breath, "it wasn't suppose to be like this. Garrett didn't want it to be like this and now...well, he'll be the one to get the odd blow of it all. " "Jesse is gonna have fits when he hears all of this," Luke shakes his head in disappointment, "not of you, but of Garrett. Taking the law hostage? What the hell where you thinkin'? How could that change anything?" "I...I don't know," Ethan shrugs, "obviously nothing other than turning ourselves against one another. Chet and Garrett spent their time fighting...if only Chet hadn't -" "I don't care!" Luke raises his voice, "Y'all are family and y'all know better than this! If ya'll felt that -" "Listen up everyone," Cooter whistles and everyone looks at him on the stairs, "I understand y'all are anxious to get out of here and see something done about what happened. I don't know what all this is about, but we have been made aware that Garrett and Kristy is now being held captive upstairs by an old gang." "No," Ethan whispers under his breath as his guilt turns into fear of what Cooter had just announced as the world seems to spin around him. "I understand that y'all may not be too understanding of the situation or too anxious to help him," Cooter continues, "after all that he did to you. But it still don't make it right...he needs help and it is up to us to help him. I don't know what to do...if anyone has any plans, it'd be great to hear them." (Cue MA...or anyone)
  9. Meanwhile upstairs... Fear numbly courses Kristy's trembling body as she silently forces herself to slowly sit back upon the old torn cot. Her mind rushes from throught to thought of the past hour, of all that had happened, before rushing to thoughts of the future. "This is perfect," the broad shoulder man grins as he takes a seat behind the old wooden desk as he looks at the two beefy men that stand planted at the closed door. Another large muscular man stands tenselly at the door of the jail cell that Kristy remains locked in, his broad back facing Kristy's cell. "Not only we have this hick kid here and his sister locked up, we have the whole law locked up with help of Garrett." He goes silent as he throws his feet upon the desk in a relaxed gesture, "Dane." "Yes boss," the muscular blond man at the door looks up at the dark haired man behind the desk. "I want you to go down and make sure the crowd downstairs is under control. Don't let anyone pass...and call in if you need anything," the head man orders as he tosses the blond haired man a walkee talkee. "Yes boss," Dane smirks as he catches the walkee talkee before turning and walking down the narrow stairs. Silence fills the sheriff's station as the man they had called boss silently lights a fresh cigarette while leaning back in the chair, glaring hatefully at Garrett's silently still body. Listening to the silence growing within the room, Kristy forces herself to ignore the hateful man behind the desk to look at her younger half brother. Garrett lies slumped in the wooden chair, tightly tied to the chair, his head bent forward to his chest. Blood quickly rushes down the right side of his face from a thick and horrid gash upon his forehead that was created by the blow of the gun. 'What'd you do, Garrett?' Kristy silently wonders as she holds her pretty face within her stapled fingers, glaring through watered eyes at her brother. Her mind returns to her children that she had been playing with when Rod had broken in and grabbed her from behind. Dragging her to the unmarked large van, the last sounds she had heard was her children crying and yelling in fear. A small moan escapes from Garrett to yank her out of the painful thought of her children and glares at him as he slowly moves his head before going still once again. Anger rises within her as horrid thoughts rush through her head of her brother's involvement may be in the law being missing...of what all he may have done to the men holding them captive. He has done stupid things in the past that had brought him into trouble with the law and with dangerous people. It wouldn't be surprise her much if he was somewhat responsible for the law missing the past day or so or had done something to bring the trouble that had brought her to the jail cell. "Mornin' Garrett," the leader smiles standing up to walk around the desk to blow a cloud of smoke into Garrett's still face. "Wake up!" he yells, anger dripping through the leader's lips as he yanks upon Garrett's dirty blond hair, angrily yanking his head back. A yell of pain escapes from Garrett as Garrett's cold grey eyes open to stare at his captive, fighting to focus on his surrounding. "Perhaps now you will cooperate with us." "How doubtful!" Garrett yells back as the leader shoves his head forward. A short moment of silence floats through the stuffy room before he glances around, making eye contact with Kristy before Kristy quickly looks away. "Let her go! She -" "We went through this already," the leader rolls his eyes as he looks at his two guards, "it is getting tiring." "What the hell do you want?!" Garrett demands, glaring coldly at his captive. The leader begins to laugh sarcasm for a short moment before glaring at Kristy and back at Garrett. "You got my brother arrested a few years ago...remember him?" he leans forward as he stubs his cigarette out into the desk before throwing it away into the tin garbage can, "The drugs, guns, and stolen electronics?" "He's the one that stole them, had the guns, and the drugs," Garrett snorts out to force a small trail of blood dripping down the left corne of his mouth, "I had only a minor part in the whole deal...I only did the drugs. I dealt and won. Jay woulda done the same as would you." "Maybe so," the leader nods in agreement, "but now he's done for another twenty years in jail...you know what that did to mom? It killed her. She couldn't handlel the pressure, the stress of her baby in jail. It is you that is to blame!" Garrett angrily spits blood into the man's muscular, handsome face and he angrily back hands Garrett who winces in pain. "What's done is done. What you want from me?" he demands once again, staring coldly into the leader's dark eyes. Fighting to hide the pain and fear that stirs within him. The leader glares into the locked cell at Kristy who now hugs tightly onto her thin knees, hiding her face. Looking back at Garrett the leader breaks the silence, "You cheated my baby brother, you stabbed him in the back the second you had a chance. To do what? To save your own pitiful self," he pauses for a long moment, "you wouldn't be who you are if it wasn't for him...hell he saved your sorry self, he tol' me. What you do to pay him back? You rat him out." "As I said, Jay woulda done the same and you know it," Garrett speaks boldly, "And once again, Len, what the hell you want of me?" "Bold and strong. I like that...and I like you. Jay was weak, that's why he got busted...you're not like him. You got out when you could...he shoulda done the same. Greed. That's what got him...shameful ol' greed. Not you," the leader smiles at him, "I like your attitude, your style, and if you know what is best for you...for your pretty sister in there; you'll do what I want you to do." "What's that Lenny?" Garrett forces a deep breathe as old memories of running around with his younger brother, of getting arrested and of court. "Easy. I got a big package that needs to be delivered without any interruption to a big greedy and violent man. He likes his guns and doesn't hesitates to use them," a large grin spreads across his face, "you deliver and everyone is set free on their merry way. You refuse and you'll be witnessing your sister's death first hand...leaving her adorable children motherless." "You wouldn't!" Garrett chalenges him, glaring at Kristy and back at Lenny. "Oh sure I would," his smile spreads across his face as he takes out a large metal gun and aims it at Kristy, "of course I'd administer a little pain and torture before I pull the trigger. It'd be a shame to see such a pretty little thing as her to die for your sins, Garrett. You deliver and return with his money...for me, and we release her. "What's it gonna be Garrett?" (cue anyone)
  10. Anger continues to flow rapidly through Garrett's tense and throbbing body as he sends harsh kicks into his cousin's still body; not caring where his kicks land. "Damn you!" he abruptly stops to spit upon Chet's still body while he silently takes in the damage he had done to his cousin. Seeing the blood streak his cousin's body, guilt swarms through him as his mind rushes roughly within him. A small worm of relief begins to wiggle within him as Chet cautiously opens his eyes, in search of relief of the kicking and of the beating. "Good," Garrett spats down at him before he slowly bends down to roughly help his cousin onto his feet while tightly holding his cousin's hands tightly around his back. "Listen up Chet...you are now to follow my lead to where I lead you; nice and easy. If you dare to fight against me, again, you will be following Ethan's route down the stairs, but with a harder landing. Understand?" Garrett roughly tugs at Chet's hands behind his back before Chet slowly nods in understanding. "Thata boy," a small smile flashes upon Garrett's face as he forces Chet to look at him, "I thought you'd understand. Now don't you think it'd be easier if we'd all just got along to begin with? Instead of all of this unneccessary fighting?" Garrett awaits for a short moment for an unexpected answer before tugging Chet's hands forward to slowly begin to walk towards the stairs. "Nice and easy now," Garrett silently reminds Chet as his mind becomes fixated on Ethan, wondering what is taking him so long to return upstairs. Fear and worry dances within him as his imaginations flares within him of all the reasons of why Ethan hasn't returned upstairs. "Better watch your step," Garrett breaks the silence between them as they reach the stairs and Garrett tightens his grip upon Chet's hands behind his back. Garrett silently listens to all the noise that seems to explode within the basement as he ushers his cousin downstairs. His mind continues to rush wildly within him, replaying the events that has led them to here before wondering into what all the future may hold for them now; now that they crossed that line. After a long silent moment, Garrett ushers Chet downstairs where the two jail cells line the left wall and are full of their 'prisoners'. For a long moment he eyes Razor with saddened and guilty eyes, wondering why Chet hadn't stepped up to take care of his injured friend. Kneeling down over the wounded tiger was the deputy while Ethan stands freely behind her. Ethan had been saying something to the deputy before Garrett began to force Chet into the crowded room. Ethan abruptly goes silent as he locks deadly eye contact with Garrett, sending a river of emotions raging through him. "Ethan," Garrett silently says as he continues to hold eye contact with Ethan, silently taking everything in. Disbelief and anger flare within him as he watches Ethan standing frozen in place across the room as it becomes obvious of Ethan's decision. He's traded places. "Damn you...all," Garrett harshly says as anger spreads through his throbbing body as he struggles to figure out where his anger is directed at, at Ethan or at his own self for his own decisions. "Move," Garrett abruptly turns to Chet and forces him along the cells before he comes to the nearest jail cell. "Sit," Garrett hisses between clenched teeth and as Chet begins to refuse to sit, Garrett abruptly kick Chet's feet out from behind him. "It shouldn't have been like this, Chet. This all - " Garrett motions around the room with the back of his hand before yanking a silver metal hand cuffs from his back pocket and forcefully shoves Chet's trembling hands through two seperate open slots between the metal bars, "is a horrible nightmare. No one would get hurt you said..." he forcefully and tightly handcuffs Chet's hands together on the inside of the bars, "Well it's all over now...I don't care what happens now." Garrett quickly steps away from his cousin before eyeing everyone behind the jail cells, his eyes wondering from person to person before they come to Ethan. Feeling abandoned and mistreated, Garrett abruptly turns around without saying anything and quickly rushes up the stairs; his mind racing with answers of what to do next. "I've got to do it...now," Garrett speaks to himself as he rushes to Rosco's abandoned desk to sit down in the old chair. Picking up the phone, Garrett slowly punches in a phone number he had remembered from several years back. "Lieutenant Mills," a harsh voice comes on the other end of the line after a couple of rings. "Hey Frank," Garrett sighs slightly in relief as his mind continues to race within him, "remember me?" "Garrett Duke," Garrett could hear the FBI agent smiling on the other end of the line, " how could I not remember you. How've you been?" "To tell -" Garrett begins to say as foot steps quickly begin to echo outside of the closed door of the sheriff's station. But how? The doors locked? "the truth, I've been better. That's why I'm callin' right -" Garrett abruptly goes quiet as fear and surprise rushes through him as the front door is harshly thrown open. His fear quickly accelerates within him as three large muscular men walk through the door, glaring hatefully down at him. "Garrett?" Frank questions on the other end, "You there?" "Uh yeah," Garrett responds as he keeps eye contact with the men that continue to walk towards him, "I'm in trouble at the moment. I got to go." "No Garrett -" Frank began to say before the taller of the three abruptly yanks the phone out of Garrett's hand and slams it shut. "Well well well; you must be Garrett then," a large smile spreads across the large man's hairy face as his two friends walk around the desk and Garrett lets out a gasp of fear as the painfully grab him by the arms to yank him up and begin to drag him around the desk, "we got a surprise for you. Hey Rod." "Yeah yeah, we're comin'," a harsh voice snaps around the corner before he walks around the corner and into the sheriff's station. "No!" Garrett abruptly yells as anger rushes roughly through him as the man they had called Rod harshly forces Kristy into the room. Fear gnaws through Garrett for his sister as Rod tightens his hold around her arms and chest. Fear and anger radiate in Kristy's normally soft, kind green- blue eyes. "Let her go!" Garrett yells as he begins to struggle against the men's tight grip only for them to begin to beat him harshly; kicking and punching him as hard as they can. "Enough already!" the man at the desk yells from behind them to bring silence into the room, "Rod, why don't you lock her up in that there seperate cell there. You two...tie him up to the chair. Perhaps he'll do us some good." "Let her go!" Garrett yells once again as he continues to struggle, fighting to block their harsh kicks and punches with little use. "You want me...you got me...let her go!" "Fat chance plow boy!" the leader grins at Garrett as he continues to struggle against the two muscular men as they forcefully shove him onto Rosco's metal desk chair. "You will soon learn to cooperate with us, boy," the leader slowly moves over to the chair where he tightly begins to Garrett's legs to the legs of the chair with tight rope to slowly move up his body with the large rope. Feeling the pain from the men's harsh punches and kicks he had received, Garrett slowly stops struggling against the men's tight and painful hold on him. Watching the leader move up with the rope, tightly tieing him to the uncomfortable chair. A thin smile comes upon Garrett's handsome face as the leader's hands reach his chest, tightly tying his chest to the back of the chair as an idea flickers within him. Keeping a watchful eye upon the muscular hands of the leader, Garrett abruptly bends over as much as possible and harshly bites tightly onto the back of his hand. The leader yells out in pain and in anger as Garrett bites onto him, continueing to tightly hold onto his skin with his teeth. "Say good night plow boy!" the leader hisses through clenched teeth as he pulls out a large metal hand gun with his left and free hand from behind his coat. Garrett lets go of the man's hand as the man harshly pounds the butt of the gun onto Garrett's right temple. Garrett yells out in pain as he slowly slips into thick blackness, into the depths of unconcsiousness. (Cue anyone)
  11. *this is a joint post* "Arrrh!" Chet groans as he’s back handed by his cousin. His mind hazed with deep furry Chet quickly snakes his hand up to his cousins throat and clamps down on his jugular as hard as possible. "You stupid jackass.... you don’t know anything! It wasn’t me who blew it! It was you!" Garrett screams out in intense pain as Chet tightly grabs onto his neck. "Me? How the hell you get me to blame for blowing the plan? Hell I ain't the one to invite outsiders, outsider who is apart of a law system at that, into our private plan...without telling ANYONE!" Garrett grunts as he fights to struggle against his cousin's hold, fighting for air, "What the hell does any of that has to do with Ethan? It is you who is attacking the men on YOUR side! Not me!" "He got in the way! I warned him! Its not my fault!" Chet squeezed his hand around his cousins throat harder and harder. Garrett chokes back his words that bubble angrily within him as he struggles to breath while fighting against Chet's powerful hold on him. Forcefully, Garrett sends a powerful knee up into Chet's groin to force his cousin to let up a little. "Nothin' your fault is it, Chet?" Garrett forces out while his arms go upon Chet's muscular arms, fighting to break lose of his grip, "People just seem to get in your way a lot, huh? Then you beat the crap out of 'em and you feel all big and strong. Right? "Well let me tell you something...you're nothing! I came in here today having great respect of you. I mean we're family...I trusted you; Ethan trusted you. And look what you did? He's probably lying down there dead thanks to you!" Garrett spits angrily in Chet's face as he continues to claw and punch at Chet in attempt to get lose. With a huge grunt Chet's abdomen muscles tightened and he had no choice but to release his hold on his cousin, A right hook from Garrett splits Chet's lip, with a huge amount of effort Chet forces his cousin away and also rolls away. Getting as far away from his older cousin as possible, Chet curls up on his side both hands pressed between his legs.
  12. Disbelief continues to pour through Kristy as thoughts of the day's events continue to rush through her; from the race to standing here with MaryAnn. Who would have guessed Boss would go down at his own race? After all that he has done to control who will race where and who should win. If he hadn't been so careless with the town's medical assistance, perhaps he'd have a better chance of survival. "Mommy," Jamie whines as she moves away from the deputy's side to tug on Kristy's hand to pull her back to MaryAnn's offer, "what's going on?" "I'll tell you later sweetie," she forces a smile for her four year old daughter as she spots Garrett handing his helmet over to Cooter behind Mary Ann's shoulder. "That is a very kind offer, MaryAnn," she directs her attention back to the deputy, "I think I will take you up on that offer. Garrett is right back there if you need any help...Thank-you so much!" After a brief moment of explanation to her kids Kristy quickly hurries off towards Silver Bullet to attempt to meet up with Chance and Boss at the hospital. (Cue anyone)
  13. Ethan stares at the deputy for a long moment as an explosion of thoughts rush roughly through him, quickly followed by raw emotions. Frustration and anger silently creeps within him as he forces himself to look away from the deputy as her words seem to gnaw within him. 'What do you say?' Hell what was he suppose to say. The option seems so clear to him of what he should do. If he were to follow through with Chet, that'd make him as bad as his brothers. He had already made it clear he'd never become what his brothers have already became: violent and hardened criminals. Silently he glances around his shoulder as Garrett sends out a cry of pain mixed with anger and his worry begins to escalate within him of his new friend. Of all he knows of Garrett is the better bet to win, the stronger of the two and a better fighter; but Chet has a gun... Turning back towards the deputy his mind returns to the decision everyone is searching him to make and he is forced to think of what the future may hold for him for each choice he would make. "I...I guess," he stutters before going quiet to take in the people that occupy the jail cells, the people he had helped lock away. Certianly didn't do anything to stop Chet. Regret and guilt gnaw within him at the thought of that and his mind turns back to Garrett at what he is going to do. Ethan sighs silently forcing himself to think that Garrett will make his own choice one way or the other, with or without him. "I ain't gonna go up and tip Chet...he deserves all he will get," Ethan finally speaks up as he throws his hands deeply within his tight jeans' pockets, "nor will I tip Garrett. But I will say one thing for Garrett," he sighs fighting the strength to go on, "he never intended for this to happen or to go this far...neither did I. "My choice is...I'm here as long as y'all want me here," he shrugs as he glares down at the tiger for a quick moment before looking at his feet and back up at Mary Ann to await for a reaction. (Cue MA or anyone)
  14. Ethan silently fought off the pain that continued to ricochet through his trembling, numb body accompanied by the harsh and raw emotions that rage through him. Struggling to focus with blurred vision he slowly begins to stand up from where he had landed at the end of the stairs only for a wave of nasea and dizziness to rush through him. "Damn it," he utters half aloud and half to himself as the pain continues to throb within him, seeming to worsen as time moves on. "Ethan..." a soft female's voice slowly and silently grabs his attention to bring another wave of fear racing within him. For the first time since landing upon the hard cold floor, he realizes where he is at and notices the several sets of eyes attached on him; awaiting for his reaction. "Daney," he silently whispers as he catches eye contact with the sole Duke capture and surprise rushes through him. When had she gotten here? Does Garrett know? Probably not... "What are -" he abruptly cuts himself off as his sense of realization slowly sinks in, of all he has done, to what he has contributed to. "Razor," he says after a short silent moment almost to himself as his attention comes across the bleeding tiger that lies upon the floor. Ashamed, Ethan slowly looks down at his shaking body while attempting to fight back the pain and the emotions that rages through him. Damn Chet! It wasn't suppose to be like this...'No one would get hurt' he had promised. Hell now he had gotten thrown and beaten by someone who was supposed on his side and is now up there fighting against Garrett. Looking at the injured tiger a wave of question flow roughly through his head, wondering what part, what role Chet had in Razor getting shot. Wondering why he was so fired up to take charge and blame him and Garrett when his own buddy is down here dying. Continueing to stare at the injured tiger his mind continues to wonder around the possibilities of the future and regrets of the past. His mind slowly fixates upon all that the dying tiger had said as he had landed upon the hardened floor. No wonder why he's changing sides on how Chet seems to treat him or everyone. Perhaps he had grudges against everyone? Perhaps Chet was just using Garrett and him to get what he wanted? To seek some sort of revenge? What? "Damn," Ethan says in frustration, attempting to fight back all the unanswered questions and emotions, while fighting against the pain that throbs within his chest, arms, legs, and head. "Damn it," he mutters again as he subconsciously throws a weak right hand to run through his thick curly copper brown hair only to send fiery pain shooting through his head. Slowly, Ethan grags his shaky hand down to find a pool of blood running down his long muscular fingers and hand. Struggling to ignore the stares of the people, people he had helped capture, he slowly and carefully brings his hand back up to his forehead to feel a thick and long gash above his right eye. Blood flows from the thick cut freely down his right cheek and into his thinly trimmed beard and down his chin to drip upon the floor and onto his white t-shirt. Once again he makes eye contact with the sole Duke capture while his mind wavers from thought to thought before his mind returns to Garrett. Fear and concern rushes through him towards his friend as yelling of pain and anger rushes from upstairs. Garrett may have gone along with the idea as much as Chet had at the beginning, but it was no doubt in Ethan's mind, that Garrett ever thought it would get this far. Fear rushes through Ethan for Garrett, Garrett was a hell of a fighter and has taken on much more than just Chet, he has the scar to prove it, but Garrett remains weaponless while Chet has the gun. Once again, there is no doubt in Ethan's mind, that Chet could and would use the gun against Garrett if he felt the need to use it. Family or not... (Cue Anyone!)
  15. "No...no," Kristy silently mutters aloud in disbelief as she slowly takes a step back. Fear and dread races within her petite body as she stares blankly at Hogg's fallen and still body upon the dusty dirt ground. Staring at her boss lying helplessly upon the ground, Chance's words seem to chant within her, feeding upon the dreadful thoughts that rush within. "C-can I help with anything?" Kristy slowly speaks up while her attention remains upon Boss's still body and Kristy slowly glances over her shoulder in search of her children. Seeing the kids nestled within the protective arms of the sheriff and of Garrett, her mind slowly comes to the events that had led to here. The race. Dread and regret fill her numb body once again as she turns around to face Boss's small and round figure lying upon the dusty ground; his white suit is now partially covered in the dusty dirt. Watching the town's doctor working upon the commissioner, Kristy's mind runs through the past of all that Hogg has done to her family, to Hazzard. Despite the differences between the law and the Dukes, Kristy had always enjoyed working for Boss, even through the challenges it had brought. She may not have agreed with his tactics and grew upset at some of his greedy schemes, she felt that somewhere within that white suit was a man that deeply cared in one way or another. If only he had chosen the right side of life and not turned to greed. . . (cue anyone)
  16. "No...no," Kristy silently mutters aloud in disbelief as she slowly takes a step back. Fear and dread races within her petite body as she stares blankly at Hogg's fallen and still body upon the dusty dirt ground. Staring at her boss lying helplessly upon the ground, Chance's words seem to chant within her, feeding upon the dreadful thoughts that rush within. "C-can I help with anything?" Kristy slowly speaks up while her attention remains upon Boss's still body and Kristy slowly glances over her shoulder in search of her children. Seeing the kids nestled within the protective arms of the sheriff and of Garrett, her mind slowly comes to the events that had led to here. The race. Dread and regret fill her numb body once again as she turns around to face Boss's small and round figure lying upon the dusty ground; his white suit is now partially covered in the dusty dirt. Watching the town's doctor working upon the commissioner, Kristy's mind runs through the past of all that Hogg has done to her family, to Hazzard. Despite the differences between the law and the Dukes, Kristy had always enjoyed working for Boss, even through the challenges it had brought. She may not have agreed with his tactics and grew upset at some of his greedy schemes, she felt that somewhere within that white suit was a man that deeply cared in one way or another. If only he had chosen the right side of life and not turned to greed. . . (cue anyone)
  17. Welcome aboard! It is always good to see other Duke fans out there. The General Lee is a 1969 Dodge Charger. John Schneider who played Bo Duke is currently in another television series called "Smallville" where he plays Super man's dad. Tom Wopat who played Luke Duke is doing Broadway...I think he is currently in "Chicago" but I could be wrong about the play and all. I hope that is of some help to you! Once again, welcome aboard.
  18. Garrett glances up at the small clock that hangs over the sheriff's desk as he numbly lights another cigarette while his mind continues to tiredly wind from thought to thought. It wasn't suppose to happen this way...if only things had stuck to plan, maybe... "Damn it," he utters as he throws his feet off of the old scarred desk to sit up in the uncomfortable chair before glancing over at Vicki in the cell, "You know I like you...it's too bad you had to make the move you did." He watches for her reaction for a long moment before glancing back at the small clock, counting down the minutes that Ethan had been gone. Five. How long could it take to go get Chet? Questions explode within him, questions without any answers following them. "I don't want to leave you alone, darlin," Garrett turns back to Vicki blowing out a cloud of smoke, "but if Ethan don't come back I'm gonna have to lock that door shut on you...to go get him and Chet here personally." ********************************************************* Ethan slowly takes the steps one at a time while he allows his mind to explore the possibilities of all that could be going on downstairs. From all the arguing and yelling is coming from. Thoughts quickly turn into anxiety and fear of the possibilities that run through him, shoving his thoughts to what the future will hold. Once again he mentally returns the discussion he had with Garrett before he had found that out of town deputy on the phone about killing or jail time. Anger bounces within him at allowing him to get involved, allowing himself to help push this plan into action. The plan had reeked of havoc, of a load of chaos, but it seemed like the only thing th at could be done. The least violent possibility out of the list of possibilities. He agreed that something had to be done and he wanted to help as much as Garrett had, but he never thought it would go this far. It was to get the message across and let everyone out on their happy ways. But Garrett is right...they won't just go out on th eir happy ways, not without arresting the people who had held them captive. Reaching halfway down the flight of stairs, his mind turns to his brothers who had turned to drugs and to violence. There was no way he was going to cross the same line they had...he may not be no angel, but he knows what's right and will stand up for what is right. Taking a deep breath he fights to remind himself that is what they are doing, fighting for what is right, sticking up for themselves and perhaps for the people of Hazzard. Something good could come out of all of this. Ethan's thoughts are quickly interrupted as he reaches the bottom step to the basement of two cells to see all the commotion that is going on. Fear and anxiety race through him as he feels his chest tightening within. Looking from face to face he silently and absentmindedly runs a shakey hand over his well trimmed thin copper brown beard and mustache. His intense dark green slash gray eyes quivers from person from person while his mind races for what to do now. (Cue anyone!)
  19. I am a huge Country music fan...here are a few of my favorite bands/people...as much in order as can be. *Billy Ray Cyrus *Toby Keith *Alan Jackson *Keith Urban *Kenny Chesney *Tim McGraw *Martina McBride *George Strait *Mark Chesnut *Clint Black *John Micheal Montgomery
  20. Looking at my Duke collection (I don't have anything from when the show was originally on TV) I would have a difficult time picking out what is my favorite. I guess it would be my collection of DOH tapes from Columbia House / first season DVD because that is what keeps the show alive for me, to be able to watch it when I want to. I also have a couple of 1:25 ERTL General Lees with a couple of matchbox General Lees (and one of Rosco's patrol car and Hogg's Caddy) that I like...as well as my DOH calenders. I have one for this year and one for next year. The one for next year I got from Duke fest this year and has several autographs from actors on the show and a few stunt drivers. I have a few other DOH items that I like, but if I were to pick out the ones that were to come to mind, it would be those listed above. Garrett Duke
  21. Anger continues to course through Garrett's powerful body as he silently stares at the bland art work that decorate the commissioner's ugly walls. Anger not directed at Chet or at anyone, but at himself. He knew what he wanted and at the same time he knew what they were doing wasn't the way to atrieve what he wanted. How could locking up the damn law make things better? A small grimace works it's way between his thin dirty blond goatee as he comes upon the thought of where he is heading; jail. A shiver trails down his spine at the thought of jail, thinking of the six months he had earned at the State Pen when they had found drugs upon him while he was in the Army. Him and his friends. "I ain't gonna be the one that takes the fall this time," Garrett mutters aloud before catching himself. "What was that Garr?" Ethan asks across the desk from Garrett, "Take what fall? I thought you were the one that was positive with this." "I was...I am," Garrett quickly corrects himself. Three years ago he had been in the Army with dreams of being someone, of fighting a war, coming home an Army. That was until he met Hawk, Diego, and Jake. They all had become a team of outsiders grouped together where they had introduced their drugs to Garrett and Garrett had joined in voluntarily, wanting to feel included. When the officials had sniffed wind of drugs, it was Garrett who was found with the drugs, not his newly founded friends. Looking up at Ethan he forces himself to attempt to fight off the nightmarish memory to think of what is going on now. "You do realize that we are now have two choices...and neither one is one that I want to take," Garrett sighs deeply as Ethan watches him curiously, "You see the law ain't gonna just let us walk out of here when we think we have what we want. Nah, it won't be that easy...they'll arrest us and we'll face twenty to fifty years in jail...the state pen. Our only chance of walking out of here free men is if we use force and kill them all and hope that they don't find evidence it was us that killed the law of Hazzard." "Chet didn't say anything of killing anyone," Ethan spoke up through the eery silence, "I ain't killin' no one Garrett...I may be as bad as you, but I am not gonna cross the same line my brothers had." "Didn't say you were gonna kill anyone and neither am I," Garrett stares at Ethan who grows nervous in his wooden chair, "but I ain't gonna go to jail either. There's no way out." "We could walk out of here now," Ethan shrugs, "tell Chet it's through...or tell him you have to go check on Kristy." "Either way the law knows we've been here and we backed Chet and Riddick. It's too late to back out now," Garrett subconciously rubs a thick left index finger down his long wide scar on the right side of his neck, "the only choice we have is to finish what we started." Ethan's eyes shine in doubt and mistrust as he eyes Garrett warily, fighting to understand what Garrett really means. "But if we aren't going to kill anyone, that leaves jail time." "Twenty or fifty years is better than life...or more like it, the death penalty," Garrett looks up at Ethan, "We'll figure something -" Garrett is interrupted by Chet's abrupt and loud yelling from the basement and Garrett glances up at Ethan before jumping up to his feet. "That's us," Garrett sighs as he slowly reaches the closed door before Ethan, "and it sounds like he's in trouble or hurt or both." "Yeah," Ethan numbly agrees behind Garrett. Garrett nods at Ethan before turning back to the closed door and moves to slowly open it with horrifying thoughts flooding through him. Slowly opening the door, Garrett finds Vicki standing at the side of Rosco's aging desl, with her back to them. Garrett motions Ethan to stay where he was as he watches Vicki holding the black phone up to her ear for a long silent moment. Listening to Vicki slowly beginning to leave her message, fear and anger radiates through him at Vicki ratting them out and at Chet for allowing her to come here freeely, for falling for her lies, her wise scheme to not get thrown in with the Hazzard law. "Stay here for a moment unless I need help," Garrett whispers to Ethan before he slowly begins to tip toe his way to Rosco's desk while keeping an watchful eye on the brave red head to make sure she doesn't see him. Garrett holds his breath as he walks up to Vicki and quickly and forcefully places a tight hand across her mouth and another tight and violent hand across her stomach, holding her hands to her side. "Nice try...you can't fool everyone, darlin'!" Garrett hisses into her ear before he quickly and harshly kicks the phone across the room to make it disconnect, "Well, I read you from the second you walked in here with Chet...I knew you were trouble! Too bad he didn't listen to me!" "What now?" Ethan asks as he joins Garrett at the desk where he continues to hold tightly onto Vicki, feeling his anger and frustration bubble within him. "I want you to go down and drag Chet up here," Garrett hisses as he drags Vicki to one of the upstairs cells that rests behind the sheriff's desk, "I don't care if you have to save his ass from the local law down there...get him up here right now!" "OK," Ethan says quietly as he watches Garrett drag open the cell door. "And don't tell him what happened or what I want," Garrett hisses as he shoves Vicki into the cell and slams the door shut and locked before lighting a cigarette, "Just tell him I want to see him...now!" "On my way," Ethan says as he reaches the stair way. (Cue Vicki or Chet)
  22. Garrett listens to his heart thuddering powerfully within him while he watches Daney slowly disappearing from where she once was. Staring at the dark and empty stair way he silently wonders if she will do as she is told or has gone within the shadows of the corners somewhere. A small smile slowly creeps across his face as he silently realizes that she is as much a Duke as anyone else is, meaning she hasn't listened as she was told to do. "What you grinnin' at boy?" the man's powerful voice boomerrangs within the small basement of cells to bring Garrett's attention back to him. "Nothin'," Garrett slumps further down into his cot while glaring willfully at the man sitting on the stool, silently daring him to make his move, "just tryin' to make sense of all that you are sayin', cause so far, you haven't said nothin'." "A smart ass, eh?" the broad shouldered stranger says while shaking his head in disappointment, struggling to fight loose from Garrett's cold and long glare, "Well then you better grow some smarts, boy, and begin to understand what I am talking about. . .about what I want." He pauses for a long moment as he glares up the shadow covered stair way before glaring back at Garrett, "I think if you were to listen you would learn that we all want the same thing." He shrugs, "Me and my boys have been following you pretty close and I think I got the jist of who you are and what motivates you. If I know you, you are going to bust lose and break free from this dump, maybe meet that friend of yours some place." "You know nothin' 'bout me," Garrett straightens up as he feels his body growing tense at the man's change in attitude and change in voice, "and you still haven't tol' me what you want." "I know more than what you think and if you'd shut your trap I'd get to what I want," the stranger snaps as he angrily grabs ahold of a metal bar, "When you bust out of here, you are going to ditch that woman friend of yours and meet up with me at my hideout...if you don't bust out, I will help you get outta here. I'll then tell you what I want from you." "What makes you so sure I'll do as you say?" Garrett says, his voice full of attitude, "Because I am not about to go meet up with you or any of your boys no matter what you say." A thin evil smile creeps across the man's handsome face as he staples his fingers up against his chiseld chin. "Oh sure you will," the smile grows as a flame flickers within his dark eyes, "because if you don't show up at my hideout by midnight tonight, the next time you see Shay, Jamie, and Kristy will at thier funeral. Too bad it'll have to be all closed baskets." "Don't you dare touch them!" Garrett instantly is thrown to his feet in anger and in fear, "I don't know who the hell you think you are or what you want, but you don't mess with them! You mess with -" "Then what?" he shrugs, "I getta deal with you? You're nothin' compared to the likes I have dealt with. I'll see you comin' a mile away and squish you like the bug you are." "I ain't scared of you," Garrett puts up his brave front, "or your men...I've dealt with the likes of you before I came down to this hick town. You come within a mile of my family and I'll -" "I know more about you than you know me, you know nothing about me to be saying you've dealt with the likes of me. I've ran down your past and know who you hang out with and all the trouble you have been in... and I'm a whole lot worse than the men you've faced," the stranger pauses to allow the thought to sink in, "you've got two options you can continue with your bravery and watch the slaughter of your sister and her children or you can do what is best for everyone and come to my hideout," he leans close the bars to grab onto Garrett's shirt and yank him tightly against the bars to whisper their hideout in Garrett's ear before shoving him forcefully back. "It's your choice Garrett...you have til midnight sharp to meet me and my boys...you not there you face the consequences." The stranger gives Garrett a daring smile over his shoulder as he heads towards the stair way. As he begins to walk up the stairs he yells over his shoulder, "I'll be seeing you." (Cue Daney...or anyone)
  23. **this is a joint post with Chet** "Put 'em down," Garrett abruptly yells in excitement to break through the intense silence that had began to build between Ethan and him upstairs, "because I won!" Ethan's face fills with disappointment as Garrett lies down his hand to show a perfect run and Ethan slowly shows his cards. "You cheat," Ethan says poutily, "I mean three damn games and you win each time! Now I know why I don't play cards!" "You just jealous!" Garrett laughs as he slowly begins to collect the cards as footsteps begin to echo off of the linoleum flooring out in the hall way. "I'll go see who it is," Garrett grows serious as he stands from the old chair and begins to walk towards the door. Chet and Vicki entered the station hand in hand, a big grin still written on the black haired young Duke boys face. There voices carried down the hall way an the steady thud of Chet's boots knocked on the floor. "I cant believe I have known you all this time and never told you how I felt." Chet said looking into the red heads beautiful eyes. Then he glanced up just as Garrett came into view an the two Dukes eyes met. "Oh good, it's only Che- " Garrett's relieved voice slowly cuts off as he sees the attractive red haired deputy from Chickasaw County standing affectionately close to Chet, their hands intertwined with one another. "What is this?" anger rises within him as he motions towards Vicki, "I thought we were a team? What are you doing with her?!" Chet's dark eyebrows sank as his cousins facial appearance changed from lazifair to a 'what the hell are you thinking' _expression. His mismatched eyes challenged his cousin to speak again before he could get an explanation out. Quickly he stepped up slightly in front of Vicki as if to protect her with his own body. "We are a team Garrett....Vicki is my own personal business." He glared at Garrett. "She ain’t here to get us into trouble...shes our friend! "A team?" Garrett steps an inch from Chet's nose to glare coldly at his cousin, feeling the warmth of anger flood through him, "If we was a team you would ask for our opinion of having a new member on our side! But I guess that's not your style," Garrett awaits for a response, "you'd rather sneak her in here and hope that I wouldn't say nothin'...is that it? Sneak her in here and I don't have a choice but to accept? Hell we planned and planed and planned this through and no where in those plans was there a woman involved, not alone a deputy from Chickasaw County. Do you know what the hell you are messing with over there? Rosco ain't nothin' compared to Sheriff Little! Sheriff Little will actually shoot and make his target...which will be us!" Vicki gripped Chets arm as his cousin got close an then within inches of his face. Chet stared back coldly, Garrett was right, this wasn’t part of the plan. But then again he hadn't expected Vicki to come into Hazzard today of all days, but his stubborn pride wasn't going to allow him to back down from his older cousin. "How the hell was I supposed to know that she was going to show up all of a sudden! I didnt plan this Garrett! She just happened here on this particular day." Chet snapped back in defense. Garrett angrily mimics his cousin before he roughly shoves him away from him before sending Vicki a hardened stare. "Then perhaps y'all can leave and me and Ethan here will finish out the rest of the plan...the way it was suppose to go," Garrett eyes Ethan for a second as he shakes his head in disagreement at the idea, "Hell Chet, you growing soft here? Never have I figured you to be the type to cave into a woman and allow a woman to get in the way of your plans! We all agreed...to stick to the plan no matter what. You allow exceptions to the rules and pretty soon there will be no rule, no plan at all. No plan and this whole thing will blow up in our faces! I'll be damned if I have to get arrested and go back to jail just because of a woman!" That was the last straw, Chet shook Vicki's grip off his arm and he swung his fist landing a healthy punch to his older cousins nose. Then he took a step back his chest heaving with anger, his eyes on fire and his nostrils flared. "I have not gone soft you sonofab****....an you know it!" He spat the words. "No! Chet....please stop." Vicki pleaded grabbing Chet's lower arm and pulling him back towards her. Pain flares through Garrett nose and upper lip as blood begins to pour from both nostrils, quickly clogging within his thin hairs of his goatee. Surprise filtered with anger rushes through Garrett as he only half way hears Chet cussing him out. "Coulda fooled me, jackass!" Garrett cuss back as he slams an heavy hard hook directly onto Chet's face, forcing him to lose balance. Spotting Chet's moment of weakness, Garrett quickly follows up with another hard punch to the other side of his face to throw him onto the ground. "Gottya now sucker," Garrett spits out as he pins Chet upon the floor, "think you're manly to attack me? Do you? Hell if you know what I've been through!" With that he sends another hard punch directed at Chet, landing upon his chest. The younger Duke grunts as his cousins heavy fist land son his chest forcing the oxygen out of his lungs. Blood smears down the side of his face from his mouth, the anger burns and wails inside of him, his eyes flicker with a twitch of hatred. Panty he wordlessly replies to his cousins cocky words an cussing with a swift kick to the older mans groin an then a fast right fist to his ribs. "You may have been a scummy city rat..." Chet's chest heaves for air an in anger. "But I have faced things that you have only seen in movies." Fighting for air Garrett glares into his younger cousin's eyes before spitting out, "So you say. Interesting enough you say such thing, since you of all people don't know what I went through." Anger corses through Garrett's muscular body as he grabs a hold of Chet's shirt and thrashes him roughly into the wall. It was a quick move, Chet saw the wall coming but he could not avoid it, the side of his face collided with the concrete immediately stunning him. He collapsed to the floor gasping for air and cussing ever word in the dictionary. "You....stupid...sonofab****...mother@#$%." he spat blood from his mouth and made an attempt to roll onto his knees. "Your no different then them..." Chet pointed towards the stairs an the people in the jail cell below. " You think....your so much better then me....because you have been places....done things that I haven’t...." Vicki could do nothing but stand back out of the way with her hands covering her face in fear as the two men 'duked' it out. "Garrett!" Ethan yells in surprise as he exits from the sheriff's restroom to see the two men fighting. Surprise and shock rushes over him as he is fought on what he should do or if he should intervene. "Get control over yourself, fighting with our member surely isn't going to make things better!" Garrett glares at his beaten cousin and becomes aware of the damage he had create but the anger continues to grab a hold of him as he glances over at Ethan. As quickly as his spinning head would allow Chet crawled away from his cousin an with aid of the wall pressed himself to his feet. He spat blood from his mouth onto the clean floor and hugged his arm around his aching chest. Thank god Ethan had at least drawn his attention for now, long enough for him to get to his feet. Vicki returned to his side, her eyes fears stricken a deep with concern, he nodded to her that he was alright. "I know she wasn’t in the plans Garrett.....but what else was I supposed to do...."Chet coughed an sputtered for a moment. "She got in the way by accident...." "Hell like I care any more," Garrett sighs in defeat, "at the moment I don't care...period." Garrett reads the relief in the younger Duke's eyes at the sight of Ethan, "Yes thank-you Ethan for your do the right attitude." Turning back to Chet he says, "You shoulda attacked me while you had the chance." Garrett takes a deep breath before walking back into the office, fighting to decide what to do now. Before Chet could say anything more Garrett disappeared into the sheriffs office, the young Duke boy hung his head shaking it as he picked his hat up off the floor and shook it off. "Im sorry Ethan....Om' sorry you had to get in the middle of that. "Chet sighed deeply." Hes right....I should have asked ya'll what you thought about Vicki helping us." Ethan takes a deep breath before glancing into the open sheriff's department to watch Garrett's back as the Duke sits upon Rosco's swivel chair lighting a cigarette. "I shoulda jumped in sooner," Ethan finally turns to Chet and Vicki, "no apologies needed to me at least...Garrett may owe you one, but I doubt you'd get it from him. Though the way he looks now, you just might," Ethan takes a deep breath as a spooky thought enters his mind to send a chill rushing down his back, "Welcome aboard, Vicki." Ethan offers her a smile before checking in on Garrett.
  24. Garrett nods silently to himself as he forces himself to listen to the thoughts that courses through him while watching Daney slowly begins to walk away. A small smile begins to spread across Garrett's face as Daney continues to walk away and begins to sing her hint of where to run. Abruptly her singing comes to a stop as a raspy male's voice speaks out to her, to grab Garrett's attention. Glaring through the gate a tall broad shoulder man stands with thick coal black hair and piercingly dark eyes. Catching Daney's look back, Garrett shrugs his shoulders to indicate his lack of knowledge of who the man is. "Thank-you ma'am," the raspy voice speaks up from the tall man as Daney indicates where Hogg's office is located at, "but I'm not here to see him. . .I'm here to see the young man down there." Garrett abruptly glances back up at him from glaring down at the ground as he grows alert at hearing the man's response. Garrett watches in silence while he watches the tall man make his way past Daney to walk towards where Garrett is locked up at. Garrett glares coldly at the strange man while the man's dark eyes seems to pierce through him. "I don't know who you are," Garrett is the first to speak up, "so why you here to see me? What you want?" "Ah you just jump down to it," the man smiles boldly at him while he grabs the near by wooden stool and sits down, "well as to who I am, that is to no concern or business to you. What I want is you." Anger and frustration soars through Garrett as he looks up at Daney to find her still standing where the man had left her. "Well first of all. . .I am locked up and therefore no one can have me," Garrett turns his attention back to the man, "and second of all...no one has me to start out with." The man glares angrilly at Garrett for a long moment before breaking the silence, "Well I am sure you already have a plan for escaping, but if not, I can give you a hand at escaping. But I think it is in your best interest if you were to do what -" "I don't need no help from anyone I don't know," Garrett abruptly interupts him, "and if you are threatening me...you are threatening the wrong person! I don't know who you think you are, but - " "It don't matter who I am, but what you will do for me!" he abruptly jumps up, staring angrily at Garrett through demanding eyes before glaring up to Daney where she stands, "I think it would be nice if you were to leave us alone for a few minutes, ma'am." Garrett glances from him and back to Daney as his mind wonders within him of what the man wants and who he is. "I'll meet you when I get the chance later on," Garrett finally answers the unasked question, not wanting her to get hurt if it were ever to turn to that. (Cue Daney)
  25. Impatience and frustration coursed raggedly through Ethan's trembling body as he watched the thin needle of the second hand slowly ticking around. Glaring at the small white face of the clock that hangs upon the wooden wall while his thoughts rush roughly within him; of his past and of what had brought him here. "Relax," Ethan jumps as a large muscular hand lands upon his left tense shoulder. Taking a deep breath, Ethan slowly turns to face Garrett with a large smile spreading across his handsome face, "he'll get here and all this will take off as planned." "Jeesh Garr, you don't have to sneak up on me like that," Ethan forced his own smile as his concern slowly moves towards what the young Duke thinks of him. Growing embarrassed of his nervousness and doubts, Ethan glances down at his black leather cowboy boots and at the dusty wooden floor before saying, "I'm sorry to be such a drag to you and to everyone. . .I mean, I want to do this. It is about time people sit and listen to us, that we be heard, and about time we all belong here. It's just I - I don't know if this is the best way to do it." "As I said, relax," Garrett shrugs feeling his friend's tension and doubts through his shoulder, "things will work out and at the end we will be taken seriously and noticed. It's either this or I'm gone...I leave and Kristy will leave as well." "That is if we don't get busted," Ethan gives a real smile as he forces himself to relax, "no wonder why my brothers always ignored me and left me out of their plans...I drag them all down with worrying." He gives a small nervous laugh, "I'm sorry...I'll relax. I can't help but to think of the worse...it's who I am. I don't mean to look or to seem as if I am a chi-" "I don't think you're a chicken and neither does Chet...or I don't think he does," Garrett smiles as he looks around the large sheriff's office while listening to Hogg's, Strait's, and Coltrane's yells from the downstairs cells, "relax and enjoy...while you can." "Yeah," Ethan shrugs glancing around while stepping away from the clock, "what you think is taking Chet so long? This wasn't in the plan." "Eh I know but plans seem to vary and change from time to time. Don't worry, he'll come," Garrett steps down from the podium where the sheriff's desk sits to stand near the stairs, "Meanwhile we now control the sheriff's station...we should be having fun at it." "Hell yeah," Ethan smiles as his doubts melt into confidence. (Cue Vicki or Chet)
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