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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. B.L. and Daisy got all 3 right. Daisy has 171 in a row correct (and 229 out of 230) Which of these were on the show? Hazzard Gazette or Hazzard County Journal Bobcat Flats or Beaver Dam Marsh (episode names) Bird's Gotta Fly or Sky Copter over Hazzard
  2. helicopter (hey, it flies, don't it?)
  3. Not just a wrestler but, in this case, she was a mud wrestler. I agree with "Treasure of Hazzard"
  4. It looks like my allergies are acting up again *sniffles* Seriously though, you folks are awesome. I really do feel like we're family here. This bond we have of loving the Dukes is so strong. Whenever I read posts like these I wonder how I ever survived without having a friendship with so many people who share that bond and understand what the show is all about. If I would have known a place like the Hazzardnet existed I would have learned how to use a computer a long time ago. I can't thank the people enough who are responsible for this website and enriching my life with it. I love you Meadowmuffin. You too Brian and MaryAnne.....and anybody else who has worked hard to make this possible. There goes theose allergies again. *reaches for Kleenex*
  5. Congratulations to DaisyDuke for her 4000th post!!!! Alex, B.L. and Daisy all got it right. Alex has 104 correct answers in a row. From "By-Line Daisy Duke" what did Boss hire two thieves to steal? A) moonshine TVs C) jewelry D) motorcycles E) tractors To start a new thread, simply click on the forum you want (like "Hazzard Swamp" or "General Discussion") and scroll down to "New Thread". Click on that and fill out the subject. Don't forget to put the title in or it won't go through. Then click "submit new thread"
  6. Daisy and B.L. are both right. Daisy has 168 in a row correct (and 226 out of 227) Which of these were on the show? Dragonfly Lake or Mosquito Bog Hitchapee County or Hatchapee County Lynn Anderson or Tammy Wynette
  7. It's good to see you're back Lukas. I've often wondered that myself. I hate to admit it but I've never bought any music of Jessi's (I am a Waylon fan though and not just because of Dukes). I have always wondered about that song though. I'd love to hear the whole thing. It's such a part of Dukes history because it was from one of the Georgia episodes.....and I love them Georgia episodes!!!!
  8. Welcome to the Hazzardnet DixieRoss. I have to admit this is a catchy song even though I'm not a kid rock fan. I agree with Capt Redneck and Val about the smoking part...it's too bad that had to be in there. Another thing I wasn't crazy about was the video. It had about 100 girls in bikinis and they all weighed 100 pounds each. I would have been happier with a little more clothes and a little more pounds. But I'm old fashioned. Speaking of videos, I was really disappointed with the "Holler Back" video. I can't even think of who sings it. That GREAT song could have been such a great video to have some real back woods scenes in it but instead they were singing in front of some tall office buildings or something. Them boys should put a little more country in their country music video.
  9. Sounds good to me *opens eyes wide waiting for the first quote*
  10. Right B.L. it was Cletus. What day was being celebrated in "Along Came a Duke"? A) Loretta Lynn Day Stonewall Jackson Day C) Fourth of July D) Sadie Hogg Day
  11. Daisy and B.L. are both right with all 3. Daisy has 165 in a row correct (and 223 out of 224) Which of these were on the show? Crabapple Canyon or Cottonwood Gulley Gary Butler's Law Office or Butler County Fairgrounds (episode names) The Prosectution Rests or Witness For the Persecution
  12. That's great Lori. I'm not surprised that your teacher is smart enough to recognize a good paper when he or she sees one. After all you folks in Hazard are pretty smart...even though you don't spell so good. (Hazzard should have two zs even if it ain't in Georgia)
  13. Happy birthday Luke. I'll meet you at the Boar's Nest for a couple buttermilks. Bring Bo with you. You'll need a designated driver. Make sure he lets you drive there though. (Bo's always hogging the steering wheel.)
  14. Don't be confused about how the press is twisting this. Scientists are not trying to create a Big Bang or black hole. In order to do so you would have to have an infinite ammount of energy and that's not something that can be found on a shelf in some lab. They are trying to recreate conditions AFTER the Big Bang....or at least as close to it as possible. In doing so they can learn a lot more about how the Universe began. I think scientists are making a mistake by trying to become God-like but if you study this enough and don't just listen to the press (they love to make things more dramatic than they really are....boring doesn't sell newspapers) you'll find out that we are a long way from creating black holes. I do have two big concerns with this particle accelerator. Is it going to be a complete waste of 9 billion dollars that could have gone to something better...and...if it's not, and we do learn a lot, will we use the technology to make weapons even more powerful than the ones we have now?
  15. Hey, speaking of the General Lee, check out my number of posts...LOL (for those of you reading this later, at the time of posting, it was 1969)
  16. Great pictures TomBo. It sure was nice to see current pics of Coy and Sheriff Little. I hope Big Ed didn't get mad and rip any fenders off your General. He still looks like he'd have no problem doing it. Your General is a thing of beauty!!! Well done!!!
  17. His name was Turk. Now that I think of it, was that just his nickname? I can't remember his real name. What I wouldn't give to see those old "Enos" episodes. "Grits and greens strike again" Who became sheriff when Rosco was fired on "To Catch a Duke"? A) Cletus Enos C) Hughie Hogg
  18. I think you mean "if it ain't too early" Luke's birthday is September 9.
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