As most of you know I post all the stars birthdays here but I don't really celebrate them but one. That one exception is May 11th. I don't make a cake or sing happy birthday or anything like that but I do catch myself thinking about 'ole Jesse all day on the 11th. It's not so much that he's made a biigger impact on my life that any of the other's that Jesse is my future. He's the man I'm going to be someday. He's my hero. I don't know how much Denver Pyle was like Jesse but it doesn't matter. What matters is that his acting gave me a mentor to look up to, and an old timer worthy of modeling my life around. I am, after all, only 4 years away from being Denver's age (59) in 1979 when Dukes first came out so, Lord willing, I'll live long enough to grow a white beard. Thanks Denver.