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Do you want a Dukes Movie sequel?  

175 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want a Dukes Movie sequel?

    • Hell yeah! Let's see the General Lee ride again!
    • Maybe, but how about better casting?
    • Maybe, but how about a better script?
    • Only if y'all start from scratch and actually watch the show this time first.

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Awright, since the sequel prospects are in limbo - I think it's time we let everybody weigh in. I can't promise that this will shift the odds one way or the other. But looking back on our earliest movie posts, there were rumors about the General Lee having no flag, and there were debates about what music should be on the sountrack, ect.

I can't claim that anybody was listening to us. Lookin' back, though, and taking into consideration some of the media contacts we received...it's at least possible that somebody was. So let's make some noise, eh?

Maybe we'll send the string to our WB buddies and see what happens. If all else, it may amuse 'em! :wink:



A sequel would be great - as long as the writers, director, cast, producers and everyone else associated with it has actually watched the show and knows something about how things work in Hazzard.

The best part of the first movie, for me at least, was seeing the General flying on the big screen.



I would like to see a sequel with the same cast. If they make it in the "Moonrunners/ Georgia Episodes" tone, maybe a bit grittier or edgier , I would love that even more.

Take out the drug humor and some of the silliness. Make Uncl Jesse a bit more "wise" and sort of fatherly in the sequel . Show more of the "other" characters (Boss Hogg, Rosco,Cletus) to get a better feel of character developement and understanding of their motives. Maybe a bit more of the background of the Dukes would be helpful, even if it the Balladeer or a few simple lines by any one.

The movie, for me at least, was good. Is was something different. It wasn't a copy and like a later Dukes episode. SWS and Johnny Knoxville did a good job as Bo & Luke ( They were wild good ol' boys) , for what they were given.

Keep the cast, keep the same stunt team and stunts, a bit more character developement, NO drug humor, a bit more seriousness of Bo & Luke(maybe).....See what the writers come up with first, then decide. See who will direct, too.....



I think Darrell hit the nail on the head. No drugs, ease up on the curse words and sexual connotations and I think the right track will be ridden on. How would y'all feel about a totally different cast? Would that work or would it hurt the film? Hmmm. It would be like letting other stars have the chance to re-live their fantasy and "do it better". And by the way, WB does know about this site...at least the Stunts and Special effects teams do. So hopefully what we say, suggest or just b**** about is being heard...whether or not it falls upon deaf ears though is beyond all of us.

Actually, what scares me is the fact (statistical fact) that very seldom are sequels better than the original. Unless it's built up like Star Wars or Lethal Weapon or Fast and the Furious, it'll be forgotten.

Well, that's my two cents. I'm done.


I totally agree take out the drugs and the four letter foul language, tone down the sex innuendo and make the characters more like the show and you've got a winner. A recast wouldn't hurt anything at this point after the first mockery.


To be honest with you, as far as re-casting...

A new Daisy would be awesome since the first sequel is going to focus on her a little butt...er...bit. I was cool with the rest of the cast (Sheev gets killed off maybe :o ) but the problem lies with Jay Chandahakashazarar. Get rid of "Broken Lizard Psuedo Entertainment", get a directing and casting crew familiar with the good 'ol days and I think a winner will be had. I'm still at odds with MC Gainey though. He was a super guy...hitting on my mrs and getting me a drink when I was super-sick at the party and all, BUT... The Roscoe bit needs some historical work. i.e., watching at least the first season. Roscoe, to me, help make the show. Yeah, he was a bumbling idiot, but dammit, he was funny. I rooted for Roscoe several times in the shows. Hell, I still do. The "new" Roscoe rubbed me the wrong way.

I'm getting off my horse now...see ya's


Actually, I wouldn't really want a sequel. They destroyed enough Chargers in the original show! 308 (or thereabouts) were in the original series, 28 in the movie. These poor old Chargers just get jumped and scrapped! :cry: Soon, the only Chargers left would be fan-made General Lees.


Not all 20-something GL's in the movie were destroyed though. A couple did survive. One of those, the main Star Car, got the famed Hemi and is now WB property (meaning it will never be jumped). As far as the others...you shoulda seen 'em when they bought them before the movie. Whew. They were nasty. Some had no interiors...engines..missing panels...etc. It was amazing how much money went into each one just to make it roll. The black Mustang used also had a few stunt cars. Two of them I wouldn't have touched due to the level of rust and disrepair. A lot of cars were saved when the movie was made. I included a link below to show just one of them. The Plymouth was carried in and dumped where it sat for a while. I'm a car guy and that was one car I wouldn't have wasted my money on to re-do. But, the finished job was awesome (you're welcome Randy). So, some cars were brought back to life, but a few were, well, toasted. At least WB had the mind to store ALL the cars (just in case) when they were done. When and/or if the sequel is made, several of the original GL's will be re-used to save money



This may sound like a regurgitation of some other posts that have been made but, I would like to see a sequel, minus the foul language and drug humor. Getting rid of all the sexual references wouldn't hurt either. Now, as for Uncle Jesse, I think the casting department did a great job finding Willie Nelson to do the part. The writers, however, do need to realize that Uncle Jesse was a good hearted father figure and not some Jackie Martling type, full of truly tasteless and vulgar humor. ( you may know Jackie Martling as Jackie the Jokeman from the Howard Stern Show) Now that I have put my two cents in, I would like to send a shout-out to everyone in Hazzard.....YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAWWWWW!!!!!


Let that general fly again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But not before the film makers discover what the DOH was about!

Make it at least seem that Bo and Luke like each other and bring back that family aspect that maked the tv-show what is was.

No Drugs, no cursing but just al lot of action, driving and humor!

About recasting:

Make Willy Nelson more serious and a father figure and you have a great Uncle Jesse and even Jessica Simpson could be Daisy again if they changed her role a bit. But if you ask me they could lay-off SWS. I like him as an actor but didn't like him as Bo at all.

They should ditch Sheeves to. He was funny but I would like to see more of Cooter instead.


  • 2 weeks later...

If they're gonna make a sequel they gotta do it right. No more moonshine......they were known for not making it anymore.... And get rid of the Sh**y cast. Most of them could be recast with someone better. And I agree, all the chacters could have been better devoloped. There's soooo many things I could nitpick about, but it would bore us all.

It would be great to see the General Lee tearing up the big screen again, but it needs to be done right. And yes it may have had a huge audience response, but I reckon they would get more if they tried harder to rope in fans of the original.

If you wanna see what the Dukes sequel should really be like I suggest you check out a fellow member of Hnet's screenplay.


And I know JDhoggjr has more to post to it. It's truly a Dukes of Hazzard Movie....I think he'd love it if ya'd checkit out!

  • 1 month later...

I believe several changes would have to be made for a sequeal in order for it to get good reviews and bring in the money at the box office.

As most have stated, the movie should be based more on the original tv series as far as the characters and their behavior. It does not have to be just a "big screen remake" of the same old thing - just keep the characters and the theme of the story similar to the way it is in the series. And tone down the profanity and remove the references to the illegal drug use. I don't ever recall Bo and Luke striking up a bong in the tv series - and Uncle Jessy never acted like a foul mouth burned out stoner.

And the music for the big screen movie needs a total make over. Add more of a "country music feel" to the movie, again, like the original tv series. Maybe have someone like Trace Adkins or Kenny Chesney do the narriator spot and have a guest appearance like Big & Rich playing at the Boars Nest. With as popular as country music is today I can not believe the big screen Dukes movie was filled with a bunch of rock music - even if some of it was "southern rock." Yes some of it is good music but it had no place in this movie - but then again look at this movie. - I don't ever recall seeing AC/DC stopping by the Boars Nest to jam for the locals in the tv series!!!

And most of all - in the Dukes movie we never got to see a shot of the General Lee passing or jumping over the camera! In the tv show we always got a shot of the G/L passing over the camera as if the camera was mounted in the ground pointing up. It is the little things like this - and the music - which make the movie feel more like the tv show!! As I said before - for the movie to be good it does not have to be just a remake. Just give us a little taste of the tv show - something more than just great car stunts.


jtbeach i partially agree with u. yes we need more country music in it and yes they need to get rid of the profanity and drug use and also the sexual references but my opinion junior brown did a great job as the balladeer in the movie and also they need a whole new cast. maybe paul walker as bo(yes weve heard that before),Barry Watson from 7th heaven as luke, Jennifer Love Hewitt as daisy,kenny rogers as uncle jesse,kenny chesney as enos,george clooney as roscoe,Charles Durning(pappy from O Brother, Where Art Thou?)as boss hogg,cledus t. judd as cledus,larry the cable guy as cooter(cooter:breaker breaker any u dukes home on the hazzardnet? luke: go ahead cooter. cooter: get-r-done) lmao. ok back to being serious,the original dukes should be in the movie. john and tom show up as race car drivers in the hazzard road rally,cathy be a waitress at the boars nest,james best can be the governor of georgia,sonny and rick could be deputies. what do yall think?


I agree that it would be nice to see a decent big screen Dukes movie, but let be realistic here. Given the horrible reviews this movie has received and the content of this movie (not including the "unrated" one) I don't think we will see any well known actors or musicians wanting to be in a sequel to this - especially with the same director. I figure Hollywood will try to push the dvd sales to fill their pockets and be happy with that. They made their money which is all they are concerned about. I really don't think they care about what the true "Dukes" fans think or want.

I grew up watching the Dukes and I now have small children who like to watch the tv show. I was hoping the big screen Dukes would be safe for kids to see but it wasn't. I found the movie to be "ok" but I also realize that hollywood was trying to appeal to what is popular with todays younger generation. This is why the movie was filled with the illegal drug use, excessive profanity and sexual references. Hollywood saw this as a one-shot deal and they made their money.

I just can't believe that Hollywood, and the country music industry, passed up on an incredible marketing tool by not making this a more "family oriented movie" - and incorporating more of the "down- home-country feel" which I believe made the tv show so popular with adults and the kids. We all know that if things were different this movie would have appealed to a much larger crowd -and brought in the $$$$ for Hollywood - Which would have given us one or two more sequels. But I believe whats done is done and we can take it or leave it.

***To all the movie industry folks out there*** This "movie" is EXACTLY why all of your Dukes merchandise did not sell in the stores and was quickly pulled off the shelves or put on the "clearance isles" at Wal-Mart. No conservative parent wants to buy items (shirts / cars/ toys) for their small children which promote a movie full of illegal drug use and excessive profanity (God **** is not something I or my kids want to hear in a Dukes movie!)

You people in Hollyweird and the country music industry could have made real $$$$ on this movie if you had actually paid attention to what made the tv show so popular with the true fans. But I guess you accomplished your goal - teasing the fans with something meaningless to make a quick dollar and run.


I started watching the dukes when i was like 4 or 5 now 27. I love the Dukes of Hazzard, the TV Series.I Just bought the new 2005 movie. To say i hated it. It had some good parts but theres nothing like the real bo and luke duke.

I say dont make anymore!!! For real i have season 1 and 2 and watch them offen. And my kids love em too. To me its right, having fun and family values. Thanks all for letting me join here!!

  • 4 weeks later...

i want a sequel only if its done proper like most of the people above me have said. Better director, and sinse the cast is pretty much under contract for another Dukes movie at least fix their characters the proper way (ie. Rosco actually being Rosco, no moonshining or drugs, and sexual innuendos). I was born in 79 so I didnt see the first few seasons, but when i was growing up, the show came on Saturday mornings and every Sat morning you would catch me sitting in front of my tv wacthing the Dukes and Boss and Rosco. I have been a dukes fan all my life, well, since I could watch tv atleast, and it was a very successful show without drugs and sex. The movie was ok IMHO but it could have been WAY better and hopefully if there is a sequel, it will be done the right way and not the SuperTrooper way.

I started watching the dukes when i was like 4 or 5 now 27. I love the Dukes of Hazzard, the TV Series.I Just bought the new 2005 movie. To say i hated it. It had some good parts but theres nothing like the real bo and luke duke.

I say dont make anymore!!! For real i have season 1 and 2 and watch them offen. And my kids love em too. To me its right, having fun and family values. Thanks all for letting me join here!!

i to love the real dukes. i have watched the dukes of hazzard for as long as i can remember. i also have season's one and two i could like to catch up with them and get he rest that are out. :lol:

the 2005 dukes of hazzard movies is a mockery of the real dukes. for one they never did drugs or crused like that.

for two daisy is not nor had she ever been a blonde. they took daisy and turned her into a bimbo pardon the french.

they made bo and luke out to be a coouple of pimps.

i didn't even go see the movie nor do i want to. :x

and i say no i don't want no sequel the first one is bad enough.

  • 3 weeks later...

I always thought and will always say yes Paul Walker should have been Bo. I also thought Charlie Daniels should Have played Uncle Jesse. As for the rest of the cast get people who actually can act like and look like the original cast. The story of the movie wasn't bad it actually reminds me of an episode in season 5. It was called Farewell,Hazzard. In it the Dukes have toe get the farm back and stop the villain from using Hazzard as a strip mine. If they make another movie they need to make it with the same formula that the TV show used. I just hope the kids of this generation figure out that the movie isn't the real Dukes. The only way I was able to like the movie was I kept telling myself it wasn't the Dukes. It was Just another movie that had the General in it. And boy am I glad they didn't screw that casting spot up.

  • 5 weeks later...

Even though I gave the new movie a 5 out of 10 vote,I say no to the sequal.

Unless they actually pay attention to the T.V. original series,then they should not even bother.

I didn't mind the plot of the story and some of the carless things the dukes done in the movie, but I want to see clean cut Dukes,no swearing and no uncle Jessie smoking pot or saying those ridiculous jokes.

Never once did the dukes ever do anything to harm the law,like blowing them up with moonshine,don't want to see that in the sequal either! Don't need tons of cop cars either.

Boss hogg has to be fat and bald headed,funny and caniving,none of this serious skinny boss thank you!

Roscoe needs to be more clumbsy,more of a screw up,but yet lovable,just like our Roscoe used to be.

Daisy needs to be in black hair, and don't need to be nude to get Enos's attention. Other then that I didn't mind Jessica as Daisy.

Get rid of sheev,entertaining as he was, who really needs him anyhow?

Put more ridge runner in the show,like in the real dukes of hazzard. Stick the story lines of the original with addes flare!!!

There is enough episodes for warners or whoever,to pick events from the original Dukes to make one heck Of a sequal!

Mix it all up into one big movie,I'm sure they can think of something,then all us duke fans would have something to relate too.

Hell,start with the day the duke boys got caught for moonshinning,and start the movie from there???????


Even though I gave the new movie a 5 out of 10 vote,I say no to the sequal.

Unless they actually pay attention to the T.V. original series,then they should not even bother.

I didn't mind the plot of the story and some of the carless things the dukes done in the movie, but I want to see clean cut Dukes,no swearing and no uncle Jessie smoking pot or saying those ridiculous jokes.

Never once did the dukes ever do anything to harm the law,like blowing them up with moonshine,don't want to see that in the sequal either! Don't need tons of cop cars either.

Boss hogg has to be fat and bald headed,funny and caniving,none of this serious skinny boss thank you!

Roscoe needs to be more clumbsy,more of a screw up,but yet lovable,just like our Roscoe used to be.

Daisy needs to be in black hair, and don't need to be nude to get Enos's attention. Other then that I didn't mind Jessica as Daisy.

Get rid of sheev,entertaining as he was, who really needs him anyhow?

Put more ridge runner in the show,like in the real dukes of hazzard. Stick the story lines of the original with addes flare!!!

There is enough episodes for warners or whoever,to pick events from the original Dukes to make one heck Of a sequal!

Mix it all up into one big movie,I'm sure they can think of something,then all us duke fans would have something to relate too.

Hell,start with the day the duke boys got caught for moonshinning,and start the movie from there???????

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