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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"I'm glad you're here officer. I just apprehended the Bandit." Officer:"No sir. You just apprehended my Captain." Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Take the cuffs off Jr." Jr. Justice:"But daddy we-" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Take the cuffs off, you moose twit!"
  2. Gilligan Trivia: Mr. Howell wore Lancaster Captain hat just like the Skipper except white not black. T or F?
  3. Dukes Trivia: What is the name of Lulu's skinny sister?
  4. Dukes Trivia: What colors has The General Lee been besides orange?
  5. Cousin RogerDuke... Yeah they were thought to have drowned in The Ghost of General Lee.
  6. Happy 58th Christine Birthday today to Alexandra Paul(Leigh Cabot)! 7/29/63!
  7. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Apprehend that horse's a** for reckless driving!" Jr. Justice:"But daddy he's-" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Do what I tell you, you pile of monkey n***!"
  8. Mr. Casey:"Real cute! Is that the way you like to do things Buddy, 3 on 2?" Buddy Repperton:"They started it!" Arnie Cunningham:"That's not true!" Buddy Repperton:"Shut up c***face!"
  9. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Come back here! I saw that you sumb****! You did that on purpose! You'll go away 'til your gray! I got the evidence! I'm gonna barbecue your a** in Molasses!" To Jr. "Put the evidence in the car!" Jr.:"But daddy-" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Put the evidence in the car! Put the evidence in the back! I said it before, and I'll say it again, there is no way, no way that you could come from my loins! The first I'm gonna do when I get home, is punch your momma in the mouth!"
  10. (Season 2 The County Nurse) Rafe Hollister:"When I was born, I had my momma, and when I die, I'll have the undertaker. I don't see much sense in clutterin' things up in between."
  11. (Season 1 Goodbye, Island) Skipper:"Gilligan! Don't you realize, that if the Professor hadn't thought of using Mrs. Howell's perfume to dissolve this glue, you'd still have us stuck to the boat!?" Gilligan:"Yeah! You still smell pretty Skipper!" Skipper:"Doh!"
  12. (Season 7 Happy Birthday, General Lee) Boss Hogg:"What the devil is this here thing?" Luke Duke:"Boss, Rosco, meet the General Lee!" Boss Hogg:"Oh. It's the General Lee!" Rosco:"The General Lee!" Boss Hogg:"Well, it sure is the ugliest color I ever did see!" Rosco:"Yeah! Ugly, ugly, ugly!" Bo Duke:"Ugly huh!? Well, the only thing yer gonna see of this car when the race starts, is the tail end spitin' dust back at you!"
  13. If any of y'all are on Facebook I would watch what you say and do over there. They have ridiculous community standards. I keep getting incarcerated for quoting Sheriff Buford T. Justice in the SATB groups. It happens to other members. So if I were y'all, I'd all do your quotes here in the SATB movie forum. Meadowmufn has reasonable policies here. As long as we censor the bad language in it with * and other symbols to spell it out, she does not care in the least. We can quote shows or movies here until our hearts are content. I am quoting here from now on. Tired of being arrested so am keeping it off of Facebook from now on. I hope y'all do the same.
  14. Happy 95th Heavenly Dukes of Hazzard Birthday today to James Best(Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane)! 7/26/26!
  15. I want the TBS reality show The Real Gilligan's Island(2005-2006) on DVD.
  16. Season 1 episode Wrongway Feldman. Gilligan:"Uh oh! Uh oh!" Wrongway Feldman:"What's a matter?" Gilligan:"I can't fly this plane! There's no fruit in here! I got a great idea! I know what I'll do. I'll go get a Coconut, a Papaya, a Pineapple and-" Wrongway Feldman:"Gilligan!" Gilligan:"I got the bananas!"
  17. This scene is from the end of the Season 2 episode Feed the Kitty. Skipper:"I guess I learned how to be an expert juggler all for nothing." Gilligan:"Come on Skipper. You didn't turn out to be an expert juggler at all." Skipper:"Oh yeah! Watch this Gilligan!"(bends down, picks up 3 coconuts, starts juggling them. One gets lodged up in a tree, stops juggling, looks confused.) Gilligan:"What's a matter Skipper?" Skipper:"Well, I could've sworn I had 3 coconuts."(Looks up, coconut falls from tree, conking him on the head. He looks dazed, stumbles backwards and sideways each way, as we fade out.)
  18. Gilligan's Island fans... Alan Hale Jr.(Skipper Jonas Grumby) black Lancaster replica. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Captains-Hat-Yacht-Hat-Authentic-Benford-Yacht-Hat-Skipper-Hat-Vintage-Hat-/202083416479?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  19. Jim Backus(Thurston Howell III) white Lancaster replica. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Captains-Hat-Skippers-Hat-Yachting-Hat-white-top-/254513270581?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  20. Dukes of Hazzard fans... I bring you sad news... Guest star William Smith (Jason Steele) from the Season 4 2-parter Ten Million Dollar Sheriff died July 5, 2021. He was 88.
  21. Chucky is coming to small screen in new Chucky TV Series starring Brad Dourif(Chucky) & Jennifer Tilly(Tiffany) filming started and Season 1 is set to air on Syfy & USA Network this Fall 2021. It will get more into his backstory. Plus an 8th movie is in the works too. Currently the movies are: 1. Child's Play 2. Child's Play 2 3. Child's Play 3 4. Curse of Chucky 5. Bride of Chucky 6. Seed of Chucky 7. Cult of Chucky
  22. Child's Play fans... A new Chucky TV Series is coming starring Brad Dourif(Chucky) & Jennifer Tilly(Tiffany). Filming started. Season 1 is supposed to start airing this Fall on Syfy and the USA Network.
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