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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Cousin Andrew D Charger Chaser... I'd give you the laughing face. But I used up my reaction limit.
  2. Cousin Roger Duke I recommend her to sign up here. She's one of my friends over on Fakebook. Yes y'all no typo. You read that right. Fakebook is my new name fer that place as we have to mind what we say and do over there. Like Cousin Hobie Hartkins said "Facebook bites a## it's run a communist and is only free speech if it's something they agree with, which last time I checked there's nothing free about that!"
  3. Cousin Hobie I have. Maybe it's that white car Luke was driving in Reunion(1997) when they were in town looking for Daisy's kidnappers.
  4. Regina Cunningham:"You are not keeping any car at this house!" Arnie Cunningham:"Fine!"
  5. Tell them smokies all to take a rest 'Cause they'll never get the Bandit Express
  6. Carrie(Frog):"Are we going 110!? We're really going 110!"
  7. Tribute posts with Alan Hale Jr. and myself doing the recreation scenes coming soon. Soon as I'm done uploading all the photos of me and of him to Flickr.
  8. (Season 1 The New Housekeeper) Opie:"Pa! Aunt Bee! Wait!" Aunt Bee:"Opie what are you doing out in your pajamas?" Opie:"Don't go Aunt Bee, I don't want you to! I want you to stay!" Andy:"You mean it Opie?" Opie:"Sure!" Andy:"Well, what changed yer mind?" Opie:"Well, is she goes, what'll happen to her? She doesn't know how to do anything! Play ball, catch fish, or hunt frogs! She'll be helpless!" Andy:"Why I guess that's right. If a woman don't know how to do important things like that, why she'd just be lost." Opie:"That's why she's gotta stay! So I can teach 'em to her! Aunt Bee, you need me!"
  9. (Season 4 The Sound of Music, Hazzard Style) Heep::"We lost 'em!" Morton:"Good." To Bo "Pull over at the side. Pull over at the side!" Bo Duke:"Alright." Heep & Morton make the boys get out. Heep:"Well, this is the end of the road boys. Heh! We ride, an' you walk!" Morton:"Any questions?" Bo Duke:"Yeah. One. You got any bullets in that gun?" Morton fires at Bo's feet. Morton:"Anymore questions?" Luke Duke:"Nope. Keys are in the ignition." Morton nods. Bo Duke:"Luke. I'm kinda gettin' that queasy feeling again. I better sit down." Bo squats, and grabs sand. Heep:"Hey! You're not gonna try and pull that trick are ya? Guess yer gonna pick up a handful of sand, and throw it on us huh?" Bo Duke:"I reckon we saw the same movies huh?" Heep:"Yeah." Bo Duke:"Gimme a hand up will ya, Luke?" Luke Duke:"Yeah!" Luke throws Bo into Heep, then grabs Morton's hand slamming it down on the roof of the General Lee, making him lose his gun. Yanks him out of the car. Fights him, Bo and Luke throw him into Morton, and both collapse onto the ground. Bo and Luke get back in the General Lee and leave. Morton:"Don't let 'em escape Heep!" They shoot at Bo and Luke. Luke Duke:"I don't they was amused. They meant business." Bo Duke:"I'd sure like to know what all that was about." Luke Duke:"We're gonna find out right now. Let's head into town, and talk to Rosco about all this." Bo Duke:"Ok."
  10. (Season 1 Big Man on a Little Stick) Gilligan is exercising using little bamboo dumbbells. He swings them up. Skipper walks up just as Gilligan is swinging them back down, striking Skipper in the chest. Skipper:"Ooop! Gilligan! What are you doing!?" Gilligan:"Oh hi Skipper." Skipper:"That is not the answer!"
  11. Gilligan's Island Fun Fact: The Skipper hat had all these color anchor guild side buttons on the hat at different times in the series 3 seasons 98 episodes 1964-1967. Black, Gold, Brass, Bronze.
  12. (Season 2 Three's a Crowd) Andy(On phone angrily):"Yeah!?" Barney:"I got a theory, since the letter came from Raleigh, maybe it's under R." Andy:"Well, look!"
  13. (Season 4 Diamonds in the Rough) Bo Duke:"He's got to much of a head start." Luke Duke:"Gonna have to take a shortcut or somethin'." Bo Duke:"But we can't take that shortcut. That ain't no road." Luke Duke:"Well, that's never stopped you before!" Bo Duke:"So Come on! Let's take it! Haha!"(Jumps General)"Yahoo!" Frank:"They just jumped the road over there!" Lisa:"You just take the long way around, you don't drive like they do!" Waylon Jennings:"Now honey, there ain't nobody who drives like they do!"
  14. The end of (Rescue From Gilligan's Island 1978) The Castaways survive the storm that ship wrecks them again. Unfortunately the Minnow II sank out from under them. They swim unknowingly back to the island. They collapse soaking wet onto the Lagoon beach. Gilligan gets mean mugging looks from the group. He runs off into the Jungle. Mary Ann:"Oh. He didn't mean any harm Skipper!" Skipper:"Neither did the iceberg that sank the Titanic!" Ginger:"Any idea where we are?" Skipper:"Not really. That storm turned us 'round and 'round, and blew us all over the map for 12 days." Mrs. Howell:"Well, surely we must be someplace. If we weren't, we wouldn't be here!" Mr. Howell:"That's my Lovey's long suit. Haha logic." Mrs. Howell:"Yes." Professor:"Well, wherever we are, thanks to your expert seamen ship Skipper, we're all alive." Skipper nods and throws his hand up in a wave of appreciation. Gilligan(Comes running out of Jungle, carrying a piece of wood.):"Hey! I know where we are!" Skipper:"Now how could you know that Gilligan!? That wind was blowing 90 miles an hour in every direction!" Gilligan:"But I know Skipper!" Skipper(Amusingly):"And how do you know Gilligan?" Gilligan(Holds up piece of wood that he found.):"Look what I found!" The board says MINNOW I on it. Skipper:"Oh no!" Mr. Howell:"The same island!" Gilligan gets the mean mugging looks again from the group. Gilligan(Comes running over to the group, stopping at the Skipper):"Well, why are you all so sad!? I mean, we're home again, huh!?" Skipper(Stands up, takes off soaking wet Captain's hat, and smacks Gilligan on the head with it.):"Yes Gilligan! We're home again!" Gilligan:"Yeah?" Clapping sound of wet Captain's hat meeting Gilligan's wet sailor hat. Gilligan:"Oooh!"(Drops board on Skipper's feet.) Skipper:(Cries out in pain):"Aaah, aaaahhhh! Ooooh Gilligan!"(Puts Captain's hat back on, as Gilligan runs away. He runs after Gilligan who dives into the Lagoon for cover. They splash around with Skipper trying to hit Gilligan some more with Gilligan trying to evade the attacks.) End credits roll.
  15. Cousin Roger Duke... I'd give you a like. But I used 'em all up.
  16. Cousin Roger Duke Amen! That platform plays favorites it picks on people like me, while it leaves others alone. To quote our favorite Sheriff "Shame shame Mark Zuckleburg! Everybody knows your name!"
  17. Moochie Welch:"Hey Cunningham? Is that you Cunningham? Hey, you ain't mad are you?"
  18. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"I am Sheriff Buford T. Justice! Don't you hear good!?" Sheriff Branford:"I hear perfectly. The fact that you're a Sheriff isn't Germaine to the situation." Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"The g**d*** Germans got nothin' to do with it!" Jr. Justice:"What did he say?" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Shut up! One s*** at a time!" Jr. Justice:"Alright."
  19. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Now I got the sumb****! And I got him with his fly open!"
  20. George LeBay:"The money's not important. And there will be no bringing her back here. Cuz I'm sellin' this s***hole and buyin' me a condo."
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