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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Dukes Trivia: Who got caught in the Celebrity Speed Trap and what did she sing?
  2. (I don't what episode this is by heart/off hand/off the top of my head. But it's Season 2 or Season 3.)
  3. (Season 1 Lost Pilot Episode Marooned) scene. The Castaways are listening to the radio detail their fate.
  4. Dusty:"Cletus! You forgot the mustard." Cletus:"I forgot the mustard? Woman sit down!"
  5. (Rescue From Gilligan's Island 1978) scene. Skipper:"It's all my fault! I should've gone after my Little Buddy in the first place!" Mary Ann:"You tried Skipper, you tried!"
  6. https://www.facebook.com/groups/283690332142279/permalink/1181210505723586/?sfnsn=mo
  7. (Season 1 One Armed Bandits) Bo Duke:"Whatcha doin' son?" Rudy:"Squirtin' flies!" Bo Duke:"Hahaha! I hate kids!" Jill Dobson:"Haha!"
  8. (Season 2 Deputy Otis) Ralph Campbell:"Alright Otis. Now that the coast is clear, how 'bout a little snort? A taste. You know? Cocktail time."
  9. (Season 1 Two on a Raft) Gilligan:(Working on raft)"I finished it!" Skipper:(Is nearby, and rushes over to Gilligan.)"Oh that's great! I knew you could do it Gilligan. I'm really proud of my Little Buddy!"(He looks around, and sees the unfinished raft.)"Wait a minute! Do you call that finished?" Gilligan:"Not the raft! The sign!"(Points to a sign that reads GILLIGAN RAFT MAKER.)"It's a beauty isn't it?" Skipper:"Yes Gilligan! But we can't sail the sign! Now, start lashing poles together with that vine!"
  10. Regina Cunningham:"Can't we even talk about this like rational human beings?" Arnie Cunningham:"One of 'em took a sh** on the dashboard of my car Ma! Now, how's that for rational, huh!?"
  11. APO(Amusement Park Owner):"Excuse me s s s sir I'm the owner of of this this here m m mess." Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"What is it yer tryin' to tell me?" APO(Amusement Park Owner):"I'd just like to s s say o o one t t t thing. W w w we're closed!" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Get in the car Jr.! We're surrounded by a mental case!"
  12. (Season 2 The Little Dictator) scene. Trying to get Elpresidente Rodriguez to use up all the bullets in his gun.
  13. (Season 2 Allergy Time) scene. Gilligan left to go live on the other side of the island, to relieve everyone from sneezing & scratching because it seems they are allergic to him. Skipper reads Gilligan's letter he left behind for them. They are are sad about Gilligan leaving.
  14. (Season 1 Plant You Now, Dig You Later) scene. Gilligan & Skipper discussing Gilligan's trial against Mr. Howell, Skipper is Gilligan's Attorney.
  15. Kait Tucker You have to message Sean Bailey and Tim Phillips on Facebook for your answer. Screenshot the pic and send to them and ask.
  16. (Season 1 Home Sweet Hut) scene. Gilligan:"That was a close one! Somebody. Could've. Stepped. Right. Into. The. Barrel!" Skipper:(Inside barrel)"Thanks to you, Gilligan, somebody already has!" Gilligan:"Sorry Skipper. But you shouldn't stand on it, it's to dangerous. I'll go get you a ladder." Skipper:"NEVER MIND!!' Gilligan:"It's ok. It's right over there, by the door!"
  17. (Season 2 Erica Tiffany Smith to the Rescue) scene. Skipper:"And that's how we ended up marooned on the island!" Erica Tiffany Smith:"What a terrible story." Skipper:"Oh, but you see, it ends happily. Because the 7 of us have managed to survive!" Erica Tiffany Smith:"All man?" Skipper:"Well no, there are 3 women." Erica Tiffany Smith:"I thought you said it ended happily?"
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