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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. YAY Daisy and Roger. Congrats on doing a good job at keeping your resolutions. Keep up the great work. As for me I think I am going to agree with Jimmie Buffett and make a new resolution to not make any more resolutions . LOL I need to find more and better motivation or something... Enough about me, great job you two!
  2. Hi Val...thought I'd drop you a line to say hi, it has been awhile. Hope all is going well with you. :D

  3. *Mischievious smile* Who ever said you were my favorite little cousin? ;)

  4. Farm (I don't know if I did it right, so let me know if I am doing it wrong. I just thought I'd give it a try. )
  5. *Ornery smile* Sorry, couldn't help myself

  6. Gotta love Keith's music...so upbeat for the most part. He puts a lot of emotions and feelings into his songs. He is one of my favorite artists.

  7. EEHK! I'm awake now Emy...throws a mud ball at you :D

  8. Mary Chapin Carpenter sang Shut up and Kiss me... Kiss A Girl - Keith Urban
  9. Daisy - Flip the two words of "This Kiss" around and you have: Kiss This- Aaron Tippin
  10. I still wouldn't have Hughie in office without Hogg or Coltrane...couldn't there be anyone else? LOL Perhaps one of the boys...or Cooter? There you go, Cooter would do great! LOL

    You write stories? If so, that would make for an interesting story - don't let my meaningless opinion get in your way. ;) So what do you like about Hughie?

    Not to give you the wrong impression, I don't dislike Hughie, I just don't trust him. ;)

  11. YAY Redneck Girl...I hope you enjoy your boys at the show. I have to be at work at six so I wake at four to get up and ready and take Lilly, my dog, out.

    Numb3rs :D LOL. I got just under three hours before it is on here. . . Central time. YAY!!!!!!!!!! Charlie, Don, David, Colby...can't wait to see what they are doing tonight. It'll be a rerun like I said so I have already seen it, but I am still excited. LOL

    Story idea? i kinda thought of doing one, but never put too much effort in it. LOL. It would be interesting. ;)

  12. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Lori, Happy Birthday to you! - that was Garrett singing Happy Birthday to you. You better have enjoyed it, he don't sing to just anyone you know. ;)

    I hope your special day was a good one Lori! Hope you had lots of cake and ice cream. :D (Did you save any for me? ;) )

  13. Storm in the Heartland - Billy Ray Cyrus
  14. Have fun at the fair,...be safe! Hope you get to go to your concert. :D

  15. Wow Redneck Girl...take a deep breathe there in between sentences or something...looks like you're about to hyperventalate or something. LOL. Glad to see you are in a good mood! :D 10:17 is late to me, though I do see it often enough. I need to start going to bed earlier and I keep meaning to do so, but it is rare that I get to bed before ten. ERRR then wake up at four. Oh well. YAY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D My favorite day of the week...bet you can't guess why. There is two reasons...one is the obvious. Last day of the work week meaning two days off of work to do whatever and secondly NUMB3RS is on:D...be a rerun, but I still love to watch it. Can't get enough of them as I can't of the Dukes. Don and Charlie VS Bo and Luke. That'd make for an interesting story. LOL. Don and Luke would probably get along...though I don't know about Charlie and Bo. LOL OK I will shut up before I bore you any more than I already have:)

  16. You really must be a Hughie fan to be this determined about having everyone liking him enough to trust Hazzard to him. Huh? Nothing against Hughie...but he had his chance. If memory serves me correctly, he had a second chance and blew it again. I think we're better with J.D. and Coltrane...someone we all know and know how to handle. Hughie is not to be trusted in my book. As I said earlier though, that all is of my personal opinion about Hughie. . .

  17. The Dukes keep an eye on ol' Hughie if given a second chance? I think the Dukes have too much other important things to do and worry about than have to continieously babysit Hughie to make sure he has changed as you claim he has. Such as the farm, racing, and cars. They don't need Hughie to interfere with that...I agree with Roger. I'd much have ol' Boss and Rosco in office/ for law than Hughie. Hughie needs to be locked up tight so he can't do any more harm to anyone else. But hey...that'd make for an interesting and fun fan-fic to write for you. That all is just my opinion, don't let it get your way...I'd much see Hazzard remain the same with Hogg and Coltrane as the law.
  18. The sky...lol. I should be in bed and look at me still online. Shame on me! Hope all is well with you.

  19. Well since you didn't read or take my apology for your misunderstanding there, Roger, I hope you take a nice long nap. Perhaps that will give me a chance to escape.
  20. Uncle Jesse may say we aren't here to judge...which he is right...but he would also warn us to be smart with those who we trust. And honestly, I can't say I trust Hughie one bit. Can't trust Boss or Coltrane either, but you can at least have a bit of trust of what they are up to. Hughie? You can't say that...to trust him any is asking for trouble...my opinion of course. :D

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