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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. In Stewart's interview, the person interviewing him asked him what it was about and Stewart said that Gordon was afraid or worried that Stewart would be upset at him for it. And then went on to say that Gordon had nothing to worry about because he was at total blame for it...he apologized to the drivers and their fans for what he did. I thought that was very big of him. Something I never saw him doing several years ago. So I was glad to see that...to see him respond like that to it. I think it was hard racing, everyone going for the win probably. Too bad for everyone, really.

  2. Thank-you for your explanation of the accident. It did look like an exciting race to miss. :( I am at my parents' house so I just got done watching the replay of the accident and you described it for the most part good. I think Gordon was behind Stewart and Stewart got lose or something and Gordon tapped him from behind and went to pass Stewart and Stewart got into Gordon once and then spun him around when Edwards hit him. It looked really scary...more scary than I had imagined it being. I am glad everyone is OK. In the replay it did show Gordon going to Stewart and he did look upset, but Stewart put his arm around him and they talked.

  3. Bo 25 Luke 23 Daisy 5 Jesse 25 Cooter 17 Enos 5 Enos gave a point to Cooter
  4. *Begins to come back with a sarcastic remark before swallowing it back.* Trust me, Roger, I ain't opening my mouth about this to anyone on phone, CB, or anywhere else. *Looks over at Roger* And it's easy for you to say not to worry about it or that there is no hurry to get rid of the money. You ain't the one with the money on ya. The longer we have our hands on the bag, the easier it'll be to catch us with it...meaning serious jail time if it happens to be the law. Whether or not it was Hogg's stolen money. *opens the car door and steps out into the chilly night and grabs the money to and shoves it under coat.* You know where I'll be when you're ready. Though if you aren't here by noon tomorrow, I'll take my bike and deliver it myself...makes me nervous holding onto it for so long especially being followed like that. If that guy went to the law and described you, your car, or what he saw, we may be in big trouble come morning. *Looks up at the old farm house I rent with my half sister and her kids and back to Roger.* You take care. I'll see you in the morning. *Closes the door and begins to walk up the drive way to the front door of the house.*
  5. Garrett Duke


    Well once again, I have to apologize, I didn't get to watch the race due to being at work. Though I did listen into it on the radio and a little on TV during my half hour break and then finished watching it when I got home. I got in the car to go home for the day in time to hear teh annouoncers say they were under red flag with seventeen laps to go....first thought was to hope Gordon wasn't involved and right after I thought htat the announcer said soemthing about the driver that is the most disappointed is...I knew it was Gordon before he said it just because of how dominant he seemed to be during my break. You saw more than I have Roger...I wish I could see the accident to see what really happened. I read about it and heard the driver interviews on the radio, but I have to see it to really understand what happened. My computer is too dang slow to play video and all that stuff. The accident took out nine drivers who was competing for the lead with only seventeen laps remaining - has to be disappointing to them all. Gordon led 126 laps and Stewart led 74 laps before they got taken out of the race. Gordon finished 31 and Stewart finished 32nd I think. Seemed like Stewart took full responsibility for it, though Edwards took fifty percent of it and Gordon took some as well. Dale Jr led some laps a few times through out the race and managed with a top ten finish that had always helped him climb in points as well. Can't think of where to at the moment. He was second with only a few laps remaining until Kyle Busch passed him and then Johnson. Denny Hamlin won the race with Johnson coming in second and I think Kyle coming in third. That is about all that I know. The accident took Stewart, Bowyer, and Edwards out of the top twelve in driver points where Gordon remains in fifth spot where he was before the race. (Though probably more points back.) Johnson increased his point lead to over a hundred points over Kennseth and Biffle. That is about all I know about the race. Know Johnson and Gordon had some contact with each other over what looks to be the lead. Sounds like Johnson hit Gordon from behind intentionally by the interview with Gordon. Though can't say for sure. Sorry for the lack of more info here. I didn't even tape the race today...kinda wish I did now so I could see the accident. Though perhaps it is better off not seeing it - I would have been really disappointed and upset to watch the whole race and to see Gordon doing so great only to get caught up in the 'big one'. Still is upsetting and frustrating, but not as much as I would have been if I saw it the first time around. If all that makes sense. Next Sunday's race is at Talledega where "the big one" is to be expected. As in the big accident. Hopefully we don't get another replay of last year's finish with Carl Edwards being thrown up into the fence. That was scary to watch! Though found it funny that he got out of the car and ran across the finish line afterwards. (Texas Daisy - I don't know any sites where you can watch it...there probably is some out there. I know they show the race again on Thursday early afternoon on the Speed Channel. Or at least they use to. You could check that out?)
  6. OK I will shut up now...sorry for the boring and complaining messages here. LOL. Like I said, I didn't see the video or what happened. Just got from articles and interviews on the radio. Sounds like it was an exciting race, just wished for a better ending. LOL. Hope you are having a great day!

  7. Sorry for my rambling...LOL. I had to complain to someone who would understand. Sorry for my complaining. I guess it is promising to see Gordon competeiing for the win and being up there all these races. Probably better than last year, but still, frustrating to see the victory continueing to be robbed from him at the end. Oh well...Talledega is next week. Perhaps he can survive the big one to win it...with Edwards second. ;)

  8. Jr seemed like he had a good race...led several laps and was up there competing for the win until the last couple of laps. He gained a couple of spots in points. So that was good. Too bad he couldn't have pulled it off for a win. It is promising to see him move up after the last couple of seasons he has had.

  9. Though I do have to admit that I do admire Stewart (Never thought I would say that since he was a driver a few years ago I could barely stand) for taking full responibility about it publicly and apologizing like he did. Edwards took half of it and the article on NASCAR.com said Gordon took his share as well. Said he went to Stewart and Stewart had his arm around Gordon's shoulders or something like that. That was neat to hear. Saw a picture of them shoving Gordon's car into the wall...Guess it was due to the double file restart with some cars having two tires and some four. Wish I knew what exactly happened but my computer here won't run the video from online. The article was kind of confusing to me as to exactly what had happened. But it took out nine cars that were up front it sounds like. Feel bad for them all, to be that close only to not finish it at all.

  10. Well I turned the radio onto the AM station where the race was on on my way home and to work during my break as well as the TV. Was so excited to hear Jr in the lead and then Gordon in the lead by a long run. And to hear how dominant Gordon was. Well I get off at 2:30. I turned the station on again on my way home in time to hear that they were under red flag conditions with seventeen laps to go. My first thought was Gordon better not have been involved. But just as soon as I thought that the announcer said that the driver has to be disappointed...and I knew it was Gordon before he even said his name! 126 laps led today only to finish 31st. Wish I could seee the replay of what happened. I turned the TV on when I got home, but they didn't show it...unless they showed it after the race. After Hamlin won, I turned it off and took my dog outside.

  11. Well I did listen to all the interviews and all that yesterday, it was interesting, but would rather have had the race to watch. I ended up not taping the race becuase I never get to watching them a nyway and just look it up online.

  12. Well I will keep you in my thoughts during this process with your job and all that. It has to be real stressful and worrisome. Good luck with it all.

  13. Bo 25 Luke 23 Daisy 6 Jesse 24 Cooter 16 Enos 6 Well I miss a day and look what happens... Enos gave one of his points back to Bo.
  14. *Silently takes in all that Roger said while eyeing the bag of money at my feet, thinking of how only a fraction would buy me that nice motorcycle in Atlanta beforeo thinking of how much it would help the orphanage.* Well, I guess we'll have to count it and then divide it between your choice of charities that you listed earlier. Then we could deliver them together or split up...depends what you want to do. *Sighs heavily before leaning back in the chair, getting more relaxed.*You that worried about your ride, Roger? I could always take my Mustang to deliver the money. He won't have any problem delivering or escaping from anyone. *Pauses momentarily* As for the guy in the truck, I never saw the truck or him before. Perhaps he's one of Boss' new associates?
  15. Though the pre race (extended) was interesting and entertaining. Then again I always find them entertaining to watch which is why I normally watch them. I don't usually watch the pre race shows on the other stations. I liked thier film or whatever you call it on Gordon with National Guard and his interview. Carl Edwards was interesting to watch and was glad to hear Mark Martin's view on the whole switch thing. The top ten crashes in the last ten years was interesting too...found it funny them congratulating Carl Edwards at ranking the first in that. LOL.

    Well I hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend and that you will have a great week ahead for you. Hope you get good news on your job hunt. :)

  16. Well are you as disappointed about the postponed race due to rain as I am? Or is it just me? I look forward to my races on Sunday or Saturday and then ol' mother nature has to go steal it away from me...again. Well I guess you'll have to wait another day to watch Gordon win his second win at Texas...LOL. Wouldn't be as disappointed if I knew I could watch it tomorrow, but last time when I rushed home to watch it on monday, I got home in time to see replays of the finish. Oh well I guess. Talledega is next week...if it don't rain; that is.

  17. Garrett Duke


    Texas Daisy - you didn't disappoint me. Take your time or like them all. It is up to you. I was just wondering. There is a lot of them to chose from and they all have different driving styles and different characteristics. Well after two hours of watching the pre-race show over my baseball game, they finally post poned the race to tomorrow at noon ET...meaning 11:00 central (my time)! I don't understand why they have to do it so early on Mondays...I would think most of their viewers would be at work at that time. Or perhaps I'm the only one...LOL. If it goes like their last postponed race, I'll get home in time for them to be showing the replay of the finish. I could record it, but I never get around to watching it and end up looking it all up online anyway. Though I do find the prerace show on Fox to be fun and entertaining. Of all the stations they are on -Fox is my favorite due to the announcers. (NASCAR changes channels and announcers several times throughout the season.) Their top ten crashes in the last ten years since NASCAR was on Fox was scary and interesting to watch - now that they were over and everyone was OK afterwards. Several of them I did watch and held my breath until they said they were OK at that race. They can have some pretty scary accidents, but luckily they have a lot of safety things in the car and on the track to minimalize the possiblities of getting hurt. Well I am hoping that they will have a fun and exciting race tomorrow...just disappointed that it wasn't today.
  18. Live to Love Another Day - Keith Urban
  19. *Gives a small sigh of relief at feeling the engine come to full power and the sleek mustang shoots forward.* Well guess it's better late than never to get to full throttle. *Turns around to look out the back window in time to see the old truck pulling off to a hay field before turning around.* Well our luck just turned for the better, Roger. Not only your car come back to health but whoever was in the truck has gone chicken and turned around. Just as long as he ain't on his way to tell the local law...if that's what you call the two men uniforms with a star on thier chest. *Turns back around* Well let's get your money sorted out and delivered before he does get to the police to write out his report. I'm sure Rosco would love to slap the cuffs on me and Hogg would love to get his fat hands on that htere bag. The sooner it is out of our possession, the better. *With that looks down at the bag of money at my feet, silently glad at the opportunity to deliver Hogg's unearned money to people who needs it the most.*
  20. Bo 2 Luke 22 Daisy 6 Jesse 23 Cooter 17 Enos 7 Enos gave a point to Bo
  21. Thanks for the messages! It was great hearing from you! I hope that you will get through with your work and have a great weekend. Good luck again on the job hunt! Hope you'll get to watch Gordon win at Texas on Sunday! ;) (Sorry I couldn't help myself. I think after the last two races of being robbed of the victory, it is about time he gets the win. HA HA HA!) Take care.

  22. Live those Songs again - Kenny Chesney
  23. Wow that totally surprises me about Martin not wanting to resign with Hendrick. I guess it would make sense if he wanted to retire, but to only drive part time for another team? I mean this year Hendrick was going to have Martin and Keselowski drive partial schedules, but Martin resigned his contract to drive the full year...or something like that. Perhaps he's rethinking that now that he hasn't won yet.

    But that makes more sense as to why Hendrick was wanting to sign Kasey. I was wondering why he was willing to replace Martin at the end of his contract with Kahne. I just figured it was due to Kasey being younger and all, but couldn't see Hendrick letting Martin go just because of his age either.

    That would get old hearing that over one driver. Knowing my luck, if I was in that place, the people would be going for Busch like that or someone like him. I like Kasey...like you said, he's not my favorite. I will probably find myself liking him more now that he is going to Hendrick.

  24. Your brother know how lucky he is? I wish I could meet a driver or two...perferably Gordon and Johnson. LOL. Knowing my luck, the driver I'll get to meet, if that woudl happen, would be someone like Kyle Busch or Kennseth. HA HA. Bet your brother had a great time! That is too bad that you were unable to go! That'd be so frustrating to know someone close could go and you couldn't. Did he take pictures and get autographs for you at least? I sure hope so!

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