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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Live to Love Another Day - Keith Urban (Sorry I think I used that one already...)
  2. *Nods at Roger's statement before I open my mouth to respond to him only for Roger to close the door to his Mustang before I can say anything. For a long moment, stare at Roger's Mustang in frustration and confusion at his outburst towards me, wondering what I had said that had upset him so much at me. 'Perhaps he don't want to distrubute the money or want any part of this. Perhaps he felt I forced him into helping me out. . .' Shrug my thoughts away. 'If he didn't want to do it or have anything to do with it, he should have said something.' Watches Roger back out of drive way before turning around and walk back into the old farm house I rent with my sister and her kids. Only to walk in and face an upset sister who eyes me with demanding eyes.* About time you get home, Garrett. You know what time it is? Where've you been? Who was that? *Eye Kristy questionably.* Don't know and don't care what time it is and it's no business of your's what I've been doing. I've got my own life as you have your own. As for who that was, a new friend. Thought you'd be proud...you always said I should get out and get friends of my own here in Hazzard. I finally did so and now you're upset. There's no making you happy, is there? *Kristy rolls her eyes at me.* It's one in the morning...that's what I have a problem with. Also find it very questionable and kinda amusing on how you tried hiding behind my dead bushes there when Scooter was delivering paper...what you think he was going to do to you? Throw a paper at you...perhaps it'd have hit you in the head to hit some sense into that thick head of yours. Though it makes me kinda fear you've gone and done something you're trying to hide and will later get in trouble for. *Shakes her head and lets out a deep breath* I don't care, Garrett. Whatever you done, it will be up to you to get your sorry self out of it. I'm not helping you out one way or another this time. *Eyes Kristy questionably. Dang, can't make anyone happy today.* What do you want me to say, Kristy? To apologize? I didn't do anything, but make a new friend. Didn't know I had a curfew now. And since when have I went to you to get me out of trouble? I - You don't...I normally got and find you in trouble to help you out. *Kristy interrupts me, arms folded though her angry look fades away.* Like I said, I don't care what you did this time. It's your life and you'll have to deal with it. On your own. *Raises an eye brow* You're just lucky that you and your new friend's little talk out there didn't wake Jamie or Shay...you'd really be in trouble then. I'm going back to bed for the remaining four hours I have left until my alarm goes off. Don't forget to turn the light off on your way up. *Kristy turns and walks up the wooden stairs that leads up to the rooms. I watch her quietly before she turns and disappears into her room and listen to her door close before turning the light off and make my way up the stairs to my own room.* (Sorry Roger - I hope you don't mind I brought Kristy in here. If so, I can always erase it.)
  3. Garrett Duke


    NASCAR seems like it has a lot of bad luck when it comes to rain - dang it's frustrating! Well, a lot of people in the south may not be complaining and may be enjoying a little rain down there, but dang it, I'm complaining. LOL Couldn't it rain during the week in the south? Maybe like Monday and Tuesdays or something like that...work out well with me. HA HA. It's been a pretty dry spring here in Iowa as well. Of course, I say that now, but it is currently raining here as it has been off and on this afternoon. It can rain all it wants here...just not in Talledega. LOL I want to see my race tomorrow!
  4. Bo 27 Luke 22 Daisy 2 Jesse 28 Cooter 16 Enos 5 Cooter gave a point to Bo
  5. The Snakes Crawled at Night - Charlie Pride Ok I have to admit...I totally cheated with this one. I looked it up online to see other song titles with crawl in it - it had me stumped. LOL. Normally I'd go look at my line up of CDs for a little help, but knew ahead of time there was no way I'd have another song with the word Watermellon or crawl in it - if I do, I can't think of it (other than Watermelon Crawl. LOL) Hope this doesn't disqualify me. HA HA.
  6. I love their music - what a talented trio they are! I have both of their CDs and they are great. They are going to be in Iowa sometime this summer at a fair of some sort, though don't know if I will go or not. They would be awesome to see. Alan Jackson is going to be there too on a different night - which makes it a very hard choice for me. I love AJ's music as well...LOL (Him and Bo seem to have a lot in common. Both are six feet and five inches tall, both blond, both born in GA, both love cars and country music. LOL)
  7. Garrett Duke


    Looks like today's Nationwide Series race at Talledega has gotten called off due to rain...as well as the Sprint Cup's qualifying (everything has been postponed at the track today due to rain.) Meaning that the Sprint Cup race tomorrow (weather permitting...fingers crossed) the drivers will line up in the order of driver points. Jimmie Johnson, Matt Kennseth, Greg Biffle will be the top three drivers for the race. The Nationwide Series race will be held after the Sprint Cup Talledega race (I think). Dang weather...I am highly hoping for a nice sunny day in Talledega tomorrow - I don't want to miss another race due to the rain at the track! Especially Talledega - a very fast pace and exciting race!
  8. "Rosco!" Boss Hogg's angry voice echoes loudly off the hollow thin wooden walls that surrounds the local Hazzard law man. Instantly fear and worry spread through his numb body as he finds himself instictively jumping to his feet. Halfway around his cluttered desk, Rosco finds himself wondering why he allows the town's commissioner boss him around as he does, why he always finds himself answering to Hogg's every beck and call; why he allows the commissioner to disrespect him with each meeting they have. Sure, the commissioner is his brother in law and they've known each other for years, but that was surely no excuse to put up with his demanding abuse. In fact, it should give Hogg another reason to respect him, and yet. . . "Yes Boss," Rosco hears himself say as he halfway opens Boss' closed door to peer in through the open part. "Get in here," Boss snorts as he looks up from his desk, a half lit cigar stuck in his mouth, "close the door behind you." Rosco nods shortly before stepping into the commissioner's office and quietly shuts the door behind him to walk silently to the front of Hogg's wooden desk. "Your fat sister," Hogg starts up again as he eyes his sheriff with demanding brown eyes, "just left here and you know what she wanted?" "To be treated with respect," Rosco mutters silently under his breath, avoiding eye contact with Boss. "What was that?" Boss asks, eyeing his sheriff questionably before he shakes it off, "Never mind that. We got problems," he puffs out a cloud of cigar smoke, "she wants money. No...she's gone off with my money to run her little event! The nerve of that lady to stroll in here and asking to go over budget with it!" "What's the problem, Boss?" Rosco asked, confused, "You agreed with it to begin with. Told her it would be good for her to do it, to be in charge. Now that she's doing it, you see it as a problem?" "Damn right I do," Boss nods, chomping on the butt of his cigar, "I only agreed for it to happen so that she'll be out of my hair and out of my way when I am working on my own project." Boss goes silent. "Look the problem is that she wants the money, she wants me to be in charge of the planning. If I did the planning it would surely get in the way of the project and with Helm's people...he'd have a fit if he knew." Rosco sighs heavily as the room fades into quiet. Hogg always got himself into these predictaments and then it was him who would get the blunt end of the deal by listening to him gripe about his problems, about what he himself got himself into it. If Hogg was anyone else, he'd have learned from his mistakes by now and moved on, would have changed their ways. Not Hogg. He was too greedy and selfish to change or to learn from his mistakes. In his eyes they weren't his mistakes, they were to be blamed on Rosco or someone else. Perhaps I should just sit back and watch him take the fall for his actions this time, see how he thinks of me then. Perhaps he'd appreciate all that I do for him a little bit. . .Rosco thinks silently. "Wait a minute here, Boss," Rosco states instead, "you tellin' me you had my sister all fired up about this event thing that you gave her the idea for only for you to team up with someone to get something for yourself?" "Is it great or what?" Hogg smiles boastfully, ignorant of Rosco's anger, "She gets to feel like she is in charge and to lead the whole thing while I'll be getting a fat pay check at the end." Rosco shakes his head as angry thoughts rush at him. "This is lower than low...even for you Hogg!" Rosco hisses as he leans into Hogg's desk, Hogg sinks lower in his leather chair, surprised at Rosco's intense anger. "Lulu is my sister...she's your wife! This is something that she is looking forward to, this is something that is important to her and you're just going to run in there and ruin it for her. And why? Just so you can find another way to illegally earn an extra dollar to blame on someone else. Well," Rosco goes silent as he takes a step back from Hogg's desk, proud of himself for once standing up to his brother in law, "this time, you're on your own, Hogg. I'm not going to sit here and listen to it or to help you rob my sister of what is earned to her. She deserves better than that...and at the moment, she deserves better than you." Intense silence explodes within the stuffy room as Hogg stares at his sheriff in complete shock. He slowly opens his mouth to yell at his sheriff only to close his mouth and slowly stand up upon weak legs. "Rosco Coltrane, I can't believe you have the nerve to walk into my office and talk to me that way!" Boss finally yells as he angrily punches his wooden desk to make Rosco jump in fear, "I am the town commissioner, I am your boss...I am to be respected and I will not tolerate such attitude toward me as that! I am half the mind to take your badge and gun right now and send your sorry self out that door with hopes of never seeing you again! Lucky for you, I can't afford another or a different sheriff at the moment," he sighs heavily as he falls back into his chair, still confused at his sheriff's outburst, "you understand where you stand right now? You talk or treat me that way again, you will be out of a job and find yourself having to find a way to support your own self." Rosco nods. "I understand, just as much as you understand me. I've been through it all with you Hogg and I am not complaining. We've had good times. We've had bad times. Through it all, I've been there with you and for you. I just think it is time you respect me and give me the credit I deserve," Rosco pauses, surprised with himself for saying it aloud, "but above all, I am asking you not to ruin this event for Lulu. This is important to her and if you were to go in there and do whatever it is you're thinking of doing, it'll hurt her more than you'll ever know. Or would probably care to know." Hogg sits back in his chair, his anger slowly sizziling out with awe at the boldness his sheriff is now displaying him and despite his anger, he can't help but to silently applaud Rosco's effort at righteousness. Hiding his emotions, Hogg nods silently for a moment, putting a face of thoughtfulness towards his sheriff. "Well Rosco. What's done is done. I can't go back now. You know how it is," he leans foward and shrugs as if to say there is nothing he could do about it, "but I will keep your wishes in mind and see what I can do." Rosco stares at Hogg for a long moment, lost in thought of what Hogg may mean about what is done is done. Sighing heavily, he shakes his head. "You never learn, do you Hogg? That the only thing that comes from these greedy plans of yours, is trouble. How often do you get away with the money compared to how often you are caught?" Rosco pauses, "One of these times, when you pair up with a new 'business partner' with one of your greedy schemes, it's going to back fire on you and you're going to get hurt...or worse." He breathes out heavily. "You just don't learn. . ." "I learn more than you'll ever know, Rosco," Hogg states matter of factly as he grabs another cigar out of his gold box along with a lighter. "Well Rosco, aren't there tickets you should be writing out right now? Sure the Duke boys are probably up to no good right about now, don't you think you should go check them out and see what they're up to?" Hogg motions towards the door with his lit cigar, "There's the door, Rosco. I don't want to see that face of yours until you've earned me some more ticket money or unless you have one or both of them boys in handcuffs. Understand?" Rosco goes to say something until he sees Hogg's angry demanding eyes staring at him. Closing his mouth, he slowly nods. "Yes sir," he finally states as he eyes Hogg hardly for a long moment before he slowly walks out of Hogg's office, slamming the door behind him. (cue Daney )
  9. *Gives Roger a questionable look* Well Roger you seem to have a better memory than me. Either that or you have a better imagination than I do. I don't seem to remember saying anything about giving up anything. Especially coffin sticks...something I've never heard of before. What is it? *Sarcastic voice with ornery grin* Anyway, noon sounds good. *Turns to door as if done before turning back around to face Roger* You definately got a better imagination than I have. There's no way I'd embarass myself that much by falling over the handle bars due to a little puddle. That's some imagination you've got there *Winks ornery at Roger* Just hope your wild imagination don't keep you up tonight, you'll need to be wide awake come noon time when we meet at still sight number three.
  10. Long time no see! I hope all is well with you and that life is treating you well. All is well here other than a frustrating muse that won't cooperating with me...in other words, nothing new here. LOL. Just thought I'd send a hello out to you. It's been awhile!

  11. Long time no see Redneck girl! I hope everything is well with you and that life is treating you well. Not a whole lot to report here other than a frustrating muse that won't let me write. ARGH! LOL. Anyway, just thought I'd send a hello out your way since it's been awhile!

  12. Garrett Duke


    You are very welcome Texas Daisy! Hope you get to enjoy the Talledega race on Sunday.
  13. Garrett Duke


    You are very welcome, SleepysRose. NASCAR is one of the few things I know about and really enjoy watching and talking about. (If you can't tell ) Once I start talking about it, though, I can't stop. I am just glad to have a place to talk about it with other fans and actually be able to help answer their questions...normally it is I that has all the questions and no answers. LOL. Ah a Mark Martin fan. Bet you were disappointed last week with Kasey Kahne's signing with Hendrick in Martin's car. I hope that Mark Martin will find another ride for 2012 - sounds like he kinda knows what he'll do. It will be interesting to see what will happen next year and all that with Kahne and Martin. Sad to see Martin leaving Hendrick Motorsports, he brings a lot of talent and personality to their team, but do understand Hendrick's view and reasoning behind it. Kasey will be a great addition to the team, I do like Kasey, it is just sad to see Martin leaving. For your sake, I hope Martin will have a great race in Talledega. GO Jeff GORDON GO!!!!!!!!!
  14. Garrett Duke


    Thanks Roger! I have to admit, it took me a while to get to understand NASCAR and the races, but once I did get to understanding it all, I got hooked on the races and so forth. Finally there is something I know at least a little about. I bet you both had a great time at the practices! That sounds fun and it is always great to meet people that have the same interests as you. Hopefully they'll be stopping by.
  15. Bo 26 Luke 23 Daisy 2 Jesse 27 Cooter 17 Enos 5 Uncle Jesse gave a point to his favorite nephew (Bo)
  16. *nods* So far everything's goin' our way. Let's hope it stays like that. *Watches Roger yawn silently for a thoughtful moment.* Well I don't know where still sight number three is...I'm kinda out of the loop with that. Though I'm sure it'll work out well. I'd say we could do it here, but Kristy works with Hogg. Wouldn't want to put her in jeopardy with him if she were to catch on and let it slip. *Pulls hard pack of cigarettes out of pocket to eye them silently and then up at Roger.* I'll have it counted out and sorted out and meet you at the still sight at eleven tomorrow. Though you'll have to tell me where it is or at least give me some sort of a hint. *winks and puts an unlit cigarette in mouth. Keeping it unlit, waiting until Roger leaves to light it* As for you, you best get home and get some rest before you fall asleep on my drive way. Now there, people may find suspisious. *Winks at Roger while climbing up the porch steps.*
  17. Garrett Duke


    Good questions Roger! In penalized for passing on the apron, it would probably intail a drive through penalty which is where the driver is forced to drive through pit road at pit road speed before going back on the track - in other words they'll be put back quite a ways in the order. Or be held for a lap to be a lap down. I remember a race a year or two ago where a rookie was shoved down there at the end of the race (don't know if it was talledega, but it was a ristrictor plate race) and passed for the lead right at the checkered flag - meaning he'd normally get the win. But since he passed under the double lines on the apron he was robbed of the win and Tony Stewart (I think) who was behind him and may have been the one to shove him down, ended up with the win. Which if they are caught speeding on pit road, they are forced to do a drive through penalty that puts them at the end of the longest line or around there. Also talking about penalizing - both Marcos Ambros (Car number 47) and Max Papis (part time driver) were penalized last Tuesday after post race inspection (as well as their crew cheifs) for their car being too heavy. It was like 50 points and seventy-five thousand dollars. Something like that. I think the driver got the points taken away and the crew cheifs had to pay - something like that. NASCAR is real finicky with this COT (Car of Tomorrow...or rather it is now Car of Today - the car they are now driving in other words. LOL) and if they do anything little wrong with it, there is that sort of a fine it seems. Feel bad for Ambros and Papis...they're having a rough time as it is not alone for NASCAR to be taking points away from them. OK for the points now... Jimmie Johnson, Matt Kennseth, Greg Biffle are the top three drivers in points right now. Kevin Harvick is fourth with Jeff Gordon in fifth, Kyle Busch, Dale Jr, Jeff Burton, Kurt Busch, Mark Martin, Denny Hamlin, and Joey Lagano is twelveth. That is the top twelve in driver points which is where everyone wants to be with ten races left of the season. LOL. Though I am sure with Talledega on Sunday - that sure mix it up a bit, though JJ is a head by a hundred and eight points right now, so it'll take a bit for someone to be able to steal the lead away from him. (Give Gordon a few races, I'm hopin he'll be able to do so. HA HA - That's my own personal opinion of course )
  18. Bo 25 Luke 23 Daisy 4 Jesse 26 Cooter 17 Enos 5 Daisy gave Bo a point. D
  19. Garrett Duke


    Ooo a good question Texas Daisy...and for once I know the answer! Some tracks like Daytona and Talledega are restrictor plate races - it is where the track makes the cars go super fast (I don't know why...) so they have slow the cars down so the drivers won't get hurt - for safety precautions. It is a metal plate with holes in it that they put in the cars to slow them down. I think the bigger the plate is the slower it'll make the car. Also in restrictor plate races, the drivers can NOT pass or go below the double line on the bottom of the track (they can't go on the apron of the tracks as they can on most of the tracks that only have the single line). They will be penelized if they attempt to pass on the apron. I hope that makes some sense and helped you some in understanding it. Talledega is a fast pace race and it always seems to produce "the big one" as in accidents. Like last year at the last lap with Edwards. Hopefully it will be a fun, exciting, and safe race for everyone.
  20. *Glances back when Roger speaks and shakes my head* Nah man. I'm fine with the money. I'm just saying that the longer we have it the more risk there is. *Glances up with Roger's warning and quickly ducks under the bushes in front of the porch to watch the lights slice through the night's darkness. The car comes into view before driving by and down the road. When it is out of sight, get up* Forget it Roger. It is my idea, my money, my responsibility. You get home, get some rest and I'll see you sometime tomorrow. I'll be here and have it all counted and sorted out. *Glances up as lights come from the other way. Cuss under breathe before giving out another warning of my own.* Looks like he turned around, here comes the car again. You best be gettin' outta here, Roger. Take care. *Dives behind the bushes once more, taking deep breathes to calm myself.*
  21. Yeah I noticed Stewart talk of Gordon as being a team mate. I know Stewart-Haas has some affiliation with Hendrick. They drive Hendrick engines, but I don't know what else they have with each other. I am sure that is what they are talking about when they say each other is team mates. (sorry was meaning to say that before, but forgot. :) )

  22. Garrett Duke


    You are welcome Texas Daisy! I know how you feel...I only have the local channels at my place as well...no cable for me. I go to my parents' house for most of my TV watching. LOL. I could watch the race at my place for now, but normally do it at my parents' house. Good luck saving up the money. Well I finally saw the replay on Yahoo! NASCAR page of the big accident. It looked a lot more scary than I had pictured it being. But maybe that is because it was Gordon's car that was being shoved sideways with his hood up and all. LOL. I am glad everyone is OK. NASCAR has done a great job of stepping up to the plate with all their safety precautions that they put in the car and on the track. Of course that don't mean nothing could happen, but they do a great job of protecting the drivers and all that to their best ability. It looked like Gordon got into the back of Stewart when Stewart got lose (maybe?) and then went to pass him and Stewart hit him when Edwards hit Stewart which sent Gordon up the track sideways and them plowing him down the track. The other drivers got collected when they tried missing them. Gordon got out of his car and went over to Stewart - he did look upset, but Stewart put his arm around Gordon shoulders and Stewart in his interview said that Gordon went over to him worried that Stewart would be upset at him about the accident and of where Stewart said there was no need for him to be worried since by the replay it was all his fault. Disappointing end for them all, but am glad they are all OK. Gordon and Johnson was racing against each other hard with some banging into each other. They didn't sound too happy with one another...but like they both said, they'll talk it over and get over it by next week. It isn't the first and probably won't be the last. Denny Hamlin won the race like I said just two weeks after having knee surgery. Don't know if that helps any or if that is any new info, but that's what I know as of now. It looked like an exciting race to miss. Am looking forward to Sunday where they will be at Talledega. Restrictor plate racing!
  23. Thanks for rooting for Gordon for me. :D He sounded so dominant. I am glad you were able to listen to it at work. I listened and saw some during my half hour break and then when I got off listend on the radio and watched the last ten laps or so on TV. As I said, I was hoping Jr would pull off a win after Gordon got out. Figured after how it sounded Johnson raced Gordon, that he could sit out a win or two. LOL. Oh well, Jr did pretty good it sounds like. He moved up in points - going in the right direction.

    I hope you are having a good week and that you'll get word soon on your jobs and all that. :)

  24. Saw the exchange between Gordon and Johnson too...they didn't sound too happy with each other on their radio that they played on the video. Some sarcastic remarks. Hate to see that because I do like them both and do like seeing them be close - friend wise and all. But like they said they'll work it out. The media act like this is the first time they've raced like that...one race comes to mind with them banging on each other...can't think of the track at the moment but Johnson ended up winning that race. I think they are both very competitive drivers out there and once they're in the car, everything is out the window. Though wish Johnson would share some of that luck with Gordon that he has. LOL...I know it is more than luck, he is talented, but how can someone escape so many accidents? He was right next to Gordon when he was involved in the Stewart and Edwards' accident and yet...LOL

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