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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Hi TXDaisy. How's it going? Hope all is well. Pick a favorite driver yet? LOL (YOu know I've gotta ask!)

  2. Garrett Duke


    It's my fault for making you lazy, huh Roger? Perhaps I should stop with my reports so you'll get back to rooting for Jimmie Johnson and watching him. I think he needs your support right about now...I give him mine, but obviously it ain't enough for him. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact I go for Gordon more than him, but still, Jimmie's my second favorite. LOL. Just joking. I'd have a hard time talking about the race when y'all have given me permission to do so and put up with it. I don't know much people that likes racing or NASCAR, so this gives me an opportunity to talk about it to someone who is interested in it. You are welcome. Glad I was able to help. I would see how and why you would get mixed up with Sprint and the sprint type of cars. I would too. Sunday night will be the Coca Cola 600 at Lowes (Charolette MotorSpeedway) It will be a fun and exciting night of racing I am assuming. I am looking forward to it - then again, I always look forward to the races, especially if Gordon does bad in the last race. Look forward to see him come back with a stronger finish if that makes sense. Jimmie Johnson is good at this track so hopefully he can find his lucky horse shoe everyone jokes he had and have a better finish than he did at the All-Star race which is at the same track. They use to call it "The house that Jimmie Built" since Lowe's sponsors him and he's good at Lowe's the track. LOL Anyway, hope Gordon and all of your drivers will have a good race and a good finish.
  3. Bo 28 Luke 28 Jesse 28 Cooter 16 Jesse made it a three way tie by giving his point to Bo.
  4. Did you get to watch the All-Star race last night? As I said in my post, the only positive t hing about the race itself was that it wasn't for points. Well Gordon and Edwards finished right besides each other at the end of the race...too bad it was for 20 & 21 spot - dead last. Meaning both our guys didn't finish the dang thing! :( :(:( ERRRr. Not only that, but Johnson had to spin out at the end too. Glad that was only the all star race. Hopefully they will have better luck next Sunday at Charolette. (Figured it'd be a long all star race when Gordon hit the wall on the first lap!)

  5. I really hope you are doing alright...

  6. Garrett Duke


    You are welcome, Texas Daisy. Thought I'd share that info about Vickers. I bet he is disappointed and all knowing that he is feeling a lot better and yet can't race. ****** Well anyone other than me watch teh All Star race last night? The shoot out race before, I only saw the last half, but was satisified to see Truex Jr and Biffle win their way into the All star race. Was glad to see Edwards get the fan vote - if I'd have voted, I would have voted for him. I really like the driver introductions that they do before the All - Star race. It is always exciting to see the way the drivers and the crews present themselves. Found it very touching and nice to see Brian Vickers get introduced and walk in with Casey Mears who drove his car for him. It was good to see him after what he went through. As for the All Star race itself...my opinion is that the only positive thing about the whole race was that it was NOT a points race. Being a Gordon fan and a Johnson fan - it was very frustrating race for me. Gordon hit the wall hard on the first lap and struggled throughout the whole thing staying back in 15th or so place through the whole thing before someone ran into Martin or something and caused the big wreck - knew Gordon was going to be in it. He had no where else to go. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but it took him out of the race completely after that. My first instinct was to turn it off and go to bed since it was late and I'd have to get up early today, but Johnson was still in it so I stayed up to watch since he was so dominant. Only to be shoved infield with a couple of laps to go. By then I might as well as have stayed up to see the finsih. Kurt Busch took home the million dollars that the winner gets... And all that with Gordon and Johnson happened in the last ten lap shoot out, which is a given that something is going to happen with the winning at stake, no points, and ten laps to do it... Was kinda interesting to see the whole thing happen between Hamlin and his team mate Kyle Busch. Hamlin may not have hit Busch when Busch went for the lead, but he blocked him right into the wall to send him backwards. Only for his tire to blow and take him out completely...as well as Kasey Kahne (Felt bad for Kahne, another driver in the wrong place at the wrong time.) But Kyle was mad...told his crew on the radio that htey better keep him away from Hamlin after the race. It had it won. He said that before his tire blew. Then he went and parked his car in front of Hamlin's trailer! Guess they had a 20 minute talk between them and their car owner Joe Gibbs. Well we are onto Charolette again on Sunday night for the Coca-Cola 600 where it will be for points so hopefully Gordon and Johnson will have a much better race! My opinion of course. Would have been much more upset last night with Gordon's wreck if it was for points...as well as Johnson, but Gordon is behind Johnson so in my opinion, is in need of more points. LOL. Well there is my two cents worth on all that had happened last night in the All-Star race. I hope that everyone else's drivers had better races than my drivers had. All four Hendrick drivers were in the two accidents in ten laps to go...Am looking forward to the Coca-Cola 600 on Sunday night on Fox again. (I am thinking it is the last race they'll have on Fox. Then it will go to TNT. I like Darrell Waltrip, Jeff Hammond, and Mike Meyers - the announcers on FOX. Once again, my opinion...
  7. Garrett Duke


    Roger - There is three different NASCAR series - but there are a whole lot of different types of racing if you know what I mean. They said some number last night, but I can't remember exactly what it was. It was a lot though. The three NASCAR Series are the Craftsman Series or Camping World (I can't remember right now. They switched sponsors for the name and I cant remember which was the old one and which is the new one.) Which is the truck series races. I haven't really gotten into them or even watched them. Though I do know some of the top names of the drivers in the series. Some of Nextel Drivers drive there as well. Then there is the Nationwide Series (formly known as the Busch Series) that is where mainly the younger drivers race. Though a lot of NEXTEL drivers drive in there as well such as Kevin Harvick, Carl Edwards, Denny Hamlin and so forth. It is kinda like triple A baseball is to the MLB. Where the drivers get their start before moving up. (Though unlike baseball, the big league drivers have the option to race in it. Though not all do. Gordon and Johnson doesn't as well as a lot of others.) Then there is the main NASCAR series that is the Nextel Series which is what Gordon, Johnson, Stewart, Jr and all them race in that I mainly talk about. I think I have only watched one or two Nationwide Series races, though again do know some of the drivers that do drive in it. Nextel Series is the only series that I watch every week and know the most about. Though would be interesting to get into the Nationwide Series races more if I had more time and all that. . . Hope that helps Roger. Bet your mechanic had a great time at Dover! I would love to go to a race!
  8. Garrett Duke


    Due to the medicine that Brian Vickers is on due to his blood clots, he will be out the remainder of the season. They said he couldn't drive for a minimum of six months which would be the end of the season...but will be racing again at Daytona next February. Casey Mears will race for him in the All Star race tomorrow as well as for the rest of the season.
  9. Thanks for the info Daney. Is the original Law and Order the one with Jack McCoy? The lawyer part of it? Just wondering. I heard of the Law and Order Las Angeles. But to me, it won't be the same thing. Glad to hear SVU got renewed. Sorry about Cold Case. There were a lot of shows it looked like that got canceled. I don't know if this is normal or if I am just noticing it because Numb3rs was one of them. Like I said, I don't have much room to complain. I had my warnings and I had the show longer than expected, just disappointed to see it go. If I feel this way about Numb3rs being cancelled, I'd hate to know how bad I'd have felt if I was old enough to understand it with the Dukes. Oh well...at least there are the DVDs and fan-fics.
  10. Garrett Duke


    Any Numb3rs fans out there? Other than the Dukes, Numb3rs is my second favorite TV show...rating pretty close to Dukes. I had looked forward to Friday nights to watch the show at nine (central time) to watch the show on CBS. Well a few months they ended season six six episodes early to put on on Miami Medical...well it has been made official that CBS has ended Numb3rs once and for all. I guess I shouldn't be upset. I saw it coming. CBS gave plenty of warning that the creaters of Numb3rs got to make an awesome show finale...one that they could add onto in case it wasn't cancelled. So I got an awesome finale - one that would have been hard to out do if they were able to get into their season seven. So at least had warning...was expecting it by what the creater of the show had said as well as Rob Morrow (was Don Eppes) on Monday. I had six awesome seasons of the show and have half of the show on DVD to watch and to rewatch as much as I want to. Yet, to me, it won't be the same. It was the only show I had made a point to catch each week, the only show that put compitition to the Dukes. Sorry to complain on a Dukes site and all, but it is just saddening to me to see such a great show come to an end. I knew eventually it had to, but still doesn't make it any easier to accept. Also...heard on the Numb3rs site that Law and Order is coming to an end...don't know if it is all their shows or just one. I like Law and Order to, so it is sad to see that coming to an end. Though I mainly am able to catch the reruns of it by running into the show while flipping through the channels. So it isn't like Numb3rs or the reruns of the Dukes on CMT Or TNN, but still surprising to come to an end. I do enjoy watching it. SVU is my favorite of the Law & Orders, but do like CSI as well as the ones with Jack McCoy in it. Oh well life will go on...LOL. Guess that's where Fanfic comes in handy...
  11. Hi Lori - it was great hearing from you and know that you're still alive! HA HA. Hope your exam went well today. Good luck with it. Things are OK here. Good luck with the Army too. :D

  12. 'Til Summer Comes Around- Keith Urban (Surprised? LOL)
  13. Garrett Duke


    Thanks Roger for all that you said. I am enjoying writing about the races - it gives me a chance to talk about it in length w/out worrying about boring everyone to death. Well I probably do here, but sadly y'all have the option to ignore it and move on if you desire. HA HA. Hopefully the Dukes would be proud...it is because of them that I am into NASCAR afterall. Before I got back into the Dukes back in '97 I thought of any sort of racing as a waste of time and a senseless sport (afterall, it's only a bunch of drivers chasing each other in cirlces...right? LOL). Then I got into the Dukes and with all their racing and The General...look at me now! KHEE! To quote Rosco. I love it! Khee! Well I hope your three day trip was well and that your party you went to yesterday went well TXDaisy! Hope you enjoyed them. Next Saturday is the All-Star race and most likely I will be missing that for my neice's three year old birthday party...guess I can't catch them all - though I do try to. I will tape the race and since it is on Saturday instead of Sunday, hopefully will be able to watch the recorded tape on Sunday. Not the same day of the race, but if I can stay away from NASCR.com, should make for a fun race all the same.
  14. *Watches Roger leave while smoking another cigarette while thinking of the last day's events and all that we have done, of using my mischevious background for a work of charity. Only to bring a small laugh at the thought of what my old friends would have thought of that before being interrupted by the thought of the disappointing look that the Dukes and everyone else in Hazzard would probably have upon me and what I had done. My old friends would have called me a whimp and a coward while Jesse and the rest would say two wrongs wouldn't make a right. I shake my head at both thoughts with a smile on my face as I step out the remaining of my cigarette before I turn my motorcycle the other way to begin to drive back home with the thought of taking a long and undesturbed nap.*
  15. Tonight, I wanna cry - Keith Urban (Sorry...know I posted this one a time or two in the past. Just seems appropriate for right now for some reason. Plus it's Keith Urban...HA HA)
  16. Garrett Duke


    LOL sounds like you've been busy! No wonder why you haven't been posting or watching them! I thought it was Kurt Busch that you were going for? I could be wrong though. If so, glad your driver did well. Didn't mean anything against Kyle...just not a fan of either Busch brother. They both have talent, I'll give them that. I'll also give Kyle the fact t hat he has grown up a lot it has seemed.
  17. Garrett Duke


    I forgot to mention... That the NASCAR Hall of Fame officially opened on Tuesday (would really love to go!) and will have it's ceremony on May 23. With that...AJ Allmindinger - who had a fast car today with a few mistakes or mishaps here and there today - drives the Petty owned Ford #43 and drove it in Richard's color scheme as he had drove it so many years ago. Thought that was pretty awesome. Was excited to see that Richard Petty...the king himself, was the grand marshal for today's race. Meaning he was the one that got to say "Gentlemen Start your Engines" (The words we...um, well at least I do, look forward to hearing every week! )He did a pretty good job at it too.
  18. Well don't know if any of you watched the NASCAR race at Dover today, but Joe Nichols sang the "National Anthem" and did a really good job at it.
  19. Garrett Duke


    Well the race at Dover just got over and for me, it was a long race. Gordon hung back in 15th spot or so all day. Finished up 11th and dropped from fourth in points down to sixth in points. Kyle Busch won the race (he won the Nationwide Series race last night there too)...then again, Jimmie Johnson pretty much gave him the win. Johnson dominated the race with leading the most laps. Before going to the last pits, Johnson passed Kyle but going out of pits Kyle won to be leading the race with Johnson right behind him before Johnson does something very uncharacteristic for him - he got caught speeding on pit road. Which gave him a drive through penalty and put him a lap down. To give the win to Kyle Busch. Kyle may or may not have won it without Jimmie's mistake, but Jimmie would have fought him for it until the very end if it hadn't been for his penalty. Though as it was, Jeff Burton was second behind Kyle...seven seconds behind him. I think Kenseth was third and Harvick fourth or fifth...something like that. I am not for sure. Kevin Harvick is the point leader with Kyle Busch in second, Matt Kenseth in third, Jimmie Johnson in fourth, Denny Hamilin in fifth, and Gordon in sixth. Jr fell out of the top twelve by having a bad race today and Martin Truex Jr moved into the twelveth spot. That is about all I know as for points go. Next week's race will be Saturday night at Charolette MotorSpeedway....but don't go looking for it on Fox. It is the All Star race and it will be on the Speed Channel. It is a non points race and whoever wins the race gets a million dollars. In order to get into the All Star Race (not all the drivers will be in it) I think has to be last year's chase or won a race in the past year. Something like that. They changed it from last year so I am not a hundred percent sure on the exact qualifications...I know one driver will be voted into it. This is the race that the double file restarts originated at. So the next official race will be May 30th on Fox, which will be a Sunday Night race since it is Labor Day weekend. That will be at Charolette Motorspeedway as well.
  20. Hey TXDaisy! It was g reat hearing from you. I hope you have a great time at the b day party...and that you do get to watch some of the race! I am missing hte prerace show now :( have so much to do. And yet...am I doing it? No. LOL. Am horrible at procasination. Anyway, I will watch the race and will be glad to fill you in on all that you miss! Hope all is well with you! :)

  21. ]Bo 31 Luke 25 Jesse 29 Cooter 15 Uncle Jesse found it unfair to see Luke so behind in points so he gave him one of his own.
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