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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Bo 18 Luke 15 Daisy 11 Jesse 14 Cooter 14 Boss 3 Rosco 11 Enos 14 I took a point from Boss and gave it to Bo
  2. Happy birthday, Cale! I hope it is a great one!
  3. When I think About Leaving - Kenny Chesney
  4. Hey Roger - what a great idea for the NASCAR thread. Have I got ya addicted to the sport yet? ;) I enjoyed putting the summary up for the race...that was fun. Something I actually know about. HA HA.

    You said something about the past NASCAR thread...I thought I sent you a link to it? Did it not work or was it the wrong one...or what you were no thinking about? Maybe I just imagined sending it. I don't know, just thought I'd ask. Hope you are having a great weekend.

  5. Garrett Duke


    Hey Roger - What a great idea to start a NASCAR thread! Why didn't I think of it? HA HA HA. Well you had to go and correct yourself, didn't ya? Was about to give you a hard time for not capitalizing NASCAR, but dang it, now I can't. You just don't let me have any fun, you know? Though I guess I'll let it slide since it was your great idea to start a NASCAR thread. Thanks for the info about Cale...never knew today was his birthday. You know how old he turned? (Just curious.) This weekend's race is in Martinsville, VA where they are now officially rid of the rear wing and they will be going back to the spoiler. (On the very end of the car...I can look up pictures if you want to see differences.) Am excited for the change and I think the spoiler is safer than the wing - to me (maybe this is a wrong accessment) but it seemed like the cars were more apt to getting flipped or air born with the wing - Keselowski in Atlanta for example. The spoiler doesn't have the open gap that the wing had under it that I would think would catch the air more in case of an accident. That is my own personal thought of the wing and the spoiler. Hopefully all that makes sense. Anyway, qualifying was rained out so the boys will be starting out according to where they are in the points...giving Kevin Harvick the pole and Matt Kennseth in second. Martinsville is a track that both Jimmie Johnson and Jeff Gordon are great at ...Gordon has finished in the top five or ten seven consecutive years and they both have a handful of wins at this track. Being a Gordon and Johnson fan, am really excited about being in Martinsville. Jeff Gordon being my all-time favorite driver, am hoping he gets the win he has been lacking thus far this season. Though there are other drivers that I read that are good here as well...in the NASCAR.com article I read a few days ago I believe they said that the Rousch drivers are good here. The race is on Sunday, March 28 (tomorrow) on FOX at 1:00 ET or noon central time (my time) with the prerace show starting an hour before then. If anyone has any more questions or if I think of anything else about the track/race, I'll post later. For now that is all that I can think of. (Thank-you Roger for giving me the opportunity to talk NASCAR! As ol' Rosco would say "I just love it! Khee!" Ah or something like that. Anyway, I enjoyed given the platform to talk about the upcoming race...as always. HA HA.)
  6. OK I had to comment on General Lee Girl's comments on "Limo One is Missing". I have to agree. I love that episode...that has to be one of my all time favorite episodes. I like them breaking into the chop shop with Luke helping Bo - I just like seeing their bond or their friendship and them looking out for one another. It's great. Plus them fighting the bad guys was great too...especially the part where they knocked thier guys out and turn to attack another only to be facing each other! So funny! Or them driving the limo past Boss and splattering the mud all over him - Hazzard Classic. The hiccups was great too watching them try to help Bo to get rid of them...love Cooter's line when they are trying to take the limo away from the chop shop and that guy comes out with Daisy and Bo hiccups again and Cooter says something about "Hey look you scared his hiccups back." Or something like that. Was great to see Bo drive the limo - though he looks more natural behind the wheel of The General. Plus the fact that Boss was all dressed up and had plans of the president thanking him personally only for the president to call Jesse to thank him for bringing back the limo for him only for Jesse to decline having him to the house due to the poor shape of his glassware. HA HA...wish Boss was there to hear that! Also liked the part of them trying to hide the limo (the boys) in their barn and having to push it in and out in order to hide it from Enos...the gas can line was funny too. OK, think y'all get the drift that I like the episode... HA HA
  7. Bo 17 Luke 15 Daisy 11 Jesse 14 Cooter 13 Boss 6 Rosco 11 Enos 12 Cletus 1 I took a point from Boss and gave it to Uncle Jesse
  8. Live Those Songs - Kenny Chesney (Y'all surprised? )
  9. Garrett Duke


    Woo Hoo General Lee Girl! A NASCAR race...is like nothing else. HA HA. They are getting rid of the wing that they've had the past two years and going back to the rear spoiler for Sunday's race. You'll have to tell me what you think of it and if you find a driver or car you like or what not. Sorry...I'm addicted to anything NASCAR - especially the Sprint Cup. I can't wait to see the spoiler back on the cars and see if they will help them stay on the ground more than the dang wing did. (Guess they should have came up with a different name for it than wing. ) Anyway, got excited when I heard that you watched a race and can't wait to hear what you think about it and if you plan on watching more in the future or not. They are at Martinsville which is a track that my favorite driver (GO GORDON GO ) is good at so am looking forward to it on Sunday!
  10. (((HUGS))) I am sorry to hear about your great aunt passing and to hear that your work load has increased when you returned. When it rains, it pours it seems. I hope it will get better for you real soon.

  11. Hola Emy, how's it going? :D Glad to hear from you!

  12. Well I thought of ya...read an article on Yahoo under their NASCAR section and learned that Dale Jr is not only the most popular driver, but is also the most paid driver out there! He was in 2008 and 09. Gordon is second. Don't know why that surprised me, but it did. Then again, I guess I never stopped to think of who would get paid the most...Guess you learn something new everday. ;) Hope you ahd a great trip!

  13. Hola! Como estas? HA HA. That's about as much as I know to put into a sentence at least. Hope all is well with you.

  14. Bo 15 Luke 14 Daisy 11 Jesse 12 Cooter13 Boss 7 Rosco 11 Enos 12 Cletus 5 Coy and Vance 0 I took Coy and Vance's last point and gave it to Bo
  15. Just Good Ol' Boys -Waylon Jennings (HA HA. I couldn't help myself! )
  16. Garrett Duke


    Good luck with it all, GeneralLeeGirl and think positive. I am sure you'll do good and do your best. No matter what happens or where you end up, it will be a great experience for you to look back at and to learn from. And don't do something because of the Dukes or not because of the Dukes. They would all want you to do what you would want to do and have fun doing. Yeah it is probably best you stick with team roping over riding broncs and bulls! That sounds very dangerous...don't know how they do it or how they pay for it all. In NASCAR, it may be dangerous racing at over or near two hundred miles per hour amongst the most aggressive drivers with who knows what will happen around the next corner, but at least they are protected to the max in them cars. Don't mean that they're untouchable or that they can't be hurt, because they can, but they have those cars and the tracks built for extreme safety as well as inside the car and what they wear and what not. They can't exactly do all that for riding Broncs and bulls. I hope you do great and enjoy doing it!
  17. Happy belated Anniversary to Hnet Roger! Three years in Hazzard...how's it feel? ;) Glad to have you around.

  18. HA HA nice responce on the Hey Guys thread Roger, though as I put there, it leaves me wondering whatever did I do to you to deserve that? LOL ;) Is it because I'm a Cubs fan and not a Pirates fan? Not my fault the Cubs is only the best baseball team out there...(Just don't look at their World Series record :( LOL)

  19. Gee thanks Roger...what have I ever done to you?
  20. Bo 14 Luke 12 Daisy 10 Jesse 12 Cooter 13 Boss 7 Rosco 11 Enos 11 Cletus 6 Coy and Vance 4 I took a point away from Coy and Vance and gave it to Cooter
  21. God's been good to Me - Keith Urban (God Bless Texas is by Little Texas, Roger )
  22. All My Exes Live in Texas - George Strait
  23. Bo 12 Luke 12 Daisy 10 Jesse 11 Cooter 11 Boss 7 Rosco 11 Enos 11 Cletus 8 Coy and Vance 7 I took a point from Cletus and gave it to Luke
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