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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Bo swore silently to himself as he feels the heat seeming to pound deeply within him to send his attention up towards the sky. It was only April and yet it was already feeling this hot. Feeling this hot only has seemed to help worsen the irritated feeling that seems to have him complaining about every small thing, things that would normally not bother him at all. The past couple of days he has been irritated and easily upset and it was no secret to the cause of it all. Luke and Daisy had been the ones that had earned the trip to their aunt's house a couple of hours away to help their cousins take care of their large farm while looking over their ailing aunt. Which wasn't that big of deal to Bo other than the fact that RoseAnn lived fifteen minutes away of whom he had met the last time he was down there and fell instantly in love. They all knew he was excited at the prospect of going down there to see if she still felt the same for him, but Jesse had picked him to stay in Hazzard to help on the farm. For reasons he has yet to disclose to Bo. And it wasn't just that that had bothered Bo, but it also left their farm quiet, their room quiet. Without Luke around, life just wasn't as fun or as real when Luke was around. It made him feel just as alone as he felt when Luke was off at war. Just this time, Bo knew that Luke would sooner or later be returning home alive. Looking away from the sky and across the farm, Bo slowly begins to make his way to the large field where he could see Jesse and his mule hard at work. Only to remind Bo, that without Luke and Daisy around, it'd be him left to do their chores as well. Life just couldn't get much worse, in Bo's mind.
  2. You picked Jimmie Johnson as your favorite driver? YAY!!!! He's one of the most talented drivers out there...behind Gordon of course. HA HA. Sorry, being a Gordon fan, I couldn't help myself. But do admit, JJ is my second favorite driver. You do know who owns JJ's car, don't you? ;)

  3. May I wonder aloud how anyone may wish to put Gordon or Johnson down like that? Their statistics speak for themselves. Though must admit, I do believe Gordon, Johnson, and Bo Duke's talent in racing equals one another.
  4. Well thought now was good as time as any to start another thread. And with the NASCAR season in full swing right now, there is plenty of news to go around. As of now, don't really have any for the Sprint Cup series as news related, but do have a bit of news for the Nationwide Series race. They raced in St. Louis last Saturday night where Carl Edwards (also a cup driver) won the race, though has sparked a lot of controversay with it. On the last lap, Edwards passed Brad Keselowski (another cup driver. Brad and Carl have a history of wrecking each other and so forth. Brad flipped Carl last year at Talledeg and Carl flipped Brad at Atlanta this year after Brad knocked him out of the race for several laps. Carl went back and hit him for retaliation to send Brad air born.) Anyway, Brad went back and hit Carl to take the lead back. Carl got upset and went back and hit Brad that sent caused a big accident - Brad got hit pretty bad by other cars as Carl went on to win the race. Luckily Brad and everyone involved in the accident was OK afterwards, it looked really bad. NASCAR has placed both drivers on probation for the rest of the 2010 year in the Nationwide series. Carl got fined twenty-five thousand dollars as well as sixty Nationwide Series points. And Carl being second in points behind (you guess it) Brad Keselowski who is leading the Nationwide Series in points, probably is a pretty big hit to him.
  5. Hey it looks great MeadoMuf'n. Thanks for the subforum for NASCAR . Think I died and went to heaven. Think you are right Roger...the boys would love this! Those sound like good threads to start. Updates, Q&A, point standings, NASCAR news. . .LOL. Think the list can go on and on.
  6. M&M's sponsor Kyle Busch in the 18 car while Dupont sponsors Jeff Gordon in the 24 car and Lowe's sponsors Jimmie Johnson in the 48 car.
  7. Garrett Duke


    Thank-you Roger for your excitement! I was surprised to see this thread while going through here and am very excited about it! More room to talk about NASCAR!!! Though, I don't know if I would consider the NASCAR (or nascar) thread to be all mine to begin with. Think of it to be our thread. Thank-you to the Supreme Commander for this thread/forum to be dedicated to the world of NASCAR! As stated above, was and am excited to see this. I am glad to see the NASCAR thread be that popular and that I didn't or haven't bored everyone to death with my NASCAR ramblings. As I often say, once I get started talking about NASCAR, I can talk forever about any little thing containing NASCAR. HA HA. Just think of all I can talk about now...hmmm, where to start? Thanks again!
  8. Garrett Duke


    Guess what, Roger? Five more days until Indianapolis! LOL. (Wait until the off season when my countdown officially starts. LOL) Want another fact...Jeff Gordon won the inaugural race at the Indianapolis for the Sprint Cup in 1997! Last year Juan Pablo Montoya (who is use to be a Formula one driver and had won the Indy 500 once) led most laps, but got caught speeding on the last pit stop and got penalized a drive through pit lane which is the customary penalty for speeding on pit road and Jimmie Johnson ended up winning the race. Should make for a good race on Sunday! Before I forget to mention, don't go looking for the race on TNT on Sunday. It will be shown on ESPN starting Sunday until the chase starts. Once the Chase starts, the races will be on ABC until the end of the season. So it will be on ESPN 1:00 EST (I think) on Sunday. Dale Jarrett, Rusty Wallace will be a couple of the announcers on that channel.
  9. Your favorite deputy is my favorite deputy as well.
  10. LOL Roger. I'll have to let her know, but do't get your hopes up.
  11. Makes me so sad to know that I am about to miss out on a chat with some nice people like yourself, Roger, but I am headin' out the door in a minute. Thanks for the invite and hope you have a good chat. Hope to get another invite in the future.
  12. I am about to head out right now, Roger, though that is a very nice invitation! I am sorry to miss out on this, perhaps we can do it some other time? Hope you and BL will have a good time...but not too good of a time w/out me. :( Thanks for the invite.

  13. Notably nice and friendly is what Cooter is. Hope you get to meet him again!
  14. Yeah I wouldn't know about Cooter's truck, just was surprised to see Jesse's truck a Chevy. But yeah, that's not much to complain about. LOL. Had a great time and am glad I got to go. My mom bought me an early x-mas gift by buying one of Jimmie's General lee paintings. I am excited for you Roger! I bet you are excited...I am glad you are able to go. You'll have a blast. You get to see The General jump?! I saw that the Dukefests I went to and it was great! You'll have to tell me all about it! Hope you get to meet a lot new fans there, Roger. There was Duke fans there yesterday, but never really talked to them.
  15. Rosco was great to talk to, made my day to see him smile after wishing him a happy birthday to get a hand shake. Hugged them both. But all in all, think I talked to Cooter a bit longer than ol' Rosco.
  16. Roger - thanks for the comments you made! I had a blast yesterday and yes I am missing the race today, but it was better to be able to see James and Ben, so I am not complaining too badly. LOL. Rosco didn't chase me around...he just had surgery on his eyes so he don't need glasses so I don't think he was chasing anyone around. Though he missed his chance, he could have had a chance to catch me yesterday as I was just too excited to meet him and Ben to do much running away. LOL. I wished him an early birthday and his face lit up which made me glad that I remembered to do so. And I did need Cooter a couple of weeks ago...sure he wouldn't have charged me over thirteen hundred dollars to fix it...LOL (though can't complain they were nice about it and did a good job with it. Just wasn't Cooter...) but my mom had joked with him asking him when she can bring her ailing car to him. HA HA. He joked back and said to bring it on Monday and that not to worry about the cost because the boys never paid him and they're way over owing three thousand dollars. HA HA!!!! They were very personable. I met them both at Dukefest several years ago and they were too busy to get to personable with anyone, so it was nice to be at a lesser scale of events with them so they could talk more and be more relaxed. Even got to hear a story or two from Ben of his mom. It was a very nice day all in all. Though I do have one complaint...I got a Johnny Lightning Uncle Jesse truck from one of the sellers there. Got home to see that the truck was a Chevrolet. Am I wrong thinking Jesse's truck was a Ford? Guess I am too picky. Oh well...can't complain too much. All I am missing in cars now is Cooter's tow truck.
  17. Well I got home a couple of hours from being at Lightning Fest where Ben Jones and James Best was at. Had a great time! They both were very personable and great. Was surprised that Jones had a lot more people in his line than ol' Rosco had in his, but he did have a few in a line at most times. Got a hug from both James and Ben. Saw several General Lees and patrol cars. Plus, there was lot of matchbox type cars in the store plus sellers in another room. I finally got Uncle Jesse's truck, Daisy's roadrunner, and the 00 car! Now all I need is Cooter's tow truck and I'll be all set...and Enos' patrol car. LOL Anyway, didn't know where to put this so I thought here would do. If anyone else was able to go yesterday or today would love to hear about it. I had a great time being there and talking to both Ben and James! It is great to see them out making appareances like this and keeping the show alive!
  18. That was interesting Daney. Thanks for sharing it...sadly I write like someone I never heard of before. David Foster Wallace.
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