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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Garrett Duke


    Sorry about that TX Daisy. The races will be on TNT (cable) through the July 10th race and then switch over to ESPN...another cable channel. Would think they would want to keep it on a noncable channel so more people could watch...At least I would. You are very welcome...I only got to watch the last few laps. Though I do stand to correct myself. I just watched a replay of the last accident on the last lap. AJ Almindinger went down to block Kasey which sent him into the grass and had slung him up the track and against the wall - his car almost went over the wall! Then collected everyone behind them. Still not a hundred percent sure where drivers are in points.Harvick leads Kyle Busch by 19 points. Jeff Gordon dropped fourth in points to seven and Johnson is now sixth in points. That is about all I know in points at the moment.
  2. Bo 28 Luke 27 Jesse 28 Cooter 17 I've been gone a couple of days and look what happens! Poor Bo lost his points lead...gotta fix that!
  3. Garrett Duke


    LOL TX Daisy...if you saw today's race, you'd have seen one. Well I am not going to be giving one big report on the race today on account that I missed most of it...though did catch the last thirty or so laps so I did see some. I ended up staying out of town a day longer than expected. Anyway...GLGirl is going to be happy to hear that Denny Hamlin won today and led the most laps I hear. Guess my fantasy team will do good with that. Denny Hamilin won, Kyle Busch came in second, Tony Stewart came in third....Harvick may have came in fourth, but am unsure. Harvick still has the lead by 29 or so points over Kyle Busch. That is as far as I know for points and where everyone ended up. There was a lot of excitment at the end of the race...Kevin Harvick and Joey Lagono were racing for position when Lagono spun around. Don't think it was anyone's fault. Joey's car just kinda fell down the track where Harvick's car was and spun him out. Anyway, at the end of the race, Lagono obviously found it to be Harvick's fault because he parked his car by Harvick's and pushed his dad and crew away to get into Harvick's face about it before storming off. The two has had confrontations in the past from the Nationwide Series race. Well they all saved the big wreck for last. AJ Allmindinger went down to collect Kasey Kahne who almost went air borne up the wall of the track which collected Mark Martin, Marcos Ambrose...(Cry ) Jeff Gordon. On the very last lap! Wasn't bad enough that Gordon was in 25th spot, but then he wasn't even able to finish the race! Well I am just glad that everyone walked out alright afterwards. It was a big hit for them all! Well that is about all I know so far. I haven't made it to NASCAR.com yet to look at points.
  4. You may have misquoted ol' Waylon, Roger? Hmmm sounded pretty good to me how you said it. Khee! Welcome back General Lee Girl...glad to see you back and to hear that things are getting back to the way they should be for you. Sounds like you had a very stressful and hectic spring, but as I said, glad to hear that things have turned around for the better; the sounds of it; for you. Welcome back!
  5. Garrett Duke


    Hmmm Roger...good question. I only know of Pocono as being triangle shaped. They do race there twice a year and it may have a different sponsor name to it ...one in the summer one in the fall. If that makes sense. Could that be what you are thinking about?
  6. Garrett Duke


    I take it you like Denny Hamlin...LOL.
  7. Will you stop stealing my point away that I give to Bo?! LOL. Sorry I couldn't help but give you a hard time after seeing that. Seems like every day I give him his 30th point and someone...not naming names...takes it away! LOL. As I said, I am only giving you a hard time. Hope all is going well with you today.

  8. You are very welcome. :) It all makes sense the way you are doing it.

  9. Hi Dixie...saw you were on and thought I'd say I just read your update for your story on ff.net. "The First Time". Another great chapter! Great descriptions, emotions. The characters are done awesome! I reviewed the chapter, but thought I'd say something since I saw you were on! You look to be busy writing - glad to see your muses are cooperating with you! Thanks again for sharing your talent!

  10. Garrett Duke


    Well I am going to be out of town Friday and probably getting back sometime Saturday (don't know know when) so I thought I'd give a small race preview for Sunday's race. They are racing at Pocono on Sunday and it will be on TNT...I think noon ET or at least that is when the coverage starts. So there will be different announcers and pit interviewer people come Sunday now that they are on a new station. Think they will be on TNT for eight races before going to ESPN. I think Pocono is a fun track for them to be on. Mainly because of how different it is from other tracks. Instead of being in the shape of an oval, it is in the shape of a triangle. For my NASCAR fantasy team, I picked Denny Hamlin as my top driver. (Of course, I hope that I lose this week and that Gordon will win! LOL) I remember his rookie year when he won both Pocono races (unless my memory is failing me...) which I thought was pretty neat. If I remember right Pocono is sorta hard track to win at. Don't know about how anyone else is at this track...though am hoping Gordon will win his winless streak. (That surprise any of y'all? LOL) Hopefully Johnson will break through his run of bad luck that has plagued him in the past seven races or so... Hope you all will get to watch the race and that you all will have a great weekend! Also hope that all of your drivers will have a great race. . .
  11. Well it h as been over a month since you were last on it says. :( I really hope that you are doing well and that all is well with you. Hope to hear from you soon!

  12. Congratulations TexasDaisy! You deserve the honor of fan of the month...thanks for being a great friend!
  13. Garrett Duke


    Well the race has just gotten over and it was a pretty good race. For the most part. Johnson fought a lose car all day and got into the wall once before he hit hard to finish 37th and several laps off the lead lap due to being in the garage. Though, I have to admit that I was surprised he was able to come back after he had hit the wall so hard and all. Gordon finished sixth which is a lot better than I had thought he would after spending the first half in twenty-third or fouth spot before he moved up with pit stop strategy. So I can deal with sixth place for Gordon. Kurt Busch led a lot of laps and at the end was a fight for the lead between Kurt and Jamie McMurray. Was rooting for Jamie Mac to win it, but he came in second and Kurt won his second race of the year so far. Kyle Busch had problems in pit road...once hitting Brad Keselowski and then got caught leaving too fast and got penelyzed. Last pit stop for Kyle he hit his own crew member...still don't see how he didn't get penelyzed for hitting his crew. I mean how is it that Jeff Burton a couple races back ran over his air hose and had to do a drive by penalty, but Kyle hits his own crew member as the member ran back to the wall and gets nothing? Perhaps it is just me, but it just seems wrong. Tony Stewart hit the rear tire carrier for Greg Biffle on one of his tops with the rear wing and sent the carrier to the hospital for farther observation. Something needs to be done to protect the crew members more... With only a few laps to go, Kyle Busch made it three wide to cut down Jeff Burton's tire and sent Burton to pit road. Burton was having a good race up until then...Found it interesting that Burton got into Kyle's face at the end of the race. Burton is an older driver that don't generally get too upset over things. Not being a fan of Kyle Busch, was glad to see Burton express his displeasure to Kyle for what he had done to him. Also was tired of the announcers keep talking about Kyle all race long as if he was the best driver out there. Don't want to change stations, but tonight was out of control with them continuously talking about him and all that. I thought at least. These announcers are pretty good about being fair to all the drivers and not favoring just one. Except for tonight.. I thought at least. Here is the top ten of how they finished tonight: Kurt Busch Jamie McMurray Kyle Busch Mark Martin David Reutimann Jeff Gordon Clint Bowyer Paul Menard Ryan Newman Matt Kennseth Here is the top twelve in standings (unofficial): Kevin Harvick Kyle Busch (-29 points) Matt Kennseth Jeff Gordon Denny Hamlin Kurt Busch Jimmie Johnson Jeff Burton Greg Biffle Mark Martin Carl Edwards Ryan Newman We are onto Pocono (I think) next week and it will be on TNT for the summer coverage of the season. We are now halfway to the chase...
  14. Garrett Duke


    LOL Roger. Well I had to give it a try...though let me remind you who brought Jimmie Johnson into the Sprint Series. The man that owns part of Johnson's car...Jeff Gordon. And look at the gratitude he gets. *Shakes head* Well, I guess we'll see how the points shake out after tonight's race. Hopefully both Gordon and Johnson will have a great race...though really hope Gordon gets the win. HA HA!
  15. Garrett Duke


    Jimmie Johnson? Don't you mean when Jeff Gordon get to be first in points? Khee...You know I couldn't help myself. I like Jimmie Johnson, but I am thinking he had his turns already. Should be Gordon's turn right about now to be up top. Don't you? HA HA.
  16. Garrett Duke


    I'd be glad to go over the top standings so far... 1. Kevin Harvick 2. Kyle Busch 3. Matt Kennseth 4. Jimmie Johnson 5. Denny Hamilin 6. Jeff Gordon 7. Greg Biffle 8. Jeff Burton 9. Kurt Busch 10. Carl Edwards 11. Mark Martin 12. Martin Truex Jr. That is the top twelve drivers in the points right now...which is where everyone wants to be when it comes to the last ten races when the chase starts. Anyone outside of the top twelve has no chance of getting the championship... Ryan Newman has won his sixth pole for the Coca Cola 600 (Sunday night's race). Kurt Busch will start second, Martin Truex Jr will be third, Kasey Kahne will start fourth, and Jimmie Johnson will start fifth for the race. (The top five qualifying order.) As stated before, am excited for the race. It is a night race, which is always exciting for me, plus it tends to be a long race as well. Just hope Gordon can at least come away with a top five in it if not the win...he needs to break this horrible winless streak. LOL! Hope everyone will have a great Memorial Day weekend...hope you get to watch the race!
  17. Welcome Dukefan! I am really glad to see that you have returned to HNET! Well Roger, I am glad that it is the simplest and safest surgery. That part is a relief. I really hope that it will go well for you and that you will have a safe and quick recovery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. Hey Roger...how are you? Hope all is well with you. Sorry I missed you the other day. ;) Things are well here. Once again, I want to thank you for giving me the permission to explain the races or talk about them at least. I may be boring everyone to sleep, but I have fun writing them...especially when Gordon has a good race. (Though do feel bad for always putting Gordon in there and not all the others...but how'm I to talk about 43 drivers' races? LOL Though don't want to slight others by not talking about how their driver finished up or how their driver did...) I hope you are able to catch the race Sunday night (a night race on a Sunday. Great ain't it? LOL) if not, hope you are busy doing something fun and relaxing. Perhaps enjoying and spoiling the grand kids?

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