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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Bo 43 Luke 45 Jesse 12 Sorry Jami Lee...can't let ol' Luke get too far ahead of Bo.
  2. They will be racing at Watkins Glen tomorrow afternoon which is the second and last road course of the year. Road races aren't known to be fast or hold as much excitement as the round tracks or normal tracks, but Sonoma earlier this year was pretty action packed for a road race. So we will see if the trend will stick tomorrow. Last year this race got rained out and had to be raced on Monday which meant I had to miss most of the race since they race in the afternoon, though did get to watch the end and was actually glad to see I missed that one. Only because Gordon was involved in a big accident after Sam Hornish Jr missed Kasey Kahne to hit the tire walling they have that spun him above ground, Gordon had no where to go and got hit by Hornish and spun him off ground as well. Last year Gordon's back was killing him and that clearly hurt his back worse by how he climbed out and walked into the back of the abulance. Luckily they both were OK (other than Gordon's already aching back.) Tony Stewart went on to win the race. Here is the starting lineup for tomorrow's race (top ten): 1. (Pole) Carl Edwards 2. Jamie McMurray 3. Juan Pablo Montoya 4. AJ Allmindinger 5. Kurt Busch 6. Tony Stewart 7. Greg Biffle 8. Scott Speed 9. Jimmie Johnson 10. Kyle Busch
  3. I think the crew cheif gets the ultimate call on tires and all that they will do on their pit stop or when to pit and when to stay out, but I think they mainly work together with that one.
  4. Physically I think ...well as far as I know, they are both 100% healthy now. Emotionally? That's another story. According to Kurt Busch he may not intentionally go after Jimmie Johnson and wreck him. He's still upset at Johnson and claims all the drivers at Hendrick are Pretty boys...even included Kasey Kahne who will be driving there in a year and a half. Him and Johnson has had history together in the past, he made it sound like it was all Johnson, but I am pretty sure it is fifty-fifty if you ask me. Johnson is not a driver to intentionally wreck anyone and I am sure all that was as Johnson said it was as not being intentional, but an accident on his part. But Busch don't seem to be thinking that. I am highly hoping he don't go and wreck Johnson on purpose...and if he sadly does so, hopefully Gordon is no where around there! Though not a Kurt Busch fan and am a JJ fan, I do understand how he and Elliot would be upset at him for what happened. I just hope they can learn from it all and move forward and not bring it to Watkins Glen on Sunday.
  5. You are welcome, Jami Lee. But for your proposition there...that's a hard one. I mean the only other person to steal points from is poor ol' Uncle Jesse and he hardly has any points. . .LOL
  6. Hazzardnet is the closest I'll ever come to living in Hazzard County.
  7. It is a great idea! Now if only I can get started on my new story. As I said, I got the prologue and part of chapter one, but have been too busy arguing with myself with which pov to take to go much farther than that. That and the fact I've had little time to write in the past couple of weeks. :) Hope you are having a great weekend! It is great to see you back on HNET! :D

  8. Congrats Jami Lee! You are very well deserving of this honor...even if you keep stealing my points away from Bo in the Duke game. Congrats!
  9. *Several minutes later, Bo finds himself parking The General in the parking lot of The Boar's Nest and hears himself mumbling under his breath as his bad mood continues to grow worse as the day grows on. As if things weren't bad enough lately, now he has been sent into town to check on Cousin Alice and Molly. If they were in town, it generally brought trouble to him and his family, but despite how he feels about them, he would never wish harm to them or anyone. Despite how he feels about them, he would do all he could to help them out in any way he could. That was how he was brought up and taught. Walking into the Boar's Nest it takes a while for Bo's eyes to adjust the smokey shadowy room and takes a deep breath to control his emotions. Spotting Alice and Molly at the bar, Bo makes his way over there and sits down next to Alice who seems to be oblivious to him.* Well Cousin Alice and Molly," Bo forces a smile as they slowly turn to face him "this is a pleasant surprise. What's the special occasion?" *Alice gives Bo a stern look before looking away and giving Bo her back and Bo is instantly relieved not to hear her famous question that is always directed at him *do you wanna wrastle?* but is quickly reminded of what Jesse had said that would mean if she didn't ask him that. Molly stares at Bo for a long moment and opens her mouth to say something before going silent in second thought. A moment passes she looks away from Bo and at Alice and says, "OK Alice, we're all done here. Let's get going while the day's somewhat young." *The two ladies stand up and move to the door. Molly looks over her shoulder at Bo and says, "Have a nice day now, Bo." *Before Bo could say anything, they leave.* "Well that was a waste of time," Bo states to himself before the bartender approaches him and he orders his normal water down beer as he waits for Jesse to arrive.
  10. Ryne Sandberg is my all time favorite baseball player. He played second base for the Chicago Cubs before retiring and is now the manager of the AAA Cubs in Iowa.
  11. Elliot Sadler and Kurt Busch are both lucky to be OK. They both had a hard hit, especially Sadler. Never saw an engine out on the track like that. Gordon had a hard hit in Las Vegas two or three years ago that sent car parts flying across the track, but not his engine like that. Luckily NASCAR has the car and the HANS device highly protective of the driver and most of the walls. Don't know if the walls they hit had the safety barrier that the outside wall has. Know Las Vegas' track's inside wall didn't have the safety barrier when Gordon hit it and they fixed it after his accident. Guess Pocono is in the process of fixing it up to be more safe, they were just waiting for this race to be done with so they could get it started. So hopefully next June when they return there won't be any more accidents like that one.
  12. Interesting question. I have never heard of a NASCAR driver leaving to drive Formula 1...though you are right there has been several that has left to drive NASCAR.
  13. Either have I, I don't think, but am sure I'd love it since I love Waylon's music.
  14. Official points as of 8-4-10 1. Kevin Harvick 2. Jeff Gordon (-189) Little FYI today is Gordon's 39th birthday (August 4) 3. Denny Hamlin 4. Jimmie Johnson 5. Jeff Burton 6. Kyle Busch 7. Kurt Busch 8. Tony Stewart 9. Matt Kenseth 10. Carl Edwards 11. Greg Biffle 12. Clint Bowyer 13. Mark Martin (-34 points out of the top twelve)
  15. Here is the top ten in points after the Iowa race last Sunday: 1. Brad Keselowski 2. Carl Edwards (-231) 3. Kyle Busch (who won the Iowa race - the second race here in Iowa, and he won them both.) 4. Justin Allgaier 5. Paul Menard 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Steve Wallace 8. Trevor Bayne 9. Brendon Gaughan 10. Jason Leffler
  16. Well, I wouldn't say for sure he is out. There is six more races. So if he has great six races (which means he'd have to improve from how he's been finishing the races thus far) and Martin and Bowyer or one of them have bad races, I am sure he could make his way into the chase. So mathematically, he isn't completely out of it right now. But he desperately needs his luck to change from bad to good with these six races that are coming up before the chase. Which I hope it does, but sadly, I don't realistically see that happening.
  17. I've been kinda thinking of that. But do like having it on MA's site. Wonder if I can have it both places or if that would hurt feelings or anything of the sort...Thanks for the message. :)

  18. Bo eyes the CB for a moment before setting the handle down and walks over to the phone and eyes Cooter momentarily who remains working under the truck. Looking back at the phone, Bo picks it up and says, "Yes, Mabelle. Please put me to the Duke farm." "Ah Bo Duke. I'd recognize your voice anywhere," the sweet voice of Mabelle returns on the other end and Bo is momentarily filld with impatience at his old flame. "Bet it's kinda embarrassing having to lean on little ol' me to help you out. Perhaps this should come at a price to you." Bo is about to hang the phone up on her but is quick to think otherwise at the thought of Jesse's anger directed at him for not listening to what he had told him to do. "I'm about to throw the phone at you if you don't do what you're paid to do. Now put the call through or I'm walking across the street to do it for you." "OK, OK, no reason to get all upset for," she lets out a long breath and Bo forces himself to breath in deeply as he hears the call go through; hoping Jesse would answer the phone and not one of his ex girlfriends as Mabelle had done to him last time when he tried calling Cooter. She had sent his phone call to the girl friend he had seen after Mabelle; not only had he had to listen to Mabelle's anger and resentment towards him, but also Liza's as well.
  19. Ornery is the adjetive I'd use to describe you, Roger.
  20. NASCAR and the Dukes seem to go hand in hand. If it wasn't for the Dukes, I'd probably still be viewing NASCAR or any form of racing as the most senseless sport. Afterall, it's just a bunch of men chasing each other in circles. They don't go nowhere...might as well as watch the dog chase it's tail. LOL. At least that is how I viewed it until I got into the Dukes back in '97 then I began to think differently. Now look at me... a huge fan! Thanks again for the forum!
  21. "Young" is a Kenny Chesney song.
  22. *Looking up at the bottom end of the truck, Bo calls out to Cooter* Did you check or see if someone replaced PART of the fuel line with copper tubing?* *Bo hears Cooter mutter something a few feet away as well as the scuffing of his feet.* Uh no *Cooter goes silent and Bo looks back at the copper tubing once again and a smile forms on his face. Perhaps for once, it'll be him who saves the day.* I didn't. I guess I didn't even think to look. *Cooter slowly finishes up, embarassed at not even taking a look at the copper tubing. He was certain it had to be something else and had been too proud to think it could be something else that was wrong with the old truck. Taking an audible loud breath, he forcefully asks. * Why you askin' for, Bo? *A proud smile seems prominant on Bo's face as he eyes the problmatic tubing* Only because there is some running up in the front of the firewall that has a large kink in it. *Bo can't help but to give a small laugh* That there may be your problem *With that he slides out from under the truck, giving Cooter a large smile just as he hears his uncle's voice calling out to him from the CB. *Guess that's for me. Mind if I take it? *Cooter shakes his head while eyeing the truck, frustrated at himself for not noticing what was wrong with the truck. He was suppose to be the best mechanic in town, not Bo. As Bo walks past to the CB, he slowly crawls under the truck to have a see for himself.* *Taking the mic from the box, Bo pushes the buttons and says* Yes sir, Uncle Shepard. This is lone Sheep *he goes silent. With Luke he was always lost sheep 2, now he's the lone sheep. * I got ya loud and clear. What can I do for you? *He lets go of the button and watches Cooter's legs under the truck and was glad to be the one to be of some help for once.*
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