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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Wow that was quite the race there. Rain delay at the beginning and then with thirty laps or more to go Jimmie Johnson tries bump drafting Kurt Busch that sent Busch into Clint Bowyer and into the wall and across the track to eventually hit the other wall and lose his tire under neath him. At the moment, I thought that was horrible. That was before seeing Elliot Sadler's car...and engine on the track! Didn't see a good view of his accident. Guess he slowed down or checked up due to Busch's accident and the guy behind him didn't...sent him hard into the corner. He climbed out of the car, you could tell he was hurting, and laid down on the track. He took a hard hit and is very lucky he is OK after that. He said he got the wind knocked out of him as well as the belt into him. With all the debri on the track after that, they red flagged the race for a half hour. When they went into caution, it started to rain. Before all that, Jeff Gordon had the car to beat and was winning. Sam Hornish Jr gambled with the weather while Gordon and others went into pits...Gordon went in first came out thirteen. They parked them for the rain for a while as well before it cleared out and went green again. How frustrating it has to be for Gordon to have the most dominant and best car out there and come back in thirteenth place! He could have won it if he had more laps to race on...spent most on caution. I think they only had thirteen laps left when they went green. Gordon finished sixth and Greg Biffle won the race to break through his race drought. A win for Jack Roush. Here is the top ten finishes of Pocono: 1. Greg Biffle 2. Tony Stewart 3. Carl Edwards 4. Kevin Harvick 5. Denny Hamlin 6. Jeff Gordon 7. Mark Martin 8. Jeff Burton 9. Martin Truex Jr 10. Jimmie Johnson
  2. Looks like AJ Allmindger started racing in 2007 as a part time driver as well as in 2008. First full time season was last year and now this year. He drives for Richard Petty. I bet it would be horrible to be caught in traffic after any race. Especially the bigger ones! Too bad you're going to miss it today, Roger. Hope you are doing something fun and relaxing and I'll keep you up to date when you return.
  3. First of all, how did you get my name for an answer? I am deeply insulted that you think that my writing is bad! Well I guess what they say is true...the truth hurts. LOL.
  4. Sounds like a good idea Roger...I just didn't want people thinking I was hogging the board or all that kind of stuff. I don't mind answering the questions. Wow...don't 'think I have ever been considered or thought of as an expert in anything. I guess my obsession with NASCAR has finally paid off. Thanks for the compliment. As for your question Roger, I really don't know why they don't have an 01 in the field. I know NASCAR gives the owners a number and they hand them out. If memory recalls correctly, when Mark Martin was driving for Earnhardt Inc and shared a ride with Aric Almorila I think their number was 01. I could be wrong. It was the Army car. Jamie McMurray is 1, but no 0 in front of it. That is as close as there is now. I'll go check on NASCAR.com and see if any of the part time start and park cars has that number. Then I think Joe Nemechek sported 01 after Mark Martin/Almorila, but now he has some other number. Hate to say that the first question I get, I don't know the answer to. LOL Well I hope your insomnia cleared up Hoss. And there is no such thing as dumb questions. I am glad to answer any questions I can. When I first started watching NASCAR, I knew nothing of the sport and at first I had an online friend I could ask and she would eventually get back to me. Then she stopped writing back and I had to resort to keep watching it to get a hang of it. I dislike the chase, but I think that helped a lot for me to understand it all with the points and all. If that makes sense. But as I said, no such thing as dumb questions so ask away!
  5. Well I don't want to be hogging the NASCAR forum here, but Roger came up with an idea for a question and answer page for NASCAR and thought it was a great idea. Thought we could post our questions here and whoever who has the answer can answer it. Wish I could say I had all the answers, but I don't. So if there is a question on here that doesn't get answered, I could try to look the answer up. Thanks Roger for the great idea!
  6. Thanks Hoss for sharing the photos of Sorrell! They were great. I agree with Roger, it is great seeing old pictures of the stars of Dukes!
  7. Congrats at meeting Enos! I bet you are still on cloud nine. Know I am from meeting Cooter and Rosco the eighteenth. It is great to have a show as great as the Dukes that went off the air soooo many years ago and yet still have a chance to meet the stars of the show and to relive the Dukes with them. To see them still so appreciative for their fans. It's great! Am so glad you got to meet Enos. He's a great guy!
  8. Just wanted to thank whoever responsible for the noble appreciation given to me on the front page! It meant a lot to me to see that. Am just grateful to have a place where I am free to talk NASCAR all I want and not have to worry too much about boring too many people with it. Khee! Thanks for all that was said on the front page and for the NASCAR forum...Dukes and NASCAR - a dream come true!
  9. LOL Hoss...I just put in my last post to an RP I'm doing on HNet and got Cory Doctorow as well...someon different from when I first put my work in. I am with you though, I never heard of him before.
  10. Just a little something more about Jack Roush's accident...I saw a small video of it (of him leaving the plane). He did walk off the plane by himself before getting help by his rescuers. So hopefully that is a good sign. Heard someone say they heard on Sirus radio that he was OKed to land, but tried to land earlier in order to avoid a smaller plane. Anyway it happened, I hope he'll be OK.
  11. *In town, Bo Duke parks The General in front of Rhuebottom's General Store and stiffly climbs out of The General through the open window. He glances at Rhuebottom's old store building before walking away from the store and across the street where Hazzard's only garage proudly sits. Stuffing hands into his pockets, Bo silently walks into the dark garage to find the family friend half hidden beneath an old rusted dark green truck, only his legs and feet hanging out from underneat. An ornery smile crosses Bo's face before he moves forwards and kicks Cooter's legs as he acts as if he's tripping over them. Cooter gives a surprised yelp from under the truck before he begins to scoot out from under the truck. Bo rests against the desk as Cooter sits up and Cooter gives him a suspisious look before faking an angry look.* Sorry Cooter *Bo shrugs nonchalantly* Didn't see you lying under there. Perhaps you should get yourself better lighting in here so people can see where they're walking and you wouldn't get kicked or stepped on. Plus, you'd probably actually get to see what you're doing and all. *Cooter shakes his head at his friend before wiping his stained hands on his stained denim pants before saying,* Yeah, well maybe I would if my mortgage for this damn building wasn't so damn high. You know Hogg, he has to milk it all for what it's worth. *Cooter goes silent while eyeing his friend, taking in Bo's silent and sulky composture before asking* So, where's your better half? *Cooter laughs at his own joke.* *Bo raises an eye brow at Cooter, confused on who he means.* You mean The General or Luke? * He goes silent waiting for an answer. When he don't get an answer he continues,* The General is across the street. Jesse sent me into town to run some errands and I figured I'd drop by to say hi since I was in town and all. So hi* he goes silent, his thoughts once more return to Luke and their fight* And Luke and Daisy have left and are at Aunt Cathrine's farm to help out there since Cathy's sick and all. Didn't he tell you? *Cooter nods before shaking his head at himself for being dumb enough to forget.* Damn Bo, I'm sorry. This dang truck here's been giving me a fit and I guess I ain't thinking straight. How's it goin' without having them around? *Bo gives him a stern look that Cooter clearly reads as 'I don't want to talk about it' look.* OK, you're point is taken. Give me a call if you need anything. Until then, I need to work on this here truck. Clarence Hughes is already upset at me for not having it done. Wants it done by tonight or he's taking it somewhere else for service. Don't know how since the damn thing won't start, but all the same, I'd rather keep my business here if you know what I mean. *Bo nods as he eyes Cooter for a long moment and then eyes the truck and is quick to forget about why he is in town for.* Well Cooter, I could always give you some help. Let me have a look. *Before Cooter can argue, Bo is on the ground and shoving himself under the truck and anxious to be of help. Looking for a way to feel useful and relevant with Luke out of town.*
  12. The Sprint Cup Series will be racing at Pocono RaceWay tomorrow afternoon. It is a tri-oval...no more circle or oval for tomorrow's race. Always find it a fun track to race at just because it is shaped differently. It is 2.5 miles long. It will be aired on ESPN at 12:00 EST. Here is the top ten starting postions: 1. Tony Stewart 2. Juan Pablo Montoya 3. Denny Hamlin 4. Jeff Gordon 5. Ryan Newman 6. Jimmie Johnson 7. AJ Allmendinger 8. Jeff Burton 9. Jamie McMurray 10. Mark Martin Denny Hamlin (who is one of the drivers on my fantasy team for this race) is known to be good at this track. His first year in the Cup series he won both races at Pocono. He won at this track in June and he also won at this race last year as well. Not a big Hamlin fan, but this is so far seems to be the track that he owns or is best at. Though Gordon and others have won here too so perhaps tomorrow he may have to hold back some competition in order to win again at Pocono.
  13. Good questions, Roger. I have wondered that myself and just looked through an older article on it on NASCAR.com. Knew he was a fan of flying planes, of which I think he was on the way to was something to do with flying planes in Oshkosh WI when it happened. But wasn't for sure if it was him driving the plane. It was Jack Roush driving the plane and he had one passenger who was treated and released. I haven't heard nothing new about Roush other than what was posted above that he had surgery on his facial injuries he suffered in a Mayo clinic. Read somewhere he gotten in another plane accident in 2002...don't know about him or your, if I was him, I'd be calling it quits right about now. After all of his and there has been other plane accidents that were carrying NASCAR drivers or crews or what not as well. I just hope that he will have a fast and speedy recovery and that we'll be seeing him at the track soon (as soon as he is fully recovered.)
  14. STP sponsored the King, Richard Petty when he was still racing in NASCAR.
  15. *Gasps* Who in the world just wrote me? The name and attitude surely sounds familiar, but from where? And who? Khee. Sorry couldn't help myself. Hope all is well with you. It was great hearing from you! Boy you can count me as jealous! I wish I could win a Jimmie Johnson autograph...:( LUCKY YOU!!!!!!! :) You deserve it.

  16. *Watching the familiar scene pass by him, Bo's mind wonders from the mundane list Jesse had sent him to town only to make him wonder if this was Jesse's way of getting him out of his way. To thoughts of what Luke may be doing now. Other than taking care of their aunt and her farm, what else was there for Luke to do. Only to make him wonder if Luke was missing him as well.* Nah he's probably glad to be away from me. Not to put up with me any longer. Probably dreads returning home.* Bo rants aloud as his mind falls upon the harsh argument he had with Luke the night before he left Hazzard with Daisy. Words were spoken by both of them that deep down they know neither one meant, but it stung all the same. They've had their fights in the past, but normally, they'd wake up the next morning apologizing and feeling stupid over fighting over whatever it was. Not this time. Luke could barely look at him to say good-bye before he gotten into Dixie with Daisy. Oddly enough, neither Jesse nor Daisy has yet to say one word about it. Only to give Bo the hint that Luke had already told them about it and that they sided with Luke. But how else was Bo suppose to feel and act after what Luke had done? He may no longer say it aloud, but he looked up to Luke, admired who he was, wished he could be more like him. Smart, thoughtful, and quick. Whereas Bo felt like he was the opposite. He was naive, careless, and easy to upset. Bo got them both into trouble by his temper, his quick mouth, and his lack of thought before acting out; Luke always got them out of trouble with his thoughtfulness and brains. Bo was willing to look past what Luke had done to him due to how he admired Luke, but it was what was said that hurt the most, that had upset him the most. And of course, Bo being who he was, had quick comebacks to what Luke had said only to make it all worse. The silence that morning before they had left had almost been unbareable to Bo and had built some guilt within him, but his stubbornness and pride allowed Luke to leave before addressing Luke and how he felt. Or to apologize for his harsh words. And now all that will have to wait until whenever Luke decided it was time to return to Hazzard.* Just me and you, General * Bo says aloud to change his line of thought as he enters the small town while pocketing the list Jesse had given to him.
  17. Bo Duke: 41 Luke Luke: 57 Jesse Duke: 2 I gave a point to Bo and i took one away from Luke
  18. Further news on Jack Roush...he has been transported to a Mayo clinic after he had surgery to his facial injuries he had suffered. He is still in serious but stable condition.
  19. *Nods slightly at Jesse before turning back and walking to The General. Climbing into The General, feels the lonely feeling once again tugging at him as he finds himself looking across the car at the empty passenger seat. Where Luke would've been sitting if he were there. Breathing in deeply he starts the car and listens to the powerful engine while reminding himself that it all is temporary. Sooner or later, Luke will be home and griping at him for something he done wrong as was normal from time to time.* "Just you and me today, General," Bo speaks up as he backs the car up and out onto the dirt road.
  20. NASCAR Sprint Cup series car owner Jack Rousch (owns Carl Edwards', Matt Kenseth, Greg Biffle, and David Ragan's cars) was hospitalized Tuesday after a plane accident in Wisconsin. He is serious but in stable condition. Guess he is under doctor's observations as he suffers facial injuries.
  21. You are welcome, Roger. Being a baseball fan, thought that may help make it a little more sense than if I tried to explain it myself. Nationwide Series races I think are aired...perhaps on ESPN. They are interesting to watch, I just never really think of it when they are on. They are racing at Iowa's track this Saturday ...which is a track that Rusty Wallace built. Last year was the first year that Nationwide raced there and Kyle Busch won. Hopefully I'll catch at least some so I can see what it at least looks like. Am glad that Iowa has finally got a NASCAR track...now if only Sprint Cup would race on it. I just wish Rusty had built it bigger than what he did...
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