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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Sadly, I never saw that before. I am very glad you brought it up Jami Lee and that BoLukeDuke found it! That was very interesting...things sure look different! Hazzard even has a stop light! KHEE!
  2. Official Sprint Cup Points as of 8/23/10: 1. Kevin Harvick 2. Jeff Gordon (-279) 3. Kyle Busch 4. Carl Edwards 5. Denny Hamlin 6. Tony Stewart 7. Jeff Burton 8. Matt Kenseth 9. Jimmie Johnson 10. Kurt Busch 11. Greg Biffle 12. Clint Bowyer 13. Jamie McMurray (-100) 14. Mark Martin (-101) 15. Ryan Newman Well two races to go until the chase and now Gordon is clinched into the chase. Harvick and Gordon are both for sure in the chase no matter what happens the next two races.
  3. Official Nationwide Series Points as of 8/23/10: 1. Brad Keselwoski 2. Carl Edwards (-313) 3. Kyle Busch 4. Justin Allgaier 5. Paul Menard 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Steve Wallace 8. Trevor Bayne 9. Jason Leffler 10. Brendan Gaughan
  4. Luke clears his throat on the other end of the phone to gather Bo's attention back to the phone. "Well things are a little more complicated here than we had expected. She is more sick than what they had let knwon to us over the phone. The farm is really ran down since she has been sick for a while now. The farm was definate uncared for for a while now. There is a lot of work to be done to get the farm back into proper shape. So I plan on doing that with a few locals here in town that has volunteered to help out. Daisy and a few woman are taking care of our aunt and see if they can get her back into health while we work on the farm." *Luke goes silent for a long moment.* "I'm afraid it'll be a few more days than what we had been expecting. Just thought I'd call home to see what we're missing and how's it going?" "We're doing alright," Bo shrugs to himself, "things are slowly getting done. Though Swamp Molly and Alice have been by acting weird. Jesse's been out in the swamp today. He says they were acting really weird and yet won't even say a word of what is going on. Heck, Alice refused to even talk to me when I met them at the Boar's Nest this afternoon. No talk of wrastling or anything. I am not complaining about that, but Jesse's really worried about them."* "Well if Alice didn't ask you to wrastle, something is definately wrong," Luke goes silent in thought for a long moment and silence fills the room and Bo momentarily wonders where Jesse is. "I wish I was there to help out. But, I'm not. You know what that means?" Luke goes silent, awaiting for an answer. Not getting one, he continues, "That means it is up to you help Alice and Molly. I know how you feel about Alice and Molly, but they're family. You know Jesse is bound to need to do something to find out what is wrong and to help them. That's just how he is. That means, you need to step up and do something to help Alice and Molly out with whatever it is that is wrong. It's all up to you, Bo." *Sharp emotions ring through Bo with Luke's bold speech. First they got into their big fight, then Luke and Daisy left Hazzard to help out their aunt, and now he's telling him to step up and take charge. To do something. As if Bo would know what to do to help Alice and Molly, especially when they won't even talk to him. Not alone tell him what is wrong. But instead of voicing his opinion, his emotions, he hears himself say. *"Like what, Luke?" "I don't know, Bo. It'll be up to you, not me this time." He gives a short and sarcastic laugh, "Look, I'm getting called. I got to go. Tell Jesse I said hi. Bye Bo." "Yeah, bye Luke," Bo nods before he hears the phone go dead on the other end of the line.*
  5. Oooo I like Darryl Worley and his music. I bet he put on a good...great concert! Lucky you. Haven't done much of anything here. Good luck with college...hope you have a blast...and behave yourself. :D

  6. Apology accepted. Sorry I didn't save some for you...
  7. The Ghost of General Lee is one of my all time favorite Duke episodes! I love all the emotions that they put in that episode. I have to say I prefer the episodes in Georgia over the ones in California. Too bad they all weren't in Georgia. I agree, they seem more authetic.
  8. You seem to know your way around Utube with all these videos. LOL. Poor kid though...if he was a pro player, then, shouldn't he have enough money to buy a bag of chips of his own? LOL. Sorry couldn't help myself pointing that out.
  9. Dukes don't fight Dukes? Well please let Roger know that...think he forgot that rule of thumb. But thanks for taking the heat off of me, Hoss. Hopefully with time everyone will forget about your accusations of what I supposedly did. Well Roger...how was your hardened fruit? Bet that was tastey.
  10. Don't know what you mean by BBC America? Your commercials you listed from Utube above were interesting to watch. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Happy birthday Capt Redneck! Hope you have a good one. :D

  12. Well, Roger, once again, I'll give you the little credit you are deserved. I may watch way too much NASCAR (I don't see this as a problem. Do you? ) and some of those guys do wreck and blame everyone else for it. But on account that those drivers bug me when they can't take responsibility for their own actions and guilt, I am a hundred percent that they didn't rub off on me. In fact, it insults me that you would stoop so low as to compare me to them! What have I ever done to you to deserve that? Or what have I done to deserve to be labeled as someone with a criminal element? Sweet innocent ol' Rosco, as you call him, may have been doing his job, but if so, he needs to get his eyes checked. Think it should be you he should be after, not I. Perhaps he could charge you with speeding on account of how many posts you already have...especially compared with innocent ol' me. Me? A bad person? Your insults just keep getting worse and worse the more you go on. I think you should stop while you can and before it's too late! That hen did it herself. Not that I didn't feel bad. I did. In fact, I made sure to put the poor bird to good use as so she wouldn't have had to die in vain and all. I took her over to orphanage and grilled her so all them kids would have a bite to eat. Didn't hear any of them complaining...Perhaps you should get all your information correct before you go and labeling a person, such as I, like you did. Me, a bad person? Perhaps not a great person, but highly doubt I'm a bad person either.
  13. Hoss - thanks for posting the links. I just watched the Coke Vs Pepsi commericial and the Pepsi Max and Coke Zero must have originated from that one. Same idea and everything.
  14. They show that Pepsi Max one I think several times throughout the races and everytime I have to sit down and watch it and still find it hilarious! Glad I'm not the only one, I think them going out through the window tops it all off! The ESPN NASCAR hauler one is great and ironic. Ironic being that they first aired that one during a Nationwide Series race. Well those two drivers, Edwards and Keselowski, have a history of not getting along with each other. Well in that race they aired that commericial, Keselowski bumped Edwards on the final lap and Edwards paid him back by spinning him out for the win. So it being those two drivers in the commerical...or rather their haulers and their drivers, kinda even make it even more great than it already is. I love Smokey and the Bandit and y'all know how much I love NASCAR, you put those two together it has to be great. The only way they could do it greater is if it was the Dukes and NASCAR. Hoss - it is interesting to hear about the different advertising laws and all that that you have over there than we do here. I can see the whole rival thing being an issue and not using a rival product during the commercials...I feel like they should do that here. Though, in that commercial with Pepsi Max and Coke Zero, I don't think a generic would have worked or made it as hilarious as it was. At least not to me. Also glad to hear I am not the only one with this idea for a thread, the Pepsi Max commercial just got over when I started this thread and that was what gave me the idea. Didn't know if everyoune would think it to be stupid or what, but thought I'd give it a try.
  15. I saw that before getting off early this morning. LOL. Was too tired to come back with anything too good, so I waited so I can come up with something good. LOL

  16. *Bo eyes Jesse worriedly for a long moment before the phone continues to ring and he slowly walks out of the kitchen and into the living room to answer the phone. Picking up the receiver, Bo says, "Duke residents. This is Bo." *Bo hears someone clear his voice on the other end before raw silence comes back at him and for a moment, Bo thinks it must be a prank caller. When he goes to hang up a familiar male voice cuts through the silence by saying,* "Hi Bo," the caller goes silent as excitement races through Bo as he instantly recognizes the voice. "I see the phone is still in working order there, so I reckon the old farm is holding up without Daisy and I being there to help out." *Bo finds himself nodding before realizing that Luke can't see him.* "Luke!" Bo goes silent as he attempts to adjust his excitement only for him to remember how Luke had left. Angry and upset at him. Taking a deep breath, he says, "It seems like you've been gone forever now, but yeah, the farm is still up and running without the two of you. When you coming home?" *Bo looks up and at the open kitchen doorway, expecting Jesse to walk out in excitement over hearing Bo say Luke's name so loudly, yet no one comes. Only to make him a little more worried over how worried Jesse is over Alice and Molly. Looking away from the doorway, he sits down upon the desk chair to give Luke his full attention and to attempt to shove his worry away.*
  17. Well I agree with the first part there, Roger...I'd be here forever trying to unscramble the letters. If I watched more episodes perhaps I'd be better at it, plus have the time to sit and write it all out and go through all the letters. So far, I haven't done such a great job at it. But I think your ears aren't working either, Roger, that wasn't my fault. It was all Rosco! If he didn't falsely accuse me and tried arresting me, I'd never have ran to begin with! The dang animal just ran under my feet!
  18. That is good news to hear about The Geneal Lees not being wasted like that. It is fun to watch, but never really thought of them ruining good cars like that. It'd be a shame to ruin a good General Lee or one that could be restored. I am sorry to hear that your show got cancelled or rained out! I get disappointed and frustrated when a race gets rained out, I can only imagine how you feel! Glad you got to meet new people. It is exciting to hear that you got to join Ray's team! Am very happy for you, he couldn't have chosen anyone better!
  19. Uh oh...now I'm worried. Well just remember it's always fun to give a little payback. :D

  20. You are welcome. I am glad to be able to fill you in on all that you missed! And you are right...it does give me time to watch NASCAR related Dukes or any Dukes episode. Am sure the drivers will enjoy the week off after the emotion packed race of Bristol. Well, am glad to see I am not the only one noticing that the driver that starts the accidents drive away with minimal damage while the other car suffers greatly. Just frustrating, especially when it happens to a favorite driver or to one that I like. It just makes me wonder why that is or how that happens that way. I know with the rear spoiler, drivers can move another driver if they get close enough to the rear spoiler of the other car and that can cause accidents. But even like Johnson's accident today with Montoya running into the back, Montoya had tire issues from it, but even that worked itself out. Sorry you missed the race, Roger. Hope you can catch the next one...two weeks away. As always, am glad to give you or anyone the race report. I look forward to doing it. Don't know what I'm going to do after Homestead when the season finishes.
  21. :( I am sorry to hear that your stunt show got rained out. That has got to be frustrating and disappointing. I hope that they will do it again sometime soon for you. Glad to hear you are thinking positive. Am glad that you got to meet and hang out with new "friends". :) Thanks for the message. I hope you will have a great Sunday.
  22. Well, history was made in NASCAR tonight. Kyle Busch won the Sprint Cup race at Bristol tonight to do the Bristol sweep by winning the truck series race, Nationwide Series race, and Sprint Cup race at Bristol. Am not a fan of Kyle Busch or of his driving, but he is a talented driver and was kinda exciting to see history be made. Jeff Gordon finished eleventh after starting 26th and had moved up pretty quickly. Got as high as six or seventh at one point in the race. Wish he could have been at least in the top ten if not top five or the win, but eleventh isn't too bad. Plus he clinched his spot in the chase, which I am excited about! Dale Earnhardt Jr had a decent race. He was seventh at one point towards the end but then quickly fell backwards and ended up 13th and the last car on the lead lap. But his car was loose. They showed him driving when he was twelveth or thirteenth in the last twenty or ten laps and his car kept wiggling around - it was obviously lose so he did pretty good job to keep it on the lead lap and finishing out where he did. And for the big heartbreak for any of Jimmie Johnson fans...he led 179 laps in the first half of the race before he got passed by Kyle Busch. Johnson cleanly passed Juan Pablo Montoya and Montoya ran in the back of him and ran him into the wall! Johnson was behind the wall and came back seventy laps behind to finish 35 - the last car on the track! If the points stay as they are now, he will drop from fifth to nineth in points. I don't understand how the driver who starts the accidents, generally can drive away with minimal damage while the other drivers are the ones to suffer from it. Just frustrated about it right now. Denny Hamlin took his car behind the wall for twenty laps at the same time, but I think for something different. Which I am sure will shake the points up with him and Johnson having bad races and Kyle Busch winning and all. Don't understand how Hamlin and Johnson dominated the first half of the season with five wins each and hasn't done a thing since then. The last four years, Johnson was flawless and had all the luck on his side. The first half started out that way and now all the bad luck and bad calls have caught up to him. Not saying it is time to worry about either one of them. Once the points will be set, as long as another chase driver doesn't win both of them, Hamlin and Johnson will be the point leaders with fifty points each. Just am frustrated with Johnson's turn around for the worse at the moment. Don't know where Tony Stewart ended up at, but he started strong and fought for the lead in the first fourth of the race or so. But when David Ragan spun out, Stewart braked and Regan Smith ran into the back of Stewart. Stewart later spun out himself to give him a dismal finish. To end his good runs that he had strung together the last few races or so. Here is the top ten finishes for the Bristol night race: 1. Kyle Busch 2. David Reutimann (who suffered food poisioning a couple of days ago.) 3. Jamie McMurray 4. Clint Bowyer 5. Kasey Kahne 6. Ryan Newman 7. Juan Pablo Montoya 8. Greg Biffle 9. Kurt Busch 10. Matt Kenseth Bristol always surprises me with how fast the race goes. It is a half mile track and is known as the fastest track as well. They said it takes them only sixteen seconds to drive around the track! Without watching the lap numbers going down, was really surprised when they said it was white flag, last lap of the race. LOL...but with sixteen seconds a lap, it shouldn't be so surprising! Well, got some sad news...they have next week off. Nationwide Series will be racing in Canada, but the Sprint Cup has the weeked off. Perhaps that'll make some or all of y'all excited to hear in hopes of having a week off from me and my senseless ramblings. But as for me, am always kinda bummed when they get a weekend off to leave me with no race to watch. Oh well, I'm sure I'll survive. They'll be racing in Atlanta on September 5 for the next race...perhaps we'll see Bo and Luke there.
  23. Garrett Duke


    Well commercials are normally a time to take a break from the TV or something to be dreaded, though do have to admit there are a few that are cute or kinda fun to watch. Right now my two favorite commercials are one is for ESPN's NASCAR with Carl Edwards and Brad Keselowski's semi truck drivers gassing up their rigs with Jerry Reed's song, "East Down and Bound" song going on in the back ground, has a Smokey and the Bandit sort of theme as well. The other one is the Pepsi Max commercial where the Pepsi Max semi truck driver goes to a truck stop where a Coke Zero truck driver was sitting there. They comment on the song that was playing...something like "Why can't we be friends?" and the Pepsi Max driver shakes hand with the other driver and sits down next to him while the Coke Zero guy gets a Pepsi Max after Pepsi Max driver comments on how it has zero calories. Then the Pepsi Max guy videos the Coke Zero guy on his phone for Utube. They end up wrestling out through the window. For some reason, I find that commercial funny every time I see it. Y'all have any favorite commercials?
  24. Brian Vickers, who is the normal driver for the number 83 Red Bull Toyota, has been out since May when he went to the hospital with chest pains. Ends up he had blood clots in his left leg and lungs. He was put on medicine that he is not able to drive with or race on, so they've had several drivers driving his car for him. He had a conference today and said that he had two surgeries last month. Said he did have another clot in is finger that they believed came from a hole in his heart, so last month they did heart surgery to close the hole. They then found that he had May - Thurner, which is a blood clot disorder. The next day he had another surgery to put in a stent. As Rosco would say, Good news! Good News! He will be off the blood thinners by January first and will be able to drive his number 83 Toyota in February 2011 (Next year). It will be great to see him back out on the track once again! I miss seeing himout there!
  25. What a sad post Dukefan. Sorry to hear you think your dream of owning a General Lee fading away. I can see how that would be discouraging and frustrating to see people jumping them and wrecking them like that. But I have to say, being to Dukefest four times, it is awesome to see them jumping The General like that. It is like nothing else...talking about the excitement. Kinda like being in one of the episodes and watching the boys jump The General like they do. In your view, I can see how that would be kinda frustrating, but being able to witness it, it made for a great time. Know that will probably won't help you out much and I am sure I see it way differently than you do, since I know I'll never have the money or the know how to own a General Lee of my own, but for me, it was worth it (afterall, we all know they wrecked The Generals on the show as well!). Once again, Dukefan, sorry to hear you feel that way. I hope things will change for you and that you will accomplish your dream of owning one of your very own General Lee. That would be awesome for you as well. Never give up hope or your dreams. You never know. . . Once again, am looking forward to how your day went, Roger!
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