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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. *Bo smiles as he begins to quickly zigzaging in between the trees, barely missing a couple, while watching Enos' car slowly inch farther away as the deputy struggles from keeping from hitting the thick trees. Looking ahead he sees where he'll be able to execute his idea and he shoves the accelerator forcefully tighter to the floor as the large gap between the two lands that is seperated by a thick creek ten feet below; only a few miles to the south of where he had jumped the broken bridge to escape from the sheriff. If he can escape the sheriff that way, he'll be able to lose Enos the same way. Without the dirty white sheriff's car no where in sight across the creek, Bo knows he'll be escape the law if only he can fly The General one more time.* OK General. Grow them wings and lets go for a fly *Bo speaks up to break through the silence of within the car before he feels the tires below him hit another lump of dirt before the dirt and ground evaporates from under him.*
  2. In 2008 Carl Edwards won 9 races (I think the last one of those was either the last race of the season or the race before that. Though I could be wrong, just seems like he won one of those races...) but hasn't won a race since then. So there is 36 point races in a year, we have raced 22 races thus far this year...so his winless streak is 58 races long. Jeff Gordon's is 51 races long. And Michigan is a track that they are both good at, so maybe, one of their winnless streaks will be broken. I can always hope (that last part is of my opinion, of course. )
  3. I went with blonde. It looks more natural on him...the blond or the gray. In my opinion.
  4. Well I missed the shower, but did hear someone at work talking about it. They are fun/interesting to watch. Am not big into astronomy myself, though do keep up with when there is a full moon. A week before the full moon is when the kids at work start acting up the most so I do tend to take note when the full moon is, especially when having a hard day at work.
  5. Had a feeling you or someone would say that. Oh well...don't matter, in my part of Hazzard, I think The General Lee is the best and the fastest.
  6. Back at the farm, Bo sets the pile of mail on the table to only be picked up a moment later by Luke as he walks into the kitchen to see who it was entering the house. Luke snorts a few times while shaking his head and throwing the bills on the table. A moment later he finds the flier Bo had earlier looked at and excitement momentarily enters his eyes. "Now look at this Bo," he shoves it front of Bo to see who only nods and steps back, knowing what is to come, "See if you didn't go and wreck The General the other day, we could have entered and won this thing. Would have helped some to pay off these here bills. Plus Chicasaw has that big annual race we could be entering in to win. But can we?" He looks up accusingly at Bo. "Don't think I already know that, cuz?" Bo is quick to snap back at him, not in a mood to hear one of Luke's 'I told you sos.' "I thought we all went over this yesterday. I did what had to be done in order to prevent getting falsely arrested. I do believe it was you that pointed out that if I hadn't done that, we'd be in jail and the farm would be left for Jesse and Daisy to tend after. Now you're changing your mind over a damn flier?" Luke shakes his head while running a hand through his hair. "I know," he sighs heavily, "but it don't mean I have to like it none. If there was some way to get the money to rebuild The General back into shape," looking down at the flier for a long moment he goes silent as an idea instantly falls into place. Looking up at Bo, he puts on a smile to receive a questioning look from Bo. "I got it!" he pauses as he puts a comforiting hand on Bo's tense and sweaty shoulder, "Let's go Bo!" "Let's go?" Bo questions, "Where?" "Never mind now. I'll explain on the way," Luke quickly makes his way to the door where he grabs Jesse's keys that hang on the key holder. "Jesse! We're borrowing your truck!" Luke opens the door just as Jesse quickly makes it into the kitchen with a bewildered look. "Where on earth are you two going? It's already five and the animals have yet been fed, the fence still needs tending and we need to fix that leak in the ceiling in the living room! Y'all promised me you'd fix the leak today and yet it's still dripping away from yesterday's shower!" Jesse yells, looking at the boys with stern blue eyes that demand a proper answer, "Where you going that's more important than taking care of this farm?!" Luke comes to a dead halt at seeing Jesse's anger, yet through the anger, Luke is able to see clearly the root behind the anger. It's not his asking to borrow the truck or them leaving now. His anger is rooted in deep intense fear and panic at the situation they are now in. They have always been poor and they have struggled and fought hard in the past to keep the farm as well as pay off bills and put food on the table. But nothing as severe as how it seems now. With mortgage due in a few days they have yet to come up with only half of the mortgage payment and that is without paying for food or groceries or gas or anything else that daily living costs. Losing the farm has been the devastating thought that has kept their beloved uncle up worrying about. "Calm down Jesse. I know we promised and I apologize for that. If we don't get to it today, we'll do it first thing in the morning. Something has come up," Luke pauses as he glances over at Bo who still seems lost and taken aback to Jesse's anger outburst on them. Looking at Jesse he continues, "that I feel may help us with paying off the mortgage in a few days. If I didn't feel it important, I wouldn't be running off on you like this. Especially after promising to take care of it today. Besides," Luke goes silent for moment as he looks outside at the darkening sky, "it's getting late as it is. We couldn't start on it now as it is without it getting dark on us." Jesse eyes his nephews for a long time, surprised by Luke's sense of calmness that seems to build guilt down within him for losing his temper at them. Sighing heavily, he slowly nods. Luke wouldn't back up on his word without a good reason or if he didn't know what he was doing. Trusting Luke, he states, "OK, take the truck. But I'll be execting you and Bo up on the roof first thing in the morning. Rain or shine. Got that?" "Yes sir," Luke stiffly agrees while bo quietly nods, looking at Luke for guidance and reassurance. "We'll be back shortly." Jesse watches his two nephews walk out onto the porch and climb into his old truck before Luke starts it up and slowly backs up onto the dirt road. After they drive away and out of sight, he slowly takes a step back to pick up the bills only for his eyes to fall upon the dropped flier. "That's how he's planning on paying the mortgage," Jesse speaks aloud to himself as he picks the flier up and reads it, "but how you plan on fixing up The General, Luke?" Hearing himself question aloud to no one, he slowly makes his way over to the window to look out at the ailing General only for more guilt and sadness to plague him. Guilt and sadness at seeing the beloved car sit out there ailing and having no way to fix him up or to get him feeling better. The General was as much a part of the family as his nephews are, the car almost seeming human at times, and with how much The General has done to save and rescue his nephews, he deserved the best treatment. Not to be sat in front of the farm house and abandoned as he has been the last couple of days. If that thought didn't break Jesse's heart, the thought of how badly it's been killing the boys to leave their beloved car parked and ailing as they have due to the lack of money, broke Jesse's heart the rest of the way. (CUE DANEY)
  7. I guess if you want to get technical she makes sense and is perhaps right, but here in Hazzard, I think The General is pretty fast and can out run anyone.
  8. *Bo kept his right foot tightly upon the gas pedal as he drove in between the maze of trees, his concentration half way on the darkening path ahead of him and the bright red and blue strobe lights behind him. His thoughts bounce back and forth to how Jesse will kill him if he is caught or once he hears about what he had done. Afterall, the charges were legit this time; he was speeding, but he never thought he'd be arrested for it. Before his thoughts bounce back to what Luke would do or tell him to do in a situation like this. But Luke wouldn't find himself in this sort of trouble, trouble just found him. Luke didn't find trouble as Bo always seemed to do. Only to underline to Bo the differences between Luke and himself; Luke was too smart to be caught with legit charges.* Damn it! *Bo cusses aloud and hits the steering wheel as he sees the gap between the bumper of The General and the patrol car shrinking slowly. Normally by now he'd have ran Enos into a tree or lost him some other way. Yet Enos remains stuck on his rear, never flinching or shying away. First Enos' different attitude towards him and now he can't lose him as he normally would have.* C'mon General. You can do it! *Bo attempts to push confidence into The General. Looking ahead, a bold idea hits him to send his dread into excitement of his new plan.*
  9. Hoss thanks for posting that! That was very interesting to watch...do like Starsky and Hutch, but haven't seen it in a very long time. I am a much bigger Dukes fan. That was interesting info on Glaser's dislike of the Torino. Being a fan, I never saw anything wrong with it. LOL. Though was VERY glad with who won the race between The General and the Torino. Though does leave me questioning her question..."What was Boss driving, a mule?" I highly have to disagree with her implications of The General being slow...or maybe I am reading too much into what she was saying!
  10. Well they will be racing at Michigan International Raceway tomorrow at 1:00 PM EST on ESPN. Michigan is a 2 mile oval shaped track. It is a track that Rousch drivers are good at...and tomorrow being Carl Edwards' birthday and five year Sprint Cup anniversary perhaps he'll break his winless streak with a win. (Since he's my top fanatsy pick driver, I am hoping he'll win. LOL! If not him, then it better be J. Gordon ) Here is the top ten drivers that'll be starting tomorrow's race: 1. (pole) Kasey Kahne 2. Jimmie Johnson 3. Clint Boywer 4. Tony Stewart 5. Juan Pablo Montoya 6. Greg Biffle 7. Matt Kenseth 8. Kevin Harvick 9. Martin Truex Jr. 10. Paul Menard Well Dale Earnhardt Jr and Jeff Gordon will have their hands full tomorrow. Jr will be starting 38th and Gordon will be starting 36th. Luckily they'll have the entire race to work on their car and race towards the front.
  11. Well I got some good news about Jack Roush. He got released from the hospital on Thursday and I guess he is at the track in Michigan this week. He says he fractured his back, broke his jaw, and lost his left eye due to his plane accident - he tried to land his jet at an overcrowded airport. Roush said that his two main problems are with his back and his nose that they got nose packing in it and he is left having to breathe through his mouth. As for his eyes...his right eye he said was the better and more prominent so he said that he'll be seeing more than he should. (I got all that from an article on NASCAR.com)
  12. Wow...you do know your F1 racing and cars! I know more about the racing aspect for NASCAR than I do the cars...I do know some with the cars, but not everything. They do have different tires for different tracks, but no rain tirs. So if sprinkles or rains they either put a yellow out for sprinkles or red flag it for rain. Rains too long they'll end the race if they are at half way or over halfway of the race. Or postpone it to Monday if it rains before or before halfway.
  13. Hi Lori...how's it going? Hope all is well. I have a quick question or two. LOL. I am thinking of posting my stories on ff.net as well as MA's page. Well my user ID on ff.net right now is DOHNUMB3RSFAN01...well there is a section that I could change it. I was thinking of changing it to Garrett Duke so everyone will know me. But would that change my Numb3rs story at all if I did that? Like would the link still work and all that? Just was wondering and hoping you would know. If not, that's OK too. :)

  14. I like challenging tracks as well, just like the tracks more where I can go into the race knowing he'll have a good finish. Though he has a win at all but one track so far, so that only means he has one challenging track left to face. Hopefully he can get it this year. Goodyear supplies the tires for each race so they don't bring the tires...well they might, but they don't get a choice as to what tire they want to race. Though Goodyear and the drivers seem to communicate as to which tire works best at what track and so far. Just like Sunoco supplies the gas...they gas up or refuel several times during the race. Interesting to hear the difference between the two racing leagues! Never knew much about F1 other than their cars look different. LOL .
  15. Sounds like you have an exciting race to watch. Glad both your guys or drivers are doing well. I prefer the oval tracks over the road courses because they go faster and there tends to be more action on the track. The road courses are fun and exciting in their own right, just it is hard for them to pass one another so they seem to stay in the same position for awhile. Of course that makes it more challenging for the drivers...LOL. Each track is different than one another, there are half mile tracks to two mile tracks and the lengths of the race varies as well. Pocono's track is in the shape of a triangle. I like the longer tracks...the mile, mile and a half tracks. Though I do love Bristol and Bristol is the shortest track out there...Bristol is just a short track full of action, lot of emotion on that track. Don't know if you feel this way with your F1 races, but I tend to like the tracks that my favorite driver is good at. LOL. F1 only puts caution or yellow flag on that section of the track where there is debri or an accident at? I'd think that would be hard to slow down in time. NASCAR yellow flags the whole track for a few laps until the accident or the debris is all cleared. They have a pace car setting the pace for everyone and after a lap or two around the track, pit road opens up and a lot of drivers will make their pit stop. The only way they can pass under yellow is if they beat another driver out of pit road and they have a slow speed for pit road - they get caught speeding, they have to serve a drive through penalty. If an accident is real bad, they will red flag it and everyone has to park and no one can work on the car or do anything with the car. They also will throw a caution or yellow flag if there is any sort of debri out on the track as well which can get frustrating depending on where your driver is at and if they need a pit stop or not. Then once the track is all cleaned and set, they will drop the green and they have a double file restart to start the race again. This year they have done something different...if the yellow falls before the white flag falls, they give them three more laps to race to the white. Once the white flag falls, it's set...the caution comes out, they just stop the race and whoever is leading, wins...or everyone races around the 'accident' to the finish line. Hope that helps. Too bad they don't show it...the pit stops are interesting to me to see how much time they take, what strategy they use, and of course, who gets out of the pits fastest. LOL
  16. Thanks ... was glad to find my name in the mix. Sorry for the K...not my fault they put a K in Duke. Any name with Hazzard would be difficult to do, not much with a z in it. Looked through a few, think I found Roger's, but that was about it. Maybe Daney's if I remember right. . .
  17. Hijacking the NASCAR Q&A thread...LOL Hoss. Thanks for returning it to NASCAR...seeing on how I know very little about F1. Sounds like you know a lot about it, so I will leave those questions for you and I think I'll stick with the racing I know most about; NASCAR. Think most of the drivers I had thought came from F1 to NASCAR was actually Indy like Sam Hornish Jr now to think of it. Except for Juan Pablo Montoya. You do know your F1 racing. Four week break? Dang...I'd be going crazy with that long of a break. Though guess I do bet a three MONTH break at the end of the season before the next season. Those are the longest months ever. Know how you must be feeling right now. Hope your driver or whoever you go for will do good at the next race you are talking about. NASCAR actually has two road courses...the Watkins Glen that they just finished at and they have one at Sonoma called Infineon. Jeff Gordon (my favorite driver) is pretty good at road coarses so I enjoy them. Thanks for the info, Hoss! As I said, I'll leave the F1 stuff to you and stick with what I actually know. LOL.
  18. Raked gutter? Well at least my gutter's cleaned out.
  19. *Landing hardly on the dusty ground on the other side, Bo lets out a sigh of relief before gunning the car forward and excitement builds within him at seeing Sheriff Coltrane's car at a dead halt on the opposite side.* Yee Haa *Bo lets out his famous rebel call and looks ahead only for his excitement come to a dead halt and dread settles within him as Deputy Strate's car comes into view coming right at him.* Oh no *Bo groans while continuing to drive forward fastly despite the oncoming police cruiser. A moment later, realizing Enos wasn't stopping or turning around, Bo cusses under his breath before he shoves forcefully on the brakes and yanks the wheel to slide sideways to a halt. Bo holds his breath while watching Enos do the same thing only to come to a halt three inches away from Bo's passenger door.* Damn it *Bo cusses as he watches Enos crawl across his passenger seat to open the door and climb out.* "Bo and Luke Duke you two are now under arrest for -" *Enos starts to say as he looks into the car to only find Bo sitting behind the steering wheel of the famous General Lee, the passenger seat empty.* "Uh I mean," *Enos fumbles for words* "Bo Duke you are under arrest for excessive speeding on county roads. Now if you don't mind stepping out of The General, we can get this done and over with." *Bo eyes Enos and more dread fills him. He had been expecting a speeding ticket, not to be under arrest for his misadventures he decided to go on after being dismissed from The Boar's Nest. Jesse's really gonna kill him now.* "Wish I could do that for you, Enos, but I can't. You see, with Luke and Daisy outta town for the next few days to help out with our sick aunt," *Bo goes silent and forces a sad face to play on Enos' guilt and emotions towards the aunt Bo barely even knew.* "I can't go to jail. Not now. Now I have to be home to help out Jesse with the chores and all."* *Enos eyes his friend with sad eyes.* Sorry Bo. The law is the law and you broke it. Jesse's gonna have to fend for himself and you have your own sorry self to blame. Now get out of your car or else I'm going to have to add resisting arrest onto your charges." *Bo eyes Enos with surprise. Normally Enos wasn't so serious or that upset towards him and Luke. Then again, it was now just him. Enos and Luke were the same age, same grade in school. Bo just tagged along.* "No can do, Enos. Hate to do this to you, but you leave me no choice." *With that, Bo glances down at Enos' nicely shined boots, looks up at Enos, nods and presses harshly onto the accelerator. Feeling his heart race rapidly within him, Bo drives quickly away from the standing deputy to drive on the bright green grass, driving between trees, Bo looks back to find Enos racing to his parked car; yelling something into the summer air.*
  20. Santa will be coming in four months and fourteen days.
  21. Hoss...don't mind you answering, especially since you know more about F1 racing than I do. But I do know some of the drivers that did switch from F1. May not have remembered them at first. Juan Pablo Montoya is by far the biggest one that has succeeded, but Sam Hornish Jr I believe drove F1 or Indy before coming to NASCAR. It amazes me all the different types of racing out there...guess for me, I'll just stick with NASCAR - the one I know about. Boris Said is a big guy and I would think that may have some disadvantages...I know Michael Waltrip (Darrell Waltrip youngest brother) is 6'5" (I think) and when he was still racing with the old car, Darrell said Mikey's head would touch the roof of the car. The new cars was easier for Michael to get in and out and had more head room. Am sure that would go for Said as well. Though don't know exactly how much disadvantage for the weight and the car and all that. Hmmm Jimmy Johnson owned a car? Well Roger, you knew more than I did about that. I knew some Dallas players at one time owned a car (believe perhaps Reutimann's when he first came to NASCAR. Could be wrong about that.) but don't know anything about the football Jimmy Johnson. THat would be interesting to look up. . .
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