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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. *Bo jumps in surprise as the door is slowly thrown open just as he goes to grab the door handle and he finds Jesse standing there with a look of shock on his face. Bo swallows hard as he listens to what Jesse had to say, only to be filled with more shock and surprise at what Jesse had said.* "Yeah, here I am. I suppose I'm about done out there, though didn't know you were looking for me." *Bo goes silent for a long moment, his thought goes back to Jesse's unknown anger and temper at him earlier. To send worry and curiosity through as of what Jesse has to talk to him about. Bo inhales deeply, attempting to shove his thoughts and emotions aside. Bo shrugs and says, "Talk?" *Bo shrugs as he makes his way past Jesse and to the kitchen table, knowing that is where he is talking about. "Well here I am, but if this is something about what you said earlier. I apologize for offending you. That wasn't my objective. Honestly. I just meant to say that there has to be some logical explanation behind all of this. But if you say not, then there isn't. I really don't care. One way or another, know that I am here to help you any way I can." *Bo sits down at the table and looks up at Jesse, awaiting for his answer.*
  2. Good Time - Alan Jackson Well Hoss, I'd hum you a few bars, but I'm willing to bet that you already know the song just about as much as I do.
  3. "Good Ol' Boys" Waylon Jennings. (I do believe this song has been used a time or two or three...LOL. But I couldn't resist using it again. It's too good not to use again!)
  4. Little Miss Honkey Tonk -Brooks and Dunn
  5. *Bo watches the sky change colors with dread before he double checks the gate to the pasture and mentally goes over the chores he needs to finish before returning home. If he was going to go with Jesse, the animals would need extra feed and water and the chores should be taken care of; even if he didn't feel like doing them. Looking over everything one last time, Bo steps away from the gate wishing he could climb back into The General and just drive. Just drive until everything went away. Though deep down he knew things wouldn't resolve on their own and running away from it all, was definately not the answer to it all. And with Luke gone, perhaps this is his time to prove himself to Jesse, to Hazzard, and even to himself of what he was capable of doing. That he could help someone else out of trouble without the help of Luke as he always had. But what if he failed? What would that say or mean to everyone? Deep down he knows it is better to try and fail than fail to do anything at all, but failing while doing so would puncture his pride for sure. How could he face Luke after Luke trusted him to take care of the situation? Luke seemed to have confidence in him to do the right thing, to be able to handle whatever it was that was bothering Jesse at the swamp. More confidence in him than Bo had for himself. He was use to his normal role of following Luke's orders and doing what Luke's bright ideas had him doing. Not having to be the one to think of the bright ideas to resolve problems and get people out of trouble. . . *Turning back to the farm house that stands tall and proud across the dirt road, Bo is reminded of Jesse harsh words and of his temper to only have him questioning what he did that entailed Jesse to get so upset. Who'd think a man of Jesse's or Andrew's age would be afraid of monsters? Not alone to get Jesse upset at him for questioning their supposed theory of it being a monster. After all, it was Jesse who was the one that repeatedly told him every night for over a year that there was no such thing as monsters. If Bo didn't know better, he'd say Jesse lied to him. But at his age, no matter what Jesse told him night after night when he was three or four years old, he knew there was no such thing as monsters. But if Jesse and Andrew wanted whatever it was that was haunting the swamp, a monster, then who was Bo to say elsewise? Monster or not, like it or not, he was going to the swamp to help Jesse fight whatever this monster was. But how do you fight something you don't know what it is? And thinking of the horror trapped in Jesse's and Andrew's eyes, Bo knew it had to be something dangerous and perhaps violent. Looking up at the farm house, chills run violently run down his back as his thoughts fall dark and wondering if he'll ever be able to see the farm or his beloved General again once they leave for the swamp come morning. *He slowly and reluctantly approaches the farm house, the chills become a permanant fixture on his warm body as his own fear accelerates within him as his thoughts remain upon the dark and cold thoughts of how violent or painful death him and his uncle may have to endure in order to help stop this monster. Well, if Bo had anything to do with it, he'll die trying to save his uncle. Better him than Jesse. No one would forgive Bo if he were to return home without a living and healthy uncle. *Breathing in deeply, he contemplates attempting to sneak into the house through the side door and make a rush to the bedroom he shares with Luke in order to avoid any more anger from Jesse. But he had to make a phone call to Cooter if he was planning on going with Jesse and if he was going to do that, he might as well as make his presence know by walking through the front door. Eyeing The General on his way past, Bo makes his way up to the porch and to the front door to see the bright kitchen light welcoming him home.*
  6. Well Roger, I am going to correct myself on this past post...can't believe I was dumb enough to forget this. Marcos Ambrose is going to be taking over Kasey Kahne's car next year. So for next year the only for sure drivers that will be racing for Richard Petty will be Marcos Ambrose and AJ Allmindinger. Sounds like Sadler does have another job prospect, but will not make the announcement until another couple of weeks or so. I can't believe I forgot about Ambrose going over to Petty Interprises. I am excited for him to be driving the number nine car. I like Ambrose...he is always so positive and everytime I see him, he's smiling. Hope he has a better year than he has this year. He's had nothing but bad luck this year.
  7. 1. Brad Keselowski 2. Carl Edwards -365 3. Kyle Busch 4. Justin Allgaier 5. Paul Menard 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Steve Wallace 8. Trevor Bayne 9. Joey Logano 10. Jason Leffler
  8. "Crazy Little thing Called Love" Dwight Yoakam
  9. It only Hurts when I cry - Dwight Yoakam
  10. The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band
  11. *Exhaustion is quick to hit Bo after a long moment of sitting in the loft and he sits straighter up in order to fight off sleep. He had a decision to make and if he was going to ride along with Jesse, he better make it, other wise, Jesse would just leave without him. Shaking his head in frustration, Bo sighs in defeat. After all, who was he kidding? What choice did he have? Either ride along with Jesse or drive The General to the swamp. Whether he liked it or not, he had to go and help Jesse with this so called monster as they were calling it. And he couldn't allow his emotions to persuade him against doing the right thing and he knew he would never forgive himself if something did happen to Jesse; especially if he opted not to go and help out. But dang it, what did he do to get Jesse so upset? He hadn't gotten Jesse that upset at him since stealing his truck on graduation day in the middle of the night and ran into a thick tree in his attempt to escape arrest by the sheriff. Then he knew he deserved to be at the end of Jesse's fiery wrath, but now? All he did was open his big mouth. *Staring over the old farm house momentarily, Bo slowly stands up and stiffly walks over to the old weak wooden ladder to climb down. If he was going to do something, he better be ready for whenever Jesse decided to leave. Meaning he had to contact Cooter or someone to feed the livestock and perhaps grab a few things to go with him. He couldn't afford to make his uncle even more upset at him than he already seemed to be.*
  12. Down the Road - Kenny Chesney w/ Mac McAnnally (Sp?)
  13. *Bo Duke angrily watches Jesse storm off and into the house which only fuels his temper. A temper he knows to keep in check. If he wasn't in enough trouble now, he'd sure be in a heck more trouble if he allowed his temper to show towards his uncle. Andrew may be a damn hero for all bo knew, but what gave Jesse the right to go yell at him like that for? All Bo wanted to do was to help his uncle out and yet all he managed to do is upset him. Feeling rejected, Bo begins to angrily kick a large rock towards the barn as he struggles with his anger and temper in an attempt to think fo what to do. Jesse gave him permission to ride along, if he would arrange someone to look out over the farm. But after being at the blunt end of Jesse's temper, he wasn't so sure he wanted to ride along with him. He'd rather take The General and do it on his own than to be trapped within the small confines of his truck with him as upset at him as he seems. Luke told him to do something to help his uncle out and if Luke was there to see Bo cowering into the barn with thoughts of just allowing Jesse to go out on his own stubbron way, Luke'd be tackling him to the ground and telling him just how stupid he really is. Bo shakes the thought away as he steps into the shadow filled barn and whispers aloud to his older cousin, "If you want to do something about it, Luke. Then you do it." *Bo shakes his head again at himself as the all too familiar feeling of inadequentacy suffocates him. The same feeling he always seems to get when he thinks of Luke, compares himself to Luke and all that Luke has accomplished in his life. *Finding his normal dark corner in the loft where he generally goes to be alone, Bo struggles past his feelings and emotions that continue to rain down upon him. He shoves his thoughts past Luke and his own situation in order to think of what he should do. The option should be easy. Jesse's anger will calm down, it generally does, and when it does, Bo should be there for him. Otherwise he may have a lot of explaining to do to Luke and Daisy when they return on why Bo failed to do what Luke told him to do. Why he let everyone down. But with his raging emotions rushing through him, it's hard for him to agree to to a place he hates going in order to help people who only seems to bring trouble upon him and his family. Staring through the open loft gate over the farm house, all that he had said runs through him only to be echoed by all that Jesse said as well as Jesse's crystal blue eyes ablaze with intense anger towards him. One of these days, he'll think before speaking, and perhaps one of these days, he'll say the right thing. . .*
  14. Well the standings will be made official tomorrow. But thought I'd give a little info of the little I did see of the race. I watched the last few laps of the Nationwide Series race today since there was no Nationwide Series. Guess both Carl Edwards and Marcos Ambrose had dominant cars (of what the announcers were saying.) but had car troubles. Robby Gordon was leading when I turned it on with six laps to go. There was an accident that let a lot of oil on the track and they had to red flag it. Robby Gordon opted not to go to pits (they had to do a green white checkered since it happened with two laps to go) and ended up running out of gas. Jacques V. (I can't remember how to spell his last name) was the home town guy finished third, Max Papis passed on the last lap only to get passed on the last turn to come in second. Road racer Boris Said ended up winning the race only by a bumper over Papis. It was a pretty exciting finish.
  15. *Bo looks at his uncle as his own worry quickly changes into irritation at his uncle's stubbornness. Yet he knew this is what he would say or act.* "This farm here can manage a couple of days without anyone mending it. We just give the animals extra food and water. If you're that worried about it, why not call a neighbor to drive by once a day to check up on it. And monsters?" *Bo goes silent for a long moment as he bites his tongue and his emotions as to not upset his uncle any farther or to get him in any more trouble. After all, Jesse has yet to find out about his near arrest he had this afternoon. If he was worried about the farm now, who knew how'd he act if Bo got himself legally arrested.* "Wasn't it you who always told me there was no such thing as monsters? And now just because some swamp people claim that this big bad monster is lurking around, you're just going to drop everything and believe them? Perhaps all that gas and swamp gone to their heads. Or maybe this is Hogg's way of scaring people off in order to fulfill one of his crazy plans. There has got to be some other logical reason behind it all other than it being monsters. If you weren't willing to believe me back then, then how come you are so willing to believe them?" *Bo eyes his uncle, awaiting a response, surprised at himself at all that he had just said. Leaning against the car, he awaits for Jesse to start laughing at him or mocking him for what he had just said. Luke was the logical one of the two, not him. Yet here he was arguing about logic.* "Besides, I ain't no child no more. You don't need to go on and act like you have to protect me or leave me behind. If this is something so big and bad that's got you and Andrew acting like it's the end of the world, then the more help you have, I would think, would be better. 'Sides you think I could live with myself if something happened to you while you went to save them so called innocenct children? Not only I'd have to face myself every morning, I'd have to face Luke and Daisy when they got home. I don't know what would be worse. Myself or them, but I don't reckon on finding out anytime soon either." *Bo finally goes silent, stubbornly awaiting for Jesse's response or the punishment he'll be handing out for Bo being so defiant against him and his wishes.*
  16. Yeah, Roger, you're pretty brave being the one to suggest that they better tidy up the place. I mean, afterall, if they did tidy up as you put it, you may be the first to go in order to tidy it up. We all know how much you dirty up this nice forums and all. HA HA. I really hope you know I'm only joking...I couldn't resist after reading what you said. I'll repeat what Chris Myers (From FOX Sports NASCAR) announcer would say: "I kid because I care." LOL Am very excited to hear about the Dukes coming back on TV. Don't know how much it'll effect me since I don't have cable, but it is exciting all the same.
  17. "Bound By Faith" Strings OK I am feeling pretty dumb right now. I think my mind went on vacation without me or something. I totally messed up there for a few posts...for some reason I was looking for songs starting witht he same last letter. DOH me. How can I be so dumb? I am sorry for messing everyone up!
  18. Sadly there is no Sprint Cup race this weekend. Though the Nationwide Series race is, I think, today and they are road racing in Montreal. Doubt I'll get to watch it, but it would be an interesting race. The Cup Series will be racing in Atlanta next Sunday. Wonder if we'll be seeing the Duke boys in the stands. . .LOL. I am looking forward to it, as I do every race. But am also looking forward to seeing Gordon's car (like always) where he'll be racing what they've been calling "My Papa's Car." It is for Jeff Gordon's Children Foundation (the foundation helps children fighting cancer it also helps support Jeff Gordon's Children's Hospital in Concord North Carolina) and is a car that Gordon's three year old daughter, Ella Sofia designed. Of what I have seen of the car on JeffGordon.com it looks pretty creative! Perhaps Ella will give Papa a little good luck to take him to the checkered flag first and into Victory Lane. (Of course that is of my own opinion.) (OK I aplogize for writing so much about Gordon. If it is annoying, please let me know and I will limit how much I put him in my writings on here. I just found it interesting and neat about his car and thought I'd share it with y'all. Especially since there is no race to really report on this week.)
  19. Happy Birthday Cooter! Hope you have a great one on Monday!
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