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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke kissed his little girl's fingers softly. "You have a good nap sweetheart?" TJ looked up at Bo his sleepy eyes opening wide with a big smile. "Ice Cweam!"
  2. Luke watched her go, swallowing. He wasn't sure what to talk about, afraid of what he might do or say.
  3. Luke nodded a little thankful she didn't need him to explain. Quietly he followed Sara back to his room, once more sitting down on his bed with a sigh, the excursion tiring him slightly.
  4. TJ sucked his thumb earnestly, his little mind deep in concentration. Luke smiled down at his daughter, a tenderness there that made him seem far away from the wilder days of his youth. He had never been as wreckless as Bo, but now, he not only was older and wiser, but his heart had grown more tender. And every so often, especially with his little girl, he wore his heart on his sleeve much like his cousin Bo did.
  5. Luke swallowed, never having realized before just how worried he had made his cousins. The truth was, he had been hurting so bad himself, he couldn't bring himself to see how his cousins were feeling. In fact...he couldn't really feel anything besides his own pain. "Just...if...if Sara and I get talkin...I..." he bit his lip. He didn't want to tell her to step out of the room, but at the same time this was all so new to him, and he didn't really trust the emotions he was feeling and he didn't trust himself not to hurt Daisy more with them.
  6. TJ nodded cuddling more into his daddy's lap, revelling in the affection, just like his daddy did at that age. "Wove daddy," he murmured yawning and rubbing his eyes. Luke meantime had again decided to go look in on Abi. Sometimes he just couldn't look at her long enough. She was a beautiful child; no one could deny that. At first look, she seemed to take after her daddy from the dimple in her chin to the dark curls encircling her head like a veil. But, to Luke, she looked more like Sara every day. Quietly he stroked her cheek with his hand, well-calloused from the farm work he did. "Love you Princess," he whispered softly.
  7. Luke looked at her. "If...if you don't want to..." he began sensing her uneasiness.
  8. TJ was full of sleepy sweetness as he nodded. His thumb still in his mouth, he crawled over to his Daddy's lap, sure of getting the hugs and cuddles he craved.
  9. Hazzard Gazette Bobcat Flats Bird's Gotta Fly
  10. Luke shook his head trying to think outside of himself. "It's ok..you wont be."
  11. "You...you can stay...if you want..." He figured he owed her that much after all the worry he had put everyone through.
  12. Luke turned looking at her. "W-will you be back?"
  13. Luke nodded squeezing Bo's hand before quietly getting up out of his seat. "I'll be back," he promised, before heading to his room.
  14. Luke swallowed. "Will...will you tell me...if he wakes up Sara?" asks sounding much like a scared child.
  15. TJ lay in his bed, thumb in his mouth, his eyes open wide as he listened to the different sounds coming through the wall. Luke just absorbed himself in his whittling, not yet ready to face anyone.
  16. Luke let out a soft sigh. He felt like a failure, but, thanks to Sara he was learning that his feelings couldn't be trusted.
  17. Luke let off a soft sigh, closing his hand gently over Bo's.
  18. Sammy led the way down to the kitchen. "You want anything sweetheart?" Luke meanwhile had also returned downstairs, sitting before the fireplace whittling thoughtfully on a piece of wood.
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