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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "I ain't...goin anywhere...keep takin...steps back....," he said between sniffs.
  2. "I dunno...some days...I...I feel...like I can handle it....an...an...today...I...I just..." he didn't finish turning instead and wrapping his arms around Sara for comfort. "What's wrong with me?! Am I crazy?!"
  3. Luke nodded, another tear slipping down. He drew his knees up to his chest burying his curly head against them.
  4. Luke rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly a tear tracing down his ashen cheek. "How's Bo?"
  5. "Anything...anymore," began the dark-haired Duke sadly. "I'm hurtin'...everyone..."
  6. Luke swallowed as he watched her. "I...I don't think I can do this Sara..." he said softly.
  7. "Will you leave your hair down?" asked Luke softly. "Don't feel...so much like a patient...when I'm talkin to a pretty girl...with her hair down."
  8. A soft whimper escaped his lips as the door shut behind her.
  9. Luke shook his head. He really wasn't sure when he ate last, but at the moment nothing sounded good. "No...thanks."
  10. Luke bit his lip nodding slightly. He didnt want to seem like he couldn't talk to Daisy, but the truth was he just didn't trust himself yet.
  11. Luke let out a shaky breath as he felt her hand through his curls. "I'm afraid...you'll be disappointed...but I'll try," he said softly. Looking towards the door, he wondered if Sara was nearby. He was so afraid he'd say the wrong thing...do the wrong thing....hurt Daisy and Bo more than he had already.
  12. Luke swallowed not knowing if he could. Sometimes, when he was with Sara, he had truly felt that it was possible. Still there were other times when he felt there was no way up. He tried to overlook those times, but it was hard, as the feeling came often.
  13. Circuit Judge Potts Sweetwater Creek The Hazzardville Horror
  14. I havent been following it

  15. sure poor Luke can use one

  16. aw thank you. Im glad you like it. It's kinda sad...

  17. "I sure...feel like...I'm failin now..." returned Luke softly wiping at a tear that tickled his nose.
  18. Hope you don't mind but I will make the pledge for both me and my other half since we will write one together! We, Bo James and Daisy Mae Duke, hereby declare that we will attempt to complete a Halloween story and have it submitted by midnight, October 28th, 2008. If we fail to complete a story by the DEADline (lol), we understand that we will become ghosts, left to haunt the likes of Hazzardnet. Though we both admit that the ability to float and go through other Hazzardites would be ghoulishly awesome, we promise to do our best to prevent that from happening. I Daisy Mae also promise to refrain from being a "witch" to Bo if he is lazy about writing. I will do my best to be patient and kind;)
  19. "An...an ...just wrong," he admitted closing his hand over hers. "How can I do this...How...how can I lead everyone...when...I...I can't even...take care...of myself...I...I just...." stammered Luke, struggling with his words.
  20. "Doesn't...feel..like it'll ever...be alright...feels...so...so..." began Luke trying his best to talk...just talk. Sara had said he needed to be more vocal...even when he didn't have the words to just make a response and that eventually the words would come. He wanted to make things right...and somehow he wanted to prove to Sara too that he could do it...not really knowing why he so much wanted to please her. Nonetheless, he was trying his best.
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