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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke asked no more, pushing aside his bedside table and standing up, yanking the IV's out of his arm. "Where is he?!"
  2. Luke sat up quickly. "An accident?! What kind of accident!? Is he ok?!"
  3. Luke swallowed. He wasn't sure Bo had called it an argument before. Now Bo wasn't looking at him. That in itself told Luke that there was more to the argument than Bo was saying.
  4. Luke looked at her sensing something was very wrong. "What?"
  5. I'll sign up! And I believe that quote was from Road Pirates....when they were handcuffed with Cletus...I think!
  6. Luke stepped down the stairs too, just watching Sammy and Daisy. Sammy grinned looking at her. "You look great Daisy! College sure agrees with ya!"
  7. Luke swallowed knowing something must be terribly wrong from the look on her face. He dismissed it quickly though, as he waited for Bo to come, excited that again he would be able to tell him of the progress he had made.
  8. Luke stood watching too, though not saying anything. Sammy wasn't near so quiet. "Well...looks like the eagle does return to the nest after all!" With that she flew off the porch grabbing Daisy in a hug. "Boy have I got news to tell you!" she exclaimed having missed the girl talk she had once shared with Daisy, and of course, Sara.
  9. Is there such a thing as a sharp cookie? Thanks though Rog....
  10. The next morning, Luke was talking somewhat openly about his Nam experiences with Sara, doing the best he could in the hopes that he would make Bo crowd. "I still can't look at a cave without tensing up," he finished, watching as Sara made some notes. The door opened, a petite blond nurse going to Sara and whispering something in her ear.
  11. Luke quietly made his way to the door along with Bo and Sammy.
  12. Here goes nothin.... Hound Dog Lake Morgan's Molasses Bye Bye Boss
  13. The sound of cars pulling up broke Luke from his thought. "Bo...sounds like Enos is here..." he called out. He didn't really think Daisy would show up, she kept so busy all the time. And though he loved his cousin dearly, the truth was that the two just weren't as close anymore. Sure he missed her, loved her like a sister, but it had been Bo and Sammy who had helped him through his grieving while Daisy continued her studies. Daisy had, of course, offered to stay on at the farm. One thing Jesse had taught his kids was to stand by each other. But Luke had begged her to go back to school, with the reasoning it would help him far more knowing she was safe and happy. Daisy hadn't refused and though Luke wasn't sorry, he did miss his cousin-especially when Abi seemed to be taking after her tomboy ways. Luke did a double take when he finally looked out teh window and saw not only Enos, but Daisy as well.
  14. Luke, on the other hand, quietly straightened up the house. It didn't need much. Sammy usually kept the place as immaculate as it could be with two little ones running around. Carefully Luke picked up a doll from the floor and took it to his daughter's room. Abi was still fast asleep though, in contrast to TJ who was a cuddler, slept spread-eagle, as if even in her sleep asserting her independance. She was very much like her dad in that way. Luke quietly set the doll in its place among dozens of other toys on the window seat before turning once more to Abi, stroking back one of her dark curls. Abi didn't notice, being far too tired. He tucked her in a little more and, like Bo had done, just stared at his daughter and stroked her pretty hair.
  15. Correction: No...it's not working today...Im not sure what's going on with it

  16. looks like she got it to work now...

  17. Sara sighed softly before heading back to the room to check on her patient.
  18. Luke nodded a little brginning to straighten up the room. He didn't mind really, so long as it kept him from thinking of Sara.
  19. Luke swallowed nodding a little. He was sure it was just a matter of time before he would find out anyway. He knew there had never been any love lost between the two...yet, at the same time, he didn't know why she would say something to set Bo off. After all, she had just come to town...
  20. "Bo...did she say somethin' to you?" Luke could handle a lot, but someone saying hurtful things to his cousin whom he loved more than a brother was not one of them.
  21. Luke frowned as he heard the mutter. "What happened? Didn't it go well?"
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