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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. BoJames has switched servers and as a result can no longer access HazzardNet. Do you need to add her server from this end or something? Her new server is http://www.aol.co.uk/talktalk


  2. Almost as if he knew Bo's thoughts, Luke pulled away once more, full of shame. It wasn't supposed to be this way. He was the patriarch after all. He tried hard to think back to when Jesse had lost Lavinia. Jesse had grieved, but somehow had moved on, raising the kids on hs own. Luke had only been around thirteen then and, like his cousins, had taken their beloved aunt's passing hard, yet had seemed to bounce out of it with child-like elasticity. Things were different this time... "M'sorry Bo...know you got better things t' do than coddle me," he said with a grimace at the word "coddle". He hated that he was so needy anymore. "You talked to Cassie right?" He hoped he had and that if nothing else she knew he wasn't interested in whatever she was peddaling. He wasn't ready for a relationship of any kind with a woman. In fact, he still wore his wedding ring: the one Sara had slipped on his finger that bright July day almost seven years before.
  3. Ok...well we were kinda waiting for you to be on...so dont think that we took off without ya...

    College is tough, but Im sure you'll do fine:)

  4. Luke swallowed hard. It was ironic that he was the one always thought of as the stronger of the two cousins...the more closed-off one...uncaring. Even Jesse had once said that Luke had the sensativity of a buzz-saw. Deep-down though, in the innermost being, beat a heart as tender as Bo's if not more so. For years, event after tragic event had caused his heart to become barricaded with thick walls, closing out everyone except the few people he loved and trusted, unwilling to allow his heart to be hurt any more. This with Sara though, had done things to him no one anticipated. It had broken him, in every sense of the word.
  5. Luke leaned more into his brother. He knew without a doubt he couldn't have survived all of this without Bo. He was always there....always understanding...helping him. He was his brother in every sense of the word, and though Luke couldn't put into words all he felt about him, he hoped that somehow Bo knew.
  6. Luke nodded sligtly warm tears trickling down his cheeks. He knew that...but the pain was still there.
  7. "If you're sure Mr. Duke," answered Sara skeptically.
  8. Luke wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand. It was a boyish habit he had never outgrown. "It's just...so unfair..." he choked out. "I want my wife back Bo... I want her back and I know ...it...it's impossible."
  9. Sara frowned as she looked at him. "You know we could set you up with a bed for tonight...save you the drive back..."
  10. Luke nodded tearily. "I know...I know...I'm tryin'...I am.." he said softly though there was a lump in his throat. "I don't mean t' dump all this on you Bo...I'm sorry," he added softly.
  11. Luke trembled under his hand. He was starting to cry again and he hated himself for that. His eyes shifted down, looking at a loose floorboard as if it would stand up and talk at any moment, at the same time begging himself to keep his composure. It didn't seem to work though as two large tears escaped his eyes. "Why Bo? Sara never did nothin' but good...t' everyone...wh-why?!" He choked again his hands flying to his eyes in a vain attempt to hold back his tears.
  12. Luke sighed. "Cassie comin'...an' everything...just...made me...miss Sara.." he choked slightly as he mentioned her name shaking his head.
  13. Luke sighed. "Just...today...everything...you know."
  14. beer (donuts and beer-what the Dukes eat for breakfast every Saturday with Cooter)
  15. I believe the answers are The Return of the Mean, Green Machine and The Ransom of Hazzard County.
  16. Luke stopped what he was doing unconsciously. "Sorry...just...thinkin bout things I guess."
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